Page name: BotO De Lorme Condo Chapter One [Exported view] [RSS]
2016-05-13 01:07:55
Last author: Synirria
Owner: Synirria
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The Condo of Risk De Lorme Chapter One



Part of a larger building of condominiums and apartments, Risk's condo is actually one of the smaller units at a paltry 1000 sq.ft. and sitting three stories above the ground, affording a lovely view of the harbor and marina from the balcony.


Risk gave a light sigh as he led Lena up to his condo. He made sure she followed him from the elevator to his front door, where the numbers 28119 were emblazoned fashionably into the wood like a branding. He slid his key into the lock and paused to give her a smile as it turned it. "Be nice, it's been a while since the maid came around. She's on vacation." he said playfully. He pushed the door open and motioned for her to go first into the apartment.

Lena smiled then took a step into the apartment. "What are you talking about? This place is great!" She replied back enthusiastically as she glanced back over her shoulder at him before turning to move further inside. She set her bag to the side being a little more careful to lower it down more gently then let out a loud and exaggerated stretch. "Feels like home!"

Risk laughed at her gently as he followed her inside. He shut the door and moved into the kitchen, setting his briefcase down on the counter and going to the fridge. "Feel free to explore. Are you thirsty?" he asked, reaching into the fridge for a bottle of water for himself.

His apartment was large. It was around 1000 sq.ft. with an open kitchen and living room floor plan. He had not only nice, clean, expensive furniture, but he was clearly not afraid to lavish his money on the nicer things. His condo was equipped with a 72 inch plasma tv screen on one wall, a pricey radio on a shelf across from the kitchen, and all manner of other high-priced technical gear. His kitchen was grey slate and marbling, with steel appliances, and his balcony opened up into a great view of the harbor and the ocean beyond.

This place was like a palace compared to some of the hotels Lena had stayed in recently. She couldn't believe she was going to stay here. I could get used to this. She thought jokingly then looked over at Risk when he asked if she were thirsty. "Oh yeah, can I just get some water." She called as she moved to study his collection of music by the radio. "So you live here all by yourself?"

"Well, I wouldn't say that," Risk said with a chuckle, bringing a bottle of water over to her and offering it to her. Despite living alone, he was very rarely ever actually alone. He thought of Becca and Regina, Kelsy and Fiona, and the list went on and on. He blushed only slightly, cleared his throat, and pressed on. "So there's the couch," he said, motioning to the matching black leather and suede couch, loveseat, and recliner set in from of the plasma tv. "Its pretty comfy, but I can do you one better." He smiled at her, the grabbed her bag and hoisted it into his shoulder smoothly, hefting it towards a hallway back near the front door.

"You kicking me out already?" Lena joked with a smile as they headed back towards the front door. "The couch is really ok.. I don't want you going to any trouble for me." She continued as she clasped her hands behind her back and although her words were true she couldn't help but feel curious as to what he was going to show her.

Risk shook his head with a laugh. "Its no trouble if it's already ready and not being used." he said and paused outside the second door in the hallway. He opened it for her, revealing a smaller bedroom with a full-size bed, an empty closet, and a small personal desk in the corner. The bed was bedecked in brightly-colored blankets and pillows, all vivid pinks and yellows. The paintings on the walls were much the same. "This is the room my sister stays in when she visits." he explained. "But she hasn't visited since Christmas, so it can be yours for a while."

Lena's eyes widened at the sight of the room and the bright décor and for a moment she was silent, standing next to Risk, her eyes looking over everything slowly. "I love it!" She suddenly yelped before hurrying forward and flopping back on the bed, arms splayed out on either side. After a few seconds she sat up and grinned at Risk. "Your sister has good taste in décor.." She said with a confirming nod then stood and moved to her bag and removed her purse. "How much can I pay you for staying here?" She asked looking up at him through her large glasses.

For a moment Risk looked confused, as if he was waiting for the punchline. Realizing she was serious, he started to laugh that joy-inducing sound and shook his head. He sat her bag down on the floor by the closet and said, "that's not necessary, dear Lena. Really. You have seen my apartment... I am in no way hurting for your money." he smiled, straightening up.

Lena held her purse to her chest as she blinked up at Risk in surprise. "That's really very kind. You'll have to allow me to repay you in some way. Maybe I could keep the place clean while I'm here? You know do the dishes, vacuum.." She suggested. "Have you got a dog? I could walk them.." She joked with a small laugh. "Or a car you'd like me to wash. Anything at all I can help with."

Risk laughed again. "I have a maid, and no pets. And I walk most of the time, so my car never really gets dirty enough to be washed..." He shrugged and smiled at her kindly. "But if you're looking for something to do, I could use some help at my office... My last Secretary quit suddenly a few weeks ago and I've yet to find another. If you're any good at bookkeeping I could definitely use the help." he said.

"I can do that. My organisational and book keeping skills are second to none!" Lena grinned then suddenly dropped her purse and thrust out her hand towards him to shake. "I think we have a deal then. I'll work for you in exchange for you letting me stay here."

"Sounds like a plan," Risk nodded and shook her hand gently, but not at all without power in his fingers. He smiled at her and then said, "well then we should get back to my office and start your first day! I need to return that contract to my boss for Tilly... So why don't you get changed, hm? We can pick up lunch on the way."

Lena suddenly blushed as she looked down at her colourfully mismatched outfit. It wasn't really the attire for a professional secretary, but now she thought about it she wasn't sure any of her clothes would be suitable. "Ok.." She said slowly. "Let me see what I can come up with. I'll just be a moment." She finished politely then waited patiently for him to go.

Risk smiled and nodded, glancing at his rather expensive watch as he turned to leave her room. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out as he reached her doorway. "Oh... Uh... Actually, we may have to forgo the wardrobe change..." he said and looked at her. "They need me back at the office asap. You're still welcome to come, or you can stay here and make yourself comfortable, whichever."

"If you have no objection to what I'm wearing I'd like to accompany you. No point hanging around here when there's work to be done, right?" Lena replied cheerily, a wave of relief washing over her when she heard she wouldn't have to change.

"No, I don't mind," Risk smiled at her and nodded. He moved out of the room and back towards the front door, opening it and holding it open for her politely. "After you, madame," he said formally with a sweeping motion of his arm.
"You're such a charmer Mr Delorme." Lena laughed as she stepped towards the door, brushing her fingers through her blonde hair as she did, hoping to make it look a little tidier. "I think you and I are going to get on very well." She grinned and gave him a small wink before she disappeared outside.

Risk was all too happy when they finally got home to his condo. He unlocked the door for them and stretched as he walked inside, giving a happy groan. "Alright. How about you go pick us out a movie," he asked, motioning to the cabinet of DVD's and Blu-Ray discs on the wall beneath the flat screen, "and I'll get the popcorn and lava cake ready."

"Ok!" Lena gave a firm nod as she peeled her coat off. "I'm just going to go and get changed first." She turned and hurried to her room, returning a few moments later in a pair of cosy purple pyjamas with large yellow stars printed all over them. Her hair was scrapped messily on top of her head and her feet were wrapped in fluffy white socks, making her slid across the floor as she hurried to pick a movie. She quickly selected a light hearted comedy, which she clutched eagerly in her hands, waiting for Risk's return.

Risk returned a few moments later in a pair of cotton pajama pants and a plain black t-shirt, his bare feet tapping the floor as he went back into the kitchen to check the popcorn. It was almost ready. He plated their lava cake as well, warmed them up in the microwave a bit, and then carried the plates to the coffee table in front of the tv. "Which one did you pick?" he asked with a smile. When he saw the movie in her hands, he laughed. "Ah, I like that one." He left the lava cake on the coffee table and went back into the kitchen. "Would you like some milk with your chocolate?"
"Yes please!" Lena called as she dropped to sit on the floor behind the coffee table, crossing her legs beneath her as she did. She pulled her plate of lava cake towards herself but didn't touch it, not wanting to appear rude in front of Risk.

Risk came back a few moments later with two tall glasses of milk and the bag of popcorn under his arm. He set everything down, then set up the DVD to start playing on the tv. Once it was all set up and starting, he plopped onto the couch beside her and sighed. He stuck his fork into the cake and hummed as he took the first bite, nodding appreciatively. "That is good."

"Mm-hm.." Lena agreed through her first mouthful. "Thanks for this, for everything..I know I've said it many times today but you really helped me out. I was starting to worry that maybe this was one spontaneous adventure too far. That I should have just stayed on that bus.." She chuckled as she glanced at him. "Have you lived in this town your whole life?"

"Most of my life, yes." Risk smiled at her, licking his fork clean before taking another bite of lava cake. The movie was running through the opening credits. "I like it here... never saw any reason to leave. I think you'll come to feel the same way about our little Athens in time."

"That would be nice. I usually always find a reason to leave a place.." Lena chuckled after she had taken a large gulp of milk. She finished up the rest of her lava cake quickly then slid the plate back onto the coffee table before she pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, her eyes focusing on the movie. "I love this one.."

"Me, too," Risk chuckled, lounging back into his couch with the bag of popcorn beside him, and one foot propped up on the coffee table. He smiled as they watched the movie in relative silence, seeming completely relaxed around her despite that the entire scenario was a bit out of the norm for him.

Lena had laughed and smiled at all the right places in the movie as she shifted to curl up more comfortably on the couch. Only a short time before the end she stifled a loud yawn, her eyes growing heavier with each passing second. Before she could stop herself she drifted off into a deep sleep, where she lay curled up.

Risk looked over at Lena as the movie ended, about to make a comment on it, but stopped short when he saw her curled up on the couch. He smiled crookedly and sighed lightly, before standing and moving to shut the movie off. He put everything away and cleaned up their movie mess, before going into her room and pulling the covers back on her bed. He then went back out into the living room and very carefully hoisted her bridal-style into his arms and against his chest. He carried her through the apartment to her bedroom and gently rested her in her bed, then covered her up, and closed her door over for her. Just as he left her room, he heard his phone go off on the counter in the kitchen and he went to answer it, smiling at the name on the screen. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Natasha! It's been a while, beautiful, how are you?" he asked, leaning against the counter with a smile.


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