Page name: BotO Sophie's Dinner Chapter Four [Exported view] [RSS]
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2017-05-08 02:10:55
Last author: Synirria
Owner: Synirria
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Sophie's Dinner



Upon arriving at the diner, Tilly parked her Cadillac and cut the engine, but did not make a move to leave the car, instead staring out the windshield with a stone-faced expression. This entire situation really was quite embarrassing...

The ride wasn't long so Dorian had taken to quietly and thoroughly taking in nearly every line she had drawn and every note she had made. When they stopped, he actually had to look up, a little surprised to see they had already arrived. "Tilly, these are incredible," he finally breathed. He didn't look at her though. He already knew she didn't take compliments well and he was about to say a lot of them. "I feel like I can see them already, your sketches are amazing- I wouldn't have thought of this part in a million years-or this! How does that even- Oh like that! It's amazing," he said in much the same way he had begun, finally look at her. You're amazing. "Why seals?" he asked curiously, tilting his head a little which was entirely ridiculous as it made his curls bounce slightly and made him look a few notches more ignorant than his degree and multiple private research grants would imply he was.

Tilly continued staring out the windshield as though Dorian was not even there through most of his commentary, but when he asked about the seals she turned to him and blinked, as though surprised he did not already know why. "...They're playful." Like happy little puppies, only underwater. It seems like they'd suit you. After a moment, Tilly unbuckled her seat belt and asked...or, rather, drawled: "...Where do we sit."

Playful? Playful... That word actually passed her lips. For a moment he was too stunned to notice what she said next, then he seemed to come back to himself. She was making him feel all sorts of better about today. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. He hoped Cash wasn't here yet. If he had been waiting, he would leave when he was finished, he wouldn't wait, but if he arrived second Dorian got to spend a little more time with him. "We always have the same booth," he finally answered Tilly, carefully folding the papers again as she had had them and handed them back before unbuckling himself and exiting the car. Two friends this morning! Boy was he lucky. Tilly was actually being friendly- we'd call this friendly right?- with him and hopefully Cash would be as... delightful? as always. He felt so much better already. He reached the diner first and held the door for Tilly to enter first, though he would lead the way to the booth.

In the corner of the diner by the window, the waitress hurried by trying to not be spotted by the girl hungrily shoving large spoonfuls of ice cream into her mouth. "Hey! Hey wait!" Atë called as she swallowed down her ice cream and waved her hand quckly at the waitress who groaned inwardly and turned to look at her, placing a fake smile on her face. "Can I get another one of these?" Atë asked as she pointed at the large bowl of chocolate ice cream. "No wait make it two!" She grinned excitedly as the waitress blinked in surprise before nodding and hurrying off. "Oh and a chocolate milkshake too!" Atë shouted making several of the other diners turn to look at her in shock. But she didn't notice as she happily picked up her spoon again and began to scoop up her ice cream once more, giving a long sigh of content.

With a single raised eyebrow at Dorian's use of the word "we", Tilly took the papers, holding them in her hand instead of tucking them back into her jacket pocket, and stepped out of the car. She was actually a little irritated with Dorian for holding the door open for her instead of going ahead to the booth so they could continue their conversation as quickly as possible, but the past year had taught her that his attempts of chivalry were simply a part of spending time with him. No use extending that time by complaining about it when just going with the courtesy would make things go quicker. When they arrived at the booth she put the papers on the center of the table and leveled her intense, one-eyed gaze on her companion's face. "So...the chairs?"

Dorian hummed thoughtfully as Tilly's question, sparing a glance at the loud woman in the corner digging into ice cream. "I'm not a fan of the bench," he admitted and motioned for her to take a seat facing the door before sliding into the booth next to her. He wasn't pressing to get close to her, he was actually just keeping them from having to flip the papers around every time they wanted to look at them upright. He figured that didn't matter to Tilly, but he wanted to consider them together. He pointed at the partial back chair next to the slatted one. "I like this one, but... Well, if you came over for dinner, which do you think would be most comfortable to sit in?" He didn't look at her, he was still looking at the drawings, really trying to take them in. He didn't think he ever had that many people over, usually just one, and that one was himself. His table was never updated because, like most of his furniture, it was almost never used. In a year he would be in Italy or India or Hawaii or really anywhere but here and he would have to store it. Still.. He let his fingers trail over the sketches carefully. It meant a lot to him that Tilly considered this, even if she herself didn't care what it meant to him.

Tilly was quite the surprising woman that morning, not objecting to sharing a booth with her neighbor--verbally or otherwise--due to a combination of seeing his logic in the paper facing the same direction and being satisfied with the fact that they were not actually touching each other. She nodded attentively at Dorian's input and even, shockingly enough, answered his question: "Both are designed for comfort. The partial-back is my preference, but the slatted back is curved here--" she pointed to the lower back area on the sketch "--and would provide more support for any guests that are pregnant, overweight or have back issues."

It was at that moment that a certain red-haired lawyer marched into the diner with his usual air of confidence and sat in the opposite booth without paying much attention to the other patrons. "Morning, Kay! You look--!" Cash Wicker's face paled when he saw the woman sitting beside his friend.

It must be strange to anyone used to Tilly's cold, indifferent demeanor to see the visible side of her face contorted into an expression of white-hot rage.

"Radiant?" Dorian offered with a sarcastic smirk, but then motioned to Tilly. "Not alone?" he suggested the alternative. Cash's face was odd though, it made his freckles stand out more. That was cute. But the reason was bad. Frowning, Dorian looked at Tilly beside him and visibly flinched away a fraction. "I... take it you two know each other?" he asked carefully. No, now, come on Fates. This morning had taken an upward turn, don't ruin it now. "Tilly... Tilly, you ok?..." he asked carefully, ready to stop her if she tried to punch Cash or move out of the way if she tried to get out of the booth- though he would go after her if it were the latter. Couldn't they just go back to talking about the chairs? What had Cash done? That man was a delight, who could hate him that much?

Tilly's posture was tense. She looked for all the world like a wire cord stretched to its limits, ready to snap. It was with the quick, smooth motions of such a cord arching through the air at the violent release that Tilly brought her legs up onto the seat of the booth, stood on it, turned, stepped into the booth behind her, and sat there. "Let me know when we can go."

Cash was completely incapable of making even the most miniscule of movements while his old classmate's glare pinned him to his seat, not even flinching when she moved so suddenly. Once she was turned the other way, he took a shuddering breath--as though suddenly having remembered how--and slouched forward a bit, although his face was still without color. The lawyer gave a breathy chuckle as he scratched at the scar on his right arm: "Both would apply, Kay."

Pause. Thought. Dorian's eyes went naturally to the movement Cash made to his arm, then it clicked and he felt his stomach grow cold. Oh. Ah. He got it. He leaned a bit so he reach the hand that Cash was scratching with and offered the other man a small, gentle smile. "Wait for me," he pleaded quietly, then scooted out of his side of the booth with less grace than Tilly had exhibited- He was really impressed with that by the way- and took up residence next to Tilly again, though it pained him to put Cash behind his back. He couldn't see his face like this! "Tilly..." he said softly, leaning only enough so he could whisper and not be overheard, but not enough to touch her. "I didn't know. You have a right to be mad, I'm sure it hurt, but I'm also sure he's very sorry. You want to punch me?" He shifted a bit to try and make eye contact with her, so she'd look at his face. "Let some frustration out? How about you let me talk first, then you can punch me, ok?" He smiled a little, but it wasn't easy. He was clearly being earnest and taking this seriously. "I think you aren't a shallow person. I think you are strong and I think you care more about what you can do with your hands than with a smile- and you can do a lot with the latter if you'd do it once in a while, at least with me. I think that, as much as you hate it, it still did not affect how smart and creative you are. I think you're still Tilly, you're still amazing, and hidden or not, there or not, I think you're a beautiful person. Now, if that doesn't matter, please punch me. I can tell you're very upset and sometimes a physical release can be very healthy-"

That was delicious. That was sublime.. So good! Atë thought with a contented smile as she pushed the three empty bowls of ice cream away from herself. Maybe I should have another one? She looked up in search of the waitress but paused when something else caught her attention. She could sense a sudden disruption and discord in the diner and it made her heart flutter. Like the warm rays of the sun on a pleasant summers day, it filled her with an joy only felt by a mischief maker. But what was causing it? She wasn't targeting anyone. Her eyes darted about the room until she caught sight of Tilly climbing into the new booth closer to her. Aha!! She thought triumphantly before she watched as Dorian joined her. Atë quickly slid out of her booth and grabbed her half finished milkshake as she did. She stepped hurriedly over to the booth they had just vacated and slid into their seats opposite Cash, acknowledging him with a brief smile before she concentrated on listening to Dorian and Tilly. At Dorian's words to hit him Atë's eyes suddenly widened and she let out a small "oh" sound before she slapped Cash's hand on the table and looked at him in surprise. "Did you hear that?"

Cash was astonished--and a little offended. Dorian left. Turned his back on him. What happened all those years ago was an accident: Anyone could see that! It was not Cash's fault! And he had gone well out of his way to avoid Tilly ever since. She was always an intense and ill-humored person, as far as Cash knew, but once he became the target of her ire... She was terrifying. Avoiding her was easy enough, though. She was notably anti-social. Seeing her maintain that avoidance herself by leaving was a relief. Letting her have her distance and keeping the peace should have been easy! So why would Dorian go to her? He was the one that felt victimized by her stern presence! Who was threatened by her fiery expression! Wait, what did Dorian just say? Cash choked on air at Dorian's suggestion to Tilly. He swung side-to-side in his seat like an upside-down pendulum to look around Atë and keep an eye on his friend, only looking the new arrival in the face when she slapped his hand. "What is he thinking?!"

Tilly never wanted to be pretty. She would much prefer to be plain. Invisible. Unnoticed by the rest of humanity. She never wanted nor expected anything from them. Being scarred was almost as bad as being beautiful. Stares were stares, regardless of the intent behind it; but her hair did well to hide her on most occasions. Even the pain that occurred when so much flesh was burned and disfigured was not enough to seed such an indifferent woman's grudge. Especially since Cash's own arm bore a similar result. No. The source of Tilly's distaste was entirely different. His sin was unforgivable in her eyes. So when this woman--who worked with fire and metal and blades and wood and pottery--turned to Dorian with a gaze that was far less heated than it was towards Cash but still more piercing and passionate than Dorian had ever seen her give a living being before that day, she hissed: "He was careless."

Dorian withered a bit under the stare, concerned for his own safety but more so for Cash's. He would plough on. He didn't actually get this at all. But how could he? Two seconds didn't give anyone an understanding of anything that happened... however long ago. He figured out the scars were related and Tilly blamed Cash, but he didn't know when it happened or what exactly caused it. Now wasn't the time for prying. And so it was a rare moment when Tilly saw Dorian legitimately frown. "We all are, sometimes," he said, but it was like he was realizing something. How he had talked to Jade. How Tilly spoke to him. Whatever had happened to scar them (according to Tilly). "Even you. I'm a little surprised..." it was best not to finish that thought. "You can be mad, Tilly, nobody's going to stop that, but feeling something doesn't make your opinion law." Their scars were old. He didn't know how old but completely healed by now. Weren't they kids when it happened? It had to be an accident of some sort. Kids make mistakes. He kept watching her. If she was going to hit him he'd like to at least see it coming, but it was killing him not to look at Cash. God he wanted to, so get his side of the story, he obviously needed comfort too and Dorian wanted to be there but, true or not, he felt if he turned his attention away from Tilly for a second, especially to talk to Cash, he was going to lose any progress he had worked so hard to have with her. He could make it up to Cash later. He'd be mad but Dorian had apologized more than once for various things before, he'd find a way.

"I know right?!" Atë replied in mock surprise as she looked at Cash. I have no idea what's going on but this is fun. She thought gleefully. As her mismatched eyes locked with Cash's, a strange shiver ran up through her making the hair on the back of her neck stand on edge. "Woah.." She whispered then suddenly grabbed his face between her hands to keep his focus on her. It was obvious she wasn't familiar with personal space and wasn't concerned about causing him discomfort. "What's your name? Your full name?" She asked momentarily distracted from the quarrel with Tilly.

Cash nearly yelped when the strange woman suddenly pulled his head closer to her, but was surprisingly calm about the whole thing once the motion halted. Yes, this was...uncomfortable. And yes, she was very much in his personal space. But clearly Atë had seen his face either in a courtroom or on an advertisement. He did have quite the reputation, after all, and it was not very unusual for him to be recognized. "Cash Wicker. I'm a divorce attorney, if that's what you're wondering, but I know some other talented lawyers if you need something else."

Tilly's eye widened--whether from Dorian's frown or his implied accusation, even she was not quite sure--but her face was quickly schooled into the same cold, disinterested expression she nearly always wore. Even her intense gaze had lost its fiery spark and her voice had regained its monotonous drawl: "Tell me when we can go." And with that, she turned away from Dorian, opting to look out the window, instead.

Atë raised an eyebrow at Cash before shaking her head as she released him. "No sweetie I don't need a lawyer.." She answered in a distracted tone as she dug her hand into the inside pocket of her jacket, removing it moments later holding an extremely old and worn journal. Wicker.. Wicker.. She leafed through the yellowing pages full of hard to make out writing until she came close to the end and stopped, a wide grin spreading across her face. "Yes!" She exclaimed as she slammed a fist down on the page of book before looking at Cash happily. "Nice to meet you Cash. Ice cream?" She asked suddenly with a nod to the counter. "Or.. Do you wanna finish up whatevers going on here.." Her voice dropped to a whisper as she raised her eyebrow again and motioned with a nod towards Dorian and Tilly. But as she waited for his answer something else caught her attention. Something off in the distant but as clear as day. Someone was using their abilities and it was like a magnet drawing her in. This day just gets better and better! She thought as she made a grab for her journal and shoved it back in her coat. "Forget what I said. No time for ice cream. I gotta go." She said looking back at Cash. "But don't worry Cash Wicker, divorce lawyer, we'll meet again. Until then.." She grinned and waved quickly before sliding from the booth and hopping to her feet. She skipped to the door with only a glance at Dorian and Tilly before she threw it open and emerged out on the street. With a brief pause and a glance down the street she turned and practically ran in the direction she was being pulled, straight to BotO The Beach.

In the other booth from that craziness was just a lot of tension. Dorian was watching Tilly but it had become clear she had stonewalled him. Again. He sighed. It was a mistake bringing her here. Note to self, never ask out Tilly again. He scooted out of her booth and leaned over to their original one to gather the papers, fold them, and dropped them flat on the table in front of Tilly. "You can go now," he said flatly. "Sorry I screwed up." Then he turned away and took up his original seat across from Cash. He smiled apologetically. He didn't mean to take sides, and he HADN'T, not really. He thought Tilly was hurt, but she apparently wasn't, she was just angry. And if she was hurt she sure as hell wasn't going to show it and so he couldn't do shit about it and- He was getting riled up. He took a breath and let it out carefully before smiling, again, at Cash. "Hey, I'm sorry," he said finally and held out a hand, not sure Cash wanted him to touch him. If he was mad, he could understand that, he didn't mean to imply he believed.. whatever Tilly wasn't saying, he couldn't imagine Cash doing anything to hurt someone intentionally, but that didn't seem to be the case. Whatever the hell it was, he'd figure it out later. He could talk to Cash when they were more private, hopefully if Tilly left. He didn't intend to ride with her right now anyway. "Who was that?" he asked softly, nodding his chin after Ate. "Voodoo priestess wanting your name for her black book? Wiccan? Process server?"

Tilly was fully prepared to stay and wait for Dorian to finish his talk with his...friend... After all, she drove him here. He did not have his motorcycle on hand and she did want to finish their discussion over chair backs before she started working on them. However, Dorian is an adult and probably would not say she could leave unless he had some idea of how to get back home, so she merely stuffed the papers into her pocket and left. She had no clue what Dorian was apologizing for, but at least she could get into the hardware store as the door opened.

Cash was moderately offended--again!--when Atë bounced away as she revoked her offer of ice cream. Why was everyone ditching him, today?! He was sure to avoid looking in Tilly's direction as she left the diner, but his eyes locked on Dorian's face once both women were gone. Cash's expression was hesitant, almost nervous, before Dorian held out his hand. Then, the redhead seemed to melt into a more relaxed posture once more and eagerly grasped his friend's hand. "Actually...I have no clue. I thought she recognized my face from an advert, but when she heard my name she flipped through a book, asked if I wanted ice cream, and took off in a hurry. ...Oh, no. The voodoo priestess theory fits best." He gave an expression of mock horror for a moment before snorting out a laugh. "M-maybe (heh) she was a private detective?"

"Worst one ever if she has to confirm with her target she has the right person," Dorian replied as his thumb idly stroked the back of Cash's hand as if to soothe him. "Cash..." he added a bit more seriously, meeting the lawyer's eyes with his own steady ones. "I hope you don't think I was choosing Tilly over you or anything- I honestly didn't know the two of you had history- I never would have- I'm just.. really sorry about that. Getting to see you was the only thing that got me out of bed this morning..."

"Eh, it's not a job that actually has many requirements. You just don't make any money if you aren't any good at it," Cash shrugged with a chuckle, relaxing under Dorian's gentle attention...then Dorian's voice lost its playfulness and Cash's shoulders tensed in apprehension. Once the curly-haired man said his piece, the redhead relaxed again, letting out a breath of relief. "I know you didn't know. It's old news and Tilly 'Ice Queen' Gelson was never the talkative type." Cash smirked as he turned his hand palm-up under Dorian's before suddenly looking very confused. "How did...I mean, why...?" He shook his head and cleared his throat. "Coffee?"

"Juice." Dorian smiled at him, slightly more relaxed again and glad to see Cash seemed to at least be doing a little better since Tilly left. He lifted the hand he was holding and placed a linger kiss to the other man's fingers, appreciative not sexual, smiled at him again, and then turned his attention to a waitress, ordering his juice and Cash's usual coffee, giving the lawyer a few minutes to settle before he returned his usual cheery smile back to him. Boy did he like looking at Cash. "So, the boat on Friday, right? What time do you want to meet at the dock?" His smile became a little more like a smirk and he leaned forward a bit, eagerness prickling around his posture. "Or are you finally going to ride with me on my bike?" Something about the idea of Cash having his arms around him, clinging to him like a lifeline, gave Dorian a bit of a thrill. At least, in his imagination.

Cash grinned happily at the change in subject even as his face tinged pink, "I'd like to finally take you up on that offer...but...we should probably have a time to tell Risk, huh?"

There was a distinct pause before Dorian replied and it wasn't because he was fantasizing of the ride together now that Cash had agreed. Oh that was on his mind now and he managed to keep his easy smile snugly in place with a surprising amount of skill. "... Ehy would we need to tell Risk?" He asked pleasantly enough. The waitress arrived with their drinks and he ordered some toast before pinning Cash with his gaze again over the rim of his cup he was sipping from.

"Well, I met with him, yesterday, after finding out that my schedule was clear for tomorrow and it turns out that he had some time off, too. Plus, he's got a new assistant and a new roommate--both of which happen to be the same woman--and you were just sitting closer to...Tilly...than anyone has since she finished Driver's Ed and you've started dating Jade; well, clearly we all have a lot of catching up to do! How is Jade, by the way?" Cash finally pulled his hand away from Dorian's to grip his coffee cup, keeping his eyes locked on Dorian's.

Wow, it actually hurt a lot more than he anticipated to have Jade brought up. Still, his smile didnt falter, the damn thing had to have been nailed to his face to be so steady. "She's been better," he admitted. "There was an accident yesterday, I made a fool of myself, you know, same story." He shrugged and chuckled briefly,, moving on with ease. "If we all have a lot to catch up on, what are you bringing to the party? Besides your sparkling disposition?"

"Oh, dear. Nothing permanent, I hope?" Cash blinked with an expression of innocent concern before waving dismissively at Dorian's question: "As if that wasn't enough~ But, you know me. My work is my life and my work is confidential. My roommate's moved out, and that's pretty much the only development for me, personally speaking. Although..." he smirked over his mug, "I did receive a rather interesting email, this morning. A potential client is...hedging her bets, so to speak."

"If someone was setting up a plan in case of divorce, they should probably be divorced," Dorian replied with a shake of his head. What was wrong with people these days? No trust. He should just marry Cash. The man dealt with divorce enough, he'd understand. He'd ask for a pre-nup, but that was only natural. He'd appreciate loyalty like no one else seemed to anymore. If he could find some of these people... oh the talking to he'd give them. The waitress stopped by to drop off his toast and he turned his smile on her briefly, causing a bright flush that only made him grin wider as she hurried away. "So... You looking forward to living alone or.. do you think you'll try to find another room mate?" He did his best to sound casual and thankfully it only just passed as it was paired with the nonchalant application of strawberry jam to his toast. As he took the first bite he looked at his friend again, watching and listening for his reply.

"Oh, there's no 'probably' about it. But, it seems marriage and common sense are mutually exclusive concepts. Everyone either divorces over every silly little quirk or try to stuff their complaints in the closet and keep going until the whole thing blows up in their face," Cash finally took a sip of his coffee before addressing Dorian's question: "Well, it is rather big apartment...but it's not like I'm there often enough for the quiet to bother me. I might take in another college charity case if I meet one in a desperate enough situation...not another med student, though. She was a little too jumpy."

"You are too generous," Dorian gushed sarcastically, but he was smiling and held out his toast to offer a bite to Cash. "I don't know why you always try to get young people, you always run them off." His mouth opened a little as if just realizing something. "Perhaps a deaf old man?? He won't complain of your music and he'll sleep through most of.. well, everything really. It would be like having a cat that pays rent." He chuckled. "I'd suggest you take in a law student and be a mentor of sorts but..." His smile turned smirk again. "Perhaps you're too much of a bad influence, Wick."

"Nah, older folks always want to settle down, make their own home out of places. Besides, what if they have a heart attack in the bathroom or something? I'd have to shower in the same space I found a corpse in or move entirely," Cash grimaced at the thought. He gave Dorian a returning smirk at the last line and a wink for good measure: "Well, isn't that the point? You learn more from the bad influence than the good ones, in the long run~ On the other hand," he sighed dramatically, "if I do too good a job of teaching them, they might steal all my clients. Or just take their spouses as clients and run my business into the ground. I'm not that charitable."

"I'm not sure why you take them in at all," Dorian admitted as he took back his rejected toast. "I'm sure you can afford to live alone." He took a bite and chewed thoughtfully. He wondered if he should stay next to Tilly. His lease was coming up in a month or so now, the place had been available for whatever reason when he arrived so it was convenient, but all this time and Tilly still didn't seem to like him all that much. He almost felt like her charity case. As much as he was touched by her wanting to give him hand made furniture custom to him, he did feel she was sort of only inspired to make it in general, not for him, and his house was an empty enough space to put it. He had to change his initial thought of wanting to live with Cash too. He wasn't sure they'd mesh well- or, as he admitted to himself hoping once or twice since he met him, they would mesh too well. That brought his thoughts around to Cash's earlier question again. How is Jade? Something in him was incredibly uncomfortable and he wasn't sure why. It was so much more than thinking she just wanted space after his foolishness yesterday. Something was seriously off and it was making him really uncomfortable. Cash made an excellent distraction though, with his striking hair color and pale skin and the lightest dust of freckles you could only see in the right light and eyes as pale as the summer sky. His favorite part was the pale eyelashes, almost pink, a side effect of the hair color. He was pastel in a life Dorian felt all too saturated sometimes with the colors of the sea. A breath of fresh air. He realized he was staring and quickly, but casually, averted his eyes, picking up his juice for another drink while he glanced out the window. He only felt it was safe to speak again after he put it back down. "So Risk will be on the boat too, I'll take that into account when I stock it with supplies today. Does he fish? You know I'm fine just taking in some... fresh air."

"If rent was the issue, all college students would be out of the running. They have enough debts to worry about," Cash took another sip of his coffee and gave a thoughtful hum, "It's mostly a habit, I guess. I helped out a family friend once, while he was studying for some realtor exam or something, and ever since he keeps steering any penny-pinching scholar my way. Man won't stop singing my praises." The redhead's back straightened and he basically preened a little before giving Dorian an abashed look: "I, uh, actually have no clue."

"I can bring a couple of poles," Dorian informed him in a very 'don't worry about it' sort of tone. "So you just want to help someone out with their housing needs, that's so very sweet of you," he teased with an adoring expression that quickly melted back into his lazy grin, half hidden as he took a drink of his juice again. "I suppose students are a good in and out sort of room mate, since they clearly aren't staying. Not too many people who go to college stay in Athen's Harbor, do they?" Rhetorical question. "I'd run away to the Bahamas myself but... How could I ever leave you?" He pouted and while he was mostly joking, he did manage to hold on to the expression by sheer will of the undercurrent of feeling beneath it. Something about it, inside his chest, rang true. He made an expression as if coming to some sort of understanding of a fact of life. "The sun doesn't seem like it would be as bright, and I happen to like the sun." He turned his attention back to his toast, enjoying the simplicity of it as he sneaked a close-lipped smile in at Cash again.

"It shouldn't surprise you by now to know that I am, in truth, a very sweet man." By now, nearly every inch of Cash's face had turned some shade of pink, but his expression could only be described as "smug". "I'm afraid handsome gentlemen such as ourselves are really the only appeal to this place for anyone with a degree in hand and money to make. It's not exactly a metropolis..."

"Hmm if that's the case perhaps I should whisk you away somewhere. You have both a degree in hand and money to make. Perhaps not the Bahamas but.. London perhaps? New York?" Dorian reached across the table to take his hand again, the one not nursing the hand of his mug, giving his friend an affectionate look. "I know you are very sweet, makes me want to steal away the only reason anyone has for coming here." He lifted the hand and pressed a kiss to the back, like a lord meeting a king, albeit perhaps a bit more tender, then let their hands rest together on the table as he took up his toast with his free hand. "Whoever you pick to be your next room mate, they're very lucky. I hope they know it better than the last one."

As the pair talked together the door to the diner opened half way and Luke slipped in quietly, making sure to close it behind him. Once he had finished tending to his animals he had got to work making his deliveries around town. His next task would be heading back to his crops but first he needed breakfast. He stepped towards the counter and waited patiently for the waitress to take his order. Once done he turned and glanced round the diner in search of a quiet spot to sit and spotted Dorian. He had only met him once and he was with someone that could only be a friend so he didn't dare interrupt, or at least his shy nature wouldn't let him interupt. He sighed and rubbed his cheek before he moved to an empty table and sat down to wait for his meal. As he waited his phone suddenly beeped into his pocket, making him jump before quickly reaching for it. A smile spread quickly across his face as he read Haidee's words and he rushed to write a reply. I'm in the diner now if you would like to join me?

Cash was ready to respond with a cocky quip about repassing bar exams if he was going to move out of state, but quickly closed his mouth as another thought occurred to him, shriveling his grin into a false smirk. "Don't forget your girlfriend, Kay. Can't imagine she'd be too ecstatic about us running away together." His smirk softened and his cheeks brightened for a moment. "I think the last one was just too timid to cohabitate, really."

Right. Jade. Dorian's hand relaxed and slipped from his so that both were nursing his glass and the small amount of orange juice left in it. He pulled his mouth up again, nailing the smile back in place. "Maybe more ecstatic than you think," he said quietly, then tipped his glass up to finish the contents, setting it neatly next to his empty plate. "I've gotta get to work, I want to get the boat ready before too late too," he said as he stood and pulled out his wallet to drop a few dollars for the meal and tip. "I look forward to tomorrow," he said honestly, meeting Cash's eyes again to show he meant it. Let's just get this day over with. He reached out and put a hand on Cash's shoulder, leaning down enough to press a quick, chaste kiss to his rosy hair, squeezed his shoulder gently, then headed out of the diner, waving at Luke as he past, excited to see him despite not knowing him long. Jade liked him a lot so he must be a good man. He had seemed like it yesterday. Actually... He paused next to the farmer's table. "Hey, Luke," he greeted with a smile. "Meeting someone?"

Luke had been so engrossed in reading the last message from Haidee that he hadn't heard Dorian approach so at the sound of his voice he jumped slightly and quickly set the phone down with a blush."Yeah.." He replied with a small smile. "Haidee's just meeting me for breakfast. Are you going to see Jade?"

Jade again. This smile was getting awfully heavy. He shook his head. "I'm not sure. I'm headed to the office but I don't know where she is today. She's supposed to be resting, but you know how she is." He shrugged. "I'll see her sometime today. But look at you... seeing a girl twice in three days... Good for you, you make a cute couple." He chuckled and gave a tiny wave. "I won't be a third wheel then. Have fun," he added and gave Luke a wink before he turned and left the diner. He didn't have to be in at any particular hour, but the sooner he got to the marina, the sooner he could finish and get working on their boat.

Cute couple?! Lukes cheeks turned redder than the ketchup that sat on his table and he only just managed a feeble wave of farewell to Dorian as he left the diner. He took a deep breath then looked up as the waitress arrived with his order of pancakes and coffee which he thanked her for before he picked up his knife and fork, unable to stop himself glancing every few moments at the door.

Cash was certain something was wrong. Dorian was too...well, even the kiss on his cheek did not fool Cash, for once. Dorian's pep was nearly non-existent. It could not have been the Tilly situation earlier, right? They had changed the subject too many times for that...Maybe Dorian was really considering moving? Whatever it is, Cash resolved to pry it out of his friend on their fishing trip. With in mind, that he finished off his coffee, paid the waitress and left.

"Oh, I'm sorry, excuse me!" a soft female voice apologized as Cash was leaving. She held the door she had just come through (and almost bumped into him, to allow him to leave. He looked familiar though... wasn't he..? Her heart jumped a little as her mind connected the dots and her fingers came up to cover her lips. No, just because she knew who he was didn't mean she had to make polite conversation. She shook it off mentally and allowed the door to close as she instead looked around for Luke. When she spotted him, her heart sped up in her chest, but she ignored that too in favor of smiling brightly and waving a greeting as she headed over to his table. "Hello! Congratulations on the phone! I'm sorry, I hope I didn't call you away from something important for this-" Ok she was starting to get worried at the end there. As happy as she was to see him, she didn't want to disrupt his life or business. She stopped by his table, her smile apologetic as she tucked some hair behind her ear. He had said he was already here... didn't he?

As Luke spotted Haidee he jumped quickly to his feet with a wave, sending his knife and fork tumbling to the floor. He blushed and quickly knelt to retrieve them. "Oh. No.. No you didn't call me away.." He said as he straightened up and set the utensils on the table glancing at her with a bashful smile. "Can I.. Can I order you something to eat?" He asked politely.

Haidee politely hid her smile at his awkwardness as she took the seat across from him. "That would be lovely, thank you. Your pancakes look really good, I think I'd enjoy the same," she answered, looking over his plate then looked up to meet his eyes. Her fingers were laced together with her hands resting on the table as she leaned back in her booth seat, clearly at ease. It wasn't like he could actually hear her heart beat anyway. "Have you ever made fresh pancakes?" she asked curiously. "With items from your farm, that is."

"Oh.. No. No I can't say I ever have." Luke replied after he had glanced down at the pancakes on his plate then back up at Haidee. He smiled bashfully then excused himself a moment to go and order breakfast for Haidee, returning minutes later and sliding back into his seat. "I don't know how to make them.. I'm limited in the kitchen." He added sounding embarrassed in continuation of the conversation.

"I could make them for you some time, if you would like," Haidee offered before taking his dirty utensils to set them on the edge of the table for the waitress to clear when she came by. "If you don't mind a late breakfast," she added, perhaps a bit quicker than her original offer. Her mind ran the rest of the conversation rather quickly: She couldn't very well be at his house before dawn, now could she? It was a bit of a distance, she did well to show up on time for morning chores. But if she could do it later maybe a 'breakfast for dinner'? But she didn't want to presume they'd have dinner together. Well, "Or lunch I suppose?"

Luke blinked as Haidee first offered him breakfast before his cheeks suddenly blazed red as his thoughts went into overdrive. Breakfast at mine? But she must know I get up before dawn. She surely couldn't travel that early. So would she want to stay over? W-wait.. STAY OVER?! His eyes suddenly widened and he grabbed for his mug of coffee taking a long gulp as he felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest. No.. No she won't mean that. She wouldn't mean that..B-but then I have a guest room.. He looked back at Haidee as her last words filtered in and he gave an awkward chuckle. "S-sure.. Whatever you like." He replied as he inwardly groaned at himself. This is why you shouldn't leave the farm..

Luke completely missed Haidee's follow up comments about making it later in the day, but the girl didn't seem to notice his mild panic attack besides her slight brow furrowing indicating her concern. She smiled, but it was tinged with that same question of whether or not he was alright. "Ok, so lunch then. I'll bring some strawberries, they go wonderful with pancakes." The waitress stopped by to drop of Haidee's order of pancakes which she thanked her for and again when the woman gave them two sets of fresh silverware while taking the set Luke had dropped. "I can teach you a few simple things," she offered. "I'm not the fanciest cook, but I try to know a little something about everything we grow in the greenhouses, and some of the things we don't, like oats. Living on grilled meat and raw fruits and vegetables is perfectly fine of course, if you prefer to go on that way." She gave him a smile that encouraged him to reply, clearly trying to put him at ease, before starting to delicately cut up her two pancakes.

"I admit I've always wished to be better in the kitchen but I've been too scared to go to cooking classes." Luke replied with an embarrassed smile. "I.. I would really like for you to teach me some simple things.." He added after a few moments as he picked up his own knife and fork. "I want you to come to my farm as often as you want.."

Haidee giggled softly. "I think that would be every day though. You'd get sick of me very quickly, I think," she replied before taking a bite of her pancakes, a little smile showing they were tasty, but she was pretty sure they were made with packaged not home-ground flour. That was ok though, they were still tasty. She wondered what Sophie's would be like if they switched over to having Luke as a local supplier for some things. Their food would be fresher and he would have a steady customer. "And I don't think my professors would appreciate me skipping class," she added once she swallowed and raised her smile to Luke. "Except Professor Mapak, my horticulture instructor. He would probably be thrilled."

Luke returned her smile, enjoying the sound of Haidee's soft giggle."I don't think I could ever get sick of you." He replied then blushed when he realised he'd said it aloud rather than kept it as a thought to himself. "I.. I just.. I mean.. I like you too much..Oh! I..I're wonderful.. Um.. Uh.. You can always visit." His voice grew soft as he averted his gaze down to his plate as if he suddenly found his breakfast fascinating. Well that was embarrassing.

Haidee had paused in eating at his first words, a little surprised, but it quickly melted into an amused little smile that she hid behind her fingertips, not wanting to make him think she was laughing at him. Well, she was, but only because he was very cute. Once he had quieted to a stop, she leaned a bit as if to try and make eye contact, her little smile exposed now. "I think you're wonderful too," she offered, her voice soft. She wasn't whispering, but she wanted to emphasis the sincerity of the statement. "Thank you," she added. "I'd love to visit more often."

Lukes head snapped up to look at Haidee again, a bright smile on his face unable to keep the blush from his cheeks. "As.. As often as you like.. Without interfering with your studies." He added quickly before spearing another piece of pancake and popping it into his mouth. It seemed today was going to be a good day. Surely nothing could ruin his mood. "Will you be heading to college today?"

"Yes, I have Classic Greek Literature this afternoon," she replied, then her brow furrowed a little with her smile, her expression apologetic. "I'm afraid it's not my best subject though," she admitted. "Comedies are ironic, not comedic, and the tragedies- So gruesome. And the complexity of relationships." She waved her hand a little as if to rid herself of it, shaking her head. "It's really a bit much for me. I will take a field journal over it any day." She nodded once and took a bite of pancake, making sure to chew and swallow before asking, "What do you like to read?"

"Me? Oh I don't get much time to read.. I have so many books I bought that are just sitting unread on my shelves." Luke replied with a small shrug. "But I guess if you looked at those I seem to go for mystery type books, full of suspense and cliffhangers. Lots of detective stories.. I used to imagine I could be like Sherlock Holmes." He chuckled lightly. "My parents hated me reading anything like that growing up. They wanted me to be serious, read only books that would contribute to my future.. Well the future they had planned out for me. They're both lawyers and good ones at that. They expected me to join the family business.."Luke explained before looking embarrassed. "I'm sorry, it's not important."

"I'm getting to know you. Everything is important." Haidee assured him. "So... how does a man who loves mystery, and guided to be a lawyer, become a farmer?" Coming out of any other mouth that might have seemed like an insult, but Haidee was genuinely curious. Luke had a wonderful, and successful, plot of land. She was curious how he found the calling.

"I was much to shy to be a detective." Luke joked with a small smile. "And I never wanted to be a lawyer, it just wasn't me, it was my parents dream. I always wanted to grow things, I always had a passion for it. Unfortunately my parents couldn't understand that and would get annoyed if they found me reading up on farming. Told me I was wasting my time. So I had to hide it.. Even had a secret plot out in our garden, growing a small selection of fruit and vegetables." He smiled at the memory. "But then dad found that. Ordered the gardener to get rid of it. He didn't have a choice but he did save the remaining crops and gave it to our cook. Mom said it was the best salad she'd ever tasted." He laughed slightly as he cut up some more pancake. "So I made sure that neither of my parents saw anything more to do with farming, whilst I saved every penny I had. And when I turned eighteen I told them I was leaving. That I wanted to be a farmer and I did. Took my savings bought the farm which was pretty rundown at the time. Had to rebuild it and add the barn. It was a tough few years to begin with but it worked out and I'm truly happy now. " He finished as he popped the pancake into his mouth.

There was a contemplative silence following Luke's words, but in the end Haidee smiled again. "You're an incredible man, Luke Michaels," she told him quietly. "Wanting to grow food, which is so essential to life, I think there's no shame- there is even pride- to be had with such pursuits. Without good men like you, your family would not have eaten as well as they did. We would live in a world of supplements and... and nutrient crackers." She waved her fork a tiny bit distastefully. "Or something of the sort. You would think people would appreciate the substances keeping them a live, and the hardworking, good people who supply it to them."

"My parents were only concerned about the amount of money they could make." Luke replied before looking at Haidee and smiling. "I'm not that incredible.. It's no big deal really. For the first time I just did what I wanted, you know? I did the right thing for me." He shrugged lightly. "What about you? What's your story?"

Haidee withdrew almost imperceptibly at the question and now it was her turn to pretend her pancakes were very interesting as she picked idly at them and shook her head. "Mine's not so interesting," she managed through an uncomfortable smile, still keeping her eyes on her pancakes. "How are your dogs?" she asked instead, perking up just slightly and clearly wanting to avoid the subject of herself. She was looking at him again and though she smiled her eyes were apologetic. "I'm sorry about what happened, really. I was just.. surprised."

"They're fine. Still their usual energetic selves.." Luke answered noticing her quick change of subject. "I'll make sure they're kept indoors when you're visiting. But they're harmless I promise." He reassured her with a small smile.

"I.. would like.. someday.. to be more comfortable with them," Haidee admitted carefully, returning her attention to cutting up the rest of her pancakes. "Maybe if I'm around them more..." It was incredibly unlikely, the more time she spent with animals the worst it had seemed to get. Ones she had little contact with had come and gone, it had only been the ones she cared about the most that it had happened to. Whatever the curse was, if she just didn't get attached they would be alright, wouldn't they?

"I know they'd love you. Just give them a big cuddle and a belly scratch and you'll be friends for life." Luke chuckled before he finished off the last of his pancakes. "I'll introduce you to my horses and chickens too if you might as well get to know the whole team." He took a few more sips of his coffee then looked at Haidee. "Would you like anything else?"

Yes. "No, thank you," she replied and shook her head, making blond curls bounce slightly. She ate a couple more bites, chewing slowly as she thought, speaking only after she had swallowed. "Does that mean you want me to help out with more things on your farm?" she asked quietly, looking up at him again. She was smiling again, but it was shy, her eyes uncertain.

"Of course! I'd love you to help out more, if that's what you want. There's a whole range of jobs that need doing on the farm." Luke replied with a smile before he glanced at his watch. "I should be getting back. Do you have to go to class right away?"

Haidee glanced at the clock on the diner wall, then shook her head again. "I've got a few hours." Her smile turned curious. "Did you have something in mind? Or just worried about leaving me alone."

"Oh well..I hadn't really thought of anything in particular." Luke replied with an embarrassed blush. "I don't want you to be on your own.. So um.. Maybe.." He glanced at his watch again then back up at Haidee. "I could spare a few hours. I've made my deliveries and it won't do any harm for the farm to go untouched for one afternoon.." He said and this surprised even himself. Never before had he found a good enough reason to abandon his work on the farm. Until he met Haidee. "We could.. You know.. Maybe hang out?" He asked in a shy quiet voice.

Haidee was surprised but only momentarily, quickly sliding back into her happy smile. She nodded this time. "I'd like that very much," she agreed. She looked around and waved a bit to get the attention of the waitress. Despite that Luke had offered her food, she paid for herself then stood, waiting patiently for him to join her. "What should we do?"

"I um.. I don't know." Luke admitted with another blush after he had paid for his own breakfast and followed after Haidee. He didn't spend much time in town, only dropping by to make deliveries and pick up a few groceries along the way. After that he usually hurried back to the farm to get on with his work so he wasn't really sure what there was to do. "What would you like to do?"

Haidee hummed thoughtfully. "Would you like to go to the beach?" She looked up at him, not smiling, it was more like she was having a philosophical discussion. "I don't go much anymore... or I suppose there's time for a movie, if you'd rather stay inside?" She did giggle at that. "I suppose that's not something you do much."

Luke smiled at her giggle."No its not. I find it hard to sit still for very long. I like to be busy. I like the idea of the beach though. I can't remember the last time I was down there.."

"Well," Haidee turned back as she step outside, making her blond hair swing a little, only adding to the innocent, bright smile she was giving him. "Let's take a walk then." boto the beach

Adela entered the diner with Archer and Jace close behind. She turned to look at her companions, "So where do we want to sit?"

Jace glanced around at the small amount of brunch patrons and shrugged his shoulders. "Our old corner booth is open." He pointed out the round booth that the four of them used to share all the time with a small.

Archer smiled brightly and nodded in agreement as the group headed for the booth. "Wow it has been a long while." Archer said under his breath as he looked at the booth. It would have been nice if Jade was with them...

"You were just here last night." Adela bumped him playfully with her hip again.

Jace waited for Adela to get in so that she could sit between them before sitting down. A young waitress came over and handed them all menus and smiled. "Well hey Jace." He looked up and flashed her a wide smile. "Hi Janey, missed you in class last week." She nodded her head, her ponytail bobbing from side to side. "I was sick with the flu, my little brother brought it home and the whole house got it. I didn't figure you'd want to sanitize the dojo." Jace chuckled and shook his head. "No, thank you for that." The girl beamed at him, clearly smitten with her instructor before asking for their drink orders. "I'll just have water thanks."

"Coffee, black, and a water please." Archer added as he watched the exchange, and then looked to Adela. Jace was every girl in towns ideal man he could clearly see.

"Coffee and water for me as well, thanks Janey. Glad you're feeling better." Adela smiled at the waitress. Adela knew all the staff at Sophie's, it was where she ate all her meals when she was on shift. "Oh," she seemed to remember her manners and introduced Archer, "This is Archer, he's a friend of ours from high school."

Janey gave Archer a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you. Let me go grab your guys' drink while you all look over the menu." She turned on her heal and headed away. Jace shook his head as he picked up his menu and skimmed it over with a soft sigh.

"I mean in this seat Adela." Archer time her with a smirk. "Jace how are you single still?" He asked with a smirk. "Half the women in this town need a kayak to make it down the river of drool that they create every time you walk by them." He was only half joking with that statement as he looked at the menu. 

Jace couldn't help the look he sent Adela's way at Archer's question but shook his head gently. "One, she is jail bait but I have a feeling you weren't just meaning her..." Sitting back straighter he shrugged his shoulders as he looked straight into Adela's eyes. "I just haven't found the one yet, I guess." Janey appeared then to set their drinks down in front of them. "Do you all need a minute or are you ready?"

Adela's ears pinkened just a little and she looked down at her menu to escape Jace's eyes. She liked Jace, she did, but he didn't send her blood rushing quite like Archer did. "I'm ready, what about you guys?" She asked, thankful for the interruption from the waitress.

Archer nodded at Jace then noticed the look he gave Adela. He smiled a bit at it. It was a wonderful idea the two of them. It might even save his friendship with Adela...

Jace nodded his head, realizing he'd embarrassed Adela. "The usual, Janey, please." He shoved his menu aside as he glanced around the diner. He'd stuck his foot in his mouth again. He knew she didn't care for him the way she did Archer. "You know what, Janey... never mind. I think I've lost my appetite." He cleared his throat as Janey shifted out of his way so he could climbed from the booth. Pulling his wallet out of his back pocket he pulled out a $10 bill, even though all he'd ordered was water and placed it in Janey's hand. "Keep the change sweetheart." He looked over at Adela and Archer before bowing his head. "See you guys around..." With a shake of his head he maneuvered around Janey and out the door.

Adela looked at Archer and then slid out of the booth, "Jace," She caught him by the wrist, "What's wrong? Come on, you can't just walk out on friends, let us help."

Jace moved them out of the way of the door as an older couple came through, giving them a soft smile before turning his attention to Adela. He glanced down at her hand around his wrist, eyebrows knitting together gently. "I don't think this is something you can help with Adela, nor do I think you want to." He cleared his throat, giving a slight shake of his head. "I don't want to ruin your day with nonsense so why don't you just leave it alone. Go eat breakfast with Archer... I'll give you two your space." He lifted his eyes up to hers, not sure if he meant he was going to stop pursuing her or what at this moment but she could take it any way she wanted. He just had a hard time sitting there thinking about them being together.

"You're not nonsense, Jace." Adela said quietly, "Look, I'm sorry this is so hard for you, you seemed excited to spend some time with us. I just...I can't really help how either of us feels right now." She shook her head, feeling bad but also frustrated, "If you feel like you need to go, I get it. But know that you're welcome." She knew she would have trouble seeing Archer with another woman.

Jace placed a hand against her cheek and smiled softly. "Don't sweat it. I'm used to it by now." He swallowed past the lump in his throat, his adams apple doing a slight Bob. He took a step forward and kissed her forehead softly. "And I was excited... more so to spend time with you then Archer." He finally took a step back, his hand falling to his side. "I'll text you later or something. I'm going to go distract myself at Jade's." Without another word he turned and left the diner, stepping out onto boto streets of Athens harbor and right into the road not even paying attention.

"Help! I need help! Someone call 911!" He was dripping on the mat at the doorway as he shouted. Sophie looked up from the order she was taking to take him in. "Cayson, calm down... What's wrong?" Cayson shook his head as his body started to go numb. "I just hit a guy! He just stepped into the road without looking and I couldn't stop! Please call 911!" He shouted as Sophie set her things down to hurry over to her land line and hurriedly dialed. Cayson headed back outside to boto streets of Athens harbor.

Adela's shoulders slumped as Jace left. She turned back toward the booth feeling horrible. Then she heard the screech of tires on the wet road, her eyes met Archer's as cold dread gripped her chest. The door opened and she spun around, she knew this kid, Cayson, she had warned him he would get himself or somebody else hurt, "Archer, it's Jace!" She pushed past the teenager, phone already in her hand as she rushed out into the street

Archer just say and watched the two. He was getting ready to tell Adela to follow Jace and not let a man who cared for her so much to just walk away. Then the guy came in and before Adela had to say a thing archer was out the door to boto streets of Athens harbor

BotO Athens Harbor
Blood of the Olympians

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