Page name: Queen/Senator Padme Amidala [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-08 04:55:26
Last author: kerry555
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Queen/Senator Padmé Naberrie Amidala


Username: [kerry555] and [LunaSoleil]

Name: Queen/ Senator Padmé Naberrie Amidala

Sex: Female

Home Planet/Ethnicity: Naboo - Human

Age: 27

Status: Senator of the Galactic Republic, Princess of Theed, Queen of Naboo, Senator of Chommell Sector

Hair Colour/Style: Brown, long. Usually done up or in curls.

Eye Colour: Brown

Height: 5'5"

Build: About the average size of a woman who excercizes normally - not muscular, but not lanky either.

Clothing Style: Various. She switches her clothes more than twice daily. Mostly extravagant dresses, with many jewels, to normal lounge dresses, or even casual clothes.

Background: Padmé Amidala was the young queen of the planet Naboo, elected by her people at age 13. After her term as Queen Amidala, Padmé represents Naboo in the Galactic Senate. Padmé is the wife of Anakin Skywalker and mother of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa.

Born in a mountain village on Naboo, Padmé Naberrie is known successively by her regnal name as Queen Amidala and Senator Amidala. She is a key politician in the Galactic Republic who holds to the principles of democracy and rule of law. As an opponent of militarism, she attracts many enemies during the turbulent Separatist crisis and Clone Wars that lead to the creation of the Galactic Empire.

Personality: very warm, likeable. She is extremely intelligent. She is devoted to the disadvantaged, deprived, and enslaved beings of the galaxy. Unlike many humans on Naboo and in the rest of the galaxy, Padmé's views are not self-centered. Her childhood and adolescence is sacrificed to her service to society. As a ruler and politician, Padmé is distrustful of bureaucracy, opposed to all forms of corruption, and beholden to the ideals of democracy and the rule of law. Padmé embodies duality - she is war and peace, queen and commoner, form and substance. Unlike other characters, whose personalities are divided and usually warring against one another, her dual nature works to her advantage. As Queen, Amidala can be cold and commanding when she needs to be, or warm and loving as Padmé.

Weapons: Any form of gun, be it laser, droid gun, or simple pistol. She is an excellent aim, and is very very good at long-distance shots.

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