Hey whats up everyone my name is ryan b im from a small town in illinois i love hanging out with friends playing football and boxing i love writing books mostly like harry potter cause they were definetly amazing i am curently writing one about a young boy torn between a magic army called the light and dark eternals it starts kinda like this\
One day in the town of Sheru a fierce battle was emerging. The battle was fought between Lord Gastroph leader of the dark eternals and Lord Siren the leader of the light eternals. The war had waged on for many years leaving nothing but destruction to follow. Then on a rainy day in the month of october the battle had haulted, and it seemed not one wizard remained these battles have thus become lost in history and scientists and adventurers alike are trying to recover what happend at the end of this epic battle. Our story starts off in a little home far of the coast of East Contenent in the little town of Sheru where strange things and people are no longer welcome.
well thats the opening for the most part i just re wrote it, so sorry if it seems sloppy but i think it will turn good my grandfather wrote the recently relased gangs of peoria which has taken him nearly his whole life to complete and is a great accomplishment
well thats my story and i love to listen to others so if u have any questions or ideas for my book let me know thanks!
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