Page name: BotO Streets of Athens Harbor Chapter Three [Exported view] [RSS]
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2016-12-20 22:54:02
Last author: ~Valkyrie~
Owner: ~Valkyrie~
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Streets of Athens Harbor



"Eh, it depends on the day of the week. Most days I'm good. I love working and I love what I do it's just..." As they walked Dorian's face popped into her mind. Shaking her head she sighed heavily, her dark hair sweeping back and forth along her back. "Dorian lately has seemed... Overbearing. I mean before we started dating it didn't seem like he was so possessive but now I sometimes feel suffocated." As they walked along the dirt road that led to Jade's place she frowned deeply. "No matter what I do. I mean sure today could have been bad but I'm fine, I feel fine. No damage done and he freaks out about me going with to sit and watch you guys get tattooed. It's just frustrating. You know I don't like being controlled."

"I understand." Archer told Jade as they walked down the road. He sighs a bit as he heard her vent about Dorian. Then offered a bit of unsolicited advice. "Not trying to push you away from the old boy or nothing, Jade, but he kinda seems like the guy you hear about turning out to be a stalker." Archer wasn't trying to be to pushy, but his prejudice was skewing him at least slightly. Dorian ment well... He may have ment well. "Anyways I'm probably just over reacting s bit to my limited encounters with him."

Jade wrapped her arm around Archer's waist causing his arm to dangle behind her. "I've thought about that too. It worries me a little." Jade sighed softly and shook her head before laying it against him gently. "You being back doesn't make things any easier either." Jade was confused about Archer. They'd always been close but she'd kept him at arms length so as not to ruin their friendship. Now that they were older her feelings for him were just stronger, they hadn't gone away. "But that's not your fault entirely."

"Well I'm a pretty big fan of the idea I'm not at fault." Archer answered in a playful tone. "If he is a stalker type. Your friends with the three people in town he don't wanna cross." Archer told Jade. With out thinking about it he let he arm wrap Jade in close. Then Archer gave Jades arm a gentle squeeze as he told her she had nothing to fear. "Jace is a black belt, I'm a special forces operator, and Adela is a cop." Archer then had a thin smile. "of course you haven't decided if your breaking up with him or not. So this conversation is strictly metaphorical."

"Right... my emotions are just... confused with everything going on with him and then you being back. It just makes it hard." Jade shook her head gently. She enjoyed the feel of his arm around her as they turned down the drive to boto Jade's House.

Jace shrugged his muscular shoulders not caring either way. "That's up to you. Even if you leave I won't he going to sleep. MY sister is out roaming the stets somewhere so I'll stay up until she gets home at least."

"I didn't know she was living with you." Adela said, "How old is she now?"

"She's twenty-four now and she just recently moved in. She wanted out of our parents house." Jace stared at Adela for several long moments. "She makes me feel better when she's around, not so lonely." Jace shrugged his shoulders, his voice deepening as he talked.

Adela nodded, "I love my independence and having my place to myself, but it does get lonely sometimes." She was surprised his sister had stayed with their parents for so long, in fact it surprised her that Jace had let her, he had always been protective of his sister, and with their father...

Jace nodded his head as he stared over at Adela admiring her features. "That's one thing I've always admired about you, it makes you even more beautiful." Jace hadn't noticed it but he had gotten slowly closer to her as they talked. He raised his hand again and gently stroked her cheek as he leaned forward and placed his lips against hers in a gentle kiss. He stayed there for a moment until he realized what he'd done. Pulling back suddenly he blushed deeply. "Please don't hate me... I don't know what came over me."

Adela had been about to say something when she found herself being kissed. She stared at him, speechless for a second after he pulled away, "Alcohol." She said with a smile. She sighed and leaned back against the couch, "Damn it, Jace, if you'd have been two days earlier..." That kiss had been enough to make her wonder about other things, but right now she found herself ambiguiously comitted to someone she really didn't want to hurt.

"It's not just the alcohol, Adela. I've wanted to kiss you for a long time. Now it just makes things worse though." Jace teased over and grabbed her hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth across her knuckles. "I'm sorry..." His words trailed off as if he wanted to say more but decided not too.

"It's alright, I'm sorry too." Sorry she had never thought to call him up and ask if he wanted to get drinks or something. She squeezed his hand and released it, "I should probably go though." Before things got any worse for either of them.

"Yeah okay." Jace stood from the couch and stretched his body, causing his shirt to lift up and show the bottom part of his abs. "I'll walk you out."

Adela stood up, "You sure you're steady enough on your feet already?" She asked, smiling as she watched him stretch.

Jace smiled softly. "Ill be fine. This whole thing sobered me up pretty good anyway." Jace led the way down the stairs and through the dojo to unlock the front door. Holding it open for Adela he smiled softly. "I hope you have a wonderful night, Adela."

"You too." She said, "Keep your chin up, brooding is unattractive." she smiled and have him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading to her car.

Jace smiled and rubbed his cheek gently as he watched he walk away. "I'll do that." He said to the keeping his chin up comment. Turning back into the dojo he locked the door back up and went upstairs to watch tv.

Stepping out of the grocery store, Hroda Neander began his quick-paced trek home, holding a large paper bag--containing a frozen pre-cooked meatloaf, two cheap cans of German potato salad, a squeeze-bottle of spicy ketchup and a new bag of gummy bears--to his chest.

Jace hadn't lasted long watching TV. He had too much on his mind so he decided to go for a walk. As he passed in front of the grocery store he almost walked straight into Hroda. Screeching to a halt, Jace's hands shot out to grip Hroda's shoulders. "Wow, hey there kid, missed you in class yesterday. What happened?"

Lost in his thoughts and intended path home, Hroda did not even notice his instructor's presence until his hands were on the teenager's shoulders, causing the boy to jump in surprise. Once he recognized Jace, however, Hroda quickly recovered his wits: "Ah! Mr. Carter! I do apologize for my absence, but I fear it was quite unavoidable. I do so deeply regret it, as your lessons are always so enjoyable--from your understanding, yet persistent nature, to the ever-invigorating atmosphere of your studio--and on any other day I would have sprinted to ensure my attendance. But, alas, yesterday was not any other, and I found myself preoccupied. I...uh...guess I forgot to call, huh?"

"That's alright Hroda. I was just worried but glad you're okay, at least from what I can see. And how many times do I have to tell you, it's Jace. Mr. Carter was my father." Shaking his head, Jace gave the boy a toothy smile.

Any tension in the teenager's shoulders melted away at the sight of his instructor's smile. "Of course, Jace. Only, it seems so informal and even at times--dare I say?--disrespectful. You are, after all, an authoritative figure in the lives of myself and so many of my peers; A guiding light in the lives of so many youths, leading us through the disorienting maze of pre-, peri- or post-adolescence. You are a source of stability and positivity in an increasingly chaotic and negative world M--Jace!"

Jace shook his head gently at Hroda. "It's not disrespectful if I'm the one asking you not to call me Mr. Carter. It's giving you permission." Jace just now noticed the groceries the boy was carrying. "Well I'd better let you get home, it looks like you're carrying dinner."

Hroda chuckled a little. "A fair point. I suppose it just...feels a little odd," he admitted with a smile. "Yes! My mother intends to cook tonight, so I retrieved some essentials for our intended feast that I fear we neglected to replenish earlier. Ah, if only the human memory were so infallible and efficient as the mind itself is complex and productive..." The teenager spoke with his usual enthusiasm for everything dramatic, but otherwise did not seem particularly excited nor disappointed with the topic of his upcoming meal.

"Well enjoy and I'll see you in class." Patting the young boy on the back he continued past him to finish his walk. He'd prefer a job but he wasn't sure his stomach was up for that sort of task. He'd just do a quick walk around town and then head back home.

Shya sighed happily as she stepped out into the street. It was to nice of a day to waste inside but she wasn't exactly sure what she wanted to do, sure it would probably end with her reading somewhere by herself but she wanted to at least try to do something new. She decided her best bet was to just wonder around and see if anything caught her attention.

"Woah, look out." Someone called as she stepped out into the street. Jace tried stopping himself but his legs were just going too fast for him to break in time. Their bodies collided and he tumbled to the ground, banging his knee on the asphalt and cursing loudly. That's what he gets for going running when he wasn't 100% sober.

Shya let out a startled gasp as they collide. Due to her feeble attempt to get out of the way she fall sideways barely catching herself before her head and shoulder could hit the asphalt. She hissed as she scrapped her hand on the aspalt. "Ouch.." she groaned as she looked over at the guy that ran into her, trying not to glare.

"Oh jeez, I'm so sorry.. I was jogging and you just stepped out without looking." Jace got to his feet with a wince and pulled her carefully to her feet by her arms. "Come on, my dojo is just up the street. Lets get the washed up and wrapped." He instantly stepped in to "fix it" mode when he saw her injured hand. It's what he did, protector of all.

"To be fair, I don't think either of us were paying enough attention." Shya stated slightly annoyed by his wording. She allowed him to help her up as she checked herself over. "I-I don't know if that's necessary.. mainly just scrapes." She replied not kin on the idea of following a stranger.

"It'll only take a moment. It's just right there." He pointed to a well lit building. "If it helps you can stay outside and I'll get my kit." He cocked his head at her slightly. "The names Jace by the way and you were correct, I was pretty distracted. I'm sorry..."

Upon seeing the building Shya felt a lot more comfortable. "Alright. I'm Shya, and don't worry neither of us seem to be injured to badly so it's no big deal." She replied with a smile and a shrug as she started walking towards the dojo.

"Mmm, sorry but worrying is what I do." Jace gave a shy shrug as he led her over to the dojo. Unlocking the door he ducked inside to where his office was right there and came back out with a water bottle and small duffle bag. "Wash with this first to get all the rocks out." He handed the water bottle over to her as he began pulling what he needed out of the bag. "I don't think I've seen you around before. I was born and raised here and I know pretty much everyone."

Shya rinsed her hand wincing slightly as the water hit the raw skin. "I moved here not to long ago, I've been busy getting situated." She replied flicking some of the more stubborn rocks out of her skin."This was actually going to be my first day exploring the town itself."

"Oh yeah? It's a little late for exploring isn't it. I mean the suns been down a little over an hour now." Jace waited for her to finish with her hand before he grabbed it up and dabbed it gently with an alcohol wipe. He then put a white cream on the wound and carefully wrapped it. "Now if that starts to hurt, just rewash it and put fresh bandages on it." Looking down at his knee he did the same thing to himself, only without the wrap. Standing once again, everything packed up and stored away, he gave Shya a handsome smile. "Well, welcome to Athens Harbor."

"I like seeing everything lighting up the darkness, plus I don't have to worry about crowds as much." Shya replied watching him treat her wound and then his own. "Thank, shouldn't you put a bandage or something on your wound too?"

"Eh... I've been hurt much worse. Don't you worry about me, I'm a fast healer. I have to be in my line of work. Get one wrong kick and you could have a broken rib." Again he just shrugged it off like it was nothing. "You should go down by the marina, it's beautiful no matter what time of day it is."

"I suppose that's true.." She replied but still seemed concerned until she got distracted by the mention of the Marian.
"Oh, I figured it would be blocked off at night..."

"No fishermen go out at night and the lady that runs it, Jade, rarely goes home." Have glanced up at a familiar car that came into view and smiled softly. He wasnt sure what she was doing out but it amusef him that she was driving by.

Adela had been driving a bit aimlessly, trying to clear her head. She found herself passing Jace's dojo again and noticed him sitting outside with a young woman. She parked her red Charger and got out, still wearing the little red dress and black heels she'd worn out to dinner with everyone, "Hey, something happen?" She asked, seeing the first aid kit

Shya seemed puzzled at first until she realized what the woman was looking at. "Oh, no. There's no problem we just bumped into each other, that's all." She replied somewhat quickly due to embarrassment.

Jace set the bag aside and walked over to Adela and hugged her gently. "I was jogging and not paying attention and she just came out of nowhere. You know how hard I can collide with someone." Shrugging his shoulders he looked at her almost bashfully.

"Oh I'm well aware." Adela said, hugging him back, "You alright?" she asked the young woman, "You don't want to press assult charges or anything, do you?" she asked. Her voice was serious, but her eyes were playful.

Shya wondered what they were referring to but figured it was an inside joke.
"Hmmm, I'll have to think about it." She replied thoughtfully but her small smile and wink made it clear she was joking.

Adela smiled and reached a hand down to the woman, "I'm Adela, by the way. You really are alright, right?" she asked, a little more serious now

Jace stared down at Adela for a moment, shocked into silence at her mentioning charges. After all it had been an accident, on both their parts. At Shya's comment his mouth fell open. "You two ladies are not funny. Not in the slightest."

Shya chuckled at Jace's reaction as she took Adela's hand and shook. "Shya Mefest, nice to meet you. I'm fine, it's his knee I'm worried about."

"Nice to meet you, Shya." Adela looked over at Jace, grinning, "Oh don't worry, I'm off duty anyways." she said playfully

Jace shook his head at the two girls joking at his expense. "My knee is fine, Shya, I promise." He smiled reassuringly at the girl. He'd never had anyone worry about his injuries so he wasn't really sure what else to say to the girl.

Shya shrugged as she stopped shaking Adela's hand. "If being in a dojo makes you blow injuries off like that, I might just need to join one."

Adela smiled at that, "Jace is a good teacher." she said, "I joined to get in better shape when I decided to go into the police academy." It was nice to have the accountability that classes provided. It was harder to blow off a class of people you liked than a trip to the gym or run through town.

"You were also one of my best students. She let me work her butt off without complaint so that's always nice." Jace beamed down at Adela. He wondered if that was when his feelings for her had grown, they'd spent a lot of time together then.

"Where you two friends before that or did your friendship grow along with your skills?" Shya asked finding it hard not to be curious about these two, she wondered if everyone in this town was as friendly.

Adela actually blushed, something she didn't do very often, "Never complain when the teacher can hear." She joked and looked at Shya, "We had mutual friends back in high school but they all graduated before I did. So we knew each other, but we've never really spent a ton of time together outside of school or the dojo." She wondered if that was going to change. Maybe it shouldn't...

Jace blushed as Adela continued to ramble on. He realized the conversation was becoming extremely personal and he wasn't sure how he felt about that. Jamming his fists ito his pockets he remained silent.

Adela noticed she was rambling a bit and stopped, just a hint of the blush left in her cheeks. What was wrong with her? "Anyways...I was just out for a drive and thought I'd see if everything was okay when I saw you guys out here with a first aid kit." She said

"I'm ready way too early.." Madison muttered as she paced back and forth across the living room floor, her eyes flitting towards the clock on the wall every few seconds. She sighed and finally paused, before taking a deep breath. "There's no need to be nervous.." She told herself before she moved to the long mirror to check her reflection once more. She was dressed in a simple but elegant long emerald green dress with a small diamond necklace sparkling round her neck. Her hair was pinned back in loose curls and after a quick tuck and check that it was still secure she sighed again and turned to move towards the window to keep watch for Risk.

Risk followed the address on his GPS that Madison had texted to him, and when he found the house, he pulled up in front of it and turned off the car. With a final spritz of cologne and a finger fix of his hair in the mirror, he climbed out of the car, bringing the bouquet of colorful flowers he'd bought on the way with him. He headed up the steps to the front door and knocked firmly a few times. Absently, he checked his watch. I'm early... I hope she doesn't mind.

Madison had seen his car pull up and had quickly jumped back from the window, smoothing down the front of her dress as she straightened up. When he knocked she paused for a few seconds before finally moving to the door to answer it. She opened it and smiled out at Risk, unable to keep the blush from her cheeks as her eyes met his. "Hi." She said bashfully then opened the door wider. "Come in."

"Hello," Risk said in return, and then stepped over the threshold with a soft, "Thank you." He offered her the bundle of multicolored flowers and said definitively, "These are for you." As she took them, he leaned down and planted a kiss on her cheek. "You look very lovely."

"Thank you..for the compliment and the flowers." Madison replied and gave a small laugh as she took the bunch from him, her cheeks reddening further from his light kiss. "They're beautiful." She smiled up at him again then moved through to the kitchen to place them in a vase of water. Once they were placed she returned to him, her hands clasped in front of her. "You're looking very handsome." She spoke truthfully before she glanced at the clock then back at him. "Do you wish to go or would you liken a glass of wine here perhaps?"

Risk smiled at her genuinely. "Let's save the wine for next time," he winked and then opened her front door for her, giving a sweeping motion for her to exit first. "Have you made a decision about where you would like to go for dinner?"

"I've heard about this small French restaurant somewhere in town..I thought we could go there if you like." Madison answered after getting over the shock of his words about there being a next time. She smiled at him then stepped through the door, fishing her keys from her bag so she could lock up once he had exited after her. "Unless you'd rather go for burgers and fries down at the diner.." She added playfully.

"I will go wherever you lead me, my lady." Risk said with a smile and a wink. "I have already said that you can choose where we go. I am happy anywhere." He tilted his head at her and waited for her to lock up her front door.

Once she had locked up she glanced at Risk's car then over to him. "Is the restaurant far from here? Maybe we could walk. Its a nice evening for a stroll.." She said with a smile and a tilt of her head.

Risk looked thoughtfully down the road and contemplated where the French restaurant was that she wanted to go to. He shook his head. "It's not far at all. I think a stroll sounds wonderful." He offered her his elbow then, like a gentleman, and escorted her down the stairs from her house and on down the sidewalk. "So... this stroll gives us a fine opportunity to get to know each other a little better. Do you have any questions for me?"

Madison looked thoughtful as she gripped his elbow lightly before she looked up at him. "How come a guy as good looking and charming as you is single?" She asked playfully. "I'm sure you have plenty of girls chasing after you.."

He laughed good-naturedly at her comments, and nodded his head. "Quite a few, I guess," he admitted, though not boastfully, "I have also been married twice. Divorced both times." He gave her a "what can you do?" shrug and looked ahead again. "I am rather good at charming women, I suppose, but I guess that charm wears off over time. I have been told I can be a tad jealous sometimes, too."

Madison blinked, surprised by his confession that he had been married twice. He doesn't seem old enough. She thought as she glanced at him before smiling softly again. "Well you'll have no need to feel any jealousy with me. I'll only have eyes for you." She spoke playfully. "But I'm not saying we'll get married or anything. Well not yet anyway.. that's a third date conversation." She chuckled lightly. "Okay your turn. Anything you'd like to know?"

Risk shrugged lightly and seemed to think about it after laughing at her third date comment. "Hmmm... Well, let's start with something simple: Where did you grow up?" he asked, glancing at her a little as they walked.

"Nowhere exciting. A small town in the middle of nowhere. A place where nothing exciting happens." Madison answered with a small shrug of her own. "That's why I left. I needed to seek my own adventure. But..I needed a place to stay so that's why I came looking for Jace." She chuckled then looked at Risk. "Ok same question to you. Have you always lived here?"

Jace looked up as he saw two people walking down the sidewalk. "What in the hell..." He frowned deeply as his sister came more into view. "Maddy?" He called loudly so that she could hear him. Who was she with? Why was she dressed up so much? He was visibly shocked at the sight of her. "Adela... please tell me I'm seeing things..."

Adela looked in the direction Jace was looking, "What's wrong?" she asked. Was that Madison? Adela didn't think she had seen her in years, she looked so grown up.

Risk was in the process of telling Madison about his childhood when he heard someone call her name from further down the sidewalk. He looked up and ahead and frowned in confusion, then asked, "Someone you know, Madison?"

Madison had quickly looked up at the shout of her name then suddenly gave a small groan. "It's just my brother Jace." She replied as she raised her hand to wave to him. "I should apologise in advance. You say you get jealous. I bet it's nothing compared to how protective he can get. So I'm sorry for anything he may be about to say or do." She spoke with an embarrassed smile before she looked back towards Jace and Adela. "Hey.." She called in greeting.

Jace's hand instantly flew to Adela's wrist, grabbing her. "Please don't leave yet. I may need a buffer." As his sister and... Risk neared them, he smiled tightly. He loved his sister and he wanted to see her happy so he'd behave himself but Risk definitely wasn't his favorite person. Meeting the couple a few feet away he kissed her cheek. "Hello beautiful. You look wonderful. What's the occasion?" Glancing up he held his hand out to Risk. "Risk."

Adela knew how protective Jace could be and seeing his reaction put her professional instincts on edge. She followed Jace, smiling at Madison, even though she was keeping an eye on the two men, "Hey, Madison." she greeted the young lady with a wave.

Risk gave Jace a smooth smile of his own and shook his hand. "Ah, Jace. Good to see you this evening." He nodded in greeting to Adela as well, even though he didn't know her personally. "I'm Risk De Lorme. And you are?"

Madison waved in return to Adela, smiling lightly to the other woman before she turned her attention to her brother."Risk and I are going to dinner. I asked him out." She answered with a soft blush and a glancing smile at Risk.

Jace's eyebrows raised slightly but a genuine smile spread across his face. "Sounds like you." Turning his eyes to Risk again his smile remained. "You take very VERY good care of my sister, you hear me?" He knew Madison would be eyeing him so he held up his hands. "Hey that's all I have to say. Enjoy yourselves... but not too much." Kissing her cheek again he moved out of their way.

"Adela." The woman introduced herself, offering her hand to Risk, "Nice to meet you. And nice to see you again Madison."

Risk shook Adela's hand with an appreciative nod and a smile. He was, however, genuinely surprised that Jace seemed so calm and accepting about this. Madison had made it seem like things would be a bit more troubling between them, and the last time Risk had met Jace, abrasive was an understatement. He kept his smile on despite all these thoughts, however, and nodded again at Jace's kind warning. "I guarantee she will be treated like a princess tonight." he smiled honestly. "Flowers, fine French cuisine, a nighttime stroll along the coast, perhaps?" he offered, giving Madison a smile.

"Adela! It's wonderful to see you again. I hope you've been well." She answered with a genuine smile before she looked up at Risk once more, the blush returning to her cheeks. "That all sounds perfect." She replied with a nod then finally turned her attention to her brother. "I have my phone and keys so there's no need to worry or wait up. I'll see you in the morning."

Jaces eyes narrowed for a moment before he gave a slight nod. "Who says I'd be waiting up? Adela here has been keeping me company... and out of trouble, for the most part." Jace gave Adela a small hug, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. "Well anyway, you two have a nice night. I'm going to go for a walk I think. Care to join me, Adela?" He didn't really want to be alone yet. Each year on this day he normally spent it with Jade but she'd had so much going on lately that he didn't want to bug her with his petty anniversary blues.

Adela thought about making some kind of joke about Risk being good but decided it might not be the best idea since she didn't know Risk. "Good to see you too, Madison. I'm doing just fine." She told the younger woman with a smile. She looked over at Jace, was he already sober enough to be out? "Sure." She smiled. It would be best if she kept an eye on him a little longer anyways.

Risk gave a final nod of farewell to Jace and Adela, glad to have met them, and he made that verbally known. He patted Madison's hand where it hung around his arm, and led her on their way down the sidewalk towards the restaurant she wanted to eat at. "They seem like nice people. Your brother looked a little tense though... should I be worried about future overprotective brother syndrome?" he joked with a smile.

"Are you afraid of my brother?" Madison teased with a raised eyebrow before smiling and shaking her head. "Don't worry I'll protect you." She chuckled lightly. "He'll be ok I promise. He just gets that way sometimes but as long as he knows I'm happy he won't do anything." She smiled again then looked up as they approached the restaurant. She bit her lip then looked up at Risk, her smile brightening slightly. "I have a new idea..let's blow this fancy feels so serious. Lets grab some food to go from the diner and head for the beach. Fine dining by the sea? What do you say?"

Risk laughed a little at her question of whether or not he was afraid of Jace. "Well... Knowing his profession, I'm quite confident he could really hurt me if he wanted to. Not to lessen your respect for me... But boxing will only get me so far against judo." At her idea to go to the beach with some fast food, he brightened. "Are you kidding? I'm totally dressed for that! Let's go." He steered her away from the French cuisine place and towards Sophie's.

Madison let out another small laugh. "We'll be the best dressed people on the beach." She answered playfully as they headed for the diner. Once they had collected their order and stepped back out onto the street, bag of food in hand she looked up at Risk and smiled again. "Lead the way then."

Risk gave her a charming smile and led her down the street and towards boto the beach.

Jace threw his arm over Adela's shoulder and steered them in the opposite direction, sighing heavily. "I had hoped that run would help with all that alcohol I'd drank... apparently not." Shaking his head he smiled down at his very beautiful companion. "My sister is out on a date with the rat of the town... awesome." His words dripped with sarcasm as they wandered further down the street.

Adela looked at him inquisitively, "Rat of the town?" She asked. Risk's name had sounded familiar, a name like Risk was hard to forget, but she couldn't place it

Jace blushed slightly and shook his head. "That was rude of me. I don't know the guy enough to say that. It's just things I've seen and heard. Like the other day I saw him picking on Luke. It got under my skin big time..." Sighing heavily he steered them over to the to a bench and sat down. Staring up at the darkening sky he frowned. "Why can't life be simpler?"

Adela frowned as she listened to him talk, making a mental note to look into Risk. "Because then it would be boring." Adela said, smiling and bumping his shoulder with her own after she sat next to him.

Jace looked over at her and smiled softly slipping his arm around her once again. "Yeah but maybe not so much heartache. Did I ever tell you that the divorce wasn't my idea? I tried making it work but I guess she knew that my heart wasn't in it..."

She shook her head, "I was working metro at the time. I actually didn't hear about the divorce until almost a year after the fact." Adelina looked a little embarrassed, "I kind of throw myself into my work, I haven't talked to anyone from high school much since the academy."

"I know that. Jade and I have missed you. The four of us were so close in high school and then you and Archer were just gone." He sighed softly and shrugged his shoulders. "And then it was just the two of us... until recently. I'm glad you two are back though. Even though I've embarrassed myself in front of you."

"I think Archer is our lynch pin." Adela admitted then shrugged, "Everybody has a night now and then when they just need to get drunk. My first DOA..." she trailed off, shaking her head, "Anyways, don't be embarrassed."

"About being drunk or the kiss? Because that's what I was talking about..." Jace looked at her out of the corner of his eyes before he turned his attention back to the beautiful sky. Absentmindedly his hand began rubbing up and down her arm as they sat there.

"Oh...right." Adela blushed a little and then shrugged again, "Don't sweat it." She said, nudging him with her shoulder again. His hand on her arm felt nice.

"It's a nice night, care to go down to the beach?" Jace looked over at her, squeezing his arm gently, clearly comfortably with her. "We could just stroll along for a while, or do you have somewhere to be?"

She nodded, "That sounds nice." She said, "Ive got nothing to do unless Archer calls to say he wants to get his stuff from my apartment. I think he's going to move into a room at Jade's."

"Oh well that's nice. Thing's are finally looking up for her. That place has sat empty with just her for far too long. She wanted her house to thrive with life for forever." Getting to his feet, he grabbed her hand and pulled her gently to her feet. Tucking her hand into the crook of his arm he led her along towards the beach.

"She's a sweetheart." Adela said, patting his forearm, "I hope that works out for her. How's she been?"

Jace's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he shook his head. "Troubled... actually. I'm not so sure about this relationship she's in. It uh... it worries me. But she wont talk to me about it." Glancing down at him he cocked his head slightly. "Do you think you could try talking to her? Woman to woman?" The BotO The Beach came into view as they continued walking side by side.

Jace steered her down the street back towards his dojo where he unlocked the door and let her inside. Closing and locking the door behind them he followed her back upstairs to where they had been a few hours before. "So, whats your poison?"

"Whiskey." Adela said decisively, "Got any Tennessee Honey or Fireball?" she asked as they walked up the stairs. She headed for his fridge, looking for soda to mix it with.

"Honey I'll do but I burned all my Fireball when the FDA or whoever said it had antifreeze or something in it." Going to his cabinets he pulled out her request as he pulled out a bottle of Wild Turkey for himself. Looking at the bottle he shook his head and put it back. He'd drink the same thing as he, pace himself. Setting it on the counter he got down two glasses. "Find what you were looking for?"

Adela had never heard that about Fireball, she would have to look into it. She looked around the fridge, bent at the waist as she rummaged, "Perfect." She said, coming out with a can of root beer, "Mind if I use this? Looks like there's a couple more if you want one."

Jace had watched as she'd bent over, her dress tightening nicely over her ass. He turned when she stood, hoping he hadn't gotten caught. "Uh, no I'll drink mine straight thanks." He poured a bit in her glass so that she could add however much soda she wanted. He filled his glass quite a bit more before setting the bottle aside.

Adela looked at the glas, he had poured her about a shot so she picked up the glass and raised it to him, "To life, messed up and complicated as it is." She said before knocking it back. She leaned her hip against the counter and poured a double shot worth before emptying the can of soda into it.

Jace raised his eyebrows in surprise but smiled as he raised his glass and took a swig from his own glass. Taking her hand he led her over to the couch and sat down, crossing one ankle over the other. "I'm sorry it's complicated."

She shrugged, sitting down as the shot warmed her insides, "It's not really your fault." She said, taking a sip of her drink, "Really, it came down to a matter of timing and my own stupidity." She admitted.

"Hey, you are not stupid... Why would you call yourself that?" Jace frowned as he pulled her into a soft hug, taking a long drink from his own glass, the warm liquid a comforting feeling as it slid down his throat.

She smiled ruefully, "Well, turns out I could have persued a relationship with Archer years ago but I was too worried about coming on too strong." She admitted, "But let's not talk about that. What have you been doing with your time, other than work?"

"Nothing really. Work mainly. I've been building a lot with woodwork. I love working with my hands apparently. I recently redid the fence out at Jade's with a better wood." Getting up he crossed the room and picked up the bottle and her can of soda and brought both back. Refilling his glass he set the rest aside for her as he took another sip. "What about you? Aside from work."

"Work." She said dryly, "When I'm not at work I'm usually doing things to help me do my job better or just looking around online. I started collecting historical weapon replicas a few years back." She offered.

"Oh thats neat, you'll have to show me that some time." Taking another drink from his glass he laid his head back and sighed softly. "I think maybe I need to get out of my funk and get back to my hobbies... I kind of miss my bike..."

"You're welcome to come over and see it any time." Adela told him before taking another drink, "Are you talking about a motorcycle or a bicycle?" she asked curiously.

"A motorcycle." Jace mumbled as he stared at his glass before taking another drink. "I parked it in Jade's barn after the divorce because I didn't really have any spirit to ride anymore. I think it's time I change that..." The hint of a smile played at his lips as he sipped from his glass.

"That poor bike." She said, "The battery is probably dead by now. You should definitely get it fixed back up." She took another drink and glanced at Jace, "I'd go for a ride with you." She said with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Really? Well hell then I'm working on my bike tomorrow." He teased but in reality he was serious. He'd do just about anything to spend more time with Adela and he loved the mischievous look in her eye. It was something he didn't see from her very often to it was a refreshing change.

She smiled, glad to see some of the old Jace back. Adela took a drink from her glass, enjoying the flavor, and set it down, "I'm glad you're perking back up." She told him sincerely, "It sounds like you haven't quite been yourself for a while. I wish you would have caught me after class sometime to talk." Though she supposed that went both ways.

Jace reached over and brushed a strand of hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear with a shrug. "Jade lucky I talked to her about it. I don't really like troubling others with my issues." Finishing off his glass he leaned forward and poured another for himself but let it sit there for now. He could already feel the alcohol taking its affects again so he wanted to slow down.

Adela took another drink and sat back against the arm of the couch so she was angled toward him. She was starting to feel a little buzzed as she kicked off her heels, "I guess I can't blame you there." She said with a sigh, she was the same way sometimes.

In her new position, Jace glanced over her body, from her toes all the way to her head. She was gorgeous, every bit of her and staring at her like this was going to do bad t hings to him. Clearing his throat he averted his eyes back down to her feet and gently, slowly picked one up and began rubbing it, kneading his fingers and knuckles into her arches. "I'm not even sure I have your number actually..." His eyebrows furrowed slightly as he looked back up at her, calmer than he was a moment before.

Adela looked at him sharply when he picked up her foot but relaxed before he looked up at her. She could trust Jace. "Sure you do." She said playfully, "It's on the paperwork from when I signed up for classes. She sighed and rested her head against the back of the couch, "That feels really nice." The heels had been killing her feet after so much walking.

"Oh... I never thought to look there. Besides it would have been weird to just call you up..." His broad shoulders gave a slightly shrug as he began working each individual toe. "Let me know if it tickles." His voice deepened slightly when she mentioned it feeling good, an erection stirring in his pants.

"All you ever had to do was ask." She told him, taking another drink and closing her eyes, "I'm not very ticklish."

"Good..." He ignored the comment about asking as he continued to knead her foot. It was a few minutes before he laid it down and picked up her other one. "You're on your feet a lot."

She smiled, barely opening her eyes to take another sip of her drink. "Off and on." She said, "I drive a lot too. Thank you." She sighed.

Letting her foot rest in his lap for a moment he took a long drink from his glass before sitting back again and taking her foot back into his hand. "For what?" He quirked an eyebrow at her.

"For the massage." She said, opening her eyes to smile at him. What else would she be thanking him for? "Should I return the favor?" she asked with a laugh.

"By rubbing my feet? No thanks." He chuckled softly as his fingers slid around her ankle rubbing there as well before moving back to her toes. "I've got pretty manly feet. Really soft but manly."

Adela looked at him, "Soft feet?" She asked, "How do you keep soft feet standing on that mat all day?" Her own were slightly calloused, though she did make sure not to let the callous get too thick or rough.

"Epson salts... I soak my feet in them every day." Kicking off his running shoes he also removed his socks. Lifting her legs he shifted so she was in between his legs and slid his foot down the couch next to her. "See? I may be a man but I don't want women to be grossed out by my feet or anything... I take care of my body." In this position her other foot that he wasn't working on rested against his crotch which worried him a bit but as long as she didn't freak out, everything would be okay.

She laughed, shaking her head, "I guess I'll have to pick some up." She said, "Because lotion and a pumice stone aren't enough." she admitted. She didn't freak out, but she did bend her knee just enough to move her foot away from him as she took another drink.

"You can either put them in the tub with you or get a foot soaker. I do both but more often than not I soak them. It's really relaxing too." Laying his head to the side so that it rested against the couch, he continued to gently knead her feet.

She smiled fondly at him and sighed, "I could fall asleep like this." she admitted quietly, shifting a little so she was reclined a bit more.

Jace smiled from where he sat on the couch, just watching her relax. His fingers worked their magic on her feet as he stared across from her. "You'll have to let me do your shoulders some time. Most people carry all their stress in that area so it tenses up." He said in a soft voice so as not to disturb her.

Adela nodded, "If someone opened a massage place in town they could make a killing." She said, "I used to go all the time when I lived in the city." She admitted before finishing off her drink.

"Well, don't go telling people that I have magical fingers. I dont want them to start lining up outside." He squeezed her foot playfully and smiled. Leaning over he picked up his own glass and down the rest of it with a sigh. Setting the glass side he leaned back again to look at her. "I'm glad you're relaxing..."

"You really think I'd let word about this get out?" Adela asked, opening her eyes part way to look at him. "Mm." She said by way of a agreement to his comment about her relaxing, "Hard not to between that and the alcohol." she admitted. Not that she was very far gone, she was just starting to feel a buzz.

"True... the body does interesting things when there is alcohol coursing through it." Jace laid his head against the back of the couch and closed his eyes, sighing softly. He had spent quite a bit of time on the current foot so he switched back to the other, trying to make it even.

"Mm." Adela agreed again, "And it tastes so good." She wasn't thinking about the fact that she was wearing a dress when he put ger foot down. She would have been apalled if she realized that the way she lounged with her feet toward him and one knee up, he could probably see the black lacy g-string she was wearing under her red dress.

Jace of course could see up her dress past her shapely legs and up to her very small panties. He blushed deeply and cleared his throat. Taking the small throw that was draped over the back of the couch, he gently placed it over her. "Sorry..." He mumbled as the tent in his pants returned.

"Shit." Adela abruptly sat more upright, returning her feet to the floor. Her face was as red as her hair before she buried it in her hands, "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." she said, her voice muffled by her hands.

"No no... Adela..." Jace scooted over and gently wrapped his arms around her. "Don't be embarrassed... If I wasn't the gentleman that I am I could have just let you lay like that but... I can about you and respect you way too much for that." He gently pressed his lips to her hair and sighed. "I'm sorry if my actions embarrassed you."

She shook her head, "No, I embarrassed myself." Adela assured him, patting his knee, "Thank you for not just letting me stay like that.

Brushing a strand of hair out of her face he smiled softly. "Nothing to be embarrassed about." Clearing his throat he shook his head. "If it makes you feel better... you've got very nice legs..."

That pesky strand of hair fell back into her face, a hazard of how short she had it cut. She laughed a genuine laugh, shaking her head, "Thanks, I guess." She smiled at him, the flush receding from her cheeks slowly. "I should start coming back to class more often." She said. She had hardly been back since she moved back to Athens Harbor.

Jace smiled softly as he looked over her face. "I'd love to have you. But... why?" He watched as her hair fell back into her face, causing him to smile. But he didn't hesitate this time to reach up and brush it away. "You can either do group classes or... private." His voice was soft as he looked her over.

She blushed again, "Maybe a bit of both." A class setting let students train with a variety of styles and skill levels, but private lessons... "How about now?" She asked abruptly, the alcohol helping her feel bold, "I have a pair of pants in the trunk."

"Uh... now..." He furrowed his eyebrows together in thought before he shrugged. "Uh... sure... We can have a class now, if you want." He was a bit concerned about how stable he could be but he was willing to give it a try. Getting to his feet he grabbed her hands and pulled her up with him. "Come on then, lets go get those pants."

Grinning, Adela headed for the stairs and descended them quickly, pulling Jace behind her. She went out to her car and popped the trunk, pulling her bag to the front and fishing through it for a moment before pulling out a pair of lightweight black sweatpants.

Jace waited in the door frame of the dojo, watching her. Sure Athens Harbor was a safe place but that didn't mean he couldn't make sure she made it back inside okay. "You can change in the showers..." He called to her from the door. "Come on, times a waistin'." He grinned playfully at her.

She smiled and jogged back into the building with her pants. She looked at him for a moment and then shrugged. Right there in front of him, she stepped into the pants, pulling them up under her short dress without showing anything, as though she had done it a million times.

Jace cocked his head to the side and smiled. "Well I guess that works. Come on then..." Placing his hand at the base of her back he ushered her into the training area. Moving onto the mats he turned and looked her over. "Ready?"

Adela took a second to stretch but considering she stretched every morning, she was pretty limber. When he asked if she was ready she nodded, smiling, "Whenever you are." She said bouncing a little on the balls of her feet.

Jace struck without warning, aiming for her abdomen. If she was really paying attention she would have easily been able to block his advance. At the last second he slipped his arm around her neck to flip her to the group and pin her down.

Adela immediately started to go for the obvious block. She felt stupid the moment he shifted his attack. She tried to deflect it but the alcohol was slowing her reactions. She grabbed his arm and used her weight to bring him down with her.

Jace smiled at her slowed reflexes but it quickly faded when he realized he was going down with her. He quickly braced himself so his arms were on either side of her so that when they hit his full weight wouldn't land on her. "Ah... are you alright?" He asked carefully as he stared down at her for a moment, checking her over with his eyes though he couldn't see much.

"Shit." Adela laughed as she looked up at him, "You've had more to drink than I have, how are you still so fast?" She didn't move to push him off her, just laid there on the mat, looking at him. She was dehydrated, there was no other reason the room would be slowly spinning like that after only a few shots worth.

"Ive been doing this most of my life, I knew I wanted to be able to defend myself in any state I was in so I would often practice... drunk..." Jace frowned slightly and shrugged his shoulders. "Now... answer my question. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." She said dismissively, she wasn't far gone enough to not notice if she was hurt., "You seriously practice drunk?" She knew cops who could use that skill.

"I make sure Jade or someone else is here when I do it, but yes. I like to make sure I'm prepared for everything." Realizing he was still on top of her, he carefully moved his legs to the sides of her, straddling her body, grabbing her hands he stood and her up with him. "Sorry bout that..."

She gave him an admiring smile as she stood up, "No problem, not like I haven't taken plenty of falls on this mat." Adela said with a laugh. The fact that he had been on top of her didn't seem to phase her.

"True..." Jace struck then, knowing she wouldn't be paying that close attention. One hand flew to her side while the other aimed for her neck. He knew she was disoriented from the alcohol but this was the best way to teach her.

"Shit." The word slipped from Adela's lips unbidden as she reacted. She couldn't stop both his hands, so she went for the bigger threat. She grabbed the hand that was moving for her neck and pulled it aside. But her fingers weren't quite on the pressure points so while she deflected his strike, she didnt do any more than that.

Instead of striking her side, he hands moved quickly, wrapping around her so he turned her body and forcing her backwards, into his chest. Quickly his arms moved around her, one around her chest and the other her abdomen, pinning her arms to her sides. He breathed heavily into her ear, his chest heaving gently. "You aren't focusing."

Her breath caught in her throat and her stomach began to flutter as she felt her face and ears warm in response to his breath on her ear. "You're not making it easy." she admitted without thinking. She was glad for the dim light so he wouldn't see her blush.

"It's not supposed to be easy... If it were, you wouldn't learn." His arms tightened around her slightly as he realized what kind of position they were in. Clearing his throat slightly, he spoke into her ear again. "Now... fight me off of you."

That wasn't what she had meant, but she was glad he didn't seem to notice. She took a deep breath and then did as he said. She managed to fight him off, keeping mostly to Aikido techniques, but relying on some from her department training as well. She stood across from him in a ready stance, panting.

Jace took a few steps towards her, arms flying in her direction, tapping her gently in the stomach as he circled around her. Behind her now, he continued moving, pressing his palm against the center of her back, flicking his other hand against her ass before quickly swiping her feet out from under her and pining her to the ground. He knelt above her, panting heavily as he stared down at her.

Adela resisted admirably but she still ended up on her back with a quietly muttered "fuck." She stared up at him, panting and wondering if this had been a bad idea but not really caring.

Cocking his head to the side with a slight smile, Jace lifted an eyebrow in question. "So... have you had enough? Because... all I'm really doing is throwing us around the room." He glanced down at her his breath heavy as he leaned down to whisper into her ear, as if there was someone around to listen. "Not that I care, really... I'm enjoying this." His breath was hot and heavy against her ear and neck before he pulled away, just enough to stare down into her eyes.

She closed her eyes, her head swimming from his breath on her skin again. Yes, this had definitely been a bad idea. "Shit, Jace." She groaned, "I'm too dehydrated for this." She admitted. Not that she wasn't enjoying it, in fact the look in her eyes said she was. She looked away, sitting up and trusting that he would move to allow her to.

Jace climbed to his feet with ease and gently pulled her up along with him. "Well then, lets get some gatorade in you." Leading her over to one of the benches he sat her down before going into his offices and coming out with two. "Red or blue?" He asked, holding them both out to her.

Adela took the blue bottle with a grateful nod and a quiet "thanks." She opened it, her hands trembling slightly but not from dehydration, and took a sip.

Jace saw her hand tremble and frowned slightly. "Hey... you okay?" He sat down next to Adela, uncapped his bottle and took a long pull from it before setting the bottle aside. Gently he ran a hand up and down her back, trying to relax her. "I didn't mean to push you so hard... maybe we should pick classes back up..."

She smiled, glad he didn't seem to notice how much she was enjoying this. "I'm good." She assured him, "I just should have drank more water today." She wasn't at risk of passing out or anything, but she could tell she was dehydrated, "I'm definitely going to start coming back to classes though."

"Good!" He smiled brightly as she drank. "Here... turn." Gently he turned her shoulders so that he had better access to her back and shoulders. Gently he started working his fingers and knuckles into her back, moving easily from point to point. "You're extremely tight back here..." The innuendo of his comment slipped past his mind as he commented on her tightly wound muscles.

Adela took another drink and turned to let him rub her shoulders. She smirked at the innuendo there but didn't say anything since it didn't sound intentional, "I told you that's where I carry all my tension." She relaxed, sighing as he worked.

He moved his hands up to her shoulders and then her neck, working all the muscles there. "Well maybe class will relieve some of the tension you feel. Not only is it a good workout but a good stress reliever." He scooted a bit closer so that he didn't have to strain and when he did he caught a whiff of her and sighed. She smelled wonderful, her own unique scent. Clearing his throat softly he moved his hands down to her lower back and kneaded there for a while. "You're getting spoiled tonight, that's for sure..."

She laughed softly, "And I definitely appreciate it." She said sincerely then drew in a short, hissing breath as his fingers found a knot.

Jace noticed her intake of breath and frowned. Wrapping his arm around her stomach he pulled her into her hand, kneading deeper. "Relax, don't fight it..." He whispered softly, breathing gently against her ear and neck. "If it hurts to much let me know and I can lighten my touch."

Adela drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly, forcing herself to relax. The moment she felt his breath on her ear and neck she moaned softly. Why was she torturing herself? She liked Jace and she had never seen him without a shirt but she had a good idea of what he would look like. But even sitting there with his breath on her neck she kept thinking about Archer. When that thought crossed her mind she shook her head, "Stop a second, please." she said softly.

Jace had thought nothing of her moan. He just assumed she was finally beginning to relax and the stress was falling away. But when she told him to stop he froze suddenly. "Sorry, did I hurt you?" He asked quietly. He didn't move though, he figured if she wanted them to move she'd tell him.

"No,I just need to breathe for a second." Adela assured him. She shifted away from him slightly and began to roll her head and shoulders instead of giving into the urge to lean back against him. She needed to get his breath off her neck to clear her head but the alcohol wasn't helping. At least the buzz was starting to subside.

Jace let his hands fall and rest in his lap as he watched her. Rolling her head back and forth, exposing her neck. Clearing his throat he felt himself grow warm so he quickly slipped his shirt off and over his head. Whipping his face with it he gently tossed it aside and waited for her to do... well anything.

She saw him pull his shirt off out of the corner of her eye and froze. "Seriously?" She muttered and then flushed immediately, she hadn't meant to say it out loud. "Jace...I...think I might need to go home."

Jace looked at her a bit confused by her comment. "Seriously what? Is everything okay?" He scooted back and then got to his feet slowly. "Let me at least walk you. I'd rather you not drive or go alone..." She seemed a bit off and that worried him.

"Not helping, Jace." Adela couldn't help but laugh a little. Frustrated as it had her, his cluelessness was funny. She stood up and looked at him, which was a mistake because she saw just how right she had been about him shirtless. She shook her head, "Jace...I'm pretty sure that if I stay or let you walk me home then I'm going to do something stupid." She admitted.

It finally dawned on him what she meant and he blushed slightly though a smile spread across his face. "As much as I'd like to do something stupid with you... and I wouldn't call it stupid either. You know me well enough to know I wouldn't take advantage of that." Stepping over to her he gently cupped her cheek. "Besides when we do do something... stupid or otherwise, I want us both sober so we can enjoy it and remember it."

"Oh, I don't know that I'd call it taking advantage." Adela said dryly, she was practically sober at this point. His touch made her light headed and that 'when'...her knees felt weak, "Jace..." She groaned, taking his hand and removing it from her cheek, though she still held it in both of hers, "I think...I just need to remove myself from the situation and come back to it later with a clearer head." She reasoned.

Jace nodded his head gently. "Sure... didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything." He stared down at their hands and inhaled deeply. Squeezing her fingers ever so slightly he slowly slipped his hand out of hers. Walking a few away he picked up his shirt and put it back on and took a few seconds to collect himself. "Do you need to retrieve anything from upstairs?" He turned to face her, his face calm and collected now that he had taken a minute to himself.

Shit. She had upset him, again. Adela sighed, giving him his moment. When he turned back to her she went over to him, bare feet padding softly across the mat. She grabbed his hand again, holding it gently, "Jace, you have done anything but make me uncomfortable." She assured him, "But I know when I'm not thinking clearly and...I ruined a friendship like this once so I want to think on it this time."

Jace looked down at their hands and rolled his eyes, pulling her against his chest, hugging her close. "Now you listen to me, you are one of the few friends or people that talk to me so I would never let that happen. No matter what happens between us, we'd remain friends." Running his hands up and down her back he smiled softly. "But I will be patient... can't say I won't still flirt with you because... well I'm a man but I won't pressure you."

She smiled, hugging him back, "I don't mind the flirting one bit." She admitted, though she thought Archer might, "And I promise I won't make you be patient for long, but I won't promise you'll like my answer." She warned him gently. If a relationship with Archer was on the table, that wasn't something she was willing to pass on easily.

Jace nodded his head gently. "I know, Adela... I'm aware of that." Thinking about it for a moment, he decided to go with his gut and gently kissed her forehead before stepping away from her. "Alright... where are your shoes? Let's get you home..."

She nodded, smiling, "My shoes and purse are back up stairs. I'll grab them quick." She said, heading up to the apartment to retrieve her belongings. She returned shortly, carrying her shoes with her purse over her shoulder, "I'll come back for my car in the morning, if that's okay." She said.

Jace smiled softly and nodded his head. "Yes, that's perfectly fine. Are you sure I can't walk you? I'd feel a lot better..." Picking up his Gatorade he lead the way back to the front doors and held them open.

Adela grabbed her own Gatorade as she followed him and slipped her shoes back on before stepping outside where she turned to look at him. She considered for a moment and then nodded, "You don't need to worry about me, but I'd appreciate the company." She was calmer now and they had an understanding so she wasn't as worried about impulsively throwing herself at him.

Jace grabbed his spare key from the office and closed and locked the door behind them. "I'm good company. At least I think so." He smiled softly as he walked beside her down the sidewalk. "And Adela, you're my friend, I will always worry about you. It's... just what I do..."

"Well I think you're good company too." Adela said as she reached into her purse, "But seriously, you really don't need to worry about me." She assured him, showing him her open purse with a conspiritory smile. Nestled inside a side pouch was a .40 caliber "Baby Eagle" hand gun and a piece of paper that was presumably her concealed carry permit.

Jace took a look inside her bad and nodded. "Oh... okay then." Shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants, he looked up at the sky as they walked along. "I should have figured you'd have a gun on you at all times. Maybe I should think twice about flirting with you...." He said teasingly.

Adela shut the purse again and bumped his shoulder with hers as she walked, "Maybe I should take you to the range sometime." She suggested.

"That would be nice. I've only ever held a gun once and I didn't get to shoot it so you could definitely teach me." Jace smiled and bumped her back, only this his hip. "Make you a deal. For each time we go to the range is one free session with me."

Adela cocked her head curiously at him, "Deal," She said, "You've only ever held a gun?" She asked, "Where were you, in a store or something?"

Jace nodded his head a deep blush ran up his neck and cheeks. "Uh... yeah..." He hoped she didn't ask anymore questions because he didn't want it getting back to Jade that he'd almost bought a gun to kill himself with a few years back. That's when he'd turned to drinking.

"You were thinking about buying a gun without knowing how to use one?" Adela shook her head, looking concerned, "People get hurt that way. If you don't know someone who can teach you then the best thing to do is go into any major city and find a gun store with a range. They'll upsell you, sure, but they'll teach you the basics and you can rent a gun to use on the range before you decide to buy that model."

"I wasn't buying it to practice with or learn how to shoot, Adela." His voice cracked on the last word, his features full of sadness and pain. Shaking his head he mumbled heavily. "Just forget I mentioned it..."

Adela froze and looked at him. The thought that he might have been that depressed had never crossed her mind. "Jace, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." She stepped closer and hugged him, "How recently?" She asked quietly. She had to know, not just as his friend, but as an officer, she had to know if he was a danger to himself or if the danger was past.

Jace willingly wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to him as he buried his face in her hair. Everything seemed to melt away and make him feel better when she was around. He was dreading having to leave her. "A few months after the divorce was finalized." Inhaling her scent in deeply, he felt himself relaxing. "Don't pity me... please. I don't want that. Besides no one could have known. I hid it well by not leaving the dojo..."

She shook her head, pulling away only enough to look at him, "There's a difference between pity and concern, Jace." Adela told him, "Was it just then though? You haven't thought about it more recently?" She asked, her eyes searching his face.

Jace swallowed past the lump in his throat as he brushed a strand of hair out of face. He wished things were different between them because in the position they were in, he would love to kiss her. But he didn't. "No, not recently and definitely not today... You've put me into a very good mood today." His words were soft as he looked down into her beautiful green eyes.

She searched his face for signs of a lie but it was only a moment before she nodded, smiling softly, "I'm glad." She said softly, leaving which part she was talking about to his interpretation.

She hadn't moved out of his arms yet which he thought was odd, she normally shyed away quickly but he was enjoying it, if not a little too much. "Adela..." He slowly inched his head closer to hers until his lips hovered right above hers. "You have no idea how badly I'd like to kiss you right now..." He breathed heavily against her lips, his eyes staring at her, looking for any signs of anger or unease.

He made her so comfortable that Adela hadn't even thought about the fact that he was still holding her until his lips were barely a breath away from hers. She found her heart racing and she stood frozen, staring at his eyes, hoping he would kiss her.

Since she hadn't moved away Jace softly covered his lips with his own his one hand buried itself into her hair as the other, still wrapped around her pulled her more tightly against him. He broke the kiss early on to look into her eyes again but he couldn't help it when he lowered his lips back down to her, this time more passionately than before.

Her body was stiff at first, but Adela slowly relaxed and her hands on his back grasped his shirt, pulling him against her. She returned his kiss with a passion born of tension and frustration.

When she returned his kiss with even more passion then he had given, he groaned against her lips. Holding her firmly against him, he tongue trailed along her lips for a moment, seeing if she would allow the kiss to deepen. He didn't want to push her but she did things to him he didn't even know he could feel.

Adela moaned softly when she felt his tongue. The little voice in the back of her head finally won and she reluctantly broke the kiss. She rested her forehead against his and sighed, "I guess neither of us is making it easy on the other." She admitted softly.

"No, not really. And I should be a gentleman and apologize, but I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't enjoy that and want it to happen again." He ran his hands up and down her arms slowly, as if he were trying to warm her up, even though it wasn't a cold night. "I should get you home." His voice was soft and warm as it washed over her but he didn't move from where he stood.

Adela nodded and hugged him tightly before releasing him. "You don't need to apologize," She told him, "I liked it. I should be the one to apologize for letting you kiss me." She felt like she was leading him on. She wouldn't do anything with Jace until she knew exactly where she and Archer stood.

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips when he looked down at her. "Adela, if a few stolen kisses is all I can have with you, then I'm glad they happened. Don't feel bad, I know where we stand." He cleared his throat uncomfortably as he started to walk back in the direction they had been heading.

Adela gave him a small smile and squeezed his arm briefly before continuing to walk with him. It didn't take long to get to Adela's apartment, she lead him over to the stairs up to her unit and paused.

Jace stopped beside her and smiled, brushing her hair out of her face again. It just wouldn't stay behind her ear, which he thought was adorable. "Make sure when you come by and get the car tomorrow you stop in and say hi." Leaning forward he gently kissed her forehead. "Are you alright from here?"

Adela smiled, "It's just right there." Adela assured him with a smile but then looked a bit uncertain, "You still want me to stop by if Archer is with me?" She asked, "He said he'd go with me for breakfast with my folks in the morning."

"He's still my friend Adela. Even if he does get the woman I care about thats not going to change. Ill just have to refrain from kissing you is all. I'm not sure he'd like that." Jace gave her a soft, playful wink, letting her know he was teasing, kind of.

Adela smiled, looking relieved. She stepped forward and kissed him on the cheek before fishing her keys out of her purse, "I'm just up there, unit 3, if you ever want to hang out." She said before stepping up onto the stairs.

"Thanks..." Jace watched her take a few steps up before turning away. "Have a good night, beautiful..." He said softly, but loud enough for her to hear. His original plan had been to job back to the dojo but instead he decided to walk back, enjoy the peace and quiet. It had been a relatively good night for him all because of Adela and he didn't want it to end just yet. So he took his time getting home.

"You too, hun." Adela called as she unlocked her door and went into boto Adela'a apartment

BotO Athens Harbor
Blood of the Olympians

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