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Karma Queen ([Sc...Sc...Sc...Scandolous!!!])

Member #113178 created: 2005-02-04 16:30:11Simple URL:   

Name: Tierra Nicole


Hey I'm Tierra ! I am 22 and I have 2 beautiful daughters going on 3 in Feburary. I like to chill with friends and just enjoy life!


ThIs Is My LiTtLe BrOtHeR bJ pOsInG wItH tHe SaCrEmEnTo KiNg'S gIrLs! 
~*~*~*Isn't he a cutie!*~*~*~

Elftown titles and orders
Street childAdventurer

~~~~Hey people just to let all now, I have been busy lately fighting off all the haters, but I am back and still PIMPIN"!!! So Holla athca GURL!~~~~
***And by the way I have a new boo in my life named Victor....but he really cheers me up, even though i know deep down inside he is a player at heart!***

************FOR ALL THE ASSHOLES IN CASE THE ABOVE STATEMENT WASN'T CLEAR!!!!***************************************************************************
This is Patty Vance....Trish as I like to call her....ISN'T SHE BEAUTIFUL!!!! All is well with her at the moment! So as long as she is happy I am too....thanks for all the prayer :P .  Check her out [peacefully~passive]


*~*~*~*[ HEY PEOPLE! I'm Tierra, I am a 21 single parent, I work and go to school, and in my spare time I just like to have fun!]*~*~*~*

*~*~*~[Everyone has been wondering if I have finally CRACKED...the answer is YES!!! And if you are one asking you probably helped get me to this point!]*~*~*~*


~*~*~**This is a poem I wrote for my best friend Davo, the love of my life! **~*~*

~Untamed Feelings~

From the day I met you,
The first look into your eyes.
We had an instant connection,
To everyone else's surprise.

From that instant connection,
We soon created a bond.
A friendship built to last,
And a Love that will continue on.

You're always by my side,
When no one else seems to care.
And no one can ever replace you,
Or the special moments we have shared.

Now I am coming to realize,
Exactly what you mean to me.
My eyes and mind have been opened,
To all the great possibilities.

If we are truly meant for each other,
It will all be revealed in time.
But right now our friendship is too important,
To test or put on the line.

So now I am hoping and praying,
That GOD will encourage us to try and see.
Our friendship built with love is to strong to die,
And the potential we have lies within our chemistry.


*~*~*ThIs Is Tina... [Q~T wit a booty].... I lOvE tHiS gIrL sO mUcH, sHe'S oNly 15, BuT hAs EnOuGh WiSdOm To GiVe Me (a 21 yr. old) GoOd AdViCe! So AlL oF yOu OuT tHeRe WhO dOn'T lIkE hEr I wAnT tO MaKe It VeRy ClEaR.... [YOU FUCK WITH HER YOU FUCK WITH ME!] ***I LOVE YA SHORTY, KEEP YOUR HEAD UP AND KEEP DOING YA DAMN THANG!!!*~*~*


~~~~[Hey TOSHA.....YOUR MOM!!!! In a MotherF*ckin' BAG!!!...HOLLA!!!]~~~~

*~*~*[If everyone knew the truth, the world would end tomorrow!]*~*~*


*~*~*[No one can make you feel inferior unless you let them. ~Eleanor Roosevelt]*~*~*

Hey this is my friend [B-Raz] ...... Hey ladies he is such a sweetie, but watch out if your 18+ he's jail bait LOL!
Thanks for cheering me up b-raz! And the girl who keeps harassing my poor B-Rizzle needs to remember that payback is a BEEEYATCH! And so am I!


[Facts Of Life]
[1.At Least 1 Person In This World Loves You So Much They Would Die For You.
2.At Least 5 People In This World Loves You,In Some Way.
3.The Only Reason Anyone Would Ever Hate You,Is Because They Want To Be Just Like You Or Are Too Narrow-Minded To See That They Would Rather Be Like You.
4.A Smile From You,Can Bring Happiness To Anyone,Even If They Don't Like You.
5.Every Night,Someone Thinks About You Before They Go To Sleep.
6.You Mean The World To Someone.
7.Without You,Someone May Not Be Living.
8.You Are Special And Unique,In Your Own Way.
9.Some That You Don't Know Even Exists,Loves You.
10.When You Make The Biggest Mistake Ever,Something Good Comes From It.
11.When You Think The World Has Turned Its Back On You,Take A Look,You Most Likely Turned Your Back On The World.
12.When You Think You Have No Chance At Getting What You Want,You Probably Won't Get It,But If You Believe In Yourself,You Probably Sooner Or Later Will Get It.
13.Always Remember Compliments You Received,Forget About The Rude Remarks.
14.Always Tell Someone How You Feel,Then They'll Know.
15.If You Have A Great Friend,Take The Time To Let Them Know That They're Great.
16.The Most Vaulable Things In This Life Cost Nothing.
17.Laugh And You Will Never Laugh Alone.
18.Always Be Kind To People When Your On An Up,Because You'll Meet Them Again On The Way Down.
19.When Everyone Walks Out Of Your Life,Someone else Will Walk Into It.
20.No One Can Ever Take Your Place.

         ~*~*~*~*~*IF I WAS!!*~*~*~*~
If I was a country I'd be: HOLLAND! ( us Dutch have to stick together!) :P
If I was a swear word I'd be: Bitch
If I was an ice cream flavor I'd be: Cookies N Cream
If I was a disease/disorder I'd be: obsessive compulsive
If I was a feeling I'd be: anxious
If I was a war I'd be: civil war
If I was a city I'd be: Sacremento
If I was a color I'd be: pink and baby blue
If I was a movie I'd be: The Devils Advocate
If I were a month, I'd be: November
If I were a day of the week, I'd be:Thursday, cuz its usually ladies night!
If I were a time of day, I'd be: 4:20
If I were a planet, I'd be: Jupiter
If I were a sea animal, I'd be: dolphin?
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be: chaise lounge couch
If I were a sin, I'd be: vanity
If I were a liquid, I'd be: Conyac
If I were a tree, I'd be: weeping willow
If I were a bird, I'd be: a sparrow
If I were a tool, I'd be: nail gun
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: stormy
If I were an element, I'd be: iron
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be: a piano ( y not everyone already plays me!)
If I were an animal, I'd be: a lynx
If I were an insect, I'd be: a butterfly!
If I were a vegetable, I'd be: i would be a carrot and my best friend Kristina would be a pea b/c were like peas and carrots! :P
If I were a sound, I'd be: chimes
If I were a song, I'd be: Harder to Breathe~by: Maroon 5 or Inside/Out~by: Eve 6
If I were a book, I'd be: Lord of the Flies!
If I were a food, I'd be: cambles noodles soup b/c i am mmm mmm good
If I were a material, I'd be: silk
If I were a taste, I'd be: delicious!
If I were a word, I'd be: Bonita! (beautiful in Spanish!)
If I were a body part, I'd be: a brain or a heart
If I were a shape, I'd be a: a heart!
If I were a number, I'd be: 11
If I were a band, I'd be: TOOL or NIN
If I were a mythical creature, I'd be: unicorn
If I were a game, I'd be: Jenga (truth or dare version)
If I were a car, I'd be a: Mercedes
If I were a famous artist, I'd be: divincci
If I were a TV show, I'd be: days of our lives
If I were a Cartoon, I'd be: Aqua Teen Hunger Force
If I were a classic novel, I'd be: gone in the wind
If I were a Disney Princess, I'd be: Jasmine from Aladdin
If I were a season, I'd be: Winter cause i am bitter and cold! Just kidding, but can be!
If I were a superhero, I'd be: Storm from X-Men!
If I were an actress, I'd be: Keisha Knight Pulliam (Rudy from the cosby show, she was my twin when i was a little one!)
If I were an actor, I'd be: al pacino... he's the shit!
If I were a decade,I'd be: 70's

This is my gurl Kristina....TINA...she is like my lil sister and i'd do ALMOST anything for her! Look her up [Q~T wit a booty] !

~*~*~*[SoMe StUfF aBoUt Me!]*~*~*~
001: Name: Tierra Nicole
002: NickName: Princess, "T"
003: Country of living: USA
004: Shoe Size: 6 1/2
005: Birthday: november 11
006: Hair Color: dark dark brown
007: Eye Color: brown, violet and hazel when i wear contacts.
008: School/Work: College: Ashland community college....Work: Morehead State University-Ashland
009: Smoke: yup
010: Hobbys: Shopping, watching cartoons (Adult Swim), bowling
011: Brothers/Sisters: 3 brothers: Ryan 25...BJ 16.....Jonanthan 13...... 3 Sisters: Shai 22....Aliyah 9....Lauren 2
012: Relationship: NOT WORTH THE TROUBLE!
013: Piercings:ears, belly button, nose, eyebrow
014: Tattoos: not yet
015: Favorite country to go to: Spain
016: Are there people you wont reply to:not at the moment
017: Nicest person you met this year: Patty Vance, even though our friendship had a tragic end.
018: Person you’d rather not met this year: Dunno!
019: Who would you like to meet: Oprah
020: Who do you admire most: My grandfather Lawrence Lee Troxler, Sr. he took the place of my father and made sure i never went with out. RIP
021: Most sexy person(s): Ryan Harvey, Jared Vincent, Brandon Kitts, Brent Aldridge, Adam Tabor, Tristan Burke, Clay Dempsey, Adam Meredith, Josh Venn..... shall I go on!
023: Favorite car: Merecedes SLK 320
024: Favorite Movie: Conspiracy Theory, Devil's Advocate, Mall Rats
025: Favorite City: Sacramento, California
026: Favorite Music: i love all music
027: Favorite Stuffed Toy: My teddy bear ...Franklin, my ex gave it too me and I still sleep with it sometimes! AW!
028: Favorite Body Spray: Haiku
029: Favorite Magazine: Lowrider
030: Favorite sound: hmmmmmmmm
031: Favorite Tv Show: CSI/Law n Order/Everybody Loves Raymond/Apprentice
032: Favorite writer: Edgar Allen Poe....that crazy fucker!
033: Favorite Nickname: Babydoll, ShOrTy
034: What is on your mouse pad: don't have one at the moment
035: What is under your bed: Clothes Monsters
036: Favorite Color: Pink/Baby Blue
037: Favorite song:Just What I Needed by the Cars!
038: Favorite song at this moment: Let Me Love You by Mario
039: Favorite Food: hot dogs off the grill
040: Favorite class in school: Math (Statistics)
041: Favorite Drink: Stewart's Root Beer/Keylime/Peach soda, Mountain Dew!
042: Lucky Number: 11
043: What do you think is the greatest about yourself: My personality
044: What deodorant do you use: dove
045: Favorite Shoes: Flip Flops
046: What time do you go to bed on weekdays:Varies
047: What word do you use most: HOLLA!
048: Most romantic moment in your life: The first time me and Adam Meredith went on our first outing as a couple...we went to Central was the most akward/sweet time I can remember. So INNOCENT!
049: Most embarrassing moment in your life: Me get embarrased...shit!
050: You spend your time outside or inside: Depends on the temperature.
051: What do you do on the weekends: Attempt to find a babysitter!
052: What class in school do/did you dislike most: English...damn it all to hell!
053: Your Breakfast: Apple n Cinnamon Oatmeal, Toast and juice
054: What do you really, really dislike to eat: stuffing
055: Pets: Hells NO!
056: Laugh or dream: both
057: Serious or funny: both
058: Fast or slow: depends what your talkin about
059: You prefer being alone or have relationship with someone: I love relationships they are learning tools to life!
060: Simple or complicated: Depends on the situation
061: Cremate or Buried when you die: Neither ....Frozen
063: Stay up late or go to bed early: late
064: Light or dark?:hmmmmmmmm
065: Speak or Silence: Depends on the situation
066: Do you like a Tall or short man: Looks aren't what I focus on, but I have never dated anyone shorter then me.
067: Newspaper or Television: Both
068: Hug or kiss: both
069: Happy or Sad: Sad lately
070: Life or Death: Life
071: Gig or Disco: neither
072: Left or Right: right
073: Do u really luv ur man: Don't have one but I love a man! :P
074: Brunettes or Blondes: Who CARES!
075: What would you ask god if you had one single question: Did I do good!
076: You believe in reincarnation: Some
077: You believe in Aliens: Sorta
078: When you die, what will be your last words: I knew this was coming!
079: Does true love exist: Yes
080: How many kids would you like to have: So far I have two girls and I want a boy so 3.
081: What is the one thing you can't stand: Drama and Liars
082: Best feeling: Love
083: Worst feeling in the world: Love
084: What are you afraid of: Life
085: Are you an emotional person: Sometimes
086: Do you ever cry during a movie: Sometimes
087: Your goal in life: To be able so support me and my girls by myself and give them all of what they want.
088: What was the promise you made to yourself at New Years Eve: NONE
089: Favorite art-artist: Ross
090: As what animal would you like to come back as: None I hate animals
091: What is the most beautiful part on the male body: Depends on the person, but like stomachs.
092: Most original place to ask your love to marry you: WHO KNOWS!
093:What do you think of Elftown: I'm lovin it like McDonald's
094: Is there something you miss about elftown: huh?
095: Where did you get this question list: a friend I like to call Tina...Q~T wit a booty!
096: Besides elftown, what do you do most on your PC:Download stuff and do homework
097: Is there a question you missed in this all: uhhh no...
098: Whats the most annoying thing that people ask you: How do you get your hair like that!
099: Do you get in trouble a lot: Sometimes, I have a problem with authority.

[1. Who are you?]
[2. Are we friends?]
[3. When and how did we meet?]
[4. Do you have a crush on me?]
[5. Would you kiss me?]
[6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.]
[7. Describe me in one word.]
[8. What was your first impression?]
[9. Do you still think that way about me now?]
[10. What reminds you of me?]
[11. If you could give me anything what would it be?]
[12. How well do you know me?]
[13. When's the last time you saw me?]
[14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?]
[15. Are you going to put this on your house and see what I say about you?]

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~[Have You Ever???]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
1.Dated one of your best friends?: yes, many.
2.Loved/Liked somebody so much it made you cry?: awwwww, this question makes me wanna cry, yes that's why zoloft takes me away :P !                    
3.Drank alcohol?: yes it was an accident!
4.Done drugs?: Who ME !?!?!?!?!???
5.Broken the law?: I plead the fifth!
6.Broken a bone?: Nope, I have been BlEsSeD!
7.Cheated on a test?: all these incriminating questions, again, I plead the fifth!
8.Skinny dipped?: HeHeHeHeHeHe
9.Played Truth or Dare?: Of course, if you've never I feel for ya, it made life exciting!
10.Ridden in a fire truck?: yep, 3 times even!
11.Been on a plane ?: OMFG! Yes, and I hated it!
12.Come close to dying?: yeah, a few times
13.Cheated on your boy/girlfriend?: sorta
14.Given someone a piggy back/shoulder ride?: yeah
15.Eaten a worm/mud pie?: HELLS NO!
16.Stayed up till four on the phone?: lol,all the time!
17.Tipped over a port-a-potty?: no comment!
18.Fell asleep while eating?:more than most!
19.Met someone famous?: i used to all the time when I was a youngin'.
20.Been in a school play?: Yes, more then a few!
21.Cried in public?: Of course, I will bust a tear anywhere!
22.Seen someone die?: no thank God!
23. Are you going to pass on these questions??? YEAH!

*~*~*~This Song Is My Anthem To A Couple Of Assholes! [You know who you are!]*~*~*

[Harder To Breath: By~ Maroon 5]

How dare you say that my behavior is unacceptable, So condescending, unnecessarily critical.
I have the tendency of getting very physical,
So watch your step cause if I do you'll need a miracle!

You drain me dry ,and make me wonder why I'm even here,
This Double Vision I was seeing is finally clear!
You want to stay ,but you know very well I want you gone.
Not fit to fuckin' tread the ground I'm walking on!

When it gets cold outside, and you got nobody to love. 
You'll understand what I mean when I say,
There's no way we're gonna give up!
And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams,
Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe.
Is there anyone out there, cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe!

What you are doing, is screwing things up inside my head. You should know better, you never listened to a word I said.
Clutching your pillow, and writhing in a naked sweat, Hoping somebody someday will do you like I did!

When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love
You'll understand what I mean when I say
There's no way we're gonna give up
And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams
Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe
Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe

Does it kill?!
Does it burn?!
Is it painful to learn...
That it's me that has all the control?!

Does it thrill?!
Does it sting?!
When you feel what I bring,
And you wish that you had me to hold!

When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love,
Do you understand what i mean when I say
there's no way were gonna give up!
And like a little girl cries in the face, of a monster that lives in her dreams.
Is there anyone out there, cause its gettin harder to breathe!
Is there anyone out there, cause its gettin' harder to breathe!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MORE JUST RANDOM SONGS I LOVE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[Inside Out: By~ Eve 6]

I would swallow my pride
I would choke on the rhymes
But the lack thereof would leave me empty inside
I would swallow my doubt turn it inside out find nothing but faith in nothing
Want to put my tender heart in a blender
Watch it spin around to a beautiful oblivion
Rendezvous then i'm through with you

I burn burn like a wicker cabinet chalk white and oh so frail
I see our time had gotten stale
The tick tock of the clock is painful
All sane and logical
I want to tear it off the wall
I hear words and clips and phrases
I think sick like ginger ale
My stomach turns and i exhale


So cal is where my mind states but it's not my state of mind
I'm not as ugly sad as you
Or am i origami
Folded up and just pretend
Demented as the motives in your head


I alone am the one you don't know you need take heed feed your ego
Make me blind when your eyes close sink when you get close tie me to the bedpost

I alone am the one you don't know you need you don't know you need me.
Make me blind when your eyes close, tie me to the bed post


Age: 22Year of birth: 1983Month of birth: 11Day of birth: 11

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Orc
Elftownworldmap 37°33.234'N 89°44.094'W

Place of living: USA-Kentucky

Town: Ashland

Known languages
Sign LanguageEnglishFrench

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Elftown crew wannabe: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
action gamesartBasic
chatemailinformation seeking
maths and engineeringmusicstrategy games

adult popalternativeblues
gothgrungeheavy metal
hip hophousejazz
new ageoperapop
progressive metalpunkrap

Other interests
board gamesbookscard games
carpentrycarschasing the preferred sex
chesscrime storiesdancing
pornreligionrole playing
snow scooterssoap operasshopping

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 157

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