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Llsre Wetau (product of deaths humour)
Name: Reuben Mills
Supermegametalman! woohoo!
A peice of work i did at the beaford arts centre in north devon. We had to do three large peices and a sketchbook in five days. 'Twas exhausting!
Elftown titles and orders
I love cycling and art. Im in year 10 of secondary school and am taking art, french, graphic design and history. Most of my friends listen to rock music and hang out of the cathedral green in exeter. My parents are separated so i do a lot of cycling between homes (10 miles each way) and i also like to race the school busses home from school. I usually beat them by 10 minutes on a good day!
i say im muscular because i sort of am. i still think im too overweight but ive been cyclng my socks off trying to get trimmer so now my legs resemble that of an ostrich... I weight in at 13 stone and cycle at an average of 35mph. Draw your own conclusions if you will!
Disorder Rating
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Very High
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: High
ulsive: High
But i'm a nice person really!
all courtesy of the
!!!>>A MUST SEE PAGE<<!!!
Age: 15 | Year of birth: 1989 | Month of birth: 10 | Day of birth: 23 |
Gender: male
Fantasy race personality: Elf
51°9.060'N 3°41.904'W
Place of living: United Kingdom-England
Town: Devon
Elfwood artist: No
Elfwood writer: No
Favorite drawing objects
demons | dragons | elves |
fairies | magic | vampires |
warriors | weapons |
Computer interests
action games | art | email |
music |
alternative | folk music | goth |
heavy metal | new age | punk |
rock | synth |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
cats | fantasy | film |
travelling | woodwork |
Civil status: single
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: muscular
Height: 183