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eternaly_lost (I am An Empty Shell.)

Member #171205 created: 2005-12-27 02:03:50Simple URL:   

Name: Liliana


Wheeeeee Me :D Lol not much to look at but...whatever :S!


Okay, so its not great,I happen to really suck at drawing but I try.If there are any naruto fans around you'll know who it is :D

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Town DrunkAdventurerTravelling bard

Alrighty well Im Liliana Im a 17 yr old hispanic just doing ma thing! Send a message if you wanna get to know me :)

Birth Name: Liliana
Age: 17
Weight: No Idea.
Gender: Female.
Birth Eye Color: Brown.
Eye Color Now: Black.
Future Eye Color: Completely black.
Skin Color: Brown.
Future Skin Color: What Kind Of Fucking Question Is This? Im Not Fucking Michael Jackson.
Hair Color: Black and red.
Future Hair Color: Black.
Hair Style: Im not sure...

~*DO YOU*~...
Smoke: Yes.
Do drugs: DONE drugs not anymore.
Have sex: No...
Sleep with stuffed animals: Yes.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Working on it.
Have a dream that keeps coming back: Yes.
Play an instrument: Used to.
Read the newspaper: Yes.
Have any gay or lesbian friends: Many.
Believe in miracles: No.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: Yes.
Consider yourself tolerant of others: Yes.
Consider love a mistake: No.
Like the taste of alcohol: Its not half bad.
Believe in magic: Yeah.
Believe in God: There is no Satan without God.
Pray: No.
Have any secrets: I have many.
Hate yourself: Constantly.
Have an obsession: Yes.
Wish on stars: No.
Believe in witches: Yes.
Believe in Satan: Naw.
Believe in ghosts: Not really.

Current Dress: Pj pants and a t-shirt.
Current Mood: Confused.
Current Music: Reggeaton.
Current Hair: Ponytail.
Current Annoyance: Family.
Current thing I ought to be doing: Having a ciggarette.
Current CD in Stereo: Burnt CD with various artists.
Current Worry: I have no worries.
Current Favorite Celebrity: I hate celebrities.

~* LOVE *~
boyfriend/girlfriend – No.
crush - Yes.
longest relationship – Year and a half.
shortest relationship – 1 week.
been in love w/ more than 1 person - No.
meanest thing a guy/girl has done for you : Im not sure.
ever broke someone's heart - No.
someone break your heart - Yes.

You Talked to: David.
You Hugged: David.
Instant messaged:No clue.
You Yelled At: My mom.
You Had A Crush On: My mom!j/k cant remember.
Who Broke Your Heart: Some turd.

Understanding: Yes.
Open-minded: Yes.
Interesting:Uh huh.
Hungry: Not really.
Friendly: Yes.
Smart: Yes.
Childish: Definately.
Independent: Very.
Hard working: Not yet.
Organized: Somewhat.
Shy: Nope.
Difficult: Yes.
Attractive: I look fine to me, I dont give a crap what others say.
Bored Easily: Nope!
Thirsty: Yes.
Responsible: Try to be.
Obsessed: With THE SEXY HOT MILK MAN lmao and other stuff.
Angry: Nope.
Sad: Nope.
Happy: Yes.
Trusting: Yes.
Talkative: When i want to be.
Original: Yes.
Different: Yes.
Unique: Everyone is unique in their own way.
Ignored: Yes..
Reliable: Try to be.
Content: Yes.
Optimistic: Yeah.
Deep thinker: When I want to be.
Self-disciplined: Yes.
Sleepy: Extremely.
Lonely: Nope.


Kill: Anyone who believes they are above everyone else.
Tickle: Ryan.
Look Like: Myself.
Be Like: Myself.
Talk To: Ryan.

Name and it's meaning: *shrug*
Sign - Libra.
Hair color: Black and red.
Eye color – Black.
Marital status - Single.
Education - 11 grade.
Height – 5'3"
Shoe size –6
Nationality – Hispanic!Go spics!
Skin color - Wasnt this already on here?
Hometown – San Salvador.

Lied – Honestly, What Teen Hasnt?
Run away: I tried..ran away to the neighbours house.
Been in a fist fight – Yeah.
Dyed your hair – Yeah.
Driven illegally – Yeah, a couple of times.
Thrown a temper tantrum - Haha "Wobbler!" And yes.
Been suspended – Yes.
Been expelled - Finally updated! I have been expelled!
Given the finger –Yes many,many,many times
Rebelled against authority – Yep, the rules were meant to be broken.

Me in a nutshell :)

To all the haters out there FUCK YOU I dont like you either :)

Age: 17Month of birth: 9Day of birth: 28

Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap 57°37.554'N 116°19.212'W

Place of living: Canada

Town: Winnipeg

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests

hip hoppunkreggae

Other interests
beerbookschasing the preferred sex

Civil status: strange

Sexual preference: unknown

Body shape: thin

Height: 157

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