Page name: BotO Kasen/Gelson Duplex Chapter Four [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2017-05-08 02:26:30
Last author: Synirria
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Dorian Kasen and Tilly Gelson's Duplex

Gelson's side       ||                                     Kasen's side


Jade wouldn't be at work today. Dorian had that cold feeling in his stomach the moment he woke up. He should be glad, she was going to rest after yesterday's scare, wasn't she? No, of course she wouldn't. She was too headstrong for that. An ocean current, moving when it wanted to and no one able to change it. The lead in his chest was making it awfully hard to get out of bed today. How long had he been staring at the gray ceiling of his bedroom? Too long he supposed. It was definitely time to get up. Perhaps he should just call in sick, go and spend a relaxing day with Jade? They could go swimming. They had done that before, it had been fun. The weight on his chest increased and he covered his face with a pillow in frustration. Clearly she wouldn't want that. She wouldn't want... And the words wouldn't come. Not even in his head could he consider it. Perhaps the only graceful way out of this was to pretend it never happened. He could do that. The weight was lessening in his chest. Yes. He made her unhappy, so it was a bad choice. That's all. She worried what people would think if he was a one time thing? Well, he thought nothing of it. She wanted that, she didn't want this. He was just some weird sense of morality she was obligating herself to. Well, he didn't need that. He was quite fine on his own. He had more practice with that than the other, after all. He tossed the pillow aside and threw back the covers, nearly throwing himself out of bed as he headed to the shower, bright smile in place, and quite certain those wet marks on his discarded pillow would fade, just as the shower would take care of the streaks on his face.

Tilly Gelson had a plan. No, literally. She had drawn it out and calculated the measurements she would need and everything. She knew exactly what kind of furniture she was going to make for Dorian's living room the moment she set foot in his side of the duplex, but his dining room set required more thought. In fact, looking over her blueprints with a scowl, Tilly was still unconvinced about what design she should incorporate with the backs of his dining room chairs. His table, though, she was happy with, and she was certain he would be too! So it was the dining room table that she was determined to start working on today (after all, she could not make the living room furniture first and have them be in the way while she put the dining room furniture in behind them)! Tilly took another bite of her apple as she erased a stray line from her design for the table top...looks like she was going to need to buy some lumber. Looking over at the clock revealed that the hardware store would not actually open for another hour. She had plenty of time to be there when the doors unlock to look over the wood they have and order what they do not until she had to go speak with Risk DeLorne in his office in the afternoon--she already had an alarm set on her watch for that--to get the general idea of her temporary employer's wishes for the new awning. The only problem with that was...the store would not open for an hour. And she was already showered and groomed for the day. An hour was hardly enough time to start a project, either. So Tilly glared at the clock and slowed her chewing to a sluggish pace. Which bored her after about sixty-three seconds, so she started folding the spare paper she had out into an origami frog between bites.

Keys jingled quietly as Dorian closed his front door and locked it behind him. All signs of his morning sluggishness seemed to have evaporated. He was going to go meet Cash! Not arguably one of the best parts of every day. He paused on the steps off his porch, however, his blue eyes shifting to his neighbor's door. No, she wouldn't want to come. And besides, he loved his brief time, alone, with Cash. No- surely- Dorian sighed. No, now, come on, that was no way to think about friends. He would continue his mission to socialize the woman if it killed him! (And it might, she did have a lot of tools are her disposal...) Bright smile tugged back into place flawlessly from decades of practice, Dorian strode over to Tilly's porch, hopped the few steps onto it, and knocked sharply. He didn't hear any power tools, but no way was she asleep. She might be out though... "Tilly! Tilly, are you home?" he called, the smile on his face just as clear in his voice.

Never let it be said that Tilly was ever eager for having any sort of company, human or otherwise. That said, the frog was quickly completed, unfolded, refolded into a butterfly, unfolded once more, and then reformed into a...well, she was not actually quite sure if that was a small-horned bull or a buffalo, but whatever it was, she was still only halfway through her apple and less than three minutes into that hour she had to get through. So it was only with the slightest pause that Tilly set down her apple, untied her hair--finger-combing it in place--and went to answer the door. She opened it, tensed and unsure what to expect...and her shoulders only slightly lowered at the sight of her distinctly-less-annoying-than-his-predecessor's neighbor.

Dorian's smile softened when their eyes met- one of hers to both of his- as if he knew too much over the top-ness would just turn her off. Of course, he DID know that, but he also didn't feel completely up to it today anyway. "Good morning, Tilly," he greeted, his tone friendly but not too aggressive. "Would you like to have breakfast with me at Sophie's?" Of course, she'd probably say no, like she always did when he offered... pretty much anything, but he liked Tilly, and some day, with enough exposure, he was sure she would not only not hate him, she might actually willingly tolerate him.

Huh. On one hand, the offer carried the distinct stench of socialization...But on the other, she would like to discuss with Dorian his dining room seating preferences, she had been far too caught up in her sketches and calculations to actually cook that morning, Sophie's was a neutral location where she would not be exposing her life nor he his to any wayward glance towards any given wall (after all, most of their interactions until the day before had been over the backyard fence), and--as much as it pained her to admit it--she had some spare time. "One moment," Tilly left the door wide open so that Dorian could watch her wrap her half-eaten apple in a paper towel and put it in the fridge, grab two papers from her small dining set table and fold simply into quarters, walk back to her door and put on her coat, putting the papers and her keys into its pockets. "I'll drive myself."

In distinct contrast to Dorian's side of the duplex, Tilly's was low in seating and high in character. There was only two visible chairs--one stool matching the dining set near the kitchen, and the other an elegantly-carved stump by the living room window--to the multitude of hand-carved tables, shelves and display stands throughout the visible space. Some were modern and angular in design, some bore knots and natural splits of the wood polished to a shine, some were carved into elegantly detailed scenes, and some were clearly made of reclaimed wood with peeling paint, but all held pottery, origami and even bits of welded metal.

Dorian, not so impolite as to step inside, did raise his eyebrows at the interior of her home, and higher at her agreement to go. He opened his mouth to ask about things but snapped it shut as she closed and locked her own door. "I'll.. ride with you if that's ok..." he said, still a little stunned. This had not, at all, gone how he expected. Then her agreement caught up to him and the smile that found its way to his face was a lot more genuine than the one he had had on the way to the shower that morning. "Tilly you're incredible," he complimented. "It looks like an anthropologist's home in there. Your talent is amazing."

Tilly gave Dorian a scrutinizing look before apparently coming to a decision: "Only in my car." She then started towards said Cadillac, not bothering to check whether or not he was following her. She usually would refuse--another person in the car would only be a distraction--but if he decided to come as a passenger while she drove, she could hand him the schematics she had drawn up for his dining room chairs to look over. That should both occupy his attention and ensure that their discussion was complete soon enough that she could still spend most of her morning at the hardware store. Not entirely ideal, but close enough. She did glance over her shoulder at him when he complimented her workmanship--which was far more acknowledgement than she gives most people when the praise her work--and took his words a sign that he would be satisfied with the furniture when she completes it. Good.

"Of course," Dorian agreed, still reeling from her looking at him. He was getting somewhere! His lingering melancholy was temporarily deflated by the momentary success. His efforts weren't for naught! A wide grin split his face but he managed to get it a little under control by the time he took up the passenger seat and buckled the belt. "Thank you for agreeing to join me. I really do appreciate your company-" He paused as there was a soft chime from his pocket and pulled out his phone. Jade? She wanted to talk? Ah, so he had been right. Well, if it made her happy to end... whatever this had actually been, that was fine. It probably wouldn't take long right? He tapped out his reply and easily hit send before his emotions shifted again, and offered Tilly an easy smile. "Ready when you are."

Tilly had sat in the driver's seat and closed the door before hesitating. She gave Dorian another quick glance from the corner of her eye before reaching into her pocket and pulling out the two papers and handing them to him. Only when he took the papers did she buckle her seat belt and start driving, her shoulders tense, but more from the embarrassment of--albeit non-verbally--admitting that she had hit a mental speed-bump than from the natural awkwardness of having another person in her car.

His phone chimed again but before he could try to get it out again Tilly handed him something and, too stunned by that action alone, he forgot about the message in favor of taking the papers. He looked at Tilly, then the papers, then at her, but when no answer was forthcoming, he hesitantly unfolded them, glancing at her as he did so a couple of times to make sure he wasn't doing something wrong. Oh, these were plans. For.. furniture? Oh, it must be for him. She had mentioned that before. He hadn't really gotten his hopes up though, the thought had been more than enough, and yet here she had already put in effort. That alone made his heart swell and he smiled, a closed lip sort of smile that was happy and sad. "Thank you," he said softly, then with a bit more emphasis as he looked at her, his smile perking up a bit more. "Thank you. This was very kind of you." He looked at the papers again, making sense of as much as he could. "Your creativity is truly something to be envious of, Tilly, second only to your determination." He chuckled, remembering her more than once completely ignoring him in favor of finishing a project. In the middle of the night. With a power tool.

The first paper contained sketches of what Tilly had decided the dining room table would look like. The edge of the rectangular table would be beveled, while the legs' designs are crossed at either end the table's length, with a bar connecting the two sides. But it was the top of the table that Tilly was particularly proud of. It would bear an image of three seals playfully swimming, inlaid with a different color of wood than the rest of the table--rather than carved as most of her furniture tends to be--to preserve the flat surface.

The second paper, however, was starting to become crowded with sketches of chair designs, notes on possible construction, and diagrams of the ways the seating might be arranged around the dining room table. It seems that Tilly decided to keep with the amount of seats--six--although some of the diagrams implied that she was considering using a bench or pair of stools for the seating on one side of the table (she thought it would provide a more open atmosphere towards the living room, since, as stated before, Dorian seemed the social sort to her).

Not bothering to respond to Dorian's gratitude or praise, Tilly kept her eyes on the road to BotO Sophie's Dinner.

In the hours following that little...scene at the diner, Tilly Gelson had made decent use of her time, going home, hitching a utility trailer to the back of her Cadillac and purchasing lumber for her project. She brought home what was already there at the store, and was almost done unloading it to the garage-turned-woodshop when Dorian arrived.

"So... How did you even find me?" Dorian was asking Atë as they approached the duplex. "Us. You said there were more, so.. us? Who are the other ones? Jade, of course, and.. Jace? How is he one but Madison isn't? And who are the other ones?" He glanced up at movement and froze when he saw Tilly, the morning coming back to him. She hadn't wanted to talk to him then, she probably still didn't. He had probably completely wrecked the last year of work. He sighed. "Come on, my home is this side." He indicated the door to the right , away from Tilly, and pulled his keys from his pocket as they approached.

"Don't you want to invite her in for tea?" Atë asked playfully as she glanced over to where Tilly was working. "Hi!" She suddenly called with a wave in the other girls direction before looking at Dorian with an innocent flutter of her eyelashes. "What? I just wanted to be friendly.. Because you know.." She leaned closer and lowered her voice. "She's one of us too.."

Tilly looked up from her task at Atë's greeting to...stare at the woman blankly. When her indifferent gaze shifted to Dorian she actually considered walking up to him to continue their earlier conversation about his chair preferences, but, uh...he was with someone, so...after a moment of silent contemplation--which outwardly manifested only in a heavy stare towards the two people interrupting her work--she slowly turned back to the trailer and lifted more wood from it to take into the garage.

Dorian held Tilly's gaze until she looked away, making him sigh heavily and return his attention to his door. "Not right now. She's probably still upset and Tilly's not... the most friendly woman I've ever met." That's putting it lightly. "Even if you talk to her she's not going to believe you." He turned the key and with a little click the lock disengaged. He opened the door and motioned for Ate to enter first.

"Yeah I noticed that. She's a little RUDE!" Atë shouted the last word towards Tilly then turned towards the open door. "I swear it's like you descendants want me to kick your ass.." She grumbled then paused inside, looking around at her rather empty surroundings. "Did you just move in or what?" She glanced at Dorian with a raised eyebrow before moving on. "It's a little bare.." she commented before shrugging a moment later. "I dont really care whatever the deal. Now.. Tea? I wasn't kidding. I'll take six sugars in mine please then let's get down to the business." She shrugged off her jacket after retrieving her journal from it then tossed it aside not paying attention to where it landed. Ate moved to one of the couches and sunk down into it, giving a loud sigh as she did. "These are comfy at least." 

"Just... make yourself at home," Dorian said as he watched her do just that. He shook his head a little as he closed the door and went to the kitchen to make her some tea. "So did you have, like.. servants or something on Olympus?" It sounded so dumb coming from his own mouth but he was having less and less reasons to doubt it. What the hell had happened with Madison? "I've never heard of any but, I guess I'm not very familiar with Greek mythology... history?" He paused to think about it, then seemed to shake if off. While the water heated he found his sugar bowl and added some little spoonfuls to Ate's cup. "Hey I'll be right back," he informed her, looking over to make sure she heard him before he headed for his bedroom, tugging his shirt over his head as he went. The sand and salt in his clothes had become rather unbearable. It was only a minute or two before he returned clad in a simple pair of jeans and a dark blue tee. The water wasn't quite ready, so he retrieved a small glass and poured himself some juice, finishing just as the light on the kettle turned off to indicate it was ready. Tea and juice now prepared, he joined Ate in the living room area, set her mug with a little infuser shaped like a dolphin in it on the table in front of the couch she took over, then took a seat on the other one, sipping his own drink.

"Aw you didn't have to get changed for me." Atë teased playfully before she lifted her cup and took a small sip, screwing her nose up a second later and setting it down. "Eight spoonfuls next time.." She mumbled then looked at Dorian with a curious gaze. "Servants? Not that I'm aware of. Though things did just seem to be there when we wanted it.. So.. Who knows." She gave a small shrug before looking towards the window and frowning as the sky seemed to darken. "I hate storms.." She grumbled then looked back at Dorian, her smirk returning. "So son of Eros? Did you have fun back there with Madison?"

"Whatever I did to her, I wish I hadn't," Dorian admitted, glancing out the window toward the storm she was talking about, but it was a passing glance and he returned his attention to her. "If I was doing it, and if it was what I think it was, it's wrong to mess with peoples' free will like that. I feel.. slimy." He shook his head and lifted his glass to take another sip, seemed to rethink it and set it on the table instead. He frowned at her, brow furrowed a little in confusion. "Didn't you say you're the goddess of chaos? Wouldn't you love storms?"

"Yeah you'd think that but no, I don't." Atë replied with a small frown as she watched Dorian. "Thunder and lightning, I'm not a fan because you know..its sort of associated with my father." She sighed and rolled her eyes at the mention. "Now is that seriously your first question? You want to delve into my personal life?" She asked a little moodily.

"You want to delve into mine," Dorian pointed out before picking up his glass again to take a sip, pausing while he thought. "Ok. So... that's a storm at sea. Does that fall under... Zeus? Or Poseidon?"

Atë gave a small shrug. "Who could be either of them..or both of them for that matter. A little brotherly argument or something like that.." She continued as her eyes flitted back towards the window. "Let's just hope its nothing more than that or at least only Poseidon..Usually I'd run and disappear if father dearest decided to send something to find me..but I can't do that now with you and the girl here..I'd actually have to fight. I'd have to protect you both..and sweetie..I just had my nails done." She waggled her fingers at him with a playful smirk. "Now shall we get to business..lets talk about what just happened with Madison."

"Yeah what happened there?" Dorian was honestly curious, and a little concerned, and his large honest eyes were showing every bit of it. He truly wore his heart on his sleeve. "It was like... she agreed with everything, it was so weird. And then she started crying..."
"Basically you had some kind of control over her..When your big blue eyes connected with her's, she was powerless to disagree. And when you started feeling sad about passed those emotions on, causing her unexpected tears." Ate replied with a small smile. "Unfortunately though it seems your gifts aren't powerful enough yet to effect anyone but humans which isn't good for you need to work on that."

Dorian groaned softly where he had his head laying on the back of his couch. It had slowly lowered until it found support the more Ate talked. "I don't want to control people," he said quietly, but firmly. A soft rumble of thunder drifted over the home and he sighed, though it wasn't clear if it was the storm or the situation. "What possible use would I have for that? If I was a cop I could just... tell people to go to jail-" He waved a hand vaguely to indicate the idea, but then let it flop to the couch again. "This is a terrible inheritance. My... great great great- whatever grandfather, was a slimeball."

"Oh! After a comment like are now my best friend! You should feel excited!" Atë grinned before hopping up onto her feet. "You just have to learn to control them, that's all. Once you get the hang of it, you'll start seeing how it can be useful." She said before flopping down next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. "Just don't be like Eros and you're already winning.."

Dorian didn't make any attempt to move. He didn't even tense when she joined him. "From what I know of Greek mythology- which isn't a lot, I admit- I don't want to be anything like Eros," he admitted without lifting his head. He did tilt it a little so he could look down at her though. "I don't want to control people," he reiterated. "What possible use would there be to doing that? I made Madison cry and I already feel bad enough, anything more..." He shook his head, ending with his eyes on the ceiling again. "I can't imagine. I couldn't forgive myself."

"We don't want you to use this control over normal people Dorian.." Atë sighed lightly as she patted his hand. "We just need you to get more powerful and more in control so you can use it on the gods when they get here so we can overthrow them." She said casually. "Because you know, its either going to be you or them that comes out on top, and I'd really like it to be you bestie."

Dorian gave a short huff of a laugh. "Thanks Ate that's really- WHAT?!" His head came up so fast it was a wonder he didn't pull a muscle, matched by a little scoot away from her so he could turn and face her. "Me or them on top? Overthrow? Control gods?! Are you insane!" He quickly set his drink down and stood, holding a hand, palm out, to her in a 'stop' motion. "I was willing to listen to all this. I can't really deny the crazy stuff I saw with my own eyes but what nonsense are you talking about overthrowing gods? Gods are immortal! Look at you!" He was gesturing with two hands. "If you're really her, you're like... you're really, really old, but you're beautiful. What kind of insane person tries to overthrow gods???"

"Aw thanks!" Atë waved a hand dismissively as she grinned at his beautiful comment before standing up. "I'm afraid you don't have much choice in the matter Dorian..if you don't deal with them..they'll deal with you. See the thing is, they're not best pleased about having descendants anymore and they're thinking about doing something about it. Something permanent." She told him seriously. "But don't worry, you've got me and Teos. We'll get you through it, just you wait and see." She gave a confident smile and a nod. "It's going be easy and so much fun! So much chaos!" Her eyes sparkled excitedly before she cleared her throat realising that probably wasn't the best thing to say. She stepped towards him and suddenly clasped his face in her hands. "I will not let them hurt you or any of the others, understand? No matter how insane or frightening this may will make it through."

He was at a loss. Never in his life did he think he was going to be a kill or be killed situation, but that's definitely what she was implying. But, wait, this wasn't just about him. Tilly, she'd said Tilly was one. And Jade. There were others. He reached up and gripped her wrists, his touch gentle and warm, and he looked into her mismatched eyes with his own deep blue ones. "The others, you said there were others. Who are they? The other.. inheritors."

"If I tell you, you mustn't go running to warn them. That could prove disastrous.." Ate told him firmly. "This has to be done right Dorian. You have to let me and Teos work." She continued then pulled herself from his grip. "Alright, there's you and Jade, Tilly, Jace, Cash, Nathan.." She started, counting each name off on her fingers. "Sebastian, Emily, Risk, Lena, Adela and Archer, Cayson, Hroda, Valerie and Haidee and Luke.." She finished before looking back at Dorian. "There's quite a few of you..and all of you are unique. But trust me, if I could deal with this without involving you guys I would.."

"Cash..." He had to sit. His hand reached out vaguely to find the couch and he carefully sat on the arm of it, resting elbows on his knees with his hands clasped together in front of his lips. Risk too. They both. He tipped his head down a moment, resting his fingers against his forehead instead. Was he shaking? It felt like he was shaking. "What did he inherit?" He looked up at her, his eyes a shade darker than before but steady. "Cash. What did he get. Who did he get."

Atë quickly shook her head as she looked away. "I won't tell you that Dorian, not before he knows. You'll just have to wait until we've spoken to him." She replied as she quickly scooped up her journal and held it behind her back before he realised it was hers.

Dorian's sigh escaped him so quickly it was almost a hiss and he was off the couch. His hand came to her neck, brushing past the side of it, fingers finding their way into his hair as he cradled her head. He was close, all but pressed against her. His eyes stared into hers and the awareness of the room around them faded away. The intensity trickled across her skin, seeking entrance to her heart, a rush of adrenaline clawing its way in. "Ate..." The word shook a little, deep and intense, like a lovers groan in the dark when all was breath and sighs. "What. Does Cash. Have."

Atë had made to make some kind of humorous remark, to tease him about his behaviour but then suddenly she couldn't. Her breath seemed to hitch in her throat as she looked up into his eyes, her heart racing with a strange intense kind of adrenaline. She struggled to keep a focus on that she shouldn't tell him anything but her mind was growing hazy and before she knew what was happening she had opened her mouth to speak. "Hera..goddess of marriage and family.." She whispered almost breathlessly as the journal slipped from her hands and hit the floor with a thud.

Marriage and family... Of course he would be. If anyone 'felt' like a spouse, it was Cash. Dark blue eyes left hers at the noise and without even a breath Dorian let go of her, gentle touch gliding across her skin like soft silk, and he picked up the book. "What is this?" He opened it before she could snatch it back. A lot of names he didn't recognize, and one he did. A couple page turns. More names he didn't know, only one or two he did, and a lot of notes. It was like a densely packed field journal. He snapped the book closed and looked at her again, his expression unreadable but at least the room didn't fade away. "You've been tracking us..."

Atë blinked after a moment of watching Dorian before her expression suddenly turned thunderous. "Tracking you..protecting you!" She roared, her mismatched eyes gleaming dangerously. "You dare use you abilities on me..foolish mistake..deadly mistake.." Her voice was a growl now before she strode towards him and took hold of the journal, ripping it from his grip with unnatural strength as the pictures on the walls rattled and shook with an unknown force. She huffed a deep breath as she tried to calm her exploding anger. "I'm done with you..You want anything else..speak to Teos."

"Excuse me!" Dorian apologized but it held almost no sympathy. "You come in OUR lives, you want to push your way into everything, turn everything we've known into chaos because, ohhhh it makes SO much sense to you, but suddenly when things don't go your way, you get angry! What, you love chaos, but not when it's your own, right?" He shook his head at her. "Face it, you're here because this was fun for you, this was some long term plan at revenge and it was FUN for you, but we're not toys, Ate, we're people! You say we're your family but you don't seem to give a damn about that! You're selfish, you're self absorbed, I can see why someone could get pissed at you!" His breathing was getting labored and his fingernails were leaving crescents in his palms. He took a deep breath in and out of his nose. "It's not easy anymore, it's less fun for you, so you want to turn and run. Fine! Go! This whole situation is crazy but at least THAT much I'm pretty damn familiar with!"

"You say I don't give a damn?! That I am selfish and self know nothing!" Atë shouted back as the pictures began to shake more violently until one by one they began to fall and even the walls of the duplex began to shake around them. "I know you are not toys and as much as you think I am enjoying this, it is not fun for me! I do not like this anymore than you do! I would have you live your happy human life's if I could but you can't! I am here to help you with this! I am sacrificing myself for you and the other descendants so you make it through. This is my end!" She finished with a snap but for what may have been the first time ever in Atë's existence there was fear in her eyes.

"Why would you do that? Why is this your end?" Dorian shot back. He wasn't yelling anymore but he hadn't yet gained calm again. "You expect us all to just.. play along while you and Teos remain all cryptic about everything? As if you'd trust people who just show up and tell you a bunch of outlandish stories and then refuse to answer your questions!"

"I have tried my best to answer your questions, the only thing I won't tell you is who the others are descended from. They deserve to know that first!" Atë huffed before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "This is my end because as soon as the other gods and goddesses know I am against them they will do all in their power to stop me..and I know I'm good but one little me against all of about outnumbered. But that means nothing to me as long as you and the others make it.." She opened her eyes again and looked at Dorian seriously before she sighed and shook her head. "I need chocolate.." She grumbled.

"Ate..." Dorian visibly deflated. He already felt bad but what exactly he had done to her hadn't quite sunk in yet. He felt bad for upsetting her. He took a step forward and reached for her hand, to try and comfort her, but stopped just short of touching her. "It's just just you. You won't be outnumbered. You just named off so many of us. I'm sure we'll all help you... though... I don't actually know who some of those people were..." But he knew a surprising number of them. That was unsettling. He shifted his hand to hold up a single finger, signally her to wait, then turned and strode into his kitchen area. Drawers and cabinets opened and closed repeatedly until, after a moment, he came back and dumped various packages on his table. There was a bag of high end truffles, a package of chocolate covered strawberries from the fridge, a box of chocolate covered cherries, and a bag of general sweets that had liquid caramel in a chocolate exterior. He looked at it skeptically after setting it on his table. "Huh... more than I thought I had." He looked at Ate, his eyes apologetic and his lips turned down slightly in a frown. "But probably less than you want.

"It's a start.." Atë mumbled as she moved to the table and pulled a truffle from the bag. "I won't let you and the others get involved in my fight.." She continued slowly as she looked over the chocolate carefully. "And I don't want you telling Teos..he'll take it upon himself to try and save me. He'll only get hurt if he does." She took a small bite of the chocolate as their surroundings settled and the pictures lay scattered across the floor. "This is good.." She spoke quietly as she popped the rest of the truffle into her mouth.

"I think so. I found them on an assignment in Italy," Dorian explained as he left her to calm down while he picked up and resettled his photos. Each one was touched with the care of flower petals and admired fondly for a moment before it was rehung with a reverent touch. "I'm not sure why you don't want to tell Teos," he admitted as he worked. "He seems the one most capable of helping you-" He paused and looked over at her. "Do you really not know who he is? He said it was a game with you or something. How do you know he's.. like you, or is like us?"

"I can just sense it within him. But before I met him, I wasn't aware of his existence.. So I don't know who he is." Atë spoke as she selected a strawberry this time and took a small bite. "I won't tell him because he needs to stay focused on all of you. What happens to me is of little importance compared to the future of the descendants." She continued then looked over at Dorian and cleared her throat. "This is all getting very serious.. You should go back to telling me how beautiful you think I am." She joked as she placed a smile upon her face.

"Radiant, stunning, you're practically glowing," Dorian doted almost absentmindedly as he hung the last picture. He looked at all of them he rehung, seemed to be satisfied, so he returned to the table. "He seems to really care about you," he pointed out gently. "I think he'd disagree that 'what happens to you is of little importance'. I didn't see you two together long, of course, but it was obvious even to me." He paused, then let out a short but honest laugh. "And I would notice, right? Being who I am apparently. I'm basically Cupid, right?" He shook his head, his bright, open smile somehow sneaking back to his expression. "Don't sell yourself short. You seem a little intense, a little scary maybe, but he clearly loves you very much."

"Scary?" Atë repeated with a raised eyebrow as she poked her finger into his shoulder. "Terrifying more like it. And I doubt it's anything like love..its not a feeling many if any feel towards me. The wretched goddess of mischief and ruin.." She shrugged as she began to eat more of the chocolate. "I tried it myself once, you know falling in love here on earth but unfortunately my misfortune can seep into people even when I wish it wouldn't..So it seems there are downfalls to being the goddess of chaos too." She looked at Dorian and smiled. "Teos is only doing what he must to keep me happy and under control my dear Dorian. I doubt he wants me running loose causing havoc and ruining and of his plans."

"You say you are a terrifying goddess able to bring misfortune to anyone... yet you think he has any control over you?" Dorian ashed rhetorically. He shook his head again. "You both have told me you're not of earth, so why would you think you would have the same effect on... whatever Teos is, as you would on some normal guy? He didn't seem all that unfortunate with you at the marina, or at the shop, or anywhere in between." He gave a one shouldered shrug. "I still say you're wrong, but hey, who am I to tell the goddess of mischief and ruin anything."

Atë smirked at Dorian. "I hope the other descendants are as entertaining as you are Dorian. And as brave. Though from what I saw of the gentle little lamb that came to the marina earlier.. I'm not feeling confident." She said thinking back to Luke when he had come looking for Jade. "He will need some work.." She sighed and shook her head. "So are we still best friends?" She asked playfully as she wrapped her arms round one of his.

Dorian gave a very dramatic, long suffering sigh. "I suppose," he agreed reluctantly, then looked down at her with a teasing grin. Their conversation was interrupted as the light tapping of rain started on the roof like the pecking of a dozen birds, followed by rapidly growing into the soft roar of heavy rain. He looked out the window and saw the rain coming down and frowned again. He was certain it wasn't supposed to rain today. "Adela and Archer," he tried, looking down at Ate. "I don't know what they have, but they're tough people. If you want people to help you I'm sure you'll like them when you meet them. Jace knows how to fight too."

"There are a few promising people in the line up and then a few..well let's just say I'm a little worried." Atë admitted as she let go of him and returned to her chocolate. "But I'll get them ready. You all will be unstoppable by the time I'm finished with you.. Which actually leads me to say well done.. As much as I hate that you used your abilities on me.. I'm impressed that you actually did it. You overpowered a goddess. What is the relation of Cash to you?" She asked curiously.

Dorian physically felt his heart clench, or swell, or both, remembering what he did and why he did it. He tried to shrug nonchalantly and half sat on the table, resting his palms on the edge. "Cash is my friend. My closest friend."

"Well it seems he was your trigger.. When you thought about him being involved in any sort of danger your powers intensity seemed to suddenly grow. Teos will be pleased." Atë smiled at him before suddenly straightening up. "Try it again. I know I said I hated it by I'm curious now. Now that you know what caused you to be able to do it, I want to see if you can recreate it. Try and think about it, bring that power forward and see if you can gain control again."

Dorian shook his head, closing his eyes for good measure. "I don't want to control people," he said for a third time. "And I don't want to think about Cash being in danger, or maybe being in danger, or anything like that. I like knowing he's safe."

Atë rolled her eyes and sighed deeply." You are frustrating." She grumbled then glanced towards the window and the heavy rain. "Is Jade's home far from here? It's probably best I head on. I should give you time to allow all this new information to sink in.."

Dorian looked out the window with her, frowning as well. "It's far," he admitted, already working on a solution in his head. "You could stay here," he offered. "I've got two extra rooms. Might need to pace yourself though." He pointed to the chocolate left on the table. "That's all I've gone, I don't know if the rations will last you 'til morning." He grinned, showing he was teasing her. "Plus it's early afternoon, the storm might blow over before tonight and I'll be able to take you over this evening." He didn't really want to see Jade but he didn't necessarily have to. He could just drop her off.

"Look at you offering me a place to stay, aren't you just the sweetest." Atë teased with a smile. "But alright then. Let's have a sleepover, that's what best friends do right?" She grinned before popping one last truffle in her mouth and closing the bag. "So what shall we do?"

"Why don't you tell me stories of when you were a little girl?" Dorian suggested in the same teasing tone as before, giving her another little smile before picking up the items she seemed to be finished with and taking them to the kitchen to put them away. "Were you ever a little girl?" That question was a little more legitimate. He even gave her a curious frown. "Or did you just come out day one as perfection?"

"No childhood for me I'm afraid. We gods and goddesses come into being, just as we are and stay this way forever. "Olympus isn't really a place for children. Too many egos and fiery tempers up there." Atë replied with a small smile over her shoulder before she glanced around. "Which room is yours? I want to look through your clothes.."

Dorian hummed thoughtfully, processing the information before pointing to his own bedroom toward the back corner of the house. "Why do you want to look through my clothes?" He didn't seem all that concerned, the question was more conversational. He didn't even worry about following her, instead retuning to the living room area to sit on the couch and retrieve his juice.

"I want to change of course." Atë replied as if it was obvious then turned and headed for his room. "Put some music on, liven this place up a little. And make it good!" She called to him before disappearing into his room without another word.

"Did anyone ever tell you you're a little bossy?" Dorian called back to her, though he was already picking up the remote to his tv. It took a couple of minutes of searching but he found the radio channels and put on some 'top hits' station, turning it down enough to still hear it but so he could mostly ignore it. He'd take the sound of the ocean over music any day. He put the remote back on the table and took his cup and hers to the kitchen to clean them while he waited for Ate to return.

Dorian's room was almost as simple as the rest of his home. Sky blue bedding on a tidy bed, a pale wood night stand next to it with a lamp, an unassuming black alarm clock, and a picture of himself with his arm happily around Cash, who looked happy but a little uncomfortable, clearly taken by Dorian by holding his arm out with the camera as it was only their shoulders and above. His walk in closet was filled only because he spaced his clothes to prevent wrinkling. There were a few solid colored button downs and trousers in khaki and black, as well as various plain tee shirts. The shelf above had tidy stacks of jeans and what could only be cargo shorts, judging by the way the stack stood. Tucked in the corner of the closet were a few shirts that were less 'bought in bulk'. Logos of amusement parks or marinas, aquariums, and other related things printed clearly on their fronts, and some of their backs or sleeves. Uniforms and merchandise, clearly. Roughly a dozen in all. Hardwood just like the rest of his home as well, clean even in the corners. Once again, around the bedroom area, were another half dozen or so pictures of various scenes of various places, each one with a person in it: sun setting into the ocean in one with the person facing away from the camera, rising in another with the person looking back at the camera and smiling, another on a pier with someone beckoning him to hurry up. A lighthouse with someone posing by the door.

"He really likes to take pictures.." Atë mumbled as she stepped around his room, before pausing to kick off her boots. "It's too tidy in here.." She suddenly grinned and jumped on the bed, hopping around with a gleeful giggle before finally jumping off and giving a satisfied nod and the dishevelled state of the blankets. "Better." She turned then towards his closet and moved towards it. "What to wear..what to wear.." She whispered as she ran a hand along the rail of clothing. "You got any scissors in here?" She called to Dorian curiously as she inspected his clothing closely.

"No I do not, and do not cut up my clothes, Ate." Dorian's voice was serious but gentle, betraying the trust he was giving her by letting her be in there, alone, without hovering, and was raised only to ensure it made it to her in the bedroom without having to go in there.

Ate pouted like a scolded child when he told her she couldn't cut anything up. "How am I meant to make them fit me?" She grumbled before grabbing a white button up shirt from the rail. She peeled off her t-shirt and jeans before pulling on the shirt which fell to her mid thigh. She buttoned it up, leaving several buttons open at the top before she finally rolled the sleeves up past her elbow. Finally she moved to rummage through his neatly organised drawers, pulling out a dark blue tie which was obviously kept for any formal occasions that may arise. She tied it round her waist like a belt then turned and wandered from the bedroom, bare feet padding on the floor. "This is the best I could do. You're so mean not letting me cut anything up." She told Dorian as she moved to grab the TV remote then suddenly turned the volume of the music up full, making the whole building feel like it was shaking.

Strong arms were around her almost instantly, snatching the remote away with one hand while the other arm held her so she couldn't turn and take it back. He turned it down, though not as quietly as before, just enough to keep the pictures from falling off the wall. Again. "You are like the bratty little sister I never wanted," he muttered in her ear quietly before removing his arms. He stepped back to admire the 'outfit' she had put together, raising an eyebrow. "I'm still not sure why you needed to change," he admitted. "But I can't say I mind. I see why the Greeks made statues of the goddesses, and why we praise them so highly even today. Oh! One last thing though!" He quickly tossed the remote on the couch and snatched her again, this time with his hands on either side of her neck. One slid up and removed the clip from her hair, tossing that aside too, before both hands went into her hair. His touch was surprisingly warm against her scalp and he briefly admired how soft her hair was before abruptly flipping all of it and ruffling it. He laughed and stepped back, removing his hands. Her hair was an utter disaster now.

"Hey!" Atë growled and shoved him back before she began to run her fingers through her long brown curls. "That wasn't very nice. A goddess must keep a refined appearance at all times.." She said with a serious expression before she suddenly cracked a smile. "Yeah right.." She laughed lightly then shook out her hair, deciding to just let it hang loose. "And I changed because I was uncomfortable. It's so bothersome keeping up with human fashion. I mean what happened to a nice loose linen tunic with pretty little pins at the shoulders.. Everythings so tight now.. And why is there so many layers!" She huffed lightly as she watched Dorian.

"I completely agree!" Dorian huffed with equal indignation. "If I could walk around in a bed sheet all day, I absolutely would!" His pout turned into a grin, then a laugh as he stepped away to flop down on the couch without the remote, almost an exact copy of how she had first come into his home. "You look better this way anyway," he added, pointing at his shirt and tie. "I bet the whole.. toga thing suited you."

"You better believe it did. I looked good! I mean I am Aphrodite's big sister after all. I had the looks first." Atë grinned playfully before she moved to the opposite couch to sit down. "I'm bored Dorian..what should we do?" She said after a moment as she watched him expectantly.

"Usually I'd be working, so I don't know," he replied, raising a hand in submission. He listened to the music for a few seconds before taking a deep breath, sitting up again. "I think I'm ready to try again." He looked at her, frowning a little. "If you still want me to... I promise I wouldn't try to get you to anything uncouth." He grinned, or more like half-smirked, leaving some doubt to whether or not he actually would.

"If you do,you'll feel the full force of my gifts OK?" Atë replied with a smirk and a small tilt of her head before she straightened up. "Alright then Eros boy, give it your best shot."

Dorian took a steadying breath, letting it out slowly as he looked at her. Women were always more beautiful the more relaxed they were, and he couldn't tell anymore if she glowed because of how stunning she was, or if that was just a perk of being a goddess. Another breath, but he let it out in a determined huff, nodded, and stood from his couch. He held her eyes as he slowly made his way around the coffee table to her couch. They were so unique, heterochromia, it was like having two stare at you at once and that alone set him on edge, twice the pressure of being alone with one. He carefully sat down next to her and reached out, his fingers feather light, trailing up her arm, over the folded sleeve of his shirt, over narrow shoulders and a crisp collar, coming to make almost kiss-like contact on her neck with the pads of his finger tips. Never once did his deep blue eyes leave hers, steady, unwavering. It was an interesting feeling, the support, or hope, coupled with skepticism and doubt, that he felt he could see in each of her eyes. When he spoke, his voice was like a whisper in her ear despite that he was no where near that part of her. "Hold my hand," he said softly, almost like a sigh, but deeper, heavy with something intense. A light weight all its own came to rest on her knee, the back of his hand as he tried to encourage her to do as he asked. Only... he hadn't asked had he? Why wasn't he asking? Something in his chest felt like it was reaching out to her again, feeling her for a way in, a feeling he had felt a few times before, but what he had always thought it was... he couldn't feel for her, he just met her today. So what was it looking for so desperately?

Atë watched him move towards her and for a second she had thought to look away, to make it even harder for him but she suddenly found she couldn't, her eyes locked on his, with no way of escaping his gaze. She saw his mouth move but seemed too distracted to listen but that didn't stop her instantly knowing what he wanted. I should take his hand.. I must take his hand. She thought as her mind grew hazy again and slowly she lifted her hand and slid it into his waiting for her.

"Atë..." Again, that same close whisper in her ear, drawing her attention. "What is my name?" He lifted her hand and brushed his lips against her knuckles, not even blinking. "Say my name for me..." The lips against her skin shifted. He was smiling. "Tell me what you want..."

"Dorian.. Your name is Dorian." Atë replied softly before his next question reached her. "I want.. I want.." She seemed to hesitate as if he might be losing her before finally she answered sadly. "I want to live.."

His eyes changed. No, the feeling changed. It was no longer probing, searching, like a predator looking for something. It was warm and encompassing, like a blanket being wrapped around her. "Atë..." The feeling faded as he blinked finally. The lights seemed to brighten and the music came back to them. He wondered when they faded away. "I promise to help you do that." He kissed her hand again, chaste this time, then her forehead. "Whatever I can do."

"Don't tell Teos.." Atë repeated again quickly in a pleading tone. "Don't tell anyone.. This is just between you and I OK.. I don't need others to worry about me too.." She sighed softly then shifted to curl up next to him, her head on his shoulder. "Congratulations, you're getting the hang of your abilities." She said after a moment. "I knew you could do it."

"You must be a good teacher," Dorian replied, his arm wrapping around her to hold her close almost as a reflex. Once sure she was settled he leaned back on the couch, letting her relax against him as she liked. "I won't tell anyone," he promised, letting his fingers idly play with her arm. "But Atë, armies are stronger than assassins. You should be able to count on us, just let you count on your bestie here." He pressed his free hand to his chest proudly, then chuckled, letting it fall to the couch again.

"Aw you said it. You said we're besties. It must be true." Atë smiled as she remained curled up by his side. "I just don't want anyone getting hurt on my behalf that's all. You will all have your own things to deal with." She continued before turning her head slightly to look up at Dorian. "I jumped on your bed, made it really messy.." She confessed in an attempt to change the topic away from herself again.

Dorian slowly closed his eyes, his brow furrowing as he groaned and let his head fall back on the couch. He covered his eyes with his eyes with his arm, huffed a breath, then lowered it again. "Well, that's it then," he said decisively, as if completely giving up and held up his free hand in defeat. "I'll just have to throw the whole thing out. Burn the blankets. The whole bed is ruined now." He looked down at her with a chastising expression. "A true goddess of chaos, bringing misfortune and ruin to me like this. Now I must sleep on the floor."

"Hey.." Atë smirked as she shifted round onto her knees to kneel next to him on the couch and poke his chest lightly. "You could use a little chaos in this house.. It's to neat.." She made a disgusted face before suddenly flopping down onto her back, resting her head on his lap. "Give me ten minutes and I'll make this place look great." She grinned up at him and poked his cheek playfully.

Dorian chuckled, his instinctual habits shifting easily to stroking her hair as she lay in his lap. "I don't get many visitors," he explained. "And I'm not here much. Other than dusting and vaccuuming not much gets out of place. Until now, I suppose." He poked her in the ribs to emphasize his point.

Ate grinned again. "I haven't made that much mess. Trust me, it could be worse." She replied playfully. "So what exactly happened between you and Jade anyway?" She suddenly asked in a curious voice. "What's happened that's made you so sad?"

"I just didn't make her happy," he said simply. He didn't want to talk about it, it felt like bad mouthing Jade behind her back. He idly twisted one of her curls around his finger, letting it swirl back off before it became tight so he didn't hurt her. "She and I have worked together about a year now, we've become close. A few days ago we decided to try and be closer but... ultimately I wasn't what she wanted." He shrugged.

"Aw.. See there's nothing there that I can tease you about, it's just all very sad." Atë pouted before she reached up and wrapped her hands behind his back, pulling him down into a hug. "See I can be nice." She whispered in his ear. "I'm sorry you're sad, blue eyes."

"It was not unexpected," Dorian assured her, but he smiled a little anyway, appreciating her attempt at comfort. The position wasn't very comfortable though. He slid his hands behind her back as well but instead of his squeezing her, he lifted her almost with ease, shifting er so she was sitting on his lap, both legs still to one side, and only then did he properly return the hug. His nose pressed lightly against the transition from shoulder to neck. She smelled a little like the beach from being near the ocean water, but mostly- "Chocolate.." He licked her, more experimental than anything. He gave a short hum of thought. "Good, but not chocolate."

Atë blinked then leaned back slightly so she could look at Dorian with a raised eyebrow."Did you just lick me?" She asked in a bemused sort of tone.

Dorian pretended to give it thought for a moment. "I believe I f did," he finally admitted. "But what did you expect me to do? You smell exactly like chocolate. Not the cheap stuff either. Real rich chocolate made from fresh cocoa beans." He lifted one hand from where he still had them wrapped around her and gently wiped the spot clean with his thumb.

"Well what else would I smell of? It's all I ever eat." Atë grinned, feeling very pleased that he had said she smelt of the more expensive chocolate. "Do you always lick people if they smell appealing to you?" She asked teasingly before her eyes suddenly brightened and she looked towards the television. "I love this song!" She pulled herself from his grip and began to dance energetically around the room, singing along loudly to it too as she grinned at Dorian.

"Yes," came the honest answer, a little loud to be heard along with her singing. "I typically do." There was, apparently, a goddess, dressed in hardly more than his dress shirt, flouncing around his living room to popular music, and it was only the first part he was struggling with. He let her have her fun, standing from the couch again to head to the kitchen and figure out something for lunch.

Atë watched him go then turned and finished dancing to the song. Once it had ended she took a deep breath then padded back towards the bedroom to have a further rummage. It was roughly ten minutes later she re-emerged still wearing the shirt, but the tie had now been moved to be worn as a belt round a pair of navy cargo shorts she had rolled up to just below her knee. "What are you making?" She asked as she wandered into the kitchen, sniffing the air lightly.

"Shrimp pasta with fettuccini and marinara," Dorian replied automatically. Glancing at her he raised an eyebrow. "I have an actual belt, you know." He turned back to his pan where he was sautéing the shrimp. "I'm not sure what your fascination is with wearing my clothes, but you could go naked for all I care-" He paused to point a finger at her. "But no cutting, tearing, or otherwise irreparably changing my clothes," he warned, but it lacked bite and he turned back to the lunch at hand. "I can't picture you with a job... how have you been getting clothes anyway?"

"I take what I want." Atë replied in a matter of fact tone as she gave a small shrug. "Or I make people give me what I want. It's not that hard for me to convince someone to put some clothes in a bag then go back and erase the security tapes." She gave a small triumphant smirk as she leaned against the counter. "I don't exactly have any money to pay for things and I need to be dressed in the finest things you know.."

"Oh yes, the clothes you came to me today in were most definitely 'the finest things'," Dorian replied sarcastically. He turned on the other burner to start a pot of water he already had ready to prepare the pasta. "Jade will have some clothing I'm sure she'd be willing to lend you. You should ask when you get to her house." He gave the shrimp a last stir before putting the lid on it and returning his attention fully to Ate. "What's it like?" he asked, curious as she had been about his relationship with Jade. "When I... you... we? When we... do whatever that is what we do."

Atë raised an eyebrow at Dorian and tilted her head slightly. "Do what? I need more words, blue eyes.." She said with a small chuckle and a shake of her head.

Dorian sighed, motioned vaguely to the air, stopped, sighed again. "The.. persuasion thing. I don't know what you call it."

" you mean what's it like to have it done to you?" Atë asked when she realised what he had been talking about. "You're the first person who's ever actually been able to do it to felt like my mind had suddenly switched off, it had went all hazy you know..and the only thought in there was you." She shrugged lightly before smirking at him. "You want to try it? I can show you what I can do.."

Dorian glanced hesitantly at his food preparations, then back at Ate, which only made him look even more hesitant. "Ok..." he said carefully. "But only if you promise to uphold the same courtesy I gave you, and not make me do anything bad." He held up his hand, last finger extended. "Pinkie promise."

Atë sighed and rolled her eyes before extending her own hand towards his. "Fine..I'll find something that won't leave any lasting damage to you. Now can I proceed?" She asked impatiently.

Dorian hooked their fingers together. "Yes you may," he permitted, then released her hand and gave her a challenging look. "Do your mildest, Miss Ate."

"Don't worry I will, I mean you're no good to me dead." Atë teased before she straightened up and glanced round the kitchen for inspiration. Her eyes fell on the window and the continuing rain outside and she smirked lightly, her mismatched eyes flashing mischievously for a second before she leaned on the counter again casually. "Wouldn't it just be the best fun to run outside and dance in the rain.." She said in a conversational tone as she watched him. Her lips never moved again but suddenly it was like there was an echo, her words bouncing round the room and filling Dorians ears. Run outside.. in the rain.. fun.. Dance in the rain..Go! Over and over in a hypnotic fashion, taking over his thoughts until that was all he could focus on until suddenly it wasn't her voice he heard anymore but his own. I should go outside. It'll be fun.

Right, he was supposed to be listening to Ate, she was saying something wasn't she? Oh now he felt bad but the rain sounded so good. Dorian barely felt the smile that was starting to lift his lips, his glances at the window coming in increasing frequency. When was the last time he played in the rain anyway? He swam in the ocean almost every day but he was afraid of the rain? How ridiculous! Oh it used to be so fun... "It would..." he agreed distantly. It didn't matter if she replied, he was already past her toward his back door. He couldn't seem to think past his first thought, there wasn't even a pause before he had the sliding door open and had stepped out onto the back patio. He was soaked almost instantly but he didn't care. It was freezing but he didn't care about that either. He held his arms out and tilted his head back laughing before hopping over the couple of steps to his back yard, immediately splashing in a puddle and twirling around, sending a spray of water out from his limbs.

Ate laughed as she followed after him and stood in the doorway, arms folded and leaning against the doorframe. She allowed him to twirl and jump for a few more seconds before she cleared her throat and called out to him. "Oh Dorian.." She called in a sing-song voice breaking through his fixated thoughts and bringing him back to himself with a sudden snap. "Having fun?"

Dorian's arms almost immediately fell to his sides and he shook his head as if trying to clear something, then his body visibly shivered from the cool rain. It was cold, and wet. Oh, he was suddenly remembering why he didn't do this anymore. He looked over at Ate in the doorway to his house, backlit by the light inside. It was surreal, a woman smiling at him with beautiful tousled tresses, flawless curves draped in his shirt, and him.. standing in the dark, cold, rain. It was like being laughed at but with the feelings of the situation made reality, and yet somehow, for the first time, he couldn't bring himself to care. He grinned, amused at first, then mischievous as he hopped back onto the porch and crossed it in three long strides, grabbing Ate before she could run away. He also didn't care that his carpet was now being soaked because so was the little goddess he was not letting go of. "Yes it was very fun," he agreed, pretending to ignore how uncomfortable she might be. "Thank you so much!"

"Woah! No! No get off me you fool.." Atë yelped before giving up and laughing. "I should have known you'd do something like that. So mean. Well what do you think? I'm pretty impressive right?" She grinned up at Dorian.

Dorian was still smiling as he rested his forehead against hers. "You," he stressed. "Are amazing. Don't do it too much though," he cautioned, looking into her eyes as his smile became more of a smirk. "I might start to like it." He laughed again and tilted his chin up to kiss her now damp forehead before finally releasing her. The food was still cooking and he really didn't want it ruined. He got the pasta into the pot of boiling water and gave the sauce a final stir before jogging off to his bedroom to find a change of clothes. Of course, this was the first time he had seen it since Ate had been going in and out. His bed was a mess and there were clothes tossed every which way- including her own she began in- it looked like the rowdiest round of sex he had imagined. Food, right, he'd worry about it later. He quickly stripped and threw the clothes across the curtain rod in the bathroom to dry before rifling through whatever Ate had left lying around to sort out some kind of outfit. Cotton pants, a tee, and a towel over his head, he came back out after just a couple of minutes to check the pasta.

"How do you know when this stuff is ready?" Atë queried as she prodded the pasta with a wooden spoon. She was still in her wet clothes, obviously uncaring about getting changed out of them.

"I just do," Dorian replied, thinking back briefly on all the times he DIDN'T know and completely wrecked it. He froze in his footsteps looking at her, trying to ignore how loud it sounded in his ears when he swallowed. If there was a god, or gods, may they grant him strength. He took a steadying breath and moved around her to get a couple plates and forks ready before taking the spoon away to assess the pasta himself. Seemingly satisfied, he emptied the pot into a strainer in the sink, rinsed, portioned it out on two plates, then turned off the stove and took the shrimp and sauce, evenly distributing it over the two plates of pasta. "Voila!" he concluded, motioning to them. "Not as sweet as chocolate but I hope you like it anyway."

"Well I guess there's only one way to find out." Atë replied before she took hold of one of the plates and carried it to the table where she sat down with it. With a fork she tentatively scooped up a little pasta and after a brief sniff she popped it into her mouth. "You're right it's not like chocolate.." She said as shd looked up at Dorian seriously before she suddenly smiled. "But I like it."

Son of a god, he was still just a man. If the gods were greek, that meant there were Fates, and they were not kind. Still, he managed to pull up a smile. "Good. I'm glad." He picked up his own plate and joined her at the table, sitting across from her. "What did you usually eat? Back when you were on Olympus," he asked conversationally before starting on his own food.

"We had the most divine banquets that never stopped with the juiciest of fruits and sweetest of wines. We had fresh honey and milk and cheese that never seemed to run out. Oh and we had things you humans could only dream of.. Ambrosia and nectar.. Both so mouthwateringly delicious and only available on Olympus." Atë sighed at the thought before she looked at Dorian and smiled playfully again. "And not a single piece of chocolate to be found."

"Sounds dreadful," Dorian replied with dramatic sympathy, complete with frown.

"Now that I know how delicious those little blocks of sweetness are I wouldn't attend another banquet unless it was served." Atë replied with a smirk. "Just chocolate for every course.. That sounds delightful." She took another bite of her lunch as she watched Dorian. "You know.. You're being very accommodating for me? Why?"

"Is there a reason I shouldn't be?" Dorian asked in reply, setting his fork down for a moment. "I travel a lot," he explained. "I'm used to people that are basically strangers surrounding me. I could either become a recluse or I could treat them as friends. I liked the latter better. I like you, so why wouldn't I accommodate you?"

Ate gave a small shrug."Most people tend to try to keep me at a distance.. And I imagined most of the descendants would have liked some space when they learn what they are." She replied before smiling and tilting her head slightly. "I admire you for taking so well to your inheritance..Hopefully the others are like you."

"Well I'd rather know I can influence people so I can avoid doing it, than go through my life accidentally forcing people to agree with me," Dorian replied as he swirled some pasta onto his fork. "So I'm glad you told me."

"So.. Does that mean you're not willing to help us?" Atë asked slowly as she set her own fork down. "You really wish to avoid this whole thing and never use your gifts?"

Dorian waves the hand not holding a fork, wrinkling his nose a little. "Not on other people," he clarified. "Mortals?" Cash was one of them. And Jade. Risk. So many. He would do anything to protect them. A part of him was still hoping she was joking about fighting gods, but yes, he would even fight gods, monsters, the devil himself. He loved them. "If someone is dangerous enough to come after the people I love, of course I'll fight with whatever I have at my disposal."

"Good boy, that's what I like to hear." Atë grinned before she suddenly looked thoughtful. "I wonder if I could get some weapons, teach you how to defend yourselves when your abilities aren't doing the trick.."

Dorian made sure to swallow the bite he was working on before trying to speak. "Weapons? I haven't touched anything like that since... wow, college, years ago. Even then it was just sport. Archery and fencing." He waved his fork a little in something reminiscent of fencing before spearing the last bit of his pasta. "And you seem pretty pressed for time for this... battle. Anything you teach me probably isn't going to stand up to a god without some kind of miracle guiding the blade.... You know that, right?"

"Ugh yeah.. I guess you're right." Atë grumbled lightly. "We'll just have to make sure I'm always around then. With every single one of you..." She frowned at the thought. "This is going to be tiring.."

"Atë..." Dorian left his fork on his now empty plate and reached out to grasp her wrist, giving it a comforting squeeze. "I will protect you if you need to rest. Or.. well.. I will certainly try," he assured her with a crooked smile and a huff of a laugh. "That much I can do. And not everyone will be as useless as I am. Adela is an officer, she's very familiar with firearms. Archer was- is?- a soldier."

"Well that's a start at least. It'll all be will all be fine." Atë replied as she allowed her signature smile to return. "Speaking of resting though.. I'm tired Dorian."

"Oh, well-" Dorian glanced out the window and frowned, turning back to Ate. "It doesn't look like the rain's stopping. Do you want to lie down here? I've got a spare room-" He pointed his thumb over his shoulder at one of the other doors, then held up his hand. "I promise I won't sneak in. I'll be a perfect gentleman," he returned her grin with one of his own.

"No.. No I'll just sleep on the couch. I don't like sleeping alone so the sound of television will do." Atë replied in a matter of fact tone. She took another small bite of her lunch then pushed the bowl away and stood up with a stretch.

"We could share my bed if you want," Dorian offered as he took both sets of dishes to the kitchen to clean them. "You've already been in it and I don't mind. I warn you though-" He paused in his cleaning to look back at her, mustering every bit of seriousness he could manage. "I'm told I'm a cuddler." He shrugged and went back to cleaning. "But if you prefer the tv, I'll understand."

"You are going to let me share your bed?" Atë asked with a raised eyebrow before shrugging. "Why not. So are you coming for a nap now?" She asked with a motion towards his room. "I'm tired."

Dorian thought about how his entire day had went from the moment he woke up and considering it all he realized, yes, he did feel a little tired. So much had changed in so few hours. He set the dishes in the little rack to dry before turning to Atë. "Sure, I think I could use a nap as well." He walked the few paces to her and held out a hand to lead her back to his bedroom, more as a courtesy than a necessity. He smiled, affectionate with a hint of a tease in it. "Though you've made it look like we already slept in it."

"And that's a bad thing?" Ate asked playfully as she took his hand and began to move towards the bedroom. Once there she let go and headed for the bed, jumping onto it with a playful squeal. "This is a comfy bed.." She commented as she flopped back onto the pillows. "I might never leave.."

Sending up another silent little prayer for strength, Dorian joined her on the bed, though somewhat more lazily than she had done, almost cat-like as he first knelt one knee on it, then leaned forward to support with his hands and finally sliding down into a stretch that left him stretched out on what he supposed would now be 'his' side of his bed. "I am glad you find it acceptable, my goddess," he replied reverently, grinning at her. "But if you never leave, how am I ever supposed to take a lover? I could never bring them to my bed with you in it."

"You have a spare room, haven't you?" Atë asked with a small smirk before she stretched and then snuggled down into her pillows. "No more lovers in this bed for you blue eyes. I've claimed it for my own. Just you and me from now on."

"Then I suppose if I want to take a lover to this bed, I only have one choice," Dorian replied and rolled from his stomach onto his side so he could face her. His arms reached out and captured her, pulling her into his embrace. One hand came up to brush the hair away from her face, fingertips barely grazing the top of her ear as he tucked her silky locks behind it. He tilted his head down, warm breath ghosting across her ear, his smile felt where his cheek met hers. "To get over it and be celibate," he murmured softly and chuckled, lowering his hand again so both arms could squeeze her gently before he took to rubbing soothing circles on her back.

"That's the spirit." Atë chuckled sleepily as she curled in against Dorian. "Unfortunately though I feel this may be our only sleepover. Teos will steal me away to be with him soon I'm sure. I bet he'll be just as eager to share a bed too." She joked playfully. "Everyone loves Ate."

"Mm, and how could they not?" Dorian replied, a bit quieter now to let her rest. He pressed a kiss to her hair then closed his eyes, settling with her as he continued rubbing her back. "Would you prefer to share his bed? If not, I will fight him for you." He chuckled softly. "But if you prefer him over me... who am I to deny a lady? ...What is Teos to you anyway?"

"I don't know, he hasn't told me. I think he wants me to guess who he's related to then I will know our connection." Atë replied quietly. "And please fight if you wish. I've always wanted to have two potential lovers duel for my hand." She joked with a small laugh, her voice slightly muffled now as she buried her head against his chest and gripped lightly to the front of his shirt. Her laughter slowly faded as sleep finally overcame her and she lay curled up cosily next to Dorian.

Dorian's cell phone rang insistently, Cash on the other end of the line, not even considering if he was interrupting anything.

Potential lovers? What the hell? He wasn't- Dorian jerked slightly as his phone buzzed where he'd left it on the night stand earlier. He hadn't realized he'd nodded off as well. He quickly checked Ate was ok before carefully extricating one of his arms to grope behind him until he grabbed the phone, letting out a breath through his nose as he blinked a few times, trying to identify the caller ID. When he did, however, he all but flew away from Ate. It took less than a second before he'd slid his other arm free and was sitting on the edge of the bed, a smile already on his face and self consciously tried to calm his messy curls as he pressed the button to answer the call. "Hey Cash! What's up??" He kept his voice on the quieter side, trying not to keep disturbing Ate but his enthusiasm was no less obvious.

"Kay! Took you long enough, gorgeous," Cash chuckled before continuing: "Just calling to let you know that you have plans for tomorrow afternoon as well as the morning, now~"

"Is that your none-to-subtle way of asking me out?" came Dorian's grinning reply. "Because if so the answer is absolutely yes, but what's the occasion?" He gasped softly but when he spoke the teasing grin was still present. "Are you finally asking what I think you're asking? I promise to be surprised, no matter the size of the stone."

"Dorian my little blue eyed god.." Came Ate's sleepy voice all of a sudden as she patted the space beside her in search of Dorian as her eyes remained shut. "Come back to bed.."

Even drowsy and over the phone, anyone who had spent their whole life in Athens Harbor would know that the female voice calling for Dorian was not Jade's. Naturally, whatever witty, pseudo-flirty response Cash was about shoot back died on his tongue, leaving him floundering for some explanation mentally and his voice strained: "Risk's throwing a yacht party. You're invited."

"A yacht party? That sounds pretty... high class," Dorian replied with a little bit of concern in his tone. He leaned back on the bed a bit so he could reach Ate, using his hand not holding the phone to stroke her hair soothingly. "Am I really invited or am I your plus one? I just need to know if I should wear something appropriate for someone who gets to be your arm candy for the afternoon." He leaned forward and pressed a quiet kiss to Ate's temple before sitting up again, moving his hand to her back to continue the soothing rubbing he had been doing before he dozed off. "Events are always better when I get to spend them with you."

Slowly Ate opened one eye and then the other as she listened to Dorian talk. "Have you got a date?" She whispered playfully. "Who is it? Do I know them? Can I talk to them?" She asked and without waiting for an answer she was up with unnatural speed, pulling the phone from Dorians hand and hopping off the bed. She looked at the caller id and suddenly grinned as she pointed at the phone then up at Dorian. "Cash!" She exclaimed before pressing the phone to her ear. "Hi Cash! I'm Dorian's best friend. We've already met though. We sat together at the diner this morning, remember? I asked you your name, you seemed a little freaked out.. It was a great conversation." She joked as she paced back and forth across the bedroom floor.

"Well, you know Risk. He's probably invited everyone who shares a zip code with him and their cousin." It took Cash a few moments to adjust to the sudden change in speaker before finally responding to Ate with half-faked offense: "Usurper! That's my rightful title! Especially if it comes with bed-sharing privileges!"

"Ate! Ate!" Dorian whispered quickly, trying to get her to hand over the phone. When she didn't, he reached out and grabbed her with an arm around her torso, hauling her onto his lap as he grabbed the phone back, giving her a quick kiss to immediately cut off whatever protest she had. "Sorry about that," he apologized into the phone. "You know how sleepovers go, besties always trying to figure out what boys their friends are crushing on." He gave her a little squeeze where he was still holding her with his arm, back to his chest. "I blush when I talk to you, she clearly has figured out my hidden feelings. So, hang on, this party. What should I wear? Is there anything you want to see me in? Or.. out of?" he grinned at the last part. "Because I was thinking I would love to see you-"

Atë's eyes light up when Cash had responded the way he had. She'd found a fun one here. She opened her mouth to reply but suddenly found herself being pulled back and the phone removed from her ear."Hey! Don't think you can just kiss me and I'll stop!" She protested but after a moment she relaxed back and draped an arm round Dorians neck. "I like him. Can Cash be my bestie too? We could live together in one big house.. I might even let him share the bed with you." She teased before raising her voice suddenly. "Cash you're my best friend now too, we can all share the bed!"

"You'd think she'd already know you and Jade are an item," Cash pointed out before continuing in a teasingly suspicious tone, "and shame on you, pretending you didn't know who she was. 'Wiccan or process server', indeed." At Ate's remark, Cash's laughter rang out, warm and joyful: "I don't know if my bed is big enough for that! Yours, Kay?"

"Sure, we can all come back to my place and crash after the party tomorrow," Dorian offered, but he was frowning slightly. "And I swear, I didn't know her until after breakfast, after Jade... That is.. we... Cash, Jade and I aren't, anymore. An 'item', that is."

"Hey! I have a name you know.." Atë grumbled before she pulled away from Dorian and stood up, stretching as she did. "Tell Cash to come over now. I want to meet him properly."

"...Dorian," Cash's voice was low in pitch and volume, almost inaudible over the sound of rustling papers and something clicking, "where are you?"

"At home, waiting out the rain," Dorian replied soberly, watching Atë stretch while his mind wasn't exactly focused on it. "Atë says to tell you to come over so she can 'meet you properly'-" He cupped a hand over the phone as if to be secret, but did nothing to actually hide what he was saying from her ears. "Though if I were you, I would be very concerned about what she meant by that 'properly' part." He dropped his hand. "Are you still at the office?"

"Walking out the door right now. You live at a duplex, right? Somewhere by Yew Avenue?" There was a slight creaking and thud.

"Yeah, just past the blue two story with the big oak out front- Why?"

"Is he coming?" Atë spun round to face Dorian, an excited smile suddenly on her face.

"Give me five minutes, I'll be right there," and with that, Cash hung up.

"Uh..." Dorian pulled the phone away from his ear and stared at it a little in surprise. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess he is." He hit the end button and tossed the phone back onto the night stand before getting off the bed to go turn the tv off he just noticed was still on. Atë was more distracting than he realized. She was like being on vacation, like spring break, no rules or restrictions, but then reality felt twice as hard. He wondered if she could be addictive then, for those who were constantly wanting to avoid reality. One press of the remote and the tv was off. "He said he'll be about five minutes."

"That soon! I have to find something else to wear! Help Me Dorian!" Atë exclaimed as she hurried to his closet and began flinging clothes this way and that.

"I don't really know what you expect to find," Dorian called to her even as he returned to the bedroom and dodged the clothes flying about. "You just want a sheet and a belt? I've got that. If I had any women's clothes, they'd be the 'left behind' kind and I wouldn't subject you, or anyone, to wearing those, that's why I don't have them. What's wrong with the clothes you came in?"

"Fine.." Atë huffed as she emerged from the closet with a frown then stooped to pick up her clothes. She quickly peeled off Dorians shirt and cargo shorts then pulled on her own fitted t-shirt and jeans. "Ugh.. So bland..." She sighed as she looked down at herself and brushed her fingers through her hair. "I'll have to get some new things.."

"I'll take you shopping on Saturday." It was a statement, not a question or an offer. "And you look stunning, clothing only diminishes the effect." He grinned at her before turning and returning to the living room to watch out the front window, both because he was eager to see Cash and because something he just discovered in himself today was trying desperately to claw out of his skin and get at Atë after seeing her all but naked in front of him.

"You're just as eager as I am." Atë commented as she stepped up next to Dorian and rested her head against his arm. "I wonder why that could be?" She asked in a teasing tone.

Just seconds short of six minutes after he hung up, Cash's Dodge Hellcat pulled into Dorian's driveway and the redhead in question sprinted through the rain to knock on the front door with a small icebox in hand.

And if Atë might be drug like, Cash sure as hell was. As soon as his care was identifiable in the rain a bright smile spread across his face. Atë's teasing forgotten, he pulled the door open before Cash's knuckles even made contact and he hauled the man inside, enveloping him in a tight hug (though careful not to squish whatever he was carrying, it might be important work stuff). "Cash, it's so good to see you. Twice in one day! How did I get so lucky?"

Ate watched the interaction with a raised eyebrow then turned and wandered over to her jacket. She dug around in the pockets for a few seconds before she extracted some dark red lipstick which she started to apply as she hummed to herself, keeping her eyes sparkling with mischief on the men.

Hugging Dorian back with his one free arm, Cash answered: "As if any mortal has the will to say no to you~ Ok!" He pulled away to set the icebox on the coffee table, "I got us otter pops, vanilla bean ice cream, cappuccino chocolate chunk frozen yogurt, and a jar of brandied cherries~ We really lucked out, Nathan usually doesn't keep alcohol around the house unless it's rum cake season."

"No... you didn't-" Dorian's face, if possible, brightened further and he opened the box to snoop around, emerging triumphant after a full minute with a white otter pop. He grabbed Cash around the waist and pulled them flush together, kissing the red headed man on the cheek. "You know me too well," he complimented, then let go to sit on the couch and with a surprising amount of ease got it open. "So what's Nathan got to do with this?" he asked, the words muffled as he happily sucked on the end of the plastic.

The sound of someone clearing their throat suddenly broke through the air as Ate stood with her hand on her hip watching Cash with a smile and a tilt of her head. "Blue eyes you're being rude. Introduce us.." She said with a glance in Dorians direction. "Nevermind.. I'll do it myself. Remind me to teach you some manners later.." She stepped towards Cash raising her hand as she did. "You must be Cash.." But if it seemed she was going to take his hand to shake, she wasn't. Instead she suddenly raised the other hand and took hold of his face, pressing her lips to his as she did. She only allowed the spontaneous kiss to linger for a few seconds before she finally released him, leaving a print of her Lipstick on his lips. "I'm Ate." She smirked then turned and moved to one of the couches, winking at Dorian as she did.

"Well, the store doesn't sell otter pops pre-frozen and my apartment's in the other direction," Cash shrugged, wrapping his arm back around Dorian to return the embrace. He had opened his mouth to continue when Ate spoke up, causing him to smirk in her direction. "Yup. And you would be?--!!!" Instead of turning pinker as he did with Dorian's peck on the cheek, Cash's face was stark white by the time Ate pulled away from the kiss and with wide eyes he blurted out: "I'm gay."

Dorian, whom was left stock still on the couch with his eyes icy as they followed Atë to her seat, seemed to come out of his revere at Cash's admission. Cash never dated anyone (that Dorian was aware of) so he hadn't actually known that before. Too attached to let his popsicle fall merely out of shock, he kept his mouth on it tightly and just let his eyes widen at the other man. He gripped the treat in his mouth so he could speak, holding his hand out for Cash to take so he could pull the other man down to sit next to him. "She's just trying to make me jealous," he said factually as he put his popsicle back in his mouth and gently removed the majority of the lipstick with delicate touches of his thumbs, fingers cradling Cash's jaw and cheeks.

"Don't worry sweetie, I know I don't stand a chance with you. Just consider that a welcoming kiss." Atë replied as she continued to smirk at Cash before she looked at Dorian and gave an innocent shrug. "Why would I want to make you jealous blue eyes? You're my bestie remember?" She gave a light chuckle as she relaxed back on the couch.

"Don't worry, Kay. Happens all the time," Cash said exasperatedly even as he sat down beside his curly-haired friend. "Good to know you won't throw a fit about it," he gave Ate a small, tired grin before leaning forward to grab the jar of cherries.

Dorian stopped fussing over Cash to pull the popsicle out of his mouth again. "What do you mean it happens all the time?" Ok even he heard it that time. That thing that had set Jade off. He quickly averted his eyes. "Never mind." His bright smile was back and he laid his head on Cash's shoulder. "Why'd you rush over so fast? Not that I'm complaining," he continued conversationally as he pushed the rest of the icy treat up the packaging so he would be able to access it. "Afraid Atë was going to do wicked things to me so you had to come protect me?" He raised his eyes to look at Cash, nearly the entirety of his deep blue irises exposed and framed by long dark eyelashes. He stuck the popsicle back in his mouth, suckling peacefully.

"Protect you? Ha.." Ate teased with a grin at both Dorian and Cash. "I'd like to see him try..Though maybe he wasn't here to protect you blue eyes..maybe he was here to help me carry out those wicked deeds." She winked at Dorian then stood up again. "The lack of chocolate disappoints me Cash, you must do better next time." She shook her head in dismay then turned and headed for the kitchen to gather Dorian's stash of chocolate goods.

Unlike Jade, Cash had no problem with being the center of Dorian's zealous attention and opened his mouth to answer, only to frown slightly when the question was retracted. "Well, if any wickedness occurs, I'd like to be involved, or at least eating popcorn," he shrugged before turning to Ate: "Hey! Aside from unsweetened baking stuff, this was the chocolateliest thing he had!" Cash gestured to the cappuccino chocolate chunk.

There was a soft rattle as Dorian tossed his empty wrapper onto the table next to the cooler and sat up so he could look at Cash more directly, guiding his attention back with a hand on his chin. "You want to be involved, eh?" He smirked and leaned forward, dropping his hand to rest on Cash's leg, half on his inner thigh, his face close to the other man's. "What kind of wicked things would you do to me, Wick?"

By the time Dorian's hand made itself comfortable on Cash's leg, the bearded man's face was bright sunburn pink. "That would depend...Today we might have to settle for teenaged highjinks," he made a pointed look towards Ate, then the brandied cherries before making eye contact with Dorian.

Atë had her back to the pair as she rummaged round in the kitchen searching for the chocolate Dorian had hidden away. Her hips swayed slightly and her head nodded from side to side as she hummed loudly to herself before she finally broke into song. "Gimme all your lovin', all your hugs and kisses too, gimme all your lovin' don't let up until we're through.." She turned and headed back to the couch, arms full of treats, singing softly under her breath, glancing at Dorian and Cash with a playful smirk.

Dorian let out a sigh at Atë's singing, slowly shifting and lowering his head so his forehead fell on Cash's shoulder. "She's excellent at killing a man's advances," he said, but instead of muttering it sounded surprisingly like a compliment. After a moment of recuperation, he lifted his head to see the other goodies Cash has brought and also spotted the cherries the man had been eyeballing. He grinned, thinking how apropos it was. His hand reluctantly left Cash's thigh to grab the jar and in a few skilled moves he had plucked one from the jar, shown it to Cash, then placed it between his own lips and leaned forward expectantly, holding the lawyer's eyes steadily, almost as if daring him.

Dorian sighed, Cash snorted. It was equally embarrassing and hilarious to him that Ate would sing that while his face and Dorian's were mere inches from each other and he did not have a turtleneck or hoodie to hide in, so it took everything in him to hold in his laughter until the eye contact was broken, finally allowing him to release a few relieved chuckles while trying to keep his shoulders relatively still. He relaxed even farther into the sofa when his leg was freed, despite his disappointment, and only tensed up again at Dorian's silent challenge. From the top of his head to the base of his neck, Cash was a mass of orange, red and pink save for the two wide blue eyes flickering from Dorian's face to Ate's and back.

"I bet you thought I was going to be the wicked one.." Atë grinned at Cash before she plucked a chocolate covered cherry from her own pile and popped it between her teeth. "Just let me know if you'd like some assistance..I'll take care of blue eyes here.." She smiled and tilted her head slightly before she picked up another piece of chocolate and took a bite.

The only change in Cash's expression was a slight narrowing of his eyes before leaning forward, pressing his own lips to Dorian's, and--with a quick sweep of his tongue--pulling the cherry into his own mouth. He quickly pulled back with a grin, holding the cherry between his teeth with his face redder than his hair.

Whatever Dorian did to people's heads with his abilities had nothing on what Cash did to his just then. He felt his chest tighten and fought to keep his breathing even. He did, however, let his face break into a wide grin. Fuck whatever else happened today, if he had to endure some bad luck to earn that bit of good luck, it was damn well worth it. He lightly licked the remaining juice away from his lips, brushing across where it still tingled from Cash's, then turned away to dig for another popsicle, a few other ideas for those cherries and frozen treats running through his head. "So, you'll take care of me, will you?" he asked Atë. "And Cash wants to be involved. Well I'm just the luckiest boy in Athen's Harbor tonight, aren't I?"

"I think you might just be." Atë remarked playfully. "I'm sure there would be many a person wishing they were in your place blue eyes. I mean look at him.." She motioned at Cash with a grin. "As sweet as sugar, right? So I guess that makes you the spice blue eyes.." She chuckled lightly. "I wonder what that makes me then?"

Closing his mouth and chewing the cherry, Cash took the time to cool his cheeks and ponder Ate's question. "The Agitator," he offered, "yes, it usually means 'troublemaker', but that's not what I mean. In culinary terms, it shakes things up, blends it together and keeps everything from settling and going stale." Once the words left his mouth, his eyes widened in alarm and he pulled out his phone to type out and send a text...only to let out a sigh and slump in relief at his notification of a missed voicemail.

Dorian, rising victorious once again with a white popsicle, re-situated himself onto the couch so he was sitting next to Cash. Seeing his reaction to his phone, Dorian moved his arm over him so it lay across the back of the couch, around Cash's shoulders. "Something the matter?" he asked as he stuck the end of the ice treat in his mouth, sucking quietly but watching Cash for his reply.

Atë raised an eyebrow at Cash's behaviour but said nothing, Dorian was already enquiring after all. She glanced at the window and noticed the rain was starting to lighten up. Maybe it was time to go? She glanced back at Dorian and Cash and smirked lightly. I think sugar and spice could use some time alone. She thought then stood up once more and wandered back to the kitchen in search of a container to take her chocolate away with her, before she headed to where she had kicked off her boots and began to pull them on.

"Nah," Cash chuckled as he held up his phone, "I think Nathan just realized I raided his freezer." He leaned into Dorian's arm as he pocketed his phone, again, certain that the message would just be a lot of yelling and swear words and perfectly content with putting it off for now.

Dorian used his free hand to take the popsicle out of his mouth. "Ah," he replied, enough to show he understood. He lifted the hand that lay around his companion and stroked Cash's hair affectionately as he looked over at Atë putting on her boots. "Are you wanting to head over to Jade's? I can't really drive you but we could call you a ride. Her house is pretty far from here. Maybe Teos could come get you and walk you over? He'd know the way since he apparently lives there."

"No its fine, I don't mind the walk." Atë dismissed Dorian with a wave of her hand before she finished lacing her boots and stood up. "I'll be perfectly safe on my own blue eyes so you needn't worry." She grabbed for her coat and slipped it on, making sure her journal was safely stored away in the pocket before she looked at Dorian and Cash with a smile. "Well this was fun.. I'll see you around soon."

"Hey, wait!" Dorian, against his stronger wishes, removed his arm from around Cash so he could stride off to his bedroom. When he returned, he handed Ate a large umbrella. "At least take this. The rain should let up soon but not before you get soaked. Can we spend more time together tomorrow? I'd really like to continue what we were working on today..."

"It's a date blue eyes.." Atë grinned with a tilt of her head as she took hold of the umbrella. "Let me check my schedule with Teos, see if he has me working or whatever with the others and then I'll get in touch. You can come pick me up and we'll have some more fun." Her grin widened before she looked past Dorian and waved at Cash. "Nice meeting you sugar. I'll be seeing you round real soon." She looked back at Dorian as she took a step back towards the front door then turned and opened it. She made to step outside but suddenly stopped. "Oh before I forget.." She turned back and suddenly took hold of Dorian's chin, bringing her lips to his in a passionate kiss. "There. Didn't want you getting jealous of Cash now..have you complaining that he got a kiss and you didn't." She smirked and patted his cheek before turning and finally stepping outside. "See you round blue eyes." She waved over her shoulder then popped up the umbrella and stepped out into the rain, disappearing out onto the street.

Stunned, and more than a little breathless, Dorian quietly closed the door behind her, turned, and leaned against it. He reached up with one hand to wipe at his lips and looked at his fingers, seeing the smear of lipstick. He laughed and showed it to Cash. "Give me a minute? It's not really my color." He shook his head and stepped away from the door to go to the kitchen and wash his mouth off. Only once the towel was coming back clean did he return to the living room, sitting on the other end of the one Cash was on. "She's a strange... She's strange," he commented distractedly before sticking his popsicle back in his mouth.

Although a little put out when Dorian suddenly stood from their semi-cuddle-session, Cash merely took the opportunity to pop another brandied cherry into his mouth--they really were quite good!--as he watched his two friends(?) interact. He came to regret it, if only a little, when the shock of Ate kissing Dorian right in front of him caused Cash to choke on the cherry. By the time Dorian returned with a clean face, Cash had stopped coughing, instead pouting at the new distance between them. "Guess I was wrong; she is a troublemaker..."

Dorian finished off the last bite of his popsicle and raised an eyebrow, then smirked. He tossed the wrapper with the other, figuring he could clean it up later, and swallowed the last of the melted juice in his mouth. "She tries to be," he agreed and leaned toward his companion, one hand resting near Cash's hip for support. "Did she upset you? You can have a kiss too you know." He shifted so he was sitting closer, keeping his face close to Cash's again. "More than one if you want."

Well, he can't exactly complain about the distance, anymore... Cash's cheeks tinged pink once more as he breathed out: "I do hope that offer isn't just for tonight... If you want a rebound, that's what I brought otter pops for."

Dorian's smirk broke into an apologetic smile. "I can't tell if that's an offer or not," he admitted. "And your blush isn't helping. It's distracting me." He touched his nose to Cash's pink cheek. "I won't force you..." he whispered. "But, if you want to..."

Cash's cheeks burned brighter and his eyes went hazy. "...Not tonight. Let's just, um," he cleared his throat and leaned away from Dorian to reach for another cherry, "eat sugar, talk trash and watch trash. I'd say 'eat trash' too, but..." he bit into the cherry, "this stuff is way too good."

Disappointed, but understanding, Dorian nodded. "Ok," he said soothingly and leaned away again. He picked up the remote and offered it to Cash. "But-" he held the remote out of reach. "Only if you let me hold you." He pouted, but something about it was painfully honest. "I could really use the comfort."

Cash smiled at Dorian's request; a soft, genuine expression: "That's what I came here for," he leaned against the curly-haired man, resting his arm around Dorian's shoulders.

Dorian immediately dropped his pout in favor of a bright smile paired with arms shifting to capture Cash's waist. "What would I do without you?" he asked rhetorically as he buried his face against the other man's shoulder. He smelled wonderful, clean clothes, the lingering scent of rain, the hint of cherries and alcohol. "C'n y'u do 'ish 'ore of'en?" He refused to budge his face just to talk.

"Do as I promised you. Don't let Risk take over as the handsomest man in Athens Harbor." Cash laughed before humming at the vibrations of Dorian's voice against his shoulder. "If you want an answer, you'll have to let me hear the question~"

Reluctantly Dorian turned his head but he did press his forehead against Cash's neck, feeling the scruff of his beard against one side. "Can you.. can we, do this more often? Or just.. more?" He lifted his head to look at him. "Could you stay tonight? I don't want you to go."

"Yes. And...yes. I'll stay," Cash made eye-contact, wanting to communicate just how seriously he meant his next words, "but only as a friend, tonight. No rebounds. I've seen enough of it in my professional life, I won't stand for it in my personal one."

Dorian didn't even look disappointed, only nodded. "Of course, of course, I'll be good, I promise," he swore. He shook his head, little curls swinging slightly. "You are not a rebound. I would never-" He stopped, sharing that same smile. "I'll be good." He leaned back against the arm of the couch, letting go of Cash only long enough so he could stretch out one leg along the cushions, then grabbed him again, hauling him back so he could keep the red head's back against his chest, then buried his face against his shoulder again, only this time from behind.

"I know, I know. I believe you," Cash grinned as he leaned back onto Dorian as he finally grabbed the remote: "Now, what's your guilty pleasure?"

He had a feeling his honest answer was probably the wrong answer, considering what he just promised. "I don't watch much tv," he admitted once he lifted his face to rest his chin on Cash's shoulder so he could see the tv too. He kept his arms wrapped around the other man's torso, enjoying the feeling of a firm body against him, though not quite as defined as his own. Still, it was electricity, the difference between Cash and how Jade had felt. Had he really been holding her just hours ago? Had he really kissed her just that morning? He spread a hand on Cash's chest, let himself take in the flat expanse broken only by the gentle slope of pectoral muscles. "Pick anything, I'll watch with you. As long as you're here."

Cash chuckled, placing his hand on top of Dorian's and placing his fingers between the other man's, "I'm not going anywhere~ So...I guess that means we're watching competitions shows." He flipped through the guide on the screen rapid-fire to find anything with judges, voting, and a big prize at the end, finally landing on Ink Master.

The comfort almost hurt it felt so good. He let his eyes close, just out of Cash's line of sight and felt their breaths, slightly out of sync, the warmth between their hands, the almost hug-like pressure of having his hand gently pinned between Cash's hand and chest. He could feel his heartbeat, maybe a little fast but it only made him smile. It was so easy to hold him. He opened his eyes again to see the show Cash had picked and leaned his head so it rested against the other's. "You indulge in the suffering of others," he muttered quietly into his ear. "Should I be worried for myself?"

Cash shivered at the sensation of Dorian's breath in his ear before quipping: "Only if there's a one-winner finale. 'Til then, our alliance is indestructible~"

Wrapped in his arms, Dorian didn't miss the shiver, but it only made his smile wider. "I'm afraid I'm terrible competition for you," he continued quietly. "I'd take out all the other competitors to help you win."

Grinning and chuckling as he leaned his head back on Dorian's shoulder to make eye contact with him, Cash asked, "Isn't that what alliances are for?"

"So you are just using me for your conquest for power?" Dorian accused, giving a half-hearted scowl but it fell easily back into a lopsided smirk. His eyes were glancing at Cash's lips and he felt like his self control was wavering. But he had promised and it kept him on a tight leash. "You're already a king in my eyes, Wick."

"Don't you know, Kay, that you are the conquest? Talk about power couples," Cash pitched his voice dramatically low, "we would rule Athens Harbor together! Beauty, brains, education, connections--we have it all! The mayor is merely a puppet! Mwah-ha!"

Dorian's arms tightened slightly, squeezing Cash even closer as he hugged him, gently nosing against his neck. "Power couple? Does that mean you want me by your side?"

"As if you haven't been, already," Cash scoffed before continuing in a more hesitant tone: "Although...not quite like that...yet...Either way, we do well together. As friends or...other..."

Dorian smiled, but it was dimmer than usual, almost sad. "Yeah..." he agreed softly. "Yeah, of course. I completely understand... I'll stand by your side no matter what. You're my best friend, Cash." He blinked a couple times before shifting to rest his forehead on the other man's shoulder again, burying his face. Thank you for still wanting me, even if it's only that much.

Cash turned his face to nuzzle his nose lightly against the curls on top of Dorian's head--huffing a little at the ticklish sensation. "You're mine, too. And if you want to be more...I want you to be sure you want it. I'm fine either way, but tonight's too soon for you." He kissed those curls before spending a few moments trying to discretely remove one of Dorian's hairs from his mouth without the other man noticing.

"I want to be with someone who's happy to be with me..." Dorian spoke quietly, almost to himself and did not raise his face. "Not someone who's just using me..." He took a breath, letting it out shakily. "As a placeholder..." His arms, which had relaxed, tightened again, almost in desperation. "Fine either way-" A huff like a weak laugh, but he didn't loosen his hold. "I wouldn't be that person to you either then. Just as happy with as without."

Cash scowled as he finally removed the hair, although the unpleasant sensation was not why. "Dorian... That's not what love is, dear. It is not needing a romantic attachment. It is a base, simple impulse as natural as any other emotion, because that's all it is, Kay. Emotion. And anyone could love anyone else for any length of time. Because everyone has at least one thing about them, one trait, physical or otherwise, that anyone else on the planet could come to fall in love with. It just takes a situation where those traits are the ones on display. And the most mismatched couple could last a lifetime while the most compatible could burn out in seconds. Because love is an emotion. You can't control it. What you can control is respect and devotion. You are my best friend, Kay. I respect you more than any other person I've ever met. The happiest relationships start that way. I know because I rarely ever see best friends in my office, and when I do they always say 'I didn't even know them'."

Do I love you then? His grip tightened fractionally, there was a quiver in his body and a hitch in his breath. I didn't even know her. Thoughts of everything Ate and Teos told him, where he came from. Do I love everyone? No one? Can anyone actually love me? The shaking increased. I don't want to force them- don't force them- but then no one- This, this is all I have. Cash's shoulder grew warm, Dorian's breath ghosting over it to indicate it was also a little damp. It's hollow and this is all I get-

Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit! "Kay? Kay! What's wrong?" Cash's voice wavered a little as he reached over his shoulder to run his fingers through Dorian's hair. "Kay, why are you crying? Oh, shit. Is this about Jade?"

"Jade slept with someone else." The words just fell out of his mouth. He only meant to think them. But there they were, when he opened his mouth, he almost felt them roll down between Cash's back and his chest, sitting heavily on his stomach. The fingers in his hair, they were so comforting, just as they had been on his hand, and it hurt, he squeezed his eyes shut but it only seemed to force out more tears. He took a breath, letting it out shakily. Get it under control, Dorian...

Cash's eyes widened in shock: "She what!?" After a moment of indecision, the redhead twisted around as much as he could in Dorian's grasp to embrace his waist with one arm, the other hand still combing through curly locks, and press as much of Dorian to his own front as possible.

"It's ok, it's ok," Dorian breathed, but it wasn't clear if he was trying to console himself or Cash and his tone said it was very much not ok. He hadn't protested as Cash moved but his hands did switch to gripping the back of his shirt like a vice, face buried against his neck. His legs, both on and off the couch, had bent, as if he was trying to curl in on himself but Cash was in the way. Gods was he grateful he was in the way. "She's loved him so long- I was just a placeholder- She was done- That's all- He's back- so- she.. she..." His hold on Cash tightened again as his words dissolved into shaking breaths.

"It won't last," Cash predicted in an even voice, "I know you're too nice to find any comfort in it...but it won't. Cheating isn't about love. It isn't even about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's the lack of respect and common decency to let a person know when you're done with them." The arm around Dorian's waist squeezed him gently. "There's only two types of cheaters, Kay. One can change. They probably won't, because it's easier to be a coward and never confront someone until everything falls apart at the slightest breeze. But they can. If they really want to. The other never changes. Because people aren't people to them, they're toys. Possessions. And they feel entitled to every single one of them and everything they all have to offer. I hope...for the sake of whatever working relationship you'll still have with her...that Jade is the first. But it still won't last."

"She.. she wanted to work things out," Dorian managed to huff out in short breaths. "I wanted to- I did- then she told me- She said- She wasn't that kind- but then she- Why. Why would she lie?" He clenched his teeth together, his body stiff. He was angry, but he didn't want to be and that just made him angrier. "She. LIED. To. Me," he ground out. "She. Did. This. To. Me. She knew it was wrong and she did it anyway." He sat up suddenly, his own hand coming to the back of Cash's head, holding it as he looked at him with shining blue eyes, red rimmed from crying. "You wouldn't lie to me, right? Right?" He searched his friend's face, needing the comfort, the confirmation, the assurance. "You wouldn't do this to me."

Cash's brow furrowed and he tightened his hold on Dorian, loathing Jade more and more with every word. At worst she was a coward who knew exactly what she did and hoped it could be erased as easily as it was done. How could it be so easily done? "I can't imagine," the redhead admitted, "anyone having to stomach to do such a thing to you. I just said it, didn't I? You're my best friend. I respect you too much to ever lie to you. Never you."

The words seemed to soothe him somewhat at least. His body relaxed a fraction. He even smiled a little, quickly kissing Cash's cheek as he returned the hug, holding the other man close. "I love you," he breathed, eyes closed just enjoying the comfort Cash was so kindly giving. "I love you so much." Let me stay. Be with you. Stay with you. You don't have to be with me too, just let me always have you.

"...Tell me again when you're done mourning, Kay. You cared, you still do, so let yourself grieve. Then, if you still feel it, tell me again," Cash kissed Dorian's cheek in return, "I promise I'll say it back."

"I'll say it as many times as I need to," Dorian swore, but he did follow Cash's advice, letting his body fall to the grief again as he felt more hot tears roll down his cheeks. "I'll always mean it." But he wasn't expecting Cash to believe him. He could barely hear what he was saying himself. He just knew his friend was holding him, not judging him, not leaving, and it felt so good he felt the tight bands around his heart finally relaxing. He hadn't even noticed when they got there, or when they had become so tight. But Cash had kissed him, something Dorian received so rarely from him he couldn't stop the smile on his face regardless how it felt so completely at odds with his short breaths and tears. A complex mix of happy and sad and he lost himself to it and, for just a little while, he let go of his fear that he wasn't actually loved back, and pretended he was.

BotO Athens Harbor
Blood of the Olympians

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