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Name: Luke
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HI THAR!! I am Luke! I am [Shikamaru123]'s brother. [Piercedskull] is also my best friend! Here's a little about me.
Name: Luke
Age: 12
Gender: Male <---3 hehehehhehehheeeheh
Height: 5'4"... Hush
Weight: ...*shoots you in face*
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Dirteh Blonde
I also has.. A lovely face ^_^
I like anime. My favorite is Naruto.
I am Fluffy numbah 1. According to Dani. Hm.. Can't think of much more to write. Undah construction. Have a Good day.
(ps... Me and my brother are twins... o.O....)Missing: </center>
Age: 12 | Year of birth: 1997 | Month of birth: 7 | Day of birth: 27 |
Gender: male
Fantasy race personality: Halfling
Elftownworldmap missing.
Place of living: USA-Massachusetts
Town: In your fridge.
Computer interests
action games | art | chat |
music | strategy games | video |
web design |
goth | heavy metal | hip hop |
progressive metal | punk | rap |
rock |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
carpentry | cars | cats |
cooking | crime stories | dogs |
eating | electronics | fantasy |
fishing | history | LARP |
motorcycles | party | role playing |
scifi | slacking | sporting |
travelling | watching sport | woodwork |
Civil status: single
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: normal