
Main Entry:
Pronunciation: mi-'ka-'shef
Etymology: Hebrew.
1 a: one who practices witchcraft;
especially: a sorcerer
b: the male equivalent of an anathema according to Exodus 22:18
2 : one skilled in black magic
Tomes of legend & mystical power, ancient & modern.
Green tea & other potent infusions.
Hakim Bey, Laozi, Charles Fort, Apuleius, Gaiman, Baudelaire, Wilde, & Qoheleth.
Fireflies, evening mist, blackberries
Opinionated ignoramuses.
Capitalism, consumerism & the forgeries that support them; advertising, television & McReligions.
Strong alcohol, poltergeists, gremlins.
In this age, there are peoples, & there are rules -- woods, cities & dark places. Paths, & unchartable territories, milestones & will-o'-the-wi
sps. The races of Earth need not only their rules, but also the wilderness & its terrors. The priests and the sorcerers need each other, if only because in a previous age, they were one & the same.
The subject is the chief heresiarch of the Syncretist Church of Polygnosticism, the world's smallest religion, & the founder of the philosophical doctrine known as reversed solipsism. He is the only openly occult member of his secret brotherhood (now dormant). The subject has a wicked pack of cards, basic understanding of Hermetic & Gnostic philosophical systems, & an ambivalent relationship with the deities of at least seven different pantheons. Indeed, he feels uncomfortable with all of the World's great Religions.

Please visit: HaMekashef's Second Home on Elftown.

Real-life Friends:
[Ilana] - The Midget-Lady of the Green.
[~Lady Morgana~] - Die Königin deutscher Hexen und Zwiebeln.
[Priscilla Primkin] - She slices, she dices, she's the most versatile soprano you've ever seen!
[serendipity814] - A closet otaku.
[Starbringer] - A mighty Enchantress.
[taste the rainbow, punk] - Music theory masochist.
[windae] - A powerful Sorceress. Beware her photoshop abilities.
Encounters of the Second Kind:
[avital] - Yofi! H'avera mYisra'el!
[Shainn] - The Elftown Guru. Om.
[Steve*O] - The Deliverator. Likely a Kryptonian.
[deRevenant] - A man you wouldn't suspect of owning the world's largest collection of fossilized poodles.

[deRevenant] gave me this charming chalice.
Venerable Elftowners:
[Charybdis] - Veritably sublime.
[(eeob)] - Shi-Painter Extraordinaire!
[nokturA] - Investigateur du paranormal Longueillois.
[Perplexity] - Such tasteful chaos!
[Sunny Silverunicorn] - Awesome Art from Iran.
[Sunrose] - I dare you to find something this person hasn't done for this great town.
[TheRogue] - Elftown Veteran.
The Doppelganger Effekt - the band HaMekashef sings in.
The Occult Corner - a repository of Arcane lore.

Everyone vs. Elftown