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2007-07-08 [Artsieladie]: Hi! This is your page where you can place your emotions to use. I thought I'd surprise you.. SURPRISE! lol If you want to add this on your page, you may:
Do you know that you can access this page 2 ways:
On your "emotions' buttons", you will see, from left to right:
"Use emotions" "About the emotions" "Your own emotions"
If you click on "Your own emotions" it will bring you to this page.
Click on this page's link which is:
my emotions 165963
How 'bout it, eh? Neat? *grins*
2007-07-09 [Morningstar Rising]: *laughs and hugs you* This is way cool my friend. Thanks loads, now I have to create some emotions. LOL
2007-07-09 [Artsieladie]: *giggles* I think that many don't know or maybe I should say, don't realize they have their own page for their own emotions. If you add emotions on this page, they will show up with the public emotions you normally see when you click on "use emotions". :D
2007-07-10 [Morningstar Rising]: cool, *runs to work on emotions* by the way, what size can emotions be.
2007-07-10 [Artsieladie]: That's a question I wondered about, but never got an answer to. The kiss is 81 pixels wide & 53 pixels high. I'd not make them any bigger, a little smaller or mood size is probably best. I'm going to make the kiss in a tiny size as well. :P)
2007-07-11 [Morningstar Rising]: thats cool, I will keep that in mind.
2007-07-12 [Artsieladie]: :D
2008-02-02 [Morningstar Rising]: okay I am not sure how to do this, so you are going to have to help me here. LOL
2008-02-03 [Artsieladie]: Ok...I dropped your image down below the <hr> tag. Each image you add now, have 'each' image on its own line, no spaces. When you click on your "Use emotions" button, you should now see your heart after all of the 'public emotions' that come up. :D
2008-02-10 [Morningstar Rising]: okay sweety thanks for all your help and thanks for making this page for me
2008-02-10 [Artsieladie]: YW! But...I didn't make this page for you, dear! I think one was made automatically for each member, when the emotions' feature was put into affect. ;)
2008-02-15 [Morningstar Rising]: really wow did not know that, lol, well thanks for letting me know about it.
2008-02-15 [Artsieladie]: Sure thing! No problemo! :D
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