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Maylesca (New and updated ^^)
Name: Isabelle
What can I say other than I was bored. ^^
I like to photograph portraits.
Index-pages in the wiki: (
I’ll start this off without any words
I'm a creative person who experiences life with all senses.
Favorite pastimes include: running around in the summer rain and jumping in large puddles, touching leaves, trees and walls and everything else I happen to walk by, burying my face in a bunch of flowers, letting the wind mess up my hair, standing outside in the middle of a thunderstorm, throwing myself in a huge pile of autum leaves and just laying down on the ground with my eyes closed.
I love photography but I'm not nearly as good at it as I want to be. I love Fantasy in all it's shapes and i'm currently trying to write my very own fantasy novel.
Another huge intrest that takes up more of my time than I care to admitt is Anime. My love for it has also made me want to learn japanese and i'm working on that right now.
Maylesca's images
Age: 24 | Month of birth: 7 | Day of birth: 16 |
Gender: female
Elftownworldmap missing.
Place of living: Sweden-other
Known languages
Danish | English | Norwegian |
Swedish |
Favorite drawing objects
anime | elves | fairies |
magic | vampires |
Computer interests
art | chat | music |
use communities | video |
classical | goth | hip hop |
new age | pop | punk |
rap | rock | techno |
Other interests
animals | anime | art |
board games | books | card games |
cats | chasing the preferred sex | cooking |
dancing | disco | dogs |
eating | fantasy | film |
fishing | history | party |
plants | poetry | religion |
singing | sewing | slacking |
soap operas | theatre | travelling |
writing |
Civil status: involved
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: big breasted