Page name: BotO Luke's Farm Chapter Four [Exported view] [RSS]
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2017-05-08 02:28:31
Last author: Synirria
Owner: Synirria
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Luke's Farm


An old farmhouse on the outskirts of town. Luke lovingly restored it and now uses the vast land to produce his own fruit and vegetables. There is a large barn out the back that houses his livestock, including horses, cows and chickens. You can usually hear them as you drive by mixed with the barks of Luke's two dogs.

It hadn't been a restful night for Luke as he tossed and turned in his bed, thinking about how he was going to work up the courage to go and see Haidee the next day. Finally as the sky outside began to lighten he rolled from his bed with a sigh, giving up on any last attempts to sleep. He yawned heavily as he stumbled to his bathroom where he showered before dressing in a fresh shirt and jeans. I can't just go and tell her how I feel.. He thought as he wandered down the stairs and began to fix himself a cup of coffee. He glanced at the table where he had left the piece of paper with her number on it and after a moment he made a grab for it as he fished his new phone from his pocket. With shaking hands he typed a quick casual message wishing her a good morning along with his new number. He paused and read over it before signing his name at the bottom and with a deep breath he pressed send, as his heart raced in his chest. "I did it.." He breathed heavily as he slid his phone back in his pocket and moved to collapse in one of the kitchen chairs, hands wrapped around his mug of coffee.

Just as he raised the mug to his lips the phone buzzed loudly in Lukes pocket making him jump and almost lose his grip on the coffee. He quickly set it down and reached for his phone, heart racing as he fumbled to open the message. A goofy grin spread across his lips as he read Haidee's words and he felt a jolt of happiness when she said she'd be in touch when she would come to visit again. She's going to come back! He thought then typed back much quicker than before. Thank you for your help yesterday, your help was appreciated. You're welcome back any time, It was nice having company so I look forward to your visit. I hope you have a good day.  He finished typing then reread it several times before sending it before he allowed the fear to take over and delete it. He took a deep steadying breath then set the phone on the table, unable to wipe the smile from his face.

Luke had wasted a little longer in the kitchen than normal, waiting for the buzz of his phone, hoping for a reply. She doesn't have to reply. She's probably busy. He scolded himself silently before he finally stood and moved to the sink where he placed his cup. "I just met her.. I don't want to scare her away. Relax." He whispered then with a final glance at his phone he turned and headed out to start his daily work. "Good morning.." He said loudly as he stepped into the barn, greeting his horses with a smile.

As Luke screeched to a halt he quickly turned off the trucks engine then turned to Jade. "The five horses are out in the back field. They're probably going to be pretty spooked with the weather so be careful OK." He told her her before turning and jumping out into the rain once more. He paused to glance up at the smouldering remains of his former farmhouse then sighed and motioned for Jade and Teos to follow. "Let's get this over with.." He called over the wind before he started off with a quick pace towards the horses field.

As soon as the truck came to a stop, Jade was out of it in a flash, closing the door behind her. She rounded the front of the truck to stand beside Luke and nodded her head as she listened to him. Placing her hand on his arm she smiled softly. "We'll be alright... We just need to stay safe and be smart." They didn't need to spook the horses anymore than the already are. "Let's get their halters and lead ropes!" She called out. Since they were in the back field it would be easier to ride one back while the other was tied to another, placing Teos on the last one. "Teos, can you ride?"

"Of course," came Teos' reply, but he wasn't looking at Jade. He was looking at where Luke's farmhouse had stood, then he looked around at the treeline around the farm (which was a little ridiculous if anyone thought about it). Trying to shrug it off he followed the other two to the barn to retrieve harnesses and ropes then toward the back field to assess how the horses were doing.

"Alright I'll meet you over by the field." Luke called as he watched Jade and Teos leave to retrieve the ropes. He turned and started running towards the back field, anxious to check the horses were OK. He raised his fingers to his lips and whistled loudly hoping to draw them to the fence but when he reached it he could just make out there shapes off in the distance huddled under a small clump of trees. Without a seconds thought he climbed the fence and jumped down into the muddy field, splattering dirt up himself before he headed for the horses, whistling every so often to try and grab their attention but with no luck.

"Is he insane! You don't just run to a herd of spooked horses alone." Jade said with her voice full of worry. She jogged after Luke once they had everything they needed. She'd definitely need a shower after running through the mud. Once she got closer so slowed to a brisk walk so that her running wouldn't alarm the horses anymore. She gave a click of her tongue, drawing the attention of the horse closest to her. "Hello babies..." She watched as the horses shifted around on their feet and gave another loud string of clicks with her tongue. She handed two harnesses to Luke as she watched the horses move around restlessly. "There we go..." She gave Luke arm a squeeze before moving ahead of him. The first horse that she had gotten the attention of took a few hesitant steps towards her, meeting her half way. She was able to slip on the harness and rub down its legs, checking it over. "Good boy... lets get the rest of them." She said confidently.

Having no real experience in handling horses, much less spooked ones, Teos stood back while the other two worked on harnessing or tying each of them, handing over the supplies he had helped carry out. A blind man wasn't useful in this situation, he reasoned, and animals were not something he could keep track of as easily as the movements of people. They didn't make the same sense. He wanted to just tell Jade to calm them, and to end the storm, but it was probably useless. She was caught up in something she'd have to work out on her own so he left her to act however she felt would help her. He could check on her again after a night of rest. If she ever got that anyway.

As each horse was secured Luke moved to them and gave their nose an affectionate rub, feeling relieved that they were safe. Finally when the horses had their harnesses securely in place he carefully began to lead them back towards the barn with Jade's help. "Thanks..I owe you one." He huffed a little breathlessly. "Man I can't wait to have a shower.." He looked down at his mud soaked clothing then over at Jade and Teos. "And I bet you are both thinking the same."

Jade waved Luke off with a soft smile. "Eh, it's nothing. I seem to be better with horses than people sometimes. They tend to listen to me." It was one of the reasons people brought their horses to her for any sort of training or breaking. At his mention of a shower she looked herself over and gasped but her gasp quickly turned into a laugh at the sight of the three of them. "Oh my goodness... we are a mess!" She had mud up and down both of her bare legs and her worn boots were caked in the wet stuff as well. Shaking her head she smiled. "A little muddy and rain never hurt anyone though." She smiled softly with a gentle sigh as she glanced up. "Thanks for letting me tag a long... I needed this..." She didn't realize it until then but it had made her feel a bit better, being with Luke usually did. The rain started to let up a bit then, the thundering and lightening quite all together. "Well how about that... weather seems to be clearing up... Oh my goodness!" Her eyes widen and another laugh slipped out of her lips. "Did anyone tell Nathan we were leaving?"

"Nathan is still at your house," Teos assured her, tilting his head back as they walked so he could enjoy the feel of the easing rain on his face. "But he's leaving soon to have dinner with Sabastion and Emily." He turned his face half in their direction, a little frown tugging the corners of his mouth down. "Do you want some help cleaning all that off?" He pointed mostly at Jade, then at the horses behind them. "Or with them? I might not know how to bathe a horse but I'm a fast learner."

Luke had been about to answer about the horses when something that Teos said suddenly struck him. " do you know that Nathan is still there but he's getting ready to leave? And about his plans with Emily and Sebastion? I'm pretty sure he didn't mention anything.." He replied with a glance at Teos as he handed the ropes from the horses he had been holding to Jade and moved to open the barn doors. "What are you psychic now?" He asked jokingly.

"Something like that," Teos replied calmly as he helped lead the horse he had been assigned inside and to an open stall. He chuckled as he grabbed a brush to try and remove some mud. "Is there a question about your future you'd like to know the answer to? Something about... Haidee, perhaps?"

Luke had shook his head at Teos's first words as he moved to grab a bucket of horse feed to bring over before he suddenly stopped when he heard the other mans final words. He slowly turned to stare at him then glanced at Jade, his brows furrowed slightly. She had to have said something to Teos, there was no other explanation. She was the only one who really knew about them, about how he truly felt. "You told this stranger about Haidee and I?" He asked slowly. She knew he liked his privacy and found it hard talking to others, so why would she do that? He frowned then strode forward and pulled the brush from Teos's grip. "Thank you. You can both go." He said quietly then turned away and moved back to the food.

Jade's eyes widened at Luke's accusations before turning to glare at Teos. "Thank you for that subtlety." She rolled her eyes in annoyance. Now that her hands were free of a horse though she moved to Luke's side, wedging her way between him and the horse, knowing she wasn't in any danger. "Look at me... you know me... probably better than Jace, which is saying something. You know I would never betray your trust like that." Her eyes softened as she bobbed her head so their eyes met. "Your my best friend Luke. What we talk about stays between us. I would have thought you trusted me more than that..."

"I did trust you Jade, you're probably the only person I trust in Athen's Harbor, you know that..but how else could he know about Haidee and I? You're the only person who knows about her Jade. Maybe..maybe you just let it slip without realising.." Luke replied softly as he set the bucket of horse feed down and looked at Jade sadly. "How else would he know to bring her up."

Jade crossed her arms over her chest with a shake of her head. "No, Luke... I didn't let it slip." She sighed heavily. "I wish you believed me... I trusted you enough to tell you I cheated on Dorian... something so awful I hate myself for it." She heard the wind outside picking up again but ignored it. "I would never risk our friendship like that. And it's not my place to tell you how he knows things." Jade glanced over Luke's shoulder at Teos with a frown. "2 in one day is a bit exhausting but I'd rather my best friend not be mad at me. Please... Teos..." She knew that he'd understand what she was asking she didn't need to say much more.

Teos nodded understandingly before focusing his attention on Luke. "Jade's telling the truth, Luke. She didn't say anything to me. She's had her own things to deal with, which I am glad you trusted me to know those things," he pointed out to Jade, once more returning his attention to Luke. "There is no need to be upset, I'm not here to tease you about it or anything childish. I know about the two of you the same way I know about many things, like who my family is, why you are so different from your family, and about your lineage."

"My lineage.." Luke repeated as he turned to look at Teos. "Ok because Jade is my best friend I'm going to believe she didn't tell you anything but you need to start talking a little more plainly. Stop with being vague and mysterious or whatever. So go on. Tell me. Why am I so different to my family?" He finished as he folded his arms over his chest.

"Because your very distant mother was Demeter," Teos answered flatly. Luke wanted the truth, he could try a little with him. "Goddess of the Harvest. That's why things grow, even when everyone else says they won't. Plants love you the way sea life loves Jade." He looked at the woman beside Luke. "Makes sense now, doesn't it? Why his farm is the best anyone has ever seen, why everything grows no matter the weather."

There was silence for a few seconds before slow laughter began to bubble forth from Luke before it suddenly erupted from him. "That was not the answer I was expecting.." He chuckled as he wiped his eyes. "I mean yeah distant relative is a goddess.." He laughed sarcastically again then shook his head. "I swear I'm beginning to wonder if I'm in some kind of weird dream or something. I mean seriously, you want me to believe that just because I have good luck with my farm that I'm part god or something..oh man.." He laughed again then looked back at Teos. "Alright so what else can I do? Hm? Growing fruit and vegetables can't be my only super power.."

Jade massaged her temples for a moment as Luke stood there laughing at Teos. "You've really got to work on your intro. Just blurting it out like that... no one is going to believe you." She sighed softly and shook her head. She moved away from them to lean against one of the stalls. She had to admit though, it made sense now why Luke's farm was so plentiful. She wondered who Dorian and the others were descended from, maybe things would make more sense depending on the god or goddess they were connected to.

"There is no. way. to deliver this news where people will just believe it, Jade," Teos replied, keeping his voice deliberately calm. He pointed at her with a hand. "You didn't believe it until I had you actually use your abilities." He moved the hand to Luke. "Of course he's not going to believe me either, none of you are, and there are a LOT of you, ok?" He took a breath to center himself, then addressed Luke again. "They are not 'super powers', they are inherited traits, and you all have them. I do, Jade does, and you do."

Luke's laughter seemed to die away as he watched Teos before a small frown crept across his lips. "You actually believe this.." He said then looked at Jade. "I could use a drink right about now..or several. Might be nice to get drunk in fact.." He said to her, something that was unnatural for him. He wasn't one for drinking very much, let alone heavily enough to get drunk. "Ok so I've inherited these traits from a greek goddess. Why? What's the point?" He asked looking back at Teos. "Couldn't I have been descended from one of the cooler gods? Be a great warrior..or an expert at love..not be able to grow tomatoes in bad weather.." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"It could be worse," Teos muttered quietly. When he had to tell Haidee.. that poor girl... she was much less suited to her destiny than most of them. "Luke, your lineage suits you, it is who you are. And Demeter, from what I hear of her, would have your ear for insinuating she was not one of the better gods." They were all pretty arrogant. "She can do incredible things and so can you, given some training. You can grow plants to make medicines strong enough to heal demi-gods. You could lay waste to a country of crops if they angered you- Though.. I don't suggest that last part. Please don't do that."

"That's not exactly what I meant." Jade gave a soft shake of her head and sighed. At Luke's mention of a drink she frowned deeply. Neither one of them were drinkers, at least not really, she had even crossed the line today so the fact that Luke wanted to as well really pushed her buttons. "Just take a deep breath Luke. I know it's a lot to work through... Believe me, it wasn't easy for me either." Visions of Teos fighting off a Minotaur flooded her mind for a moment, catching her off guard. At least he hadn't had to witness that. 

"What wasn't easy for you?" A voice sounded from the doorway of the barn and when they turned they would find Ate lowering her umbrella and shaking out her long dark curls. "You are not an easy man to track down Teos." She said as she moved to his side. "I thought I was destined to wander these quiet streets all by myself.." She added dramatically before grinning. "So..what I miss?" She asked curiously before glancing round and suddenly stopping on Luke who was staring at her. "Did you tell him?!" Her eyes widened and she looked excited. "How much does he not believe you?"

"Ok who's this?" Luke mumbled as he sidestepped over towards Jade and glanced at her. 

"He doesn't believe me at all," Teos replied, watching as Ate came to his side before he looked at Luke and Jade again. "Luke this is Ate, Goddess of Chaos, she's like a distant aunt to you. I realize this is hard to believe, but take your time, and if you have any questions we are more than happy to answer them for you."

Jade opened her mouth to answer him then snapped it shut when Teos responded promptly. Her eyes lifted to Luke's, searching his for any sort of panic or any other emotion she could find. She reached out and took his hand in hers, squeezing it gently to reassure him that she was there for him. "I know they sound crazy, believe me... yesterday I thought I was crazy too... at least I'm not alone anymore..."

Luke stated at Ate a moment longer then slowly looked down at Jade."This is really happening isn't it.." He gulped heavily.

"You better believe it.. Teos doesn't care for lying.. "Atë replied as she leaned her head against Teos's shoulder.

"Say I believe you.." Luke started slowly as he gripped Jade's hand. She was the only reason he was even contemplating that this could be true. She was his best friend and if she believed it then he couldn't say she was wrong. "Then what's the point? Why are you telling us this?"

"Oh just to prepare you for the big gods vs descendants battle.." Atë exclaimed dramatically making Lukes eyes widen in shock.

"But if I can only grow things.."

"Yeah.." Atë's tone turned sad. "I'm not holding onto much luck thay you'll survive." She teased with a heavy sigh.

Luke stared then seemed to falter back slightly. "I think I'm going to pass out.." He mumbled to Jade.

"Whoops.. Maybe a bit too much?" Atë asked Teos with a curious tilt of her head. "It was only a joke."

"Please excuse us," Teos said quickly and grabbed Ate's arm to haul her over to the entrance of the barn so they were out of the rain but as far from the other two as they could get. "What do you think you are doing?" he asked seriously, keeping his voice quiet. "This is not the way to prepare them for what is to come. You are deliberately putting more on your own shoulders by scaring them into thinking they are helpless."

Jade gasped as she wrapped an arm around Luke. "Ate..." She scolded as Teos hauled her away. Jade shook her head as she turned to Luke placing a hand on each shoulder to steady him. "Look... even if it does come to that... I would never let anything happen to you. I may not be Poseidon himself but I'm sure as hell going to fight like him when the time comes to protect the people I care about..." She quickly pulled him into a hug and whispered into his ear. "Don't let her get to you, okay? Joke or not... you're stronger than you think..."

"Excuse me.." Atë snapped lightly as she yanked her arm from Teos's grip. "I don't like to be dragged.." She huffed lightly and flicked her long locks behind her shoulder before she glanced back at Luke who was hugging Jade tightly. "And I'm not trying to make him feel helpless..I was trying to ignite that little fire in his belly, I want him to want to fight and survive Teos. He's no use to us if we tiptoe around him and act like his self doubt is ok. Because trust me, with a meek little field mouse like him, he would never be ready without a little motivation." She looked back at Teos and tilted her head lightly. "You see with me..I'm pretty much a pain in everyone's ass which often makes people want to prove me wrong. If I become a pain in his ass..then he will want to fight to prove he isn't useless and he can survive. You understand?" She smiled playfully. "I mean I got Dorian so angry he was able to use his inheritance on me Teos..a full blood my methods might seem a little harsh, but they work."

"I don't think I like her very much.." Luke grumbled as he hugged Jade back before he pulled himself back and sighed deeply. "I'm ok..honestly. It's just a lot to take in. Todays just thing after the other." He smiled weakly. "I'm not going anywhere Jade. That woman can say whatever she likes but I have to much to live for..I mean I actually might have someone who wants to be my girlfriend for the first time ever." He chuckled lightly then hugged her again.

"You could have just as easily made him lose all motivation," Teos snapped back, keeping his voice quiet still. He would address the Dorian thing later, right now he didn't want to praise her. "We don't all have to be angry to want to fight, nor do we have to be backed into a corner until we fight with the panic of a desperate animal. They're smarter than that, treat them like it. Would you really want people to antagonize you every time they wanted something? It needed something?" He shook his head at her. He wasn't angry per sey, but he was incredibly disappointed. "Luke has other motivations, or he will soon."

"I know it has... what with the farm and such." Jade nodded her head gently. She felt like the world was trying to suffocate her today. At his mention of Haidee she smiled softly. "Good... I'm glad you can look at it that way. Keep an open mind and your head up. Ate can be... hard to take in at first. She's got a lot of energy. But she's not that bad." Jade welcome Luke's hug, savoring it each time he did it. He didn't realize how much him just being near her was keeping her together right now.

"I can't change who I am!" Atë hissed angrily as she glared at Teos. "I'm the goddess of mayhem remember! Don't expect me to turn round and pat them on the shoulder and say 'go on do your best. I'm so proud of you, whatever you want a hug?'" She rolled her eyes. "I cannot be like that! I am not programmed with that sort of compassion. I am trying to help but I can't do it the way normal people do! I only know my way!" She growled lowly then suddenly pushed Teos away from her. "I thought you understood me!" She glared at him one last time then turned and stomped outside, stopping a few steps outside the barn as she breathed deeply, uncaring of the still pouring rain, soaking her through.

"I still could use that drink though.." Luke mumbled with a small laugh. "Just you and me? A couple of beers out on your porch..talking about..well anything that doesn't involve being a god." He smiled then jumped slightly at Atë's shout at Teos before he looked over as she disappeared outside. "You guys don't have to fight..I'm ok..really." He said as he released Jade from the hug but moved to wrap an arm around her shoulders almost protectively as he watched Teos.

Teos had barely moved when Ate shoved him, but when she stormed outside, he did take a breath, closing his eyes. Stay calm. "No," he replied to Luke. "We do need to fight." He opened his eyes again though it did little good. "She just said it herself, she's not one for peace. What's important is I don't let her run me off." He looked at Luke. He was sorry for how Ate said it, but not for what she said. She was right, things were dangerous, and he didn't plan on being quite as patronizing as she implied but between the two of them maybe they can find a balance to help all the descendants. "Jade, can you and Luke please head home? I'll be along with Ate shortly." He gave them both a little apologetic smile before stepping out into the rain.

Luke watched him go then looked down at Jade with a soft smile. "The horses are all ok want to go home? Order some Chinese and drink some beer?" He asked softly.

Jade wrapped her arm around Luke's hips, tugging him close in a protective manner. Any strange who would have seen them could tell they cared greatly for one another and would do just about anything for each other. She was slightly surprised by Ate's outburst but allowed Teos to take care of it. At Luke's offer for Chinese and beer she nodded her head, resting it gently on his shoulder. "That sounds wonderful... let's go home..." She tugged him outside, not releasing him till they got to his truck, she climbed in through the drivers side door and plopped down, soaked to the bone again.

"Thanks for your help with the horses Jade. I owe you one." Luke said once he had hopped into the drivers seat and started up the engine. "I'll run you a bath when we get back so you can get warmed up." He smiled over at her then turned his attention back to his driving as he took off and headed for BotO Jade's house.

"Ate, I'm sorry," he said, loud enough to be heard over the dull rush of rain. At least it was quieter than it had been. "I didn't mean to imply I wanted you to change, that's not what I want at all." He stopped a couple of steps from her, having come to stand to her side so she could see him but didn't have to face him.

"Don't lie to me. I could see the judging disappointment in your eyes in there." Atë grumbled as her hands balled into fists by her side. "Everyone always thinks it should be me to change. That I'm the problem." She shook her head in annoyance. "Just leave me alone Teos. Go home with them."

Teos shook his head, uncaring that hair was plastered to his face now, tips hanging over his eyes. "I'll never leave you alone," he assured her. "You set back my efforts. You can make this whole process take twice as long, and I'm sure you will but I was certain as soon as I knew who you were, but I loved you anyway. You are my family, Ate, and that means far more to me than it did to any of them you knew before. You make my life... difficult. But what is life without its challenges. You don't let me settle, you don't let me grow complacent. That, in the end, I think will keep them safe. It helps me keep them safe."

Atë huffed lightly. "You talk to much.." She grumbled but finally turned to look at Teos. "I'm not prepared to change Teos even if I could. I will probably frustrate you much more over the coming days than you have already felt in these past few hours. But that is just something you are going to have to deal with. I am who I am." She frowned lightly as she poked a finger against his chest before sighing again. "So you love me then hm? I guess Dorian was right.."

Teos grabbed the hand that poked him but his grip was gentle and easily broken. He used the other to brush some soaked locks from her face. "Patience is perhaps my only virtue. I implore you to test it." He lifted her hand and brushed his lips lightly against her knuckles. "What exactly did Dorian say?"

"He says you clearly love me very much, and he should know because he's basically cupid." Atë replied as her playful smile slowly returned, as she allowed him to grasp her hand. "He and I got along very well actually..and can you believe it, he licked me. Said I tasted like chocolate."

"Did he now?" His tone was both amused and a little surprised. They almost sounded like siblings, Dorian and Ate. "Well, it is not as if I tried to hide it. I didn't think I had a reason to. Have I been too obvious?" He smiled and laced their fingers together. "Should I stop?"

"Not if you don't want to." Atë shrugged. "You probably were being obvious but I'm a little dense in the love giving department Teos. You could be shouting it from the rooftops and I still wouldn't realise." She smirked lightly then suddenly leaned forward and rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes as she did. "I'm tired Teos."

"Perhaps if I shout it from Olympus, then," Teos whispered and held her close with his free arm. They were soaked through despite it merely drizzling now. It made her skin cool to the touch. "Come, I'll walk you home and then you can rest." He gave her hand a last kiss before he let go and retrieved her umbrella from inside. He could at least keep the rain out of their eyes as they walked. Once it was open he wrapped his arm around Ate's shoulder so she could rest against him and started the walk back to boto jade's house.

BotO Athens Harbor
Blood of the Olympians

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