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lefinia (Conflicted)

Member #192891 created: 2012-08-18 10:21:20Simple URL:   

Name: Anida


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I love fantasy and enchanted creatures

Soul mate...I’ve found you at last!
Since the first time I understood what the word meant,
I searched for you; I searched on the mountains, in the ocean;
My search was Far and wide,
But never did I think I would find you here.
So close yet so very far!

I am happy to say I found you, but sad to say a bit too late!
We both know our circumstances are just so wrong!
Our love is forbidden not by us, but by society.
Our companionship will never be accepted totally.
Because of circumstances we can never really be together.
We can be together only for short times and it breaks my heart but at least we get to spend a little time in each other’s arms.
We make love and wish it could last forever but, we have to go back to reality.
Back to a life with someone we know would never be who we are with when we are together.
Our families come first and our love remains a “forbidden secret” we only share with our hearts.
We live a lie but know we have so much to lose if we don’t that we keep living that lie!

You are my Soul mate and I will forever love you although we might never be completely together.
Deep in this heart of hearts of mine I keep hoping that one day we can have the chance to live this dream and be together forever!
I love you unconditionally and without knowing why.
I loved you since the first time we spoke and I don’t know how my heart knew this, but it did.
Some nights I dream of the life we could have made if we just met earlier, if life didn’t take its course with us to where we are now...
We’ve learnt to live apart yet, now that we’ve met I feel empty and lost when I’m not with you.

You will always be in my HEART!

I hope that one day you will get to read this and realise how I truly feel about you!

Age: 26Year of birth: 1986Month of birth: 10Day of birth: 14

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap 29°8.196'S 26°27.342'E

Place of living: South Africa

Town: Pretoria

Elfwood artist: Yes

Elfwood writer: Yes

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
action gamesartBasic
emailgraphicsinformation seeking
musicstrategy gamesweb design

adult popalternativeclassical
countryfolk musicgoth
hip hopnew agepop

Other interests
bookscarpentrycrime stories

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

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