Register a user on Elftown
bluefarie (Hi-Ho! Hi-Ho! Off to look for a job I go!)
Name: Evah Jane (but, you can call me Ember.)
Photo missing.
Drawing missing.
Elftown titles and orders
Adventurer |  |
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Age: 22 | Year of birth: 1987 | Month of birth: 6 | Day of birth: 30 |
Gender: female
Fantasy race personality: Elf

43°22.872'N 75°40.362'W
Place of living: USA-New York
Town: out in the middle of no where!
Known languages
Sign Language | English | French |
Italian | Latin | Quenya (Tolkien language) |
Spanish |
Elfwood artist: No
Elfwood writer: No
Elftown crew wannabe: Yes
Favorite drawing objects
anime | demons | dragons |
elves | fairies | funny |
horses | landscape | magic |
strange | warriors | weapons |
Computer interests
art | Basic | chat |
email | graphics | information seeking |
music | programming | strategy games |
use communities | video | webcam |
web design | Windows |
alternative | classical | country |
eurodisco | goth | grunge |
heavy metal | jazz | new age |
opera | progressive metal | punk |
rock | synth | techno |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
board games | books | card games |
cars | cats | chasing the preferred sex |
cooking | dancing | disco |
dogs | eating | economics |
electronics | fantasy | fashion |
film | gambling | history |
horses | hunting | motorcycles |
party | plants | poetry |
role playing | singing | scifi |
sewing | slacking | soap operas |
shopping | sporting | stocks |
theatre | travelling | watching sport |
writing |
Civil status: involved
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: a little overweight
Height: 161