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[The House That No Longer Is]

A christmas present [The House That No Longer Is] made for a friend, that now has the purpose of also showing more about who she is!

It makes sense. I mean, it’s a pretty weak starting point for this text, but it still makes sense. That is, the fact that a person whose last name, Weissburg, which means White Castle in German, is on ET. Well, we are fans of castles, aren’t we? ;)
Anyway, let’s move onto the important stuff: our newest featured member!
Casey Michelle Weissburg is a 15 (and a half) years old aspiring high school student/looking for a job girl who lives in Concord, California, USA. Like many of us, she counts between her hobbies reading, drawing, writing and photographing. But what she would really love is to have enough money to be able to consider horses as a hobby. They are too expensive to even be considered!
Right now, in her house, you can find a poem, titled “Ode to Hatred”, which she wrote for her Pre-Honours English II class. As she says, the main subject on this poem is hatred and how much she dislikes it.
Some final comments: First, we don’t think she’s dull. Second, everybody should thank [bina_bug] for getting [The House That No Longer Is] onto ET. And finally, we are sure she could very well be featured on the daily art.

[The House That No Longer Is]’s favorites

Favorite Wiki: As I’ve said, I’m not in very many wiki’s so I can’t say much about a specific wiki that I like. However, I have been reading through [Mordigen]’s The Stray Chronicles (More blatant advertisement. Go check it out!) and it sounds very intriguing. If I can find the time to audition, I’ll definitely join!

Favorite House: Hum. Tricky. Well, I like [Sunrose]’s house, because it’s organized, straightforward, and easy to follow. It’s also a little silly at times, what with her “miscellaneous badge” collection! The abode of [Zaran's Song] is also nicely organized, separated into sections that are easy to read and not at all bothersome. And there are amusing little bits placed strategically (or I think strategically, anyway!), here and there, which prevent your focus from wandering elsewhere. It also looks like she’s in quite a few interesting wiki’s, some of which I may be tempted to take a look at. I also like [Ocean Dreaming]’s house; it’s nice and neat and she has a lot of information about herself in her Guide to Shanra. Of course, these are only houses that I can think of right off the top of my head...there are definitely others out there that I liked.

Critique/comments/suggestions on ET: Elftown is wonderful! I love it here. And I have great respect and admiration for the Elftown Council, and the Guards and Patrollers. They are the glue that holds this place together. You guys are great! :D

Message to all the Elftowners: Heh, well I like a lot of things about Elftown! It’s a great community and there are a lot of nice people (and a lot of not-so-nice people, I’ll admit). And some of the things that people have up in their houses and wiki’s are very amusing and/or interesting (Such as the books written by [Zaran's Song]. One of them can be found at Yes. Yes, this is blatant advertisement. Go read! ;3).

For the complete interview, check Featured Members Interviews – Kappukeki

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Date: 2004-12-26 04:04:51 Featured member #: 27 Mod: All_Most PUNK

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