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Let me introduce you to Ubin Li, the sixteen year old student from Maryland, USA, best known in Elftown as [spiritee], a professional stalker, who chooses her victims based on their art. In her own words, the stalking victims “include the incredibly polished artists like [Katie Staines] and also artists like [evilhamster] and [Aki kun], because their drawings are simply enjoyable to look at”. Looking at people's art inspires her to draw; makes her hand itch for pencil (no, we are not talking plagiarism here, you silly people, just the stimulus that brings seeing other people’s work).
Also, [spiritee] includes between her hobbies one of the most common occupations for elftowners: staring into space, daydreaming, blanking (we just like to call it “waiting for inspiration”). Of course, the staring isn’t her only hobby. She has many more, like drawing, using the computer, obsessing over things worth obsessing over (we’ll need examples about this item), eating, sleeping, dreaming and wushu (Chinese martial arts), when time allows. But nothing is better than staring into space. Nothing.

[spiritee]’s favorites

Favorite Wiki: I like wikis that have a point to them, and have some sort of creative aspect to it.

Favorite House: I like [TheRogue]'s house for its insane organization and lack of useless information. On the other hand, I like [kay-chan] and [muffin_killer]'s houses because they're amusing to read.

Critique/comments/suggestions on ET: I would like to thank [Hedda] and all the volunteers of ET, especially the Guards and their patience.

Message to all the Elftowners: "Rawr. Eat Lindt white chocolate truffles. It's godly."

For the full interview: Featured Members Interviews - spiritee

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About the featured members
Date: 2005-08-20 18:19:29 Featured member #: 40 Mod: All_Most PUNK

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