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[Ms. Steel]

A round of applause for this month's talented, artistic Jack of all trades: [Ms. Steel]!

Is there a story behind your user name?
My old name was getting pretty, well, old (Ixel), and it was the product of laziness and a lack of creativity, so I decided to change my name to Ms. Steel a few months ago. It comes from my roller derby moniker Minerva Steel, so I thought it would be a fitting change.

What are your interests and hobbies?
For the past six years, my primary interest outside of work has been roller derby; I've both played and coached. Since derby is basically a second job with lots of bruises and no pay (if it's not, you're not doing it correctly), it's an encompassing pass time that leaves very little time for much else, but I have been known to bide my precious little extra time with reading, sewing, drawing, and jewelry-making.

What is it you mostly do on Elftown?
Well, to be honest, I'm kind of a creeper, but I guess most people on Elftown refer to themselves as 'lurkers' instead; I'm a people watcher in life and online. Yeah, weird, whatever. Initially I joined Elftown back during my college years because I like to share artwork and to look at other people's artwork.

Now also I enjoy entering contests (it kinda helps keep one on one's toes when feeling a creative dearth), communicating with some of the people who first greeted me when I first joined and participating in roleplays.

What artistic mediums do you use?
From a 2D standpoint, I like mixed media: Pencil (graphite and colored), watercolor, gouache, markers, acrylic and ink. I do do a little clean-up and adjustment on the computer, sometimes, though.

The media I use reflect the rapid nature of most of my work (a costume designer has to be able to produce an understandable image for the director pretty quickly in most cases), and they're, personally, the easiest and fastest method. Occasionally, I like to fool around with a single medium and weird textures, too.

What is your advice to all Elftowners?
1. Learn how to sew! It's an invaluable life skill.

2. You're never too old to play make-believe.

3. Life is a grindstone; whether it polishes you up or wears you down is up to you.

Any comments, suggestions or criticisms on any particular Elftown matter?
Mostly, I'd just like to express my gratitude to the volunteers who keep Elftown up and running!


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Date: 2012-12-10 20:00:34 Featured member #: 120 Mod: wicked fae mage


This month's featured members is one of Elftown's role-playing and art loving patrons: [Artsy]!

What all do you do on Elftown?
Well, mostly I rp, but I like to admire other people's art and study it for techniques I'd like to pick up. I've really improved since I joined the site, or so I like to think. I was the daily poet a long time ago, so long ago I forget what I wrote. I also really like helping other people too, if I know how to help them anyway, with how to draw something, or who they might look at to learn, or play a filler character in a roleplay. It's so great to know so many talented artists, especially before they became so well known.

So.. I roleplay, try to contribute when I can, help others (though I don't have an ET title), show art, and learn from others' art.

As an artist, what mediums do you use?
I love charcoal, when I have the space and the desire to clean up after myself. It's just so fast and smooth.

I also work a lot with just sketch pencils to practice my control and I'm so spoiled now. I can't stand trying to draw with a mechanical. I guess that happens to everyone though.

Recently I've been using photoshop because it seems to be pretty standard for artists after they become full fledged artists (or beginners who are ahead of the learning curve). I really love how it keeps up with me better. I'm one of those people that just wants the image to exist on the page right away so I can show people what I'm thinking, but unfortunately I don't practice enough so it still takes me hours and careful thinking to get even the basically good drawing down, and days at least to get up to my full potential on a drawing, and that's assuming I had a strong concept to begin with.

I just got CS5 on my computer though so I can try Illustrator. A friend told me it kind of corrects your lines because the program understands what you are trying to do. I'm looking forward trying that intuitiveness. If I can find mediums that understand quicker, hopefully I'll become less antsy. I'll get faster, and eventually, I should be able to have a much faster work flow. Wouldn't that be nice?

OH! haha, i almost forgot. I'm a trained Printmaker. I recently got my degree in Fine Arts, with an emphasis in Printmaking, so I can do lithography, intaglio processes, silk screening, such things. I work for a company called SustainU where they make 100% American recycled shirts using silk screening, and I absolutely love it. I don't have the supplies myself, so I can't do that just yet, but if I did have them, I would probably silkscreen too.

What are your interests and hobbies outside of Elftown?
Well... I don't really have any hobbies as of yet, besides making up art projects in my head (if that counts?). My interests though are bowling, crafts, mechanics, screen printing, doodling/sketching, and, vaguely, animation. I also like looking into 'how to draw' stuff, but only occasionally.


To view the complete interview with this member go to fmi artsy
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Date: 2012-10-20 23:36:23 Featured member #: 119 Mod: wicked fae mage


This month we get to delve into the mind of one of Elftown's artists, role-players and contributors: [Ravendust]!


Is there a story or meaning behind your username?
Ravendust came into existence about... 10 years ago, I believe. That's about the time I was starting to get more serious about my writing, and I wanted a unique penname to go by. It took a few days of thought and just playing around with name generators online (sometimes portions of names or even story titles just click that way, and you find something you absolutely love). It started out much longer- Ravendust Moonlitmist, I think about a yer or so into using the full name I shortened it to just Ravendust, and I've been going by that ever since.

(Had to really think there, its been so long haha)

What made you want to become serious about writing?
I've always had a deep passion for writing, honestly as far back as I can remember I've written. I used to plagiarize stories I'd read from authors like R.L. Stine, Christopher Pike, and so many others; I'd just give them a small twist of my own. I'm a reader, its been in my nature since I was first able to put words together on a page, and that blossomed into a desire to create my own stories, my own worlds and adventures. Of course having crazy plot-filled dreams really help in that department.

What mediums do you use to express yourself artistically?
For the most part you could say I'm a traditional pencil and paper type of girl. I enjoy being able to physically draw, shade, and occasionally color my work. I have also enjoyed the use of fabrics, cardboard, clay, pretty much anything that I can use with my hands. I like to get my hands dirty, makes the art feel more real and like more of an accomplishment to me.

Do you have any comments/suggestions/criticisms on any Elftown matter?
I just want to say that I hope activity picks up on Elftown again! The lack of well... anything is very frustrating, as I've said before I used to be able to get on every day and have a million wiki updates to look into. Now I'm lucky if there's just one... There's got to be something we can do as a community to draw members back to the site, its just a matter of finding that something!


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Date: 2012-08-29 22:35:30 Featured member #: 118 Mod: wicked fae mage

[Duke Devlin]

Named after the Yu-Gi-Oh duelist, I bring you an interview with [Duke Devlin]!


Do you play many collectible card games?
I don't anymore, but when I was younger (and didn't have evil university and stuff in the way) I used to play Pokémon card games, and the Yugi-Oh! Duel Monsters game. But aside from those I've never really tried playing others, like Magic The Gathering or anything. I've always been more into pretending, and roleplays. :)

Do you role play via table top role playing games, text based role plays or live-action role playing?
I tend to do role play more through text than anything else. I've never done live-action, and only tried table top role playing once or twice; it wasn't really for me. Text based role plays call to me more simply because of the words - I'm a writer. However, if you mean text-based like the ones found online, such as Torn, that's not really my scene anymore. But if you mean the text-based role plays like we have here on Elftown, then that's exactly what I love, and have loved for the past seven years since joining.
The roleplays on Elftown seem to have more character, and be a lot more personal than others I have found out there - yes, they don't tend to be played in the same way (I mean, how many of us really use the D20 feature on wikis?) but they have an autonomy and personality that no others seem to. I've gone through so many heartbreaking stories, and uplifting battles through my characters here, and I don't think you get that kind of feeling with other kinds of role play. It's easy to get really attached to your characters when you're building their lives up constantly. :)

Do you have any favorite wiki pages?
I don't have any as such anymore, but I used to adore Bob's Diner, just because of the atmosphere that it had at the time, and I used to love the original few run-throughs of the Werewolf game wiki on here. I think the reason that I preferred these two, was because they sort of draw people together - the latter because it allowed us all to join in a game that didn't involve a great talent (so people couldn't be excluded on artistic grounds). If I'm looking at Official wikis, then one of my favourites is the Featured Story. I also enjoyed Silvie's Reading Challenges from the past few years. :)


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About the featured members
Date: 2012-07-20 15:43:47 Featured member #: 117 Mod: wicked fae mage
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