Page name: Animal lovers united pictures part 5 [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-01-19 22:00:09
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This page is a part of animal lovers united

Fifth 10 pictures of animal lovers:

My cat, Millicent Minois "Millye". Millicent Minois means "hundred thousand cute little faces" in french. She's the queen of my house. [RedHeadWitch]
My mom's show dog, Blackboot's Joi de Noel "Joi-Joi" and our bunny, Zeus Gamin (more often known as "bun-bun"). Joi de Noel means "joy of Christmas" in French. Zues was originally Zoe Jolie (jolie means cute in french), but then we discovered his rather large male parts and the name no longer sounded right...."gamin" means "brat" in french.[RedHeadWitch]
This is my evil cockatiel, Oiseau. Oiseau means "bird" in french. Creative, i know. Anyways, she wants to take over the world.

Well, those are some of my pets. I also have two more dogs, a snake (ball python), three frogs, a hamster (her name is "Au Clare de la Lune", which means "in the clear (light) of the moon), a bunch of fish, and any random ailing wildlife that wonders into our houshold. I love my fuzzies so much.....[RedHeadWitch]

This my new dwarf bunny Leila, she is so beautiful i thought she deserved to be added :) [DawnUnicorn]

this is my cat honey sheis 2years old and i think that she is cute.....[Ghost the Hybrid]

[Know Why You Believe] My dog Pepper. A black American Cocker Spaniel. My best friend.
[Know Why You Believe] Misha is a English Springer Spaniel. She's just turned 8 months. She will be my new Agility dog when Pepper retires next year due to her cancer.

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