This is me, in the wacky woods on victoria Island.
I'm currently an unemployed student, I have taken the summer months off to re-evaluate and get my shit together before I return to school in september to continue getting my pre-reqs for dental hygiene. All my good friends are in visual communications and I am so jealous... unfortunately being an artist doesn't pay. ( or i am not confident enough in my skills)
My views of the world and the people in it change on a regular basis. I have a hard time fitting in, partly because I don't want to and partly because I just don't. I try to embrace my difference and admire the uniqueness in others. This often wind my up with a weird bunch of friends.
I enjoy fantasy, especially fairy tales. I like the contrast of the artificial worlds built. I wish every thing was either good or evil, I get sick of straddling to in-between like we do in reality.
I am re-joining elf town because as I painted my latest canvas I realized I would never get the luxury of a critic, and because of this I will never know if anyone even likes my art. ( because of course my friends and family will lie) So please write me, even if you hate it. I would like to know peoples reactions.
Also I have started reading again! ( Yeah something other than a text book) and plan to just have somewhere to keep my thoughts/impression/ quotes.
Elftownworldmap missing.