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Pagan Dictionary



BA: The Egyptian concept of the soul had three parts ba (incarnation), akh (transitional) and ka (immortal). Upon death the soul would split into ba and akh. The akh would fly to the Afterworld and transform into the ka. The ba would remain with the mummy.

BABALAWO: The highest order of priest in Santería, a religion centering on the worship of the ancient African Gods who have been assimilated as Catholic saints. The babalawo has the power to heal the sick, punish the unjust and to divine the future through the Table of Ifá. 

BABAU: A species of ogre in Central France.

BABIAGORA: Lakes of a gloomy nature used for divination in Slavic traditions.

BACOTI: Common name for Mediums in Tonquin.

BAKOR: A Vodoun priest (houngan) more involved in harmful magick than healing. The term means “one who serves the loa (Gods and ancestral spirits) with both hands.” Also known as Boko, Bokor.


Harm or disaster; 
Sorrow, woe; 
Something which is harmful
BALEFIRE: Ritual fire symbolizing the banishing of ill by the power and presence of the divine. Balefires are usually lit for Fire Festival Sabbats such as Beltane.

BALSAM: A resinous or waxy semi-solid compound that captures the essence of a liquid medicine or perfume. 

BALSAM OF THE ALCHEMISTS, BALSAM OF THE SOUL: In Alchemy, Liquor Hepatis (associated with the soul) mixed with fat or wax.


To banish;
To curse;
To forbid.

Deadly harm, ruin, death; 
Something which causes harm, ruin, or death; 
A poison.

To magickally end something;
To exorcise unwanted entities;
To demand removal of (or physically remove) a presence.
BANSHEE (Irish, bean: "woman", sidhe: "fairy"): 

A female fairy attached to a specific clan or family in Ireland who keens when there is an impending death in the family. Over time the banshee have been associated with malice because they are an omen of death;
A malicious fairy or otherworldly entity corrupted by power;
An adept who has decided to use power for selfish gain;
Also known as Beansidhe.
BAPTISM: The rite of consecration by Water. Primarily connected with Christianity. Baptismal rites exist in a number of cultures and differs from ablution (ritual bathing) in that it connotes the initial dedication to a religious faith.

BAPTISM OF THE LINE: A Rite of Passage for persons crossing the equator for the first time. Sailors continue to practice the elaborate initiation ritual to this day.

BARDIC WICCA: A mix of Celtic Wicca and Celtic Druidry.

BARGUEST: Mischievous goblins that are visible in the daytime and are distinguished by their preference to sit on bars or gates. Also known as Bo-Guest.

BAR-LGURA: Semitic demons who leap on people from rooftops. People afflicted by Bar-Lgura are called d'baregara.

BARROW: A burial mound, like those found in Celtic or Native American archeological sites.

BARU: A caste of Semitic priest.

BASILIDEAN: A Gnostic sect founded by Basilides of Alexandria, who claimed to have received his esoteric doctrines from Glaucus, a disciple of the Apostle Peter. The system had three grades: material, intellectual, and spiritual and it possessed two allegorical statues, male and female. The doctrine had many points of resemblance to that of the Ophites and Cabala.

BASILISK: A mythological creature with the head (and sometimes wings) of a rooster and the body of a dragon. The serpentine animal was hatched from a hermaphroditic cock's egg by a toad and nursed by a serpent. Also known as Cockatrice.

BCE (Before Common Era): The non-religious term for the BC (Before Christ).

BEALTAINE, BEALETEINE, BEALLTUINN: The May 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the beginning of the Light Half of the Year. Also known as Belltaine, Beltain, Beltaine, Beltane, Beltine, Bel-tine, Boaldyn, Cala' Me,Calan Mai, Calan Me, Cétshamain, Cyntefin, Dydd Calan Mai, Feast of Bíle, Kala-Mae, Kala-Hañv, Lady Day, May Day, May Eve, Walpurgisnacht.

BEANSÍDHE (Irish, bean: "woman", sidhe: "fairy"): 

A female fairy attached to a specific clan or family in Ireland who keens when there is an impending death in the family. Over time the beansidhe have been associated with malice because they are an omen of death;
A malicious fairy or otherworldly entity corrupted by power;
An adept who has decided to use power for selfish gain;
Also known as Banshee (which is also the oral pronunciation of Beansidhe).
BEFORE COMMON ERA (BCE): The non-religious term for the BC (Before Christ).

BELL: A hollow object, usually cuplike in shape, that will make a ringing sound when struck. The bell is a sacred tool in most religions, and is most frequently used to ward off negative energies and/or summon deities or positive energy. 

BELLTAINE: The May 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the beginning of the Light Half of the Year. Also known as Bealtaine, BealeTeine, Bealltuinn, Beltain, Beltaine, Beltane, Beltine, Bel-tine, Boaldyn, Cala' Me,Calan Mai, Calan Me, Cétshamain, Cyntefin, Dydd Calan Mai, Feast of Bíle, Kala-Mae, Kala-Hañv, Lady Day, May Day, May Eve, Walpurgisnacht.

BELOMANCY: Divination through interpreting arrows. This type of divination is expressly forbidden in the Koran. Also known as Bolomancy.

BELTAIN, BELTAINE, BELTANE, BELTINE, BEL-TINE ("bright fire" or "Bel's fire"): The May 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the beginning of the Light Half of the Year. Also known as Bealtaine, BealeTeine, Bealltuinn, Belltaine, Boaldyn, Cala' Me,Calan Mai, Calan Me, Cétshamain, Cyntefin, Dydd Calan Mai, Feast of Bíle, Kala-Mae, Kala-Hañv, Lady Day, May Day, May Eve, Walpurgisnacht.

BENNU: A mythological bird that consumed itself by fire every 500 years and recreated itself from the ashes as a newborn. Also known as Fung-hwang, Fum-hwang, Ho-Ho, Kerkes, Phoenix.

BESOM: A bundle of twigs attached to a handle that is used to cleanse and purify sacred space. A ritual broom.

BETA STATE: The conscious state of being awake, alert and engaged in physical activity where the brain waves register at 14-30 cycles per second. Alpha State, at 7-14 cycles per second, is the altered state of consciousness associated with relaxation, meditation and dreaming. Theta State, at 4-7 cycles per second, is the semi-conscious state associated with drowsiness, euphoria, and deep tranquility. Delta state, at 1-3 cycles per second, is the unconscious state of deep, dreamless sleep.

BEZOAR (Persian, pad: "expelling"; zahr: "poison"): A hard mass deposited around a foreign substance (e.g.; hair) in the stomach or intestines of some animals. Bezoar were thought to be a remedy for poison by ancient physicians and alchemists. Egyptian priests discovered bezoars during the preparation of mummies and believed the hard balls were magical pills formed by the large serpent in man (the intestines). Some evidence suggests that the Egyptians also looked for a similar pill in the small serpent in man (the brain) and found it there in the form of the pineal gland. This pine-shaped gland is imbedded with tiny crystals of dark melanin, and could explain the Egyptian pinecone emblems and the origin of the caduceus itself. Gold was considered a mineral bezoar by alchemists.

BHUVAR (Vedic): The plane, or level of energy and existence, between the Mental and the Physical Planes. Also known as Astral Plane, Antariksha or Antariksa (Sanskrit).

BIBLE: Holy scriptures of the Christian religion, containing the Old and New Testaments.

BIBLIOMANCY: Originally, the divination used to assess the guilt or innocence of a person accused of sorcery. The person was weighed against the great Bible in the Church and if the person weighed less than the bible they were deemed innocent. Today, bibliomancy refers to divination interpreting randomly chosen passages in books and is also called stichomancy. The most common form is opening a book to a random page to answer a question. The Bible is still the most frequently used book, although any book may be used. Using books by Virgil and Homer specifically is called stoichemancy. The variant of using a book of poetry is called rhapsodomancy. 

BIDDY: A figure created by plaiting the last sheaf of a harvest. In some communities the biddy was made by each farmer, those pulling off their harvest first calling theirs the "corn maiden" and the last one made was the Cailleach or Harvest Old Wife. In other traditions only one biddy was made and the figure passed from farmer to farmer until the last harvest was pulled. Although possessing the true biddy could be viewed as a reproach for laziness, the figure represents the fertility of the Earth and the Goddess and is used in the spring in a variety of ways to ensure a good harvest. Also known as Corn Dolly, Corn Maiden, Cailleach, Caillech, Cailliach, Callach, Harvest Old Wife. 

BILBERRY SUNDAY: The August 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the first harvest, when the fruits of the Earth are cut and stored for dark winter months. The sabbat also marks the weakening of the God as the days grow shorter. Also known as August Eve, Fraughan Sunday, Crom Dubh Sunday, Death of the God-King, Domhnach Chrom Dubh, Feast of Bread, Feast of Lug (Lugh), Festival of the First Fruits of Harvest, Festival of the Sacrifice and Death of the God-King, Garland Sunday, Laa Luanistyn, Laa Luanys, Lammas, Lammas Day, Lughnasa, Lughnasadh, Lugnasad, Lúnasa, Lúnasdain, Lúnasdal, Lúnasduinn, Martinmas, St. Martin's Eve. 

BI-LOCATION, BILOCATION: To be consciously aware of both the physical environment and the astral environment during astral projection. Also known as Mind-Travel, Over-Looking.

BINAH: In the supreme triangle of the Cabala the threes sides are reason, Kether, necessity, Chochmah, and liberty, Binah.


To tie together; 
To tie down, hold, or restrain; to obligate or compel, as by an oath;
To prevent from a specific action;
To magickally restrain something or someone.
BINDING, A: A spell constructed and implemented to restrain someone or something, or to ‘bind' them to the practitioner. In most pagan traditions bindings are done to prevent a person from harming themselves or others and is used as a last resort when all other possibilities have been exhausted.

BIRRAARK: Australian necromancers.

BIRTH NUMBER: The number calculated in numerology by your date of birth (eg: February 14, 1954 = 2+1+4+1+9+5+4=26=2+6=8). A person's birth number is unchangeable and reveals basic personality and innate characteristics. It is also known as the Number of Personality.

BISCLAVERT: A were-beast in Brittany.

BLACK MAGICK: A term used to identify some traditions where Magick is used for destructive purposes. Also known as the Left Hand Path, Path of Shadows.

BLACK PHASE, The: The first stage in alchemy that takes place during Calcination (oxidation). Also known as Melanosis.

BLESSED BE: A term derived from the ritual of the Five-fold Kiss, it is simple a blessing commonly used by wiccans and pagans as a greeting or a goodbye. Abbreviated as BB or B*B. 

BLESSING: A word or words in the form of a spell designed to benefit and/or protect. 

BLIGHT: A word or words in the form of a spell designed to cause harm or destruction. A popular form of a blight is the simplistic "a down mouth be yours". Other blights can be more complex in form and delivery. Similar to Taboo, a word of that prohibits and restricts. Also known as Curse.

BLOOD OF THE MOON: A woman's menstrual cycle. Many traditions believe that a woman is far more powerful at this time than during any other time of the month, especially if this cycle occurs over a Full or New Moon.

BOALDYN: The May 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the beginning of the Light Half of the Year. Also known as Bealtaine, BealeTeine, Bealltuinn, Belltaine, Beltain, Beltaine, Beltane, Beltine, Bel-tine, Cala' Me, Calan Mai, Calan Me, Cétshamain, Cyntefin, Dydd Calan Mai, Feast of Bíle, Kala-Mae, Kala-Hañv, Lady Day, May Day, May Eve, Walpurgisnacht.

BOCK: An ancient sprite, spectre or goblin. Also known as Bogey(man), Boggart, Boggle, Bogle, Bole, Boman, Bug-A-Boo.

BODDHISATTVA: An adept who leaves Nirvana and reincarnates in order to help mankind, usually through founding and teaching a religion.

BOGEY (MAN), BOGGART, BOGGLE, BOGLE: An ancient sprite, spectre or goblin. Also known as Bug-A-Boo, Bole, Boman, Bock.

BO-GUEST: Mischevious goblins that are visible in the daytime and are distinguished by their preference to sit on bars or gates. Also known as Barguest.

BOKO, BOKOR: A Vodoun priest (houngan) more involved in harmful magick than healing. The term means “one who serves the loa (Gods and ancestral spirits) with both hands.” Also known as Bakor.

BOLE: An ancient sprite, spectre or goblin. Also known as Bock, Bogey(man), Boggart, Boggle, Bogle, Boman, Bug-A-Boo.


A curved, white-handled knife used for practical magickal purposes such as cutting, as distinct from the Athame. For instance, the knife can be used to harvest herbs, cut a branch for a wand, inscribe candles, etc.;
Bolline is sometimes used to refer to a sickle-shaped Athame in traditions which allow it to have that shape;
Also known as White-Handled Knife.
BOLOMANCY: Divination through interpreting arrows. This type of divination is expressly forbidden in the Koran. Also known as Belomancy.

BOLT-HEAD: A round-bottomed flask with a very long neck used in alchemy. Also known as Matrass.

BOMAN: An ancient sprite, spectre or goblin. Also known as Bock, Bogey(man), Boggart, Boggle, Bogle, Bole, Bug-A-Boo.

BON: The native Tibetan religion that was later merged with Buddhism and Tantrism.

BOOK OF CHANGES, The: An ancient Chinese system of oracular divination that reveals patterns of subtle forces. The questioner is required to interpret the information provided through deep introspection and intuitive thought. The Book of Changes dates back to about 2852 B.C. Also known as I Ching.

BOOK OF THE DEAD: The Egyptian funerary work called pert em hru, properly translated as "coming forth by day" or "manifested in the light". There are several versions of the work including those of Heliopolis, Thebes, and Sais. Many papyri of it have been discovered and the full work contains almost 200 chapters.


The collection of liturgical and canonical material that is passed down through many pagan traditions like Gardnerian Wicca; 
A personal book of rituals, recipes, journal entries, laws/rules, and other documents important to a witch or pagan. Unlike the Traditional Book of Shadows each Personal BOS is different as the individual decides what is necessary for their book. More commonly called a Grimoire.
BOOK OF THOTH: Tarot Cards.

BOTANICA: A shop specializing in the sale of magickal materials for Voudoun, Macumba and Santeria.

BOTANOMANCY: A form of pyromancy, interpreting burned or burning tree branches and leaves. Originally the branches of brier and vervain were used and the question was carved into the branch. Often used today to refer to divination by the interpretation of plants.

BOTTLE IMPS: A class of German spirits similar to the fairy. 

BRIAH: The third of three stages of spirit classes in the Cabala. 

BRIDGE OF SOULS: The concept of a bridge being the means of passage from this world to the Afterworld is a common premise in many religions. The most common physical manifestation attributed to the Bridge is the rainbow.

BRIGIDMAS, BRIGIT'S DAY: The February 1st Greater Sabbat marking the midpoint of the Dark Half of the year and a time of purification and sharing. This sabbat celebrates the Return of the Goddess from the Underworld, bearing in Her arms the Infant Sun, and the beginning of Spring as the slumbering seeds begin to stir within the womb of the Earth. Also known as Candlemas, Feast of Pan, Feast of Torches, Feast of the Waxing Light, Festival of the Lactating Ewes, Gouel Varia ar Gouloù, Gwyl Ffraed, Gwyl Mair Dechrau'r Fwanwyn, Imbolc, Imbolg, Laa'l Breeshey, Lá Fheile Bride, Lupercalia, Oimealg, Oímealg, Oimelc, Óimelc, Oímelg.  


BRITISH TRADITIONAL WICCA: The groups of Wiccan Traditions who can trace their lineage to Gerald Gardner, and/or to Alex and Maxine Sanders. Some British Traditional Wiccans practice the arts of Traditional Witchcraft from ancestors in ancient Europe, that have been preserved and passed on by the Ordo Anno Mundi, a magical order of Initiates dedicated to the training of its members in the arcane sciences of nature. British Traditional Wiccans experience the same Mysteries, using substantially the same rituals and techniques. Variations may exist between individual Covens, Lineages and Traditions but it is the same Initiatory Mystery Path. The British Traditional groups view Wicca as an Initiatory, Oathbound, Magick-using, Pagan Mystery Priesthood celebrating the Mysteries contained in the Legend of the Descent of the Goddess and in the Charge of the Goddess.

BRITISH TRADITIONAL WITCHCRAFT: Those Traditions tracing descent from a Hereditary, or Traditional, British source, including the Gardnerian and the Alexandrian Traditions and their branches and offshoots and several others derived from British sources such as Sybil Leek's Horsa Coven, Plant Bran, and the Clan of Tubal Cain. Some British Traditional Witches consider the term Wicca a synonym for British Traditional Witchcraft, while others reserve the term Wicca for the Gardnerian and Alexandrian Traditions and their offshoots and consider Wicca to be a wholly-contained subset within British Traditional Witchcraft.


The forest in Brittany where Merlin was imprisoned;
A term to describe the vague unreality of legendary scenery.
BROOM CLOSET, The: Slang term used to describe the state of hiding pagan practices and affiliations. Being "in the broom closet" means that a practitioner does not declare their religion to others. It is a common and accepted practice for practitioners, especially solitaries, to avoid persecution.

BROWNIE: A good-natured elf or goblin, known for doing housework at night. Also known as Kobold.

BUDDHISM: The religion based on the doctrine of Gautama Buddha that asserts suffering is inseparable from existence and that enlightenment is achieved by the inward extinction of the self and of the senses. Buddhism is the predominant religion of eastern and central Asia, and is represented by many different sects.

BUG-A-BOO: An ancient sprite, specter or goblin. Also known as Bock, Bogey(man), Boggart, Boggle, Bogle, Bole, Boman.

BRUHO NATURALEZA: A practitioner of Hechiceria, the pre-Columbian magickal tradition in Mexico. Also known as Nugual, Hechicero.

BRUJA: Female practitioners of Brujeria, a Mexican shamanistic magickal system that is an integration of Roman Catholicism and Native American lore. The term is sometimes used in Mexico, Meso-America and Hispanic communities in the US to refer to any female witch. Bruja (female) and Brujo (male) are sought for remedies for physical illness primarily and the Curandera (female) and Cureandero (male) are sought for spells and charms to remedy emotional, romantic, and social problems. Both disciplines use herbal and folk remedies. The Bruja and the Curandera (females) are considered to be more powerful than their male counterparts. See also: Brujeria, Curandera.

BRUJERIA: A Mexican shamanistic magickal system that is an integration of Roman Catholicism and Native American lore. Practitioners are called Bruja (female) and Brujo (male); and Curandera (female) and Cureandero (male). Both Curanderos and Brujos use herbal and folk remedies

BRUJO: Male practitioners of Brujeria, a Mexican shamanistic magickal system that is an integration of Roman Catholicism and Native American lore. The term is sometimes used in Mexico, Meso-America and Hispanic communities in the US to refer to any male witch. Bruja (female) and Brujo (male) are sought for remedies for physical illness primarily and the Curandera (female) and Cureandero (male) are sought for spells and charms to remedy emotional, romantic, and social problems. Both disciplines use herbal and folk remedies. The Bruja and the Curandera (females) are considered to be more powerful than their male counterparts. See also: Brujeria, Curandera.

BURNING TIMES, The: The historical time from around 1000 CE through the 17th century when it is said that over nine million people were tortured and burned by church and public officials on the assumption that they were the Christian version of Witches. Most executions were in fact by hanging, not burning. While it is claimed that thousands and even millions were killed, a small fraction were actually witches. Many were heretics or Christians accused of witchcraft by those who disliked them. Modern historians cite the motivation of these acts as mercurial, as all land and property was seized from the accused individual and portions given to the accuser (in reward fashion) and the remainder seized by the church officials. Historical documentation indicates that the majority of people tortured and murdered were women and children.


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