Page name: Atamis and Saremu [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-04-05 01:40:59
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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Atamis flew up and put of the cave, Saremu followed in anger. "Where's he going!?" Kuwabara ran to the opening of the now, half destroyed cavern. "He wants his orb back." Rika waked up by him as so did the others.

Saremu circled once in the air, following Atamis and shot another burst of fire. Atamis counteracted it using a beam of darkness from the orb. Saremu stopped, and dodged Atamis’s strike, and went right for him. He just missed as Atamis shifted to the left, but Saremu's black flaming body hit him, sending Atamis down in a blaze of black fire. Seeing this chance, Saremu shot another blast of fire from his mouth, hitting Atamis and knocking him harder into the ground. This set a large portion of the forest surrounding them ablaze in black fire. But Atamis wasn't going to go down that easily. He walked out of the flames, with his pants burnt a little and burn makes on his light blue skin. He spit out to the side and then came up and punched Saremu. The large dragon backed away a few steps before stopping and sending another blast of fire at Atamis. But this time Atamis was prepared.

He used a mirror shield to guard himself, then send the attack right back at Saremu. The fire attack hit the dragon, and with a screeching sound he flew back and hit the ground, shaking the island due to his size. He opened his red eyes with anger and rose up, and flew at Atamis. He tricked him by opening his mouth, as though preparing for another fire attack, but swiped Atamis with his, huge, shape claw. Atamis created a small crater in the ground when he hit it. Saremu dove into the ground with his mouth open at Atamis, creating a large cloud of dust and dirt to fly around them so no one could see.

The team had exited the cave and went up onto a high cliff the see the action. "Oh, I can't see!" Karisuto complained. "I can't either...." Kuwabara agreed. "Of course you can't you imbecile, the dust is in the way!" Rika said. "If Saremu eating Atamis didn't work before, then how can he think it'll work now?" Yusuke asked. "He doesn't. When he ate Atamis it only kept him dormant. Atamis's power created a shield while he was in the dragon, protecting him until he could escape." Rika explained. "So if the same thing happens again, then we might be able to find out a way to defeat Atamis while he stays dormant inside the dragon?" Kurama asked. "That's correct. But we might not have much time, seeing it didn't take him long to find a way out." Hiei answered. Then Saremu rose up from the dust with a shrieking roar, looking down into the dust, unsuccessfully. "He didn't get Atamis....." Rika said, "SAREMU ATTACK!!!" Saremu charged another fire attack, but Atamis walked out for the dust and looked up at him, "Now I see." then Saremu stopped. "Why do you follow the orders of that simple, weak girl? Your strong enough as it is. You don't need to listen to her." Atamis said and Saremu looked at him with a curious face. "What's he doing!?" Rika scowled.
"Think of it, you could be free again. You can rule over the worlds with your power. You don't need to listen to that girl, do you Saremu?" Atamis asked it. Saremu made a small wine and looked back at the shocked and somber Rika. He made a short, soft roar toward her and turned to Atamis, but now Saremu looked a bit angry. "Just think of what you can do if your not under HER control!" Atamis shouted. Rika now was pissed at Atamis's lies and sprouted her wings and flew up to Saremu. She put her arm on his head, "What the h3ll do you think you're doing Atamis!?" "I'm just showing that this dragon can have freedom." Atamis answered. "He is free!" Rika argued. "Then why does he serve you?" Atamis asked.

[jackassed little wise guy, how I wanna strangle him until his head pops off HIS FRIGIN'-! o.o, OH DON'T MIND ME.^^']

"He doesn't SERVE me, you b@$t+@rd!" Rika yelled. "Then why do you have him fight for you?" Atamis's eyes narrowed and Rika looked a bit shocked with widened eyes. She was speechless, not knowing the answer herself. She doesn't make him fight, he just....does........Saremu's eyes shifted to her and he nudged up to her. She put her other arm on his large cheek and looked at him curiously. She made a small sound and Rika smiled. She understood what he was saying, "He fights to protect me, Atamis." Atamis backed away a bit. "I SAVED Saremu when I found him. I protect him, so he protects me in return." Rika said, and Atamis backed away a bit more. "Saremu, if you would." She waved her arm at Atamis and Saremu blasted fire at him. Atamis's eyes narrowed, then he looked at the orb in his hand. Holding it up, black energy swarmed around him. "YOU CAN NERVE DEFEAT ATAMIS!!!" He yelled and the ora turned into a beam, engulfing Saremu's attack and headed right for the two. Saremu wrapped in front of Rika to protect her. She put up a shield to protect them both, but Atamis attack blasted right through the shield and hit Saremu. The dragon fell, and Rika got caught under him and was buried under him when they hit the ground. Atamis laughed and flew away. "SPIRIT GUN!!!!" Yusuke tried shooting his Spirit Gun at Atamis, but Atamis JUST dodged it, only getting a deep gash in his arm. That was only noticeable by the blood streaming out of it because all of his deep scares were blood red in the first place. Hiei tried using plants (vines rose up) to grab him, but to no avail. It wasn't much use for Kurama to use his rose whip, seeing how Atamis was out of reach by now.

Saremu lifted his head up and wasn't about to give up that easily. He charged and aimed for another fire blast and hit his target. Atamis was plunged into the sea below, and Saremu dropped his head on the ground and closed his eyes. Hiei watched Atamis fall, then the team ran to Saremu. "Where's Rika?" Kuwabara asked. "Buried under the dragon." Hiei answered as he stood on Saremu's body. "Under him!? How do we get to her? This guy doesn't look like he's going to move fo-" But Karisuto was interrupted as Saremu's body lifted up. The dragon stood up on his two front feet and walked his long flaming body off a ways and lied back down. Kurama, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei, and Karisuto immediately began to search for Rika in the ditch. Then a giant rock rose from the ground, and fell off of Rika. She had both hands on her head and walked a few steps. The others ran to her aid. "Rika, are you ok?" Kurama asked. Rika shook her head and rubbed it, "Your a lot heavier then I thought Saremu!" she yelled to the dragon. He just let out a short growl. Yusuke and Kuwabara just giggled, Karisuto sighed in disgust and rolled her eyes, Kurama smiled, and Hiei had a sweat drop. Rika stretched her arms out, "Where's Atamis?" "He kinda fell in the sea...." Yusuke answered. Rika rolled her eyes, "Karisuto, perform a mirror search please." Karisuto moaned a bit, "Fine, but it'll take a while........and be patient this time!" the fox said looking over her shoulder. "Only if you don't take as long as last time!" Rika put her hands on her hips. Karisuto just continued to walk away. "What's a mirror search? Some kinda spell?" Kuwabara asked.


Rika just kinda looked with an 'UH DUH!' kinda face and answered, "Try thinking about it if it's not too hard for you......" and walked away. Kuwabara looked confused for a moment, ".......uh.........HEY WAITA MINUTE!!!!!!" and he followed, (ran) toward her. The other three just shook their heads and followed as well.

An hour had went by now, it was still day, Rika had gone to help Karisuto and Hiei went to observe the spell, and the others, well......they were all hanging around a river bank, bored. "GWAAA! Why the heck are they taking so LONG!?" Yusuke finally shouted. "Just be patient Yusuke. Spell casting can take a while." Kurama said as he leaned against a tree. "Yeah well I hate waiting!" Yusuke stared in his reflection in the water. "Well you don't need to wait for long." Karisuto walked up to them, "Rika and Hiei are finishing up my mirror spell. Rika wants it to work efficiently." "Bet that's not all those two are doing....." Yusuke muttered and the three boys began to pain a picture, in their minds, of it. That is......until they got smacked over the head HARD by Karisuto, "HOW DARE YOU, YOU PERVERTS! Sure, Rika and Hiei DO love one another, but I do not think such things could happen while concentrating on spell!" then a small explosion by the beach interrupted them and the ran to check it out.

When they reached the beach, Rika and Hiei were coughing and waving black smoke from their eyes. The smoke poured into the sky from a circle in the sand. "About time......I was supposed I could still remember how to do this." Rika coughed. "Why?" Hiei asked, coughing as well. Finally stopping her hacking she answered in a chocking voice, "Well....I haven't done THIS ONE in a while." "Oh....." Hiei coughed again and chocked as they stepped away from the now, disappearing smoke. "What happened here?" Yusuke asked. "Just finished making my spell." Karisuto said and she walked up to the circle. Getting a closer look, there was markings and symbols in side the circle along with a star touching the circles edges. Then as the smoke vanished, the circle turned blackish and metallic-like. The rims of it glowed and a picture of the island came into view in the 'mirror'. "What's happening?" Kuwabara asked. "Like I said earlier, this is a mirror search. I'm the garden of the Spirit Mirrors. I can perform spells to search for things or people through the mirrors. But they have rules...." Karisuto said looking over the mirror. "Well what kinda rules?" Kuwabara asked. "They're not necessarily rules, but I get to choose whether the person who wants to use the mirror gets to see it or not." Karisuto answered.

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