Page name: nakedness [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-01-04 11:06:35
Last author: kians mummy
Owner: your naked night
# of watchers: 19
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submissions need to be done with in 7 days otherwise you will be
taken off this wiki and the password will be changed

This wiki page is for guys and girls to submit there pictures to.


[1. You have to be 18 or over.]
2. You have to be almost fully naked or fully naked.
3. The pictures can only be of you.
4. No spamming or destroying the wiki.
5. photos must be your own

how to get the password for the naked human body:
you need to put your name on here:

I will be checking your age before i give you the password to the wiki.

please put your name and I'll send you the password.

This is to discover the art of the human body and the limbs. Please don’t be shy. Just because I’m a guy, doesn’t mean I’m a pervert, I set this up for guys and girls to discover each others bodies in all shapes and sizes.

you can take pictures of different limbs, you can use any one item of materail

the way to put your picture up is, placing the picture on the page then putting your name under it

The human body is beautiful in every way, from head to toe

please only submit if you want to, this is not forced

open date:
04th jan 2012
closing date:
04th may 2013

[kians mummy] taking over fiances wiki as he asked me to

we are in need of age checking staff and guy and girl models

The following wiki-pages belong to this index (category):

Username (or number or email):


2009-07-05 [sequeena_rae]: Sorry Matty, but they have to be 18 or over. Swedish laws.

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: im not swedish though but ok 18yrs it is, ill just change it

2009-07-05 [sequeena_rae]: It doesn't matter if you're not Swedish, Elftown is based in Sweden and really you should be closing this wiki down because you're only 17 yourself.

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: excuse me, no im not, i was 18 yesterday

2009-07-05 [lulu dinobot]: why swedish laws it the law everywhere is it not?

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: yes it is lol

2009-07-05 [sequeena_rae]: It is probably the law everywhere but seeing as [Elftron] is in Sweden then that is the laws we go by.

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: its ok ive changed it now anyways

2009-07-05 [lulu dinobot]: ? im confused ....what ...whats swedish? :S

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: the age range lol,

2009-07-05 [sequeena_rae]: Swedish? Elftown is based in Sweden...o.O

2009-07-05 [NOOOPE]: It's 18 and over int he states too. Under that and it's child porn.

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: [Delladreing] whats good grief for, i have deleted for the reason of not being more than 2 words

2009-07-05 [Delladreing]: Is there a word limit to the comments we can post? I was not aware of this. When did the rules change?

2009-07-05 [Delladreing]: And I think you will also find there were ellipsis there too.

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: spamming is reported

2009-07-05 [Delladreing]: Spamming? What spamming, I asked you a question? :D

2009-07-05 [lulu dinobot]: lol how can you prove the person actually is 18??

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: because if it says so on there age and i could ask a quick think quistion and if they dint answer quick enough i ban them. I will be changing the password by the way soon

2009-07-05 [lulu dinobot]: but you cant prove it like it could be occupied and not see the message straight away!!

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: well there is always a way, if it says 18 on there age, we have to take the risk

2009-07-05 [lulu dinobot]: dangerous (i cant spell) Risk tho

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: i never said i didnt like you

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: i never said i didnt like you, i just dont want loads of unessersary comments on here. if you want to make unecessery comments then pm me instead

2009-07-05 [Delladreing]: So I can spam you in person? Right, and you did it again you fiend.

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: well im going to ask you to stop commenting on here unless its relevent to here. [Delladreing]

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: well im going to ask both of you to stop spamming my wiki otherwise i will report you both and it will definetly not look good on [Nioniel] as seen as she has just become a guide

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: how did i steal it, it was an empty page and i created it myself, yes i got the idea from [Nioniel] but mine is totelly different to hers

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: dont want it to be. i want it to be totally different, unique

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: nope. i as mine isnt a compertition, you dont win anything you just do it to discover each other unique bodyparts. you can take pictures of your leg your arms your face, thats why it says any limb

2009-07-05 [your naked night]: i dont hate you though

2009-07-06 [pixish]: Aren't you 17?

2009-07-06 [your naked night]: nope i was 18 on the 4th. unnessercary comment are removed from this wiki

2009-07-06 [your naked night]: i dialled it wrong on elfpack thats all. why are you so despirate to try piss me off, or should i say ban me from elftown

2009-07-06 [your naked night]: actuelly in england we have number lock keys witch are in the same setting as mobile number keys and i accidently pressed 14 at the same time

2009-07-06 [sequeena_rae]: Why is Wales different to England?
I assume you're on a desktop then :) or a 17inch+ laptop

2009-07-06 [your naked night]: i have a desktop computer lol

2009-07-06 [Ayame the Snake]: i has a desktop as well...:D

2009-07-06 [sequeena_rae]: I'm on a laptop now, thankfully. Desktops wreaked havoc with my back.

2009-07-06 [your naked night]: i know what you meen. im waiting for mine to be delivered. my dad bought it me but it is coming from japan for some reason lol

2009-07-06 [Diiwica]: This is a wonderful page, so far.

2009-07-06 [your naked night]: why thankyou, although i dont know what you meen by so far

2009-07-06 [your naked night]: whydidyou just do that [Diiwica]

2009-07-06 [Diiwica]: Well I've not access yet, is what I mean.

2009-07-06 [your naked night]: well put your name up first, then i will check stuff then if its all ok ill give you the password

2009-07-06 [Diiwica]: When I first posted I was uploadig pics.

2009-07-06 [your naked night]: ok well when your ready submit the pictures

2009-07-08 [Fallen Child Athena]: I will not be putty my piture up.....Im sorry

2009-07-08 [your naked night]: ok, your choice

2009-07-15 [pianista]: fantastic... "your naked night" has be banned for harassment! Who has the password? =)

2009-07-15 [Teufelsweib]: there are plenty of wikis with real artistic nudity which actually are tasteful, you could also check one of those out :)
I'd rather be naked is a great example :) (though I hope I got the link right)

2009-07-15 [pianista]: thank you teufelsweib (teufel is hell, what does your nickname means?), but link is broken

2009-07-15 [Teufelsweib]: ah found it, forgot the exclamationmark ^^; I'd rather be naked!
and it means devilwoman, or devilish woman :P

2009-07-15 [pianista]: lol thank you!

2010-01-03 [C1]: UR GAII

2011-05-13 [kians mummy]: [MobbyDick] You do not submit to this page, you have to sign up.

2011-05-13 [kians mummy]: Can one of the guards please delete this picture?.

2011-05-13 [MobbyDick]: i couldnt find where can i sign up and its not important i guess =) the important thing i am sharing my special with everyone and i am happy to be naked ^_^

2011-05-13 [kians mummy]: But this is against elftown rules.

2011-05-13 [Chimes]: Sammie, the comment was deleted for you.

2011-05-13 [MobbyDick]: woohhoooo :D  you should respect my dick hahahahaha :D come onn

2011-05-13 [MobbyDick]: i hate ruless... Rules is so stupid things in the life.. =)

2011-05-13 [MobbyDick]: [Chimes] you deleted for sammie and if I want a thing from you can you do it for me too :D

2011-05-13 [kians mummy]: rules are here to protect elftown members, if you break a rule again, i will report you to the guards

2011-05-13 [MobbyDick]: aww little sammie trust on guards :D i am sooo scared :O :D
you will get this soon thats you will be happy when you are free to do what you want... without any rules.. do you think all the rules protecting us? are u in safe now? you saw my special photo and did you lost anything or did it bite you? you have to get over this...

2011-05-14 [kians mummy]: [loki86] please send a pic of your body to me then i will add you

2011-05-15 [kians mummy]: yes

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