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jenoclone1 (Gone...)

Member #27725 created: 2003-11-21 17:33:51Simple URL:   

Photo missing.

Drawing missing.

I've decided to leave elftown. Things here just aren't the same if anyone is inerested in finding me, my e-mail is, I am jenoclone1 on deviantart, and I am jenoclone1 on IMVU. For those who have been so kind to me and that have incouraged me, I want you to know that I just started college, majoring in Illustration. You've all pushed me to do my best and to strive for prefection. I just want to say thank you for your support critique, and kindness. I thank God that He brought you all into my life.

I would say goobye... but it's not good. My heart aches that I must leave this behind. Perhaps someday I'll return. if not then I pray that you will all lead blessed lives, and continue to touch others as you have me.
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