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2006-02-09 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth....I mean if there were no laws and Murders & rapists wouldn't get in trouble, what would stop them from telling someone about there crime? If they killed someone KILL THEM BACK! Everyone will prosper from Anarchy....
2006-02-09 [Dead_Alewives]: wow..what a nice oxymoron you've typed there; you put "proper" and "kill" in the same sentence. How will people proser if there is wide spread killing? The thing about you people is that you write all these big theories and ideals about how anarchy is the way, yet if it were to occur, you would cower just like most people would.
2006-02-09 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: Ha, your fuckin hilarious. I for one am already swamped with chaos in my own life....nothin
2006-02-09 [Dead_Alewives]: So anarchy's the answer? How jaded.
2006-02-10 [anime_freak5000]: i think anarchy is the answer..atleas
2006-02-10 [Dead_Alewives]: yeah....crimin
2006-02-12 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: Rat, you talk to much shit....
2006-02-12 [Dead_Alewives]: Not that it matters, little girl.
2006-02-12 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: "Little Girl"? Ha, exactly how old are you? Are you going through a midlife crisis or something, trying to feel young by talking to a bunch of teenagers and arguing with kids in chatting areas.....how pathetic.
2006-02-12 [Dead_Alewives]: Yes..I am. I am the unholy age of 19. Old enough to know that this rebellious anarchy shit attiude is just a phase. None of you would live up to your anarchists beliefs. Most of you probably buy your image at hot topic or some other corporate trend store so as they can dictate your ideals, so give the perpetual fake anti-system-wi
2006-02-13 [Foxspike]: i have to say that he has alot of points. if u wanted it so bad u could become a vigulante its not so hard. revenge is only an emotional response to a problem. if we let order be replaced there would be alot more death and chaos. so u would kill a few all those pieces of scum would group together. and there is little to nothing that would want to stand up to them save police and military. those factors are what keep mankind in check. if there was no need for money power or greed then the system works. but it could be floored every systyem is there is no right or wrong way to live look at the extrmes of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia.
2006-02-13 [Dead_Alewives]: You know...this ideal has so many people disagreeing with eachother that it would never work because everyone would argue and defer from eachother's opinions. It would pretty much go nowhere
2006-02-13 [Foxspike]: lol as with every goverment system. this is how i look at it. better the devil u know than the devil u dont. i think as a people we rely on electricty too much and the shock of living with out it would be huge its like i think one of the most tacken forgranted things in the world. u get a power cut u are like what the fuck we gona do. i cant cook, even if its a gas cooker the the starter is electric, no lights for the dark stuff like that
2006-02-15 [barutha]: i love all the comments members have written alongside their names, "FUCK THE GOVEMENT!" etc. you know i think theres actually a bit more to anarchy than fucking the gov. kids.
2006-02-15 [This Profile No Longer Exists!]: lol Yeah...fuck it though, let 'em believe what they wish. The definition is at the top of the page...
2006-02-16 [Dead_Alewives]: Well it doesn't sound to me like you're too serious about the whole "anarchy" thing if you're living by the definition alone. I'm not an anarchist, but from what i've heard from a few of them is that the ideal is much more than just the word itself. That's like someone saying they're a Christian just because they go to church and read a Bible. But, you don't have to listen to me.
2006-02-16 [GleamofDreams]: on what the punisher was saying.. just wait til fossil fuels run out... all the things people take for granted are going to become rare luxuries. and it will probably happen before we die.
2006-02-16 [Foxspike]: yep but what will happen is my question. will a Goerge Bush like goverment invade all countries in the world that have oil (Iraq) or will we think right thats run out but we now have these fuels like Ethonal (pure Alchol) its clean, its also renewable by making more cars could run on the stuff and would cut CO2 emitions by a third but coz its free to make any person can make and there for makes untaxable. sorry ill start some one stop me now
2006-02-16 [GleamofDreams]: yeah, we will have no choice bot to eventually develope the alternatives, but the transition to that is not going to be easy. think about why we are still using fossil fuels when we have other methods available. theres already a war over it.. and there will proabably be another, bigger one. there will probably be some agreement made, but you know someone will exploit the weaknesses of other countries and use some other excuse to wage war over oil and blah blah blah
2006-05-05 [It Comes Like Fire]: wouldnt it be instead of a political idealogy its lack of political idealogy?
2008-07-17 [Mortified Penguin]: Hello, my friends... *eats ramen*...
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