Personal information pending...
Some of the Philosophys I live by:
"Life's too short to be pissed off all the time."
"What good will come out of being mad at someone over something stupid? What will giving them a peice of their own medicine do for you?
"If you follow others, you lose yourself."
"Living for the moment is fine, but the consequences of your actions dont always equal up to them."
"If you dont care about a problem long enough, it will go away."
"Theres no point in being sad about something if you dont get anything out of it."
"Dont go with right or wrong if theres Reason and Logic as a third option."
"If everyone treats you how you treat them, will you be happy?"
I've done live action role playing before, but never just regular role playing.
I'm really friendly, and my friends usually have a blast with me, and they love when me and my friend Michael get in little pissy fights, but were just messing around, so its all good.
I absolutely love weapons, mainly just medieval and chinese/japanese.
Swords are my absolute most favorite weapon of all time, and pretty soon I'm going to get an Odachi Longsword....its super awesome, it rises a bit past my eyebrows...the sword is 5'8 and I'm only 5'9 1/2..O_o
I'm also a big fan of professional sword fighting and just taking a few swords out back and practicing with a friend.