About Me!
~All About Me!~
My name is Ashley Jaime Marie Gibeault. My birth date is September 28th, 1989. I have several nicknames such as Ash, A.J. (for my first two names) Kit, Kitty (both for my old username Kitlonic), Munchkin, La P'tite, Lil' One (Pat gave me those ones. Haha.), Little Miss (P.J's nickname for me), babe and baby (Sam's nicknames for me). I have deep brown hair and deep brown eyes. I wear glasses pretty often. I'm fluent in French and English, and I'm also pretty good in Spanish. I have my ears pierced, as well as my nose. I want a tattoo of a Japanese symbol on the top right part of my back, either the strength symbol in order to represent that I have went through a lot so far, or the love symbol to represent my passion for finding true love. I'm a right-handed person, and I'm quite social. My hobbies are reading, writing and music. I love to party with my friends and I like to occasionally go out to the bars. I also love to sit back, relax and cuddle. People say I'm very sweet, cute and smart, as well as I act my age and that I'm quite understanding. I'm also in love with the most amazing guy ever, Samuel Hugo Francis Grasis. ♥
~My Family~
My family is composed of my mom, my dad, my 2 younger sisters, their dog, Eddie, and my cat, Cricket. I care a lot about them, seeing as they are who made me who I am today. My little sisters, Jessica and Stephanie, are little brats, but I'd be the first one kicking some ass if someone was to mess with them. After all, we're growing closer as time passes by. As for my parents, they're one of a kind. They're so cool, always being there to kick me in the ass when I was slacking, never giving up faith in me. I will admit, I made my mistake of turning my back on them once, but I learned from it. To be honest, I haven't been closer to them! My family is who stood by me during all my rough times, and I'm so very lucky to have them by my side. I love them so much!
~My Friends~
I have many friends and acquaintances, and I love them lots. They mean a lot to me, and I'm grateful for each of them. I have lots of guy friends, and I love being around them. My best guy friends are Sam (my super sexy, very talented, amazingly sweet fiancé), and Dave (my cute, super funny and silly best guy friend). I also have my share of girl friends, and they're so cool to be around. My best girl friends are Robyn (my pretty, super silly and awesome lady friend), Laura (my adorable, super sweet girl friend from France), Katie (my very pretty lady friend from the bar) and Beatrice (my super sweet, very pretty best friend from Kitchener). I love all my friends, and I'm happy to have the opportunity to be close to them.
I'm in love with the most amazing guy out there. His name is Samuel Hugo Francis Grasis, and he's my fiancé. It feels like I've known him forever, even though we met at a bar called Dooly's when I started dating my ex-fiancé, James. We started seeing each other about three weeks before we started dating on May 21st, 2011. We got engaged on February 13th, 2015 at a restaurant called Tommy's Not Here. Sure, it's only the beginning, but I have a good feeling that he will be sticking around for a long time. I love every moment that I'm by his side. He's the guy of my dreams, and I can't let him go. He's the best thing to ever happen to me! I love him with all of my heart and soul and I know he loves me just as much. *sighs happily* It's just amazing how someone so perfect could ever love someone like me. He's everything I've ever wanted and so much more. I will admit that I have been in love before, but never like this. I haven't felt so good about a guy before. There are only 4 guys that I've loved throughout the years : Sam, James, Katlin and Cory. I've loved all these guys so much that it made me cry. I don't know why, but my love was so intense for them. My love still grows more intense for Sam, though. Although, I haven't had much luck in the love department until now, seeing as I got cheated on many times and I've been messed around with so many times, too. I will admit that I also cheated of my own free will a few times. It was more of a payback thing, but still, I admit I was in the wrong for it. Still, it took me 21 years of dreaming to finally find the love of my life.
~How His Heart Entwines With Mine~
It’s amazing how things work out sometimes. I met Sam at Dooly's when I was dating my ex-fiancé, James. We never really talked for about 2 and a half years. I saw him once while I was working at Laurentian University, but he didn't seem to recognize me. One day, I decided to browse a dating site and I found Sam so I sent him a message. We began to talk and we decided to meet up for coffee. We went out for a few dates, and we became closer to each other. We continued to see each other until the morning of May 21st, 2011, when he asked me to be his girlfriend. You see, he had to leave that morning for Quebec for work, and I knew I wouldn't be seeing him for 5 weeks. I agreed to wait for him, and to think, the conversation we had the night before made him realize how much he truly means to me. I still find it funny to this day that all this time we liked each other, but we never knew how the other felt until then. *sighs happily* Love works in mysterious ways.
Here are a lot of my favorite things. My favorite colors are blue and black, and my favorite number is 13. My favorite animal is a dolphin and yes, I'm a dolphin fanatic. My favorite food is poutine, but pasta and pizza comes very close. My favorite things to do are spending time with Sam, hanging out with my friends, listening to music and chatting. My favorite sport to play is volleyball, and my favorite holiday is Christmas. My favorite place in the world is in Sam's arms. *smiles and sighs happily* My favorite TV shows are The Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park, and my favorite place to eat is at my parents' house. My favorite pyjamas are a pair of boxers and a tanktop, but then again, I love to sleep in my lingerie. My favorite music genres are country, metal, rock and dance, and my favorite plush is my Timothy Bear. My favorite perfume is Secret Obsession by Calvin Klein, and my favorite magazine is Cosmopolitan. My favorite sound is Sam's laugh and my favorite writer is Shakespeare. My favorite nickname is A.J., my favorite singer is Keith Urban, and my favorite band is Opeth. My favorite class in school is Psychology, and my favorite drink is Pepsi. My favorite books consist of anything written by V.C. Andrews. My favorite store is La Senza, and my favorite place for the holidays is home. My favorite artist is Max, and my favorite friends are Sam, Nina, Dave, Beatrice, and Laura. I guess that's about all my favorite things, but if you can think of any more, just ask.
~Random Things About Me~
Well, this is just stuff that you might be interested in knowing about me. I have saved someone's life, all in all, I stopped someone from committing suicide, just as someone has done the same for me. I had a hard time, but I managed to get through with the help of one friend. I never dyed my hair, I only put highlights in it. I prefer being cold than being hot because I can wrap myself up in blankets if I should get cold, and my skin is usually cold too. I love the rain, and I love the night. I prefer love over lust because lust only lasts a while, but love lasts forever. I love to make-out, than just kiss a guy because I find that there is more passion in making-out. I prefer a rebel to a goodie-goodie because well, I'm a goodie-goodie, and you know what they say about us... we love our bad boys! I prefer summer to winter because summer is the time for biking and swimming. I prefer the ocean over the lake because an ocean is bigger and more peaceful. I have an online journal, and my TV is usually on some kind of cartoon show. I usually have my hair up, and I love hugs and kisses. I use the word "Like" a lot, and I sometimes wear make-up. I love to sleep curled up underneath my blankets, and I love to take walks in the rain. I'm not a daredevil, and I've been picked on. The people I would like to meet are Joee, Alex and Cory. The people I admire the most are my parents, because I understand how hard it is on a couple when they move in together, and they're still together after all these years, and my boyfriend, Sam, who showed me what true love really is. I think the sexiest person is Sam. I prefer funny over serious because it lightens up the stress. I prefer having a relationship because I love to be loved. I love complicated things because I love a challenge. I want to be cremated when I'm dead. I prefer sex over alcohol because making love is oh, so beautiful and romantic. I love to stay up late, and I love to sleep in. I love the dark because I can be in peace with myself and think. I would rather speak than have silence because communication is key to a lot of things. I love to be happy, and I love life! I like my guys to have dark hair, but it doesn't matter to me. I'm an emotional girl, and I do cry during movies. My most embarrassing moment in my life was the night I got drunk on gin and 7-UP, and I remembered I had left my cookies in my purse so I walked up to my purse, opened it and fell flat on my butt and then fell on my side, laughing. My weekends consist of hanging out with my boyfriend, and sometimes, his family and my family. I guess that's basically what you want to know. If you want to know more about me, just ask.
~My Thoughts And My Beliefs~
My thoughts and my beliefs are affected by what I have went through so far in my life. I'm a very deep thinker, and I love to analyze things. I have many secrets, and only a certain few know them. I have an obsession with worrying about my close friends and family. I live in the moment, depending on my mood. I'm quite tolerant of others since I'm one to be known for forgiveness and second chances. I have disliked myself at some times in my life, but I've learned to love myself. I love my handwriting, and I love to write about my thoughts. The movie of my life would be entitled "True Love Never Dies". My biggest fears are losing my loved ones and death. I'm a passive person, and I'm not emotionally strong. My greatest strength is my intelligence, and my greatest weakness is the fact that I trust too early, I care too much, and I tend to hold onto the past. Out of love, beauty and creativity, I choose love because that's what makes a huge difference in my life. I'd change my impulses if I could. I made a lot of mistakes in my life, but I wouldn't change a thing about it. I think that life has been good to me so far because I'm with the love of my life. The most important lessons that I learned from life are don't believe everything you hear, trust your gut feeling, and be patient when it comes to love. I love my eyes because they're so pretty, and I don't like my feet because they're weird looking. Haha. I do however think I am good looking. I'm confident, depending on my mood. The fictional character that I'm most like is Sango from Inuyasha because she's exactly like me, personality wise. Only a few people know how I truly feel, and I'm perceived wrongly. I pray from time to time, and I'm a huge believer in God. I'd rather dream because that's where I can get away from my problems. My favorite quotes are "Love is the slowest form of suicide...", "The warmth of your lips against my shivering body..." and "Love will surprise you when you're not looking...". The best feeling is being loved, and the worst feeling is hurting the ones I love with everything that I am. I can't stand backstabbers and people who use others for their own gain. I believe in reincarnation and aliens. My last words will be, "One person can make a huge difference in another's life...". I can be the sweetest thing on Earth if I feel comfortable. I think the most beautiful part on the male body is his eyes. I believe in quite a lot of things, and don't try to change my opinions because I believe that everyone has the right to their own opinions.
~My Dreams And My Fantasies~
My future dreams consist of becoming a psychologist (or maybe a school teacher), getting married to the love of my life, having two kids (preferably a little girl and a little boy), and having a family, including a dog and a cat. It's a simple girl's dream, but I still want it. My ultimate goal in life is to find the one guy who will not play me for a fool, and I know I've found him. I dream of proposing to the love of my life somewhere meaningful to the both of us. I guess it's because I'm into simple things. I also dream of having a better understanding of myself. That has been a dream of mine for quite some time. I want to be more in touch with myself is all. Another dream of mine is to be able to reincarnate into a wolf. I just love their natural familial ways, and the fact that they stick together as a pack. As for fantasies, I fantasize about the past. I will admit that I fantasize about the future, but the past warms my heart. My fantasies of the future are something of a more global thing. I fantasize what it would be like if there was peace everywhere, and the world after we clean it up and keep it clean. I fantasize about a perfect world without poverty. Sure, maybe it won't happen soon, but it might happen later.
~The Perfect Guy To Me~
My perfect guy has gorgeous deep brown hair, long enough so that I can play with it, as well as beautiful greenish-hazel eyes. He's a little bit taller than me with a nice chest. I'm not asking for a six pack, but toned is good enough for me. He's the type of guy that likes to wear sunglasses, and loves to wear those band shirts. He has a tattoo on his back. *purrs* He's got scars, but they aren't too noticeable. He's strong and he sweeps me off of my feet. He's funny and he loves to go out. He knows how to cook, and he's an incredible masseuse. He has a best friend, and he's got a lot of girl friends because he's so understanding of women and their ways. He's shy and sincere, but he's not a chick flick kind of guy. He smokes, and he drinks. He swears, but he keeps it moderate. He's a one woman man, and he's got his bad boy side as well as his good boy side. He loves to play with my hair, and he's an amazing kisser. He takes me out a lot, and he lets me wear his clothes. He lies underneath the stars with me, and he calls me baby because he feels the need to protect me from harm. He holds my hand, and he has communication with me. He plays a few sports, and he plays guitar and bass. He's a tidy guy, and he loves music. He watches the sunset and the sunrise with me, and he's my age. All in all, he's Samuel Grasis, the love of my life. ♥
The Man Who Holds My Heart In His Hands

This is my amazing boyfriend, Samuel Grasis! ♥ He's the sweetest guy I've ever met, not to mention, he's a total hottie! ♥ He's the man of my dreams and so much more, and he's all mine, ladies! :P
And last but not least...

This is Kibbler, my Juju! This cute little guy was found in a zoo so I adopted him. He's my baby, so be nice to him! <3