Page name: Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.3 [Exported view] [RSS]
2018-03-26 01:39:54
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.2

A little while later they left Nawal's shop and headed towards the docks. Conner was happy that his friend's son was accepted into the bardic college and that his siblings would be home today. As they approached the Ravenwood docks both ships were visible on the horizon. "See that spell never fails Vex." he said with a grin.

"I never said I was sceptical." Vex said dryly as they walked at a comfortable pace towards the docks the ships were getting close to. Vex had enjoyed their time at the coffee shop, but Conner getting smug was becoming a usual annoyance at this point.

Tani landed gently in a place that wasn't too crowded. She folded her wings back quickly and held them aloft so they wouldn't drag, she sought the dock master immediately then and hailed him. "Pardon sir, I would like to rent a dock for a ship please and to inform you the Ravenwoods have returned, also the merchants ship is back... will there be room sir?" She asked politely, she was in warm travel clothes, yet was still known throughout the city as the holy princess of the church. The wings sort of gave it away.

Conner looked at Vex, "I never said you were. I just said that the spell always works." He headed to the Ravenwood docks and watched with the others as Lady Tani landed. "Always something watching my brother's love float down from the sky."

The dockmaster at the Ravenwood docks nodded but found his words a little hard to come by. "Ye..yes, mistress they can dock on either side of slip two. It is currently empty." He had been working for the Ravenwoods for sometime, but could never get over how different the family was.

"Something doesn't seem adequate to cover it. How does one such as she even come to be?" Vex said out loud, the question was probably in everyone's minds. But to see the young woman fly... was boggling really. Vex was no exception.

"Thank you sir. I will let them know, please do send a message along to the estate, as well." Tani said before walking over to the edge of the pier, once near the edge she broke into a jog then run and dove off the edge unfurling her wings once her feet left the planks, the spray and the wind lifted under her wings and with strong wing strokes she rose quickly into the air. Headed back to the ships to inform the others where they might dock.

"Tani's mother is a celestial and her father a cleric of Pelor, with his blessing a child was born. She is the reason my brother found his path again, she strengthened the bound between him and the Sun Lord." Conner replied. He held both his sister-in-law and brother in high regard and sometimes enjoyed talking with them and occasionally helping out during their good works with those who needed help.

"I know the mechanics... I meant what was a celestial doing on this plain and why choose a mortal? We all know the story of the princess and her warrior husband, it's spoken of in every temple of pelor on this continent I'm certain." Vex said folding her arms and watching Tani fly off. It was pretty amazing that, a woman could fly with wings of her own, but Vex knew there were many disadvantages to wings as well.

"Who knows? The deities see more than us mortals and command the lower celestials at their will. Maybe Pelor and Tani's mother saw that her father was worthy by his deeds to be Tani's father. Perhaps Pelor knew that a child like Tani was needed and asked her mother to find a mortal to help bring her about." COnner said. Many people around them murmured that no one would ever know.

"I don't think he was very lucky to have been chosen... but... Oh well, shall we go to the family dock and await the ship?" Vex shrugged and placed one hand on her hip. She had honestly thought this assignment would be more difficult overall but really it was boring with a tad bit too much excitement puncuating said boredom. She liked the boredom over the excitement though.

"Unless you have somewhere else to be?" Conner said. He started off toward slip two, ready to greet his family and the men he had sailed with to rescue Xeph.

Vex walked behind a little ways. Keeping an eye about. The docks weren't the safest part of the city and though there were guards about always there was often many seedy people about and doing business. Vex needed to stay vigilant even in the city and safe areas, especially since the guild hadn't helped and in fact tried to get in the way more than anything.

When they arrived Conner had a chance to speak with several of the men hired to work on the docks. He remembered many faces and details asking several men about their families and listened to their stories. It wasn't beneath him to pick up and pitch in.

The ships arrived on time Conner's ship landed first and then the other. The other ship didn't belong to the family, but the men needed rest and a chance to see if the ship needed major repairs before being returned to the owner. All in all the crews were in fine spirits being rescued and given a place to recuperate until heading home.

Lyriel walked off the ship and made her way to a messenger first thing, she paid him to get the warehouse workers to bring carts and men to help unload the ships after all Alehial was generously splitting some of the gold and things and even covering the repairs of all three vessels, however the rest of the treasure would be going into the Ravenwood vaults. It was Lyriels job as eldest child to make sure things were taken care of.

Tani disembarked from their vessel as well, her wings in the pocket/hole. So she wasn't a hindrance, Lucas was dragging her away from helping the men. She felt indentured since she flew most of the trip and didn't help with any sailing or meals.

Flint exited the ship and followed not far behind Lyriel, but he did pull away to greet Conner and Vex. "Well, a weeks journey and here we are, how fares the family?"

Lucas was leading Tani by the arm, "Do not worry my love, you gave healing freely to the men and they did not expect you to help them. In fact they tried to pay me for your help, I told them to tithe to their temples instead." He too smiled at Conner and Vex and nodded, "Little brother, I didn't expect mother to let you out of her sights. Although, I see you are here with Vex." he nodded to her also.

"Welcome home masters and mistresses." Vex nodded at the family members. She had little to speak to them about, and truthfully most of them had been ignoring her which made her content in her job. Unlike Conner who seemed to view her as some sort of new family member or something.

Tani sighed softly and let Lucas lead her away. "He is a man now Lucas and it is good Alehial is watching out for him. I do hope nothing else has happened since our journey home?" Tani also inquired. She practically forgot Vexs presence most days, but then she was used to ignoring having so many people around her all the time, she had been fairly caged like that once in her life after all.

"Nothing too bad, but Tani and Lucas when you have time I'd like to talk with you." Conner said. He was about to say something else when something caught his eye, Poppy ad her father were standing by his coach and looking in his direction. "Oh this can't be good, who gets the nod of in charge when there is no parent here?" he asked. Although he knew unless Lyriel took that right that it would be him.

"Doesn't matter. I'm his wife legally. It's our problem. Let's go say hi Flint." Lyriel said narrowing here eyes. She grabbed the front of Flint's shirt in her fist and lead him over to Poppy and her Father.

Vex watched on. She knew everything that had been happening between them all but as long as Conner didn't try to stick his dick in poppy vex didn't care. Not her job and certainly not her problem.

As Lyriel and Flint approached Poppy's father eyed the carts with more interest. "Is Lord or Lady Ravenwood here?" he asked barely paying attention to them. Poppy looked at Flint and Lyriel for a second then looked away, it was hard to tell if she had ever been upset about not marrying into the family or just being embarassed in front of the court.

Conner stood watching the pair talk to Flint and Lyriel, "I don't like how he is looking at the carts nor how she is looking at me. Vex, I know I've never asked or ordered you to protect me, but this may be a first."

Lucas put his hand on Conner's shoulder, "Courage brother, I'm sure mother and father will not let you marry her. Not because of her dailiances, more to the fact they want nothing to do with the odious man."

"From what I hear, your mother isn't to find of whores." Vex said folding her arms in front of her chest again. Vex wasn't certain why everyone was so afraid of this one man and his daughter. But then Vex was more aware of personal matters for the family.

Lyriel smiled politely and let Flint loose. "Until they arrive I am in charge of my families dealings, sir. So any questions or business you may have I will be more than happy to listen to." Lyriel said reached back and pulling the hat of disguise loose. Now they were home and she didn't feel like hiding her skin color any longer. She looked the hat onto her belt and smiled with lavender eyes twinkling in the light of the day. Her hair was braided and in a bun like usual for travel, but her black skin and silver hair made more than a few people stop and stare and some women to gasp and hide behind their men.

Her father stopped only for a second, "Then since you are not a blood child of Alehial and Altair I will speak with him." He pointed at Conner who now screwed up his face much like his father did some times. "I come looking to arrange a union and since Flint is no longer available." he let the rest travel off as he again looked at the carts.

Conner saw the odious one point and felt a terrible wrongness to being away from home. "Well, I think I'm going to go sail far away from those two for a while or until someone marries her or she gets something clerical magic can't cure....ow!" he exclaimed as Lucas smacked the back of his head.

"Try to behave yourself." the paladin chastised his brother, "You are in public and within earshot of my wife and Vex although I'm sure it doesn't faze her much." he said again nodding at Vex.

Lyriel reached her hand out and took the old man's finger. Squeezing tightly on the digit "Sir. I do believe I have told you. I am in charge of my families dealings when my parents are not here. I see you wish to speak with B'Tani, lady of Pelor... about putting your daughter in a nunnery yes? That can easily be arranged sir." Lyriel said her smile never wavering. She released his finger after debating breaking it.

Vex grinned. "Heard and seen worse sir." She nodded at Lucas and winked at Tani. Vex found it amusing how rude this merchant was being, and how he seemed to get away with so much. When no one liked him. Not the other merchants, not the king and not the people who worked for him either.

Tani smiled, "I've heard confessions Lucas, Though perhaps Conner should accompany the goods to make certain they arrive safely to the warehouse and estate, dear?" Tani said offering a peaceful and legitimate exit for Conner to escape with.

"I believe the lady doth speak a wondrous idea. Vex let us flee with purpose before Lyriel is unable to contain them." Conner said heading to the nearest cart.

If it was possible for him to look more offended Lyriel had found the way. "How dare you touch me you..." he said nothing else as Flint narrowed his eyes and dropped his hand to his sword. Insulting the man's wife would be his end he was almost sure. "Fine then, inform your father I will speak with him, today!" he then retreated to the carriage with Poppy in tow.

"Have a safe and easy ride home sir." Lyriel waved with the same smile on her face. Giving the public and guards no reason to think the Ravenwoods were any trouble. She smiled at Flint. "Trying to be a hero again?" She asked with a chuckle.

Vex rolled her eyes but waved the cart to stop and she climbed into the back to sit on the goods offering Conner her hand to help him up. "What a fun day." She said dryly looking at Conner as if this was all his fault.

Taking her hand Conner smirked, "I didn't really know that they were coming or that they would be looking at me like, well like they were." As the carts rolled away from the docks Conner looked behind them and shook his head, "They are following us Vex. For the love of the gods what does he want?" And sure enough the carriage kept pace behind the convoy all the way to the Estate.

"My guess and this is only a guess mind you is that they want the Ravenwood estate and riches." Vex said sarcastically as she watched them from her vantage. Once reaching the gate she gave a few hand signals to the gate guards. Keep the nobleman and his carriage off the grounds. The men stepped forward and halted the carriage once the convey had entered. The gates were closed as well behind them. After all most of this was going into the vault and no one was allowed to know of the vault but for the family, oldest, and those trusted like Bowers.

"Well, nope, not happening. Besides why try marrying Flint if they wanted everything my parents built. Galin's treason back when I was born forfit any claim to his noble line." Conner said again knocking the leader of the guild and his past crimes. He got down from the cart and turned to offer Vex a hand down, not really thinking just being a gentleman.

Vex jumped down herself and slapped his hand with her own. A sort of high five. "Because some of the family is better than none of it. Plus everyone knows Altair and Alehial adore Flint and hes more theirs than anyone elses." She said with a shrug before heading to the house, they could inform the lord and lady and they could do what they wanted with the treasure.

Conner looked shocked, "Are you saying my parents don't adore me? And besides, Flint turned everything he got from his family into the Andorian College of Magic, so now he's broke." He turned and followed Vex into the house. "Good afternoon Bowers, is my mother or father around?"

Bowers took their cloaks, "No young master Conner, your mother and most of the children plus Mistress Linlesse went to the market. And your father was called to the palace shortly after breakfast this morning."

"Gee I wonder just how hard it is to like a man who is well behaved, decent mannered, well meaning, caring... should I keep going?" Vex asked with a grin, perhaps she found something to nettle him with after all this time. Vex wondered though about Altair being called to the palace, it didn't happen often.

Conner was going to give her a rude response before he thought about it. "I'm vaguely insulted Vex, I have manners, mean well and care for a great many people. I may behave a little wild, but even my parents had their moments of being too wild for the good of society.

"Manners you use when they suit you, you mean well certainly and care for mostly close friends and family. Behaving wild is one thing and your parents certainly knew how to do that but you are full on rebellious if not teatering on traitorous." Vex says with a shrug as she ticked the items off on her hands. She wondered if he really understood what all his actions caused or made others think when he did them.

"You wound me deeply Vex, I'm no traitor...just unconventional." Conner said heading towards his room. He needed to check in on Grell and his group as they were several days out of Baerlon. Something told the young bard whatever was after them was not content to let them move on in peace.

Vex shrugged and removed her weapons belt. Alehial didn't like everyone walking around the house armed and vex knew better than to test the Duchesses limits right now. Who knew what direction the woman might snap? Vex made her way to her room to put away her weapons properly.

24 hours ago
Edric hated this part of working for Lord Soth, both he and his counter part were waiting in an ancient mausoleum at least that is what this place felt like. Seated ahead of them was Lord Soth in his armor with no weapon visible, but no doubt deadly as ever. Behind him he could just make out another figure cloaked in dark robes.

"Do you both know why I summoned you here?" Soth asked, his tone flat but with a hint of danger in it. He was spending too much time dealing with Andorian issues and not enough with his long term goals.

"Fed up with incompetence?" Sharixis shrugged, he was in his North Man guise still, wanting to adjust to it the best he could to entrance that Blade female and bed her. Maybe even gain power over her and corrupt him.

Soth's eyes narrowed, "Incubis, do you really wish to irritate me after what I did to your last master?" Just the mention of what Soth had done could even make a demonic creature shiver. There was death and then there was what had happened to the cambion that had commanded Sharixis before. "I need these distractions to serve purpose and for that I put you two together. If one of you is not being productive then this partnership may need dissolved."

Sharixis shivered and averted his eyes to the side and shrugged. "I wouldn't dream of angering you Master. We are working towards the best possible distractions." Sharixis said with a look to Edric. Sharixis was working towards something he hoped would have a high pay off, at any rate.

Edric lowered his eyes, "Master I was working at the original plan of starting unrest within the city. But, Conner Ravenwood got involved and the scum that I was using moved into the city and then left. I admit our plans didn't mesh together very well. But, we can do better."

"No." was Galin's response, flat and dared either one to argue. "Shariaxis, if you are so set on seducing the blade that protects Conner than so be it. But, I want you to report to Caliban when you are going to first bed her. He will then cause a distraction that will draw the bardic Ravenwood into a dangerous and possibly lethal confrontation."

"Yes Master. It will be done." Sharixis said, what he was really hoping for was an in to the household... he could glean some secrets and plant a few plots while he was there. Then Galin would be pleased with him, and maybe even reward him. Sharixis shivered at the thought of being chained and taken by Galin and maybe even his mistress. That would be... more than pleasant.

Edric did not move, Soth had taken the misfits away from him. He wondered what might be next and was concerned about what failure may do to him.

"Sharixis, avoid the pious members of the house as I'm sure they will notice you easily despite your disguise. Edric, I need you to be a little more hands on with causing strife in the city. I believe your commanding officer will do nicely, kill him and I will release an elf to be your scapegoat. Sharixis, go comfort the grieving widow I will use the same elf in her comfort."

"Yes master, I will do my best."Sharixis replieed before grinning, he loved fucking around and since this was a setup..."I will be sure to see to her well Master." Sharixis promised of the treatment of the widow. He loved a good bang, he wondered if she would fight... or fall to his charms. Both were fun and he grinned wickedly.

"Yes master, I will see to it. I believe I can best do it tomorrow night as I am on duty and he isn't. He likes to spend time at Finn's then take the long way home, stopping at his mistress for a short time. Shall Sharixis comfort her as well?" he asked.

"No." Galin said, I will give you that honor. Make it look like the elf killed both of them, Caliban will handle setting the scene to match the crime."

Sharixis narrowed his eyes but held his tongue. He knew his master was not in the mood for more sass. Not with his mistress away and his frustrations building up. Sharixis wondered if Edric was up to the task though, so far the man's superior had been making non humans lives as bad as the law allowed, extra fines, extra checks... forcing bribes... it was a wonder Galin wanted him dead.

"Sharixis, one last thing. You are not to impregnate the blade nor kill her. I want you to use her to cause issues inside the house. Conner is like his parents and feels a certain loyality to her." Galin said before dismissing them both.

The portal opened and they were able to return to Andor, stepping out they were in an alleyway not far from where Edric lived.

Sharixis mumbled under his breath and pulled his coat tighter around himself. "Well then partner... we have work to do it would seem." He said looking down at Edric. He had been hoping to run into the Blade woman by now... but so far had only seen the Psion and his wife and child. Which was quite dissapointing.

Laying on the floor of Vex's room was a note, most likely left there by Bowers after they had left. The scrawl was that of a northener's hand and the paper and ink were native of Andor.

Vex hung her belt and picked up the note. Strange that it was on the floor but she shrugged this was a weird place anyways. She opened it and read the contents. She recognised the script, so she knew who it was from.

"Dear Vex, I was writing in the hopes that this would reach you quickly. I have found a place to stay in town and wondered if perhaps I could buy you dinner and get to know you... or perhaps you could at least teach me more about this city. I am free this evening and am staying at a place called Finns Tavern. With warm regards Sylas."

Vex sat down on the bed as she read the note and couldn't help the smile that crept up on her lips. Now she had a name for the stranger... but she was busy though... Conner pretty much stated... He was done for the day. Vex would have to ask Conner and the Duke and Duchess if she might take the evening off. Vex stood up and put the note in the bag of her belongings. This was the first time someone had written her a letter. She then rang for Bowers. He would know if the Duke were back yet.

When Bowers arrived he nodded to her letter, "I see you found it, I had left it on you chest of drawers. And yes, Lord Ravenwood returned almost forty minutes ago, changed and went out to the practice circle. Lady Ravenwood and her entourage won't return for another hour or so. Is there anything I can do for you Mistress?"

"Yes if you could bring some paper and a quill... I'd like to send a reply. I'll go speak with Lord Ravenwood myself. Thank yoy." Vex said with a smile. She then scooted past him in the hallway and made her out outside to the practice ring, watching for a few moments the Lord practice on his own.

Altair had not missed many days of practice, but it always worked better when one of his children were available to spare with him. As he spun on his heel he saw Vex watching him. "Vex, how can I help you?" he asked lowering his weapons and reaching out to grab his waterskin.

"My lord... I was wondering if I might have permission to have the evening to myself tonight... perhaps you can catch up with Conner and keep him busy for a few hpurs?" Vex said unsure how she should ask for the time off for a date. She hadn't ever been on a real date before and was fairly excited at the idea, but she was trying to stay composed and aloof as she usually was.

"I don't suppose it will be too hard to keep an eye on him, with the most of the family already here there will be someone to go anywhere he wishes to tonight. So your request is granted and I hope you enjoy your night off."

"Thank you Lord Ravenwood!" Vex said bowing and grinning broadly, she turned in military fashion and made her way up to the Conners room. To tell him she would be busy this evening.

Conner was reading in the study, he felt with the interaction with Poppy and her father that something was afoot. His siblings had returned and were settling back into their rooms. Everything was returning to normal at the Ravenwood house except that Lily was still missing.

Vex after not finding Conner in his room or the one he had set up further up the house, in. She stopped a maid and asked the whereabouts of Conner before jumping to conclusions, she was relieved when she was told he was in the study. She opened the door and entered then wondering just what it was he was looking up. "Conner. I have some news, you may enjoy for once." Vex said with a smile as she leaned in the doorway.

Conner looked up and raised an eyebrow, "Well, It can't be that you're gonna follow me any closer, cause that is impossible. Are we taking a trip? Somewhere off the beaten path maybe a little dangerous, but with an amazing payoff if we find the treasure?" he knew none of those were what she needed to tell him, but she seemed in such a good mood he wanted to play just a little with her.

"Ah the dreams of the young." Vex returned her own jibe. "No. Your father gave me the evening to myself, I came to let you know your shadow would be missing for a few hours and you would finally be free for a while." Vex said with a grin. She figured he would be quite happy with the news, she was in fact in a pretty good mood and the smile on her face seemed to show it.

Conner looked a little confused, "A night off? Is this for a Blade function or something else?" The grin almost confirmed that it wasn't and to be honest he didn't know how he felt about that.

"What's it matter to you young master Ravenwood? It's an evening off, I'll be back tonight sometime. Don't get too lonely without my constant vigilance,to keep you out of trouble." Vex said with a laugh before she stood up and turned to leave him alone again. She was going to dress in less formal pants and shirt, maybe even put a dab of make up on. She wasn't certain how such things were done but... it couldn't hurt.

Now Conner was down right flumexed, why did he care? Vex deserved time to be by herself, but he couldn't place his thoughts on the situation. Was he jealous that she wouldn't be close by? He shook himself of the thoughts and instead decided to open his satchel and take out the plans for the warehouse renovation and made a couple changes. Even if Grell and his people weren't going to use it, perhaps someone else would.

Vex was dressed in her cleanest none Blade outfit, that wasn't also court attire. A dark orange shirt, a dark pair of britches, her best boots, a slightly fancier belt she even had a little eyeshadow and lip stain on. Her hair was only half braided just to keep it out of her face, and she stepped into Finns Sith confidence. She missed coming here regularly.

Sharixis in his guise was standing at the bar with a mug of ale already in his hands as he awaited Vexs arrival. She had sent a note say I g she would be happy to come and speak. When she did enter he smiled, she cleaned up very nicely, though he was a little disappointed she didn't wear a dress. He stepped away from the bar then to greet her. "Vex! I am zo glad you could come tonight!" He said his accent just as thick as before as he held out his arm to her.

Vex blushed softly but took his arm. This was definitely not what she was used to. "Me too, Sylas." Vex said almost shyly now, he was just as tall as she remembered, though now he was wearing a thick long sleeved shirt, tan in color with very fine embroidery around the hem and high collar, also his pants were tightfitting and partially hidden by the shirt that hung almost to his knees. Clearly native clothing still, and his hair was in a fancy braided updo.

Lyle Tosscobble motioned a serving girl to approach them, "Can I show you to a table? And then I can tell you the sepcials of the night."

"Zounds excellent thank you." 'Sylas said with a smile at the serving girl then Vex. When they reachesd the table Sylas pulled the chair out for Vex and scooted it in. Taking the seat on the other side of the table he was ready to listen to the specials.

Vex blushed softly again when he pulled out the chair. She was far out of her depth and clearly Northmen weren't just big giant killing, frost monster skinning wild men but something else altogether.They were after all much of a mystery to anyone in warmer climates who didn't often encounter them at all. She sat and also waited for the specials.

"Tonight we have a roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetable and bread. Or the hearty stew, bread, and cheese or our oven baked fish with an assortment of roasted vegetables and bread. Drinks tonight are Coris ale, Vale scout honey mead and any of our Ravenwood wines." the girl managed to say without missing a beat.

"Please," Sylas nodded his head to let Vex choose what she wanted first. Vex gave him a smile and told the serving girl. "Vale scout for me and the chicken. Thanks." She said simply, not wanting the man to spend too much on her.

Sylas smiled and inclined his head. "I vill try theze Ravenvood vines yes? And the chicken az vell. Thank you " he ordered then smiled and turned his attention solely to Vex. "I zee you are not vearing your military badge tonight?" He asked curiously.

"No, I have the night off from my duties. I thought it best to be... more relaxed. Is this your first time here in Bearlon?" Vex asked curiously then as she Leander forward elbows on the table and arms folded.

Sylas chuckled then. " My firzt trip to Andor. More relaxed iz alvayz a better option." He said with a much wider grin for her. He let it drop though not pushing her too hard. After all she was just getting to know him. He had to tread carefully. "I 'ave only ztoriez from others. Tell me of thiz place Vex." She said with a small gesture and polite smile for her yet again. Vex was about to speak when the serving girl returned with their drinks.

Thanking her again Vex took a drought and let out a content sigh at the taste. "I'm sure I'm not the best to ask... but... we do boast some of the biggest trade markets and shipping docks in the world, next to only Illian and Valusia. For a while Andor was the only country that had a trade deal with the elves as well. Until recently... how much do you kniw of Andor?" Vex asked intrigued where and what he was wanting her to tell him.

Sylas smiled, she hadn't been neasrly as open and talkative before. "Ve know of the Dragon Varz, and of the Guild of Zoth. Ve ho'ever also trade vith elvez. I vished to zee the great Andor, for my own zelf." He said with a laugh.

The serving girl and another came out after a little while with the chicken and sides for each and then she returned with the bread. "If there is anything else you need I am Joy." she said with a curtsey and twirled off to see to another's order.

"Your tribes... Do they have an opinion on all of this?" Vex asked softly wondering if the Northern people would ever involve themselves in the lower countries struggles or strifes. She began to pick at her food though.

Sylas looked thoughtful for a moment before taking a good drink of the wine. "My people think... that Ve should ztay out of conflict otherz bring upon themzelvez. Tell me Vex, I am 'aving an auction. For my goodz, if you 'ave any interezt in any of it. I can zell you zome at quite a cheaper cozt." He said then changing the topic from current affairs to something more light, he too began to eat.

They spoke of other things. Hunting and military, jokes from both that the other didn't seem to understand. Their plates empty, dessert come and gone, two glasses each of drink. Sylas stood then and offered his hand to her. " The muzic playz a tune I do not know, but vill you dance vith me?" He asked looking directly in Vexs eyes.

Vex laughed and blushed too, but she took his hand and stood. "I would be delighted but no promises to the safety of your feet" she giggled nervously, she knew how to dance a few Andorian dances but she didn't know Northmen even did dance.

Four days travel from Baerlon
Grell was walking ahead of the group, looking out fully armored and with all his weapons. They were used to moving around frequently. But had hoped they could stay the winter just outside Bearlon. They had dug out what they could from the huts and filled a cart they had bought. The children and those unable to walk all sat amongst the items. The other warrior was at the back of the group also at the ready. Moira was driving the cart and she was an expert had handling the reigns and dealing with the horses. They were heading north now as it would be safest for them. And after the traveling he wasn't sure being on the road was safe anymore either.

"Grell. Shouldn't we stop and make camp soon?" Gardac asked when they slowed and he could get close to their leader. They were losing light and unlike Grell he could not see in the dark, but if Grell intended to press on then that's what they would do. A little while ago he could have sworn he saw something just out of his vision.

"Very whell whe'll camph now." Grell said with a nod. He had been feeling on edge all day, pushing the pace more then he usually did on longer trips. There was something in the air he was used to feeling but... not while traveling like this. He had even given Hurk a short sword and club, this was the first time the little half orc boy would be trusted with such weapons, he was also taking turns walking with the men and riding the cart when he tired some.

They went to the cleared area and he put three gold prices in the tipping hat of the bard and gave him a nod. The lad eagerly started up a spritely dancing tune with a smile. Sylas smiled at Vex and still holding her hand put the other just above her rear and pulled her flush against his front. Sharixis was taking a few liberties with this to get her much closer of course but she could feel his hard body beneath the layers he wore. "Now ve dance!" Sylas told her as he jauntily began to hop spin and glide her through the moves.

Vex blushed bright red at the full frontal contact, she could even feel his slightly bulging manhood, just above her pelvis. Then he began to move and quite literally swept her off her feet as half the time his picked her up and spun her or twirled her. She did kick him a few times but his boots were sturdy and he was a big man. She begged for him to pause after two more songs and with a grin he acquiesced. Letting her sit and get her breath back. "I 'ave zomething just for this occazion." She said before running up the stairs to the rooms.

Vex panted for breath, her face flush from the drink and dancing both. She had a hand over her beating heart and had to admit this was the bsst night she'd ever had to enjoy herself. Second only to when Rand had picked her from a whole slew of recruit wannabes for the blades. It was only five minutes or so until Sylas was coming back and asking for two fresh glasses. He set gingerly on the table a small thin wine bottle. "For a fine evening, the finest drinkz." Sylas said with a wink and a kiss to Vex's hand.

Far from Andor inside a macabre laboratory
Caliban watched as his new pets stalked the mixed blood caravan, with growing interest. It was impressive how fleet of foot they were and easily controlled. They would do as Lord Soth wished and he would gather much knowledge from what they did. "It's a shame." he spoke aloud to himiself, "The half-orc would be a wonderful addition to the pool for the next generation of Reavers." But, Lord Soth had told him that none would survive the attack, it was required them all to die on the road with no help to rescue them.

On The table in a dark blue bottle, sylas had sat a small thin wine bottle, that contained a very rare and very expensive wine. Very very rare and so expensive it made Vex's eyes nearly bulge. North Cream Wine. Vex had never seen a bottle, never heard of anyone having a bottle or knew anyone who had drank it ever. "I couldn't!!" Vex said quickly looking startled at Sylas who was only grinning like a madman almost. He seemed delighted in her reaction. "I 'ave another bottle to zell, thiz one iz for uz." He said not letting her get out of it.

From the counter Lyle watched the tall north man and Vex with mild interest. Something about the young blade and Conner made him think of Alehial and Altair. Something about the north man made him curious or even a little distrustful, call it rouge's intuition. But, until he had something concrete he would keep his eyes open and a tab on his lodger.

Sylas set about the bottle then, pulling the cork quickly. Unlike other wines however there was no real pop or fizzle. Instead a mist seemed to roll from the lip of the bottle, Sylas grabbed a wine glass and expertly caught the mist and poured a fair amount into a glass. As it poured it was the cream color of milk but much smoother of a liquid. Once in the glass the mist settled atop the wine and acted as if it were a.liquid as well. The glass perspired then almost frosting the glass it was in. Sylas poured his own and recorded the bottle tightly.

Vex watched curiously, she hadn't seen it before and it was a curious thing, she took the first glass from Sylas gingerly. Waiting for him to be ready as well. ""To a vonderful evening... And an exceptional partner, hopefully ve vill 'ave more." Sylas winks at Vex as he raised his glass in the toast. "Skal!" He said before taking the first sip.

Vex blushed softly and raised her glass for the toast as well. She was surprised with how cold the glass she held was. "To many good evenings." She smiled back at Sylas before she too took her first sip. Her eyes widened, it was like no wine she had ever had. It tasted like thick fresh sugary cream and berries. She smiled brightly at Sylas, over the rim of her glass.

Sylas then took her free hand into his own and kisses the back of it softly. "Thiz evening haz truly been a vonder." He said with a charming smile and told of his head. His bright blue eyes bright and direct as he looked into her own.

Grell's camp
A campfire burned away as the small party stayed close together in the darkness which grew around them. The feeling of someone or something just outside the ring of light had been growing and everyone was concerned. Even the animals were nervous and shuffling about.

Grell had adviced everyone to keep the fires strong tonight. Yes there was a concern or orcs or kobolds occasionally popping up but this was different. And Grell was not happy, he hands near his weapons the entire time. He would not be sleeping. Hurk too looked only outside the circle of light, he said nothing but held both weapons openly, he was near the rest of the children but with his back to the fire.

A shout rang up as the horse broke it's rope and ran out from whatever spooked it, Gardac without thinking ran out after it until he left the ring of light. The next sound froze everything and everyone, the horse from further out shrieked in pain and then silence. Slowly Gardac drew his blade and began to take steps backward hoping to get into the light before whatever just killed the horse got to him.

Grell grabbed a torch from his pack and lit it in the fire before tossing it out in the direction his fighter went. "Shtay close to the fire!" He barked at the group, "Gar, Torch!" He shouted as he threw the torch out. Hoping it fell nearby. Now he knew why he had been on edge. They were being hunted.

Gardac bent to get the torch, as his fingers curled about the wood and he began to rise there was a figure was in front of him. It looked like a warrior swinging a spiked chain wildly through the air but beneath his helm all he could see were eyes wide with madness and sadistic grin contorting his features. Grell heard him cry out as the chain slashed down and the torch disappeared underneath the dead warrior. The creature turned toward the camp and as Gardac's clothes caught fire it let out a cry of victory and began to move forward. And as the cries of the camp began more of them began to close in on them, slowly.

Grell brandished his mace, yelling orders for the rest of the adults to protect the children. Many of the children cried in fear. Hurk though slow understood what was happening and pulled the weapons Grell had given to him. Grell's other warrior pulled his Kingswood and prepared himself. They would fight or die.

Vex blushed lightly at the kiss and hold of her hand. She took another sip and this time she could taste the alcohol barely as an after taste, it was similar to honey meads but sweeter still. Then they could hear the chimes. The clock tower was striking the eleven o'clock hour. Vex was honestly surprised with how late it was. "I should get going." She said softly with another sip of wine.

"Then let me valk you 'ome, after we finizh our drinkz yez?" He asks rubbing her knuckles gently with his hand, he took a good drink then and smiled at Vex.
Vex smiled back taking a mouthful from her own glass. Surprised when the taste changed from berries to blueberries and the cream flavor mellowed a little and became lighter. "I can make it on my own, you have your goods in your room. I am a Blade after all." She smiled at Sylas and let him hold her hand still. There had been a lot of hate crimes lately and she worried he would be targeted, even though he was human he was a towering man and they might target him regardless.

"Very vell." Sylas sighed dramatically but winked at her when he took another drink from his glass. "I vouldn't vant to go againzt the conztabulary." He chuckled softly. He finished his glass then and watched her finish hers.

Vex grinned at him, this had been a wonderful evening one she had enjoyed a lot more than she had thought she might. If this were what dates were like she was all for them, she finished the wine and was dissapointed it was an amazing taste one she probably would never drink again.

Now that she was done Sylas tucked the bottle of wine into his jacket and pulled her to her feet with the hand he was still holding. He would lead her out of the tavern at least.
Vex stood when he pulled her up with her hand and followedd him as he wove them between tables, seats and patrons alike. The bar would be soon on last call the Bard was packing his things, the evening was almost over anyways.
Once outside Sylas brought them closer to a light post. His green hand came up to caress the side of Vex's face lightly and his eyes poured over every detail of her face. "I am loathe to let you go." He said softly before leaning very close to her, stopping a few inches from her face. "Vould you mind, if I kizzed you dear Vex?" He asked in a soft voice.
His breath smelled like the wine and sweet. "I wouldn't." Vex whispered her answer softly, before she leaned forward to close the gap. Not letting him have the kiss but giving it instead.

Sylas groaned softly and wrapped both hands around her waist and back, lifting her from the ground, her arms wrapping around his broad shoulders and neck. He couldn't stop himself and deepens the kiss, her tongue tasted like blueberries which made him groan again.
Vex moaned into the kiss when he deepens it, his tongue tasted like raspberries and it felt like when they danced as their tongues swept against the other. Sylas let her down then and pulled back from the kiss. But even as he did he kissed her lightly, and again and again. "I zhould let you go..." he murmured kissing her lips softly again.

Vex pulled out of his arms and away from his kisses with a laugh. "I do have to go." She said with a smile her cheeks flushed from his kisses. Sylas grabbed her hand and kissed her palm then. "I vill call on you again for another evening, my dear. And have vizions of you until then." He promised his voice a little huskier. Vex blushed but nodded. "I will try to get another evening off." She said with a soft smile before pulling away and walking off down the road.

Sharixis smiled, the whole evening had gone perfectly. She was properly woo'ed, and he had his ticket in. If the next time they could become closer she might introduce him to the Ravenwood house and he could begin his distractions as Master Soth bid. He turned and entered the tavern again heading to the bar to speak to the shorty that ran the place. "Mazter, how much do I owe for the evening?" He asked with a charming smile, he was very pleased.

Lyle was drying a mug with his hand towel and he looked at Sylas, "One gold for the meals, four silver for the drink, plus server's tip." He set the mug down and looked at him plainly, "Also, I've had interest in your room. Do you know how many more days you plan to stay?" he added. Sylas had gotten one of the better rooms which included a bathing tub. And it normally ran five gold per night.

"I could downgrade my room, if it vould 'elp? Or find another place to ztay." Sylas said looking curiously at the little pest. He made no protest over the price, didn't try to negotiate either, simply pulled the coins from his coat and offered them up to Lyle. "My companion zuggezted I what was the term... auction? My goodz rather than find juzt one buyer." He said as if fishing for information on how an auction worked or where he could find one.

Lyle took the coins and put them into the drawer behind him, "changing rooms or changing inns is up to you. I merely inquired to the length of your stay so that I may inform the interested party when the room may become available. As far as an auction, The Hawkkeepers trade guild runs the best and most profitable for newcomers to Baerlon. Center marketplace, look for Amris Way halfway down on the left." He told the tall stranger.

"I am unzure of 'ow long my ztay vill be I'm afraid. Until my goodz are zold and I 'ave loaded up on goodz to return vith." Sylas shrugged looking apologeticly to Lyle, he nodded his head about the auction guild though. He smiled sheepishly at Lyle, before saying goodnight.

Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.4

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2018-01-19 [Sheamus Finn]: Change of mind, if you could post for Grell in the 4 days travel from Andor, which I need to change to Baerlon....

2018-01-19 [Nuktae-tal]: Okay do you want to separate each of the posts each Tim's it's on or the other? Or continue in the separations you already made?

2018-01-21 [Sheamus Finn]: Make a post for Grell in the seperation. then make the post for Vex/sylas. I will handle the rest....or I hope to

2018-01-21 [Nuktae-tal]: Lol okay.

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