[wicked fae mage] for Crew
What I've Done?

I have recruited many new faces to Elftown.

I participate in contests (the badges say so) and encourage voting in the polls (If I solicited I'd like to think I'd have won :P) of the contests advertised on Main Street.

I am one of the three moderators of
The UNofficial Coven and thus am behind a few of the art contests and challenges there.

I submit poems to the
daily poem.

I moderate several role-plays at the moment including a few still in the works.
The Lady's Knights,
Bitter Song of the Sand and
Coven of Blood are a few

I have my own critic page designed and created with [
Anime and Manga Reviews

I participate in the Secret Santas and started a card giving that was inspired by the Secret Santa competitions
holiday greetings.
sketches wiki,
more sketches wiki and
nikkis newer drawings are home to my drawings, a few of them in contests official and non-official alike.

My house's index page should display a good bit of my writing capability and how prolific I can be. A lot of the works are co-writings as well, so team work is no problem. :)

I know a good bit of the psuedo html off the top of my head including image linking, the text tags and wiki page linking.

I'm working into my familiarity with forums as we speak.

I am a Town Herald Apprentice and I am working on becoming a full-time writer for
The Town Herald.
What Will I Do?

I want to moderate the
daily poem as well as the art and wiki nominations.

Working on the Herald is also on my "want to do list".

I'm up for any other slave labor that the crew can shove onto me, really :P
For How Long?
Until this "real life" everybody speaks of interferes with my Elftown time...so for a long while...all eternity is how long. Final answer. :3
Ravendust]- I fully support [
wicked fae mage] in her decision to apply for crew. She is a fantastic individual and has been an awesome RPer. She also helps anyone who needs it. :)
Fearathress]- I support!!!! You will be a great asset!!
Dezmond]- I give my full support to [
wicked fae mage]'s decision. She's a very talented individual and I believe she'll be a great aid in getting Elftown back to it's former glory.
Gypsy Mystik]- I support [
wicked fae mage] completely, and I know that she will do a great job as apart of the crew.
*Phoenix*] -
She's my bud, why wouldn't I support her? I realized I might need to add more here, so here goes: She's a great writer with a spunky personality which, I think, will help bring more life to the crew. She'd be a great addition to the crew with her fresh ideas. ^^
MyAlterEgo] - She's an amazing artist/writer and is completely devoted to Elftown.
Silver Moon]-I fully support [
wicked fae mage] just look at her accomplishment
s. She will be very valuable to the crew.
[Kaimee] - I support and recommend [wicked fae mage] completely, she has been an eager, responsible and competent person in everything I've seen from her so far :) Her contributions to the current issue of The Town Herald were invaluable!