Page name: BotO The Beach Chapter Four [Exported view] [RSS]
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2017-05-08 02:10:03
Last author: Synirria
Owner: Synirria
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The Beach



Early on a work day, it didn't take long for Teos to find a secluded section of the beach with Jade. He let go of her hand so he could remove his shirt and shoes, leaving them haphazardly on the sand as he walked toward the gentle waves. It was only when he was about waist deep he turned and motioned to Jade. "Come on. I've been looking forward to showing you this."

Jade licked her lips as she kicked off her shoes and rolled up her capri's. The one time she wasn't wearing her suit and she was getting in the water. It couldn't get more comical. Smiling she waded into the water until she stood beside Teos, the water coming up to just below her breasts on her. "Show me what?" Clearly he was excited about something. She wiggled her toes in the sand and sighed gently, relaxing already.

"That, firstly," Teos replied and pointed at her. "You are more at home here than anywhere else. But it's more than that, Jade. Close your eyes." He took a step forward and took her hands in his, but he wasn't holding them normally. He was holding the backs so her hands were palm down and kept under the water. "You feel at home here not just because you love the ocean, but because the ocean is yours. It calls to you, it loves you in return. If you call out to it in reply, it will answer. I want you to feel it, tides like a slow heart beat, waves like the breath in your chest. Feel it, and inside yourself- you don't have to say it out loud- say hello to the ocean." Teos was not the god of the sea of course, but if the ocean replied to her the way time did to him, something curious, something nearby, should stop by to answer her greeting.

Jade agreed with him that whenever she was in the water she felt more relaxed and calm but, did that really mean anything. When he told her to close her eyes she inhaled deeply and closely let her eyes flutter close. Licking her lips she exhaled as he took her hands. She listened intently as he spoke. A small 'v' formed between her eyebrows as she scrunched up her face in concentration. She felt the tide move her, swaying them back and forth, lulling her. Her face softened slightly, her shoulders relaxed as her breathing leveled out. Hello my beautiful safe haven... After a few moments she felt sometime soft brush against her legs. With a soft gasp she opened her eyes to peer down into the water to be greeted by a sea turtle. "Oh my..." It was busy circling around her, brushing it's flipped against her calves.

"It's cute," Teos commented with a chuckle, stepping back and effectively letting go of her hands so he was no longer a disruption to the turtle's swim path around Jade. "Is it a boy or a girl?" He listened for the answer but something was prickling behind his eyes. He didn't think Ate was a problem, she didn't seem to want to hurt them and he didn't see any local disruptions for the time being, but her very presence always putting him on edge. But... He relaxed a little. Ah. He didn't have to worry much longer.

Jade laughed softly as turtle did a few more circles before surfacing to let her strokes his head. "A boy. It's a boy." Her eyes started to water as her emotions got the best of her. She was overwhelmed as the turtle butted his nose against her chest as if to say 'don't be upset, it'll be okay'. "Oh my god..." He blinked his eyes at her as she whispered. "Good bye..." Gave her another nuzzle before he disappeared into the ocean. Her eyes darted over to Teos, filled with questions and wonder.

"Your job would have been even more amazing if you had known... I'm sorry I could not tell you sooner." He really did feel bad about that. Gods should not be sad, not for this. Not kept from their birthright. He smiled at her gently, admiring for a minute something she couldn't see. "Now that you know, however... certain things are going to happen, Jade, and I need you to promise to stay calm and listen to me. Trust me. Like I need to ask you to do right now because we're about to have a visitor, and I need you to not talk to her until I have." He was still calm for the most part, but there was a strength to his words that pleaded with her to listen. "Do you understand? Don't talk to her, don't get any nearer than you have to. Everything is alright, but it's important."

I'm close! Come on..where are you? Ate thought as she stumbled onto the beach and looked left and right. The feeling of energy from the use of an ability was weaker now but there was still some traces so with a deep breath she turned and began to hurry along the beach, towards the source. A short distance away she paused, noticing two figures in the water. One was human, a descendant obviously. The other..Ate's eyes widened and she suddenly let out an excited scream as she clapped her hands together, her eyes fixed firmly on Teos.

Jade had to agree with him about the job. The things she would have seen while on dives if she'd have known! She inhaled deeply and nodded her head at him. "Okay... I think I can do that. Stay calm, listen to you..." She swallowed past her nervousness for a moment, still nodding. "Trust you... Wait... why, what's going on?" She took a step towards him, unsure for a moment. "Sure, I guess." She didn't really see any reason to argue with him about it so she moved behind him, further into the water.

"Don't worry," Teos assured her, offering a little smile over his shoulder. "Just wait here." Then he turned his attention to the woman on the beach. It was a mixture of emotions, being so close to her finally, being close to any of them besides his father. He wanted to be thrilled, but knowing what was to come for his other little family he was already on edge, and knowing who it was made him sigh heavily internally. He gave no sign of any of that, however, instead keeping his attention focused on making sure Jade remained in the water where he was a little more sure she could defend herself if she needed to and the rest of his attenion on Ate. Luckily she was far enough away he didn't feel Jade was in danger, at least for the moment, so he made his way out of the water with seemingly little difficulty and walked across the sand until he was a few feet from her. He couldn't see her, of course, but he knew she was there, she hadn't moved. He was frowning, but he didn't look mad, only concerned. He wanted to be thrilled, excited. She was family, his family, and she knew everything- or most of everything- and she was the only person he had right now he had that with. Someone closer in time to him than any of the others felt, and yet he couldn't allow himself to rush to her and hug her and feel as glad as he wanted to be to have her here. He couldn't do that with any of the gods, even the cast out. Possibly less so the cast out. And so it was with great difficulty he told himself to remain calm and finally asked, "What are you doing here, Ate?"

"What? Can't a girl enjoy a day at the beach?" Ate replied with a playful shrug before she grinned. "Was I interrupting something perhaps? Do you want to be alone with your friend?" She teased before taking a step towards Teos and shoving his shoulder lightly. "I'm just kidding.. Uh.. Who are you?" She asked with a tilt of her head. "I know what you are.." She pinched his cheek playfully before giggling softly. "Buuut.. Your name escapes me.."

Teos swatted her hand away from his cheek, his frown deepening. Of all the family he had, he got this one. The Fates had a terrible sense of humor. "I never said it," he informed her. "I know both who and what you are though, so I ask again: What are you doing here, Ate? Did they send you? Or are you trying to get in their good graces again?" It didn't sound like either/or questions, more like two possibly answers. "Or you just thought this would be fun?"

Ate suddenly frowned, all playfulness gone from her features as she narrowed her eyes on Teos."You think I would work for them?" She growled in annoyance. "Never.." She took a deep breath then allowed her grin to return. "Boy you must really want me to destroy something round here with words like that but I guess they are the reason I'm here but I don't want to help them. I want to stop them! I want to make them remember how much of a threat I can actually be and if that means protecting them.." She said with a nod towards Jade. "Then so be it. Dad and all the others are going to have to go through me first if they want them and trust me, it won't end well if that happens. I'm ready for some mischief and destruction!"

"That's more than a little self serving of you." But it didn't sound any different than he was expecting, and it did sound sincere. He could see her fighting the others, on the side of their new family, and he supposed that would just have to be good enough. No matter how many times he looked, he couldn't see her pandering to their self centered, arrogant 'lords on high'. He finally smiled. It was small, but it was easy and he held his arms out to her. "I'm glad you're here," he finally admitted, and gods was he. When one can see another's deeds they have done and will do it was a lot easier to decide if you trusted them, and as it was, he opened his arms and suddenly grabbed Ate around her waist, lifting her up and spinning her around, hugging her close. Oh how good it was to have someone, finally! "Welcome to Athens Harbor," he said when he finally put her down, but didn't yet release her. "Will you tell me how you found us?"

Ate was about to tweak his cheek again and tease about his adorable smile when Teos suddenly grabbed her up, something she hadn't been expecting. She let out a laugh as they spun then poked his forehead once he'd set her down. "You want to warn a girl before you do that. I just ate three bowls of ice cream.." She chuckled before tilting her head at his question. "It was easy silly.. I've been keeping tabs on these people from day one.." She said and fished the notebook from her jacket once more. "Everytime one of them came down here.." She started and couldn't help but roll her eyes. "I followed them.. Kept an eye so I knew when they'd had relations with a human.. And so when that happened I waited to see if there would be a child. When there was a made a note." She held the thick worn journal up to show Teos. "Took their name and so on.. Then came back to check on them every few years and documented if they had children, you know. So basically I have a detailed family tree of all descendants that lived here on earth, right up to the current ones. It kept me busy because you know when you're a goddess alone on earth for as long as I've been.. You need a hobby." Ate joked with a laugh. "But honestly I knew these humans wouldn't get to live peacefully forever so I wanted to keep an eye on them. And then recently they all started shifting, and moving around and do you know where they've all stopped? Right here.. This little town is about to get pretty interesting." She grinned then gave his shoulder a nudge. "Go on tell me your impressed. Say good work Ate!"

Teos released her to carefully take the book from her, making sure it was ok first, then idly flipped through a few pages. He wasn't really reading them, but even he couldn't read a closed book. "I'm a little uncomfortable that you know every time they had relations," he said flatly, motioning to the book. "But I am impressed with your diligence." He closed the book and handed it back to her before patting her twice on the head. "'Good work, Ate'," he repeated and chuckled. He didn't think anyone who was on the side of Olympus right now would want that kind of record, so Ate was probably alright. He looked toward Jade in the water and motioned for her to come join them. Knowing a goddess was just a shade more important than the lesson. Maybe he could trust Ate to introduce a few of the others? Dorian might work well with her... And Hroda...

"Yeah trust me it made me uncomfortable too my friend but I was doing it for the wellbeing of the humans. And it's not like I watched.." Ate grimaced slightly. "I just knew this sort of record would come in handy one day so discomfort had to be pushed back for the greater good. This will bring their downfall.." She waved the journal at him before pushing it back into her pocket. She turned to watch as Teos motioned to Jade, placing a hand on her hip as she did. "You still haven't told me your name.." She commented casually as she waited for the other female to join them.

"Teos Steinico," he replied mildly, offering her another easy smile. "But I won't be in your book." He was a first generation, barely running when the purge started. If his father hadn't secreted him away, he would have been dead centuries ago. He raised an eyebrow slightly, his tone conversational, his smile taking on an ever so slightly playful twist, "Who do you think I am?"

Jade had stood back as the two had talked back and forth, keeping quiet like Teos had asked. She was surprised when he'd lifted the woman into his arms and twirled her around like they were old friends. "What in the..." Shaking her head in confusion, he was a very affectionate personnel she'd have to get used to that. When Teos turned and beckoned her forward she tilted her head to the side. The woman must be safe so she nodded her head as she waded back through the water to join them, her hands swirling little pools around her idly.

"You want me to guess who your mom or dad is?" Ate questioned with a raised eyebrow. "OK.. Let me have a think about it, I need to study you." She answered playfully before looking at Jade as she joined them. "I don't have to guess who you are though. A connection with the water, there's only one god who comes to mind.." She chuckled and nudged Teos before looking back at Jade. "Nice to meet ya!"

"You'd be right, but I didn't say it outright for her yet," Teos explained, giving Jade a fond smile as she joined them. "But I'm sure she can guess if she wanted. Ate, this is Jade, Jade, this is Ate. You're very distant cousins." 'Very' might be an understatement. He motioned to Jade's wet clothes currently clinging to her with salt water. "Would you like to try another lesson? I'm not sure where we're starting so you might not be able to do it..."

Jade smiled instantly at the woman, not sure why but she found herself already liking her. "Likewise. Ate, interesting name." Jade turned her attention to Teos for a moment and quirked an eyebrow at him. "You've never taught anyone before have you? That's no way to go about doing it... "You might not be able to do it" won't give your student much confidence in the long run." She was teasing him but she didn't want him to know that. Her eyes shifted to Ate as her tongue snaked out of her mouth to lip the salt water off of her lips. "But sure, lets try another lesson or masterful one."

Teos was hard pressed not to roll his eyes, but he managed. "I set very realistic expectations. I did not want you to feel like a failure if you can't do everything today, and in addition you might be athletic but this is a different level, Jade. It's going to tire you out. Let's worry about repercussions later though. Your clothes-" he motioned to her again, "You should be able to return the water. Give it a try. Imagine the ocean as a whole- that much should be easy for you-" He smiled again, complimenting a skill he knew she already had. "The water in your clothes is just a piece. Try putting it back." Now, there was a few ways this could go: she could fail, which was fine, it was only day one after all, or she could succeed, OR she could hit a middle ground and damage her clothes. He chose not to look for the outcome. He would have to let it play out no matter what he saw anyway.

"Go on, have some fun you two. I'll just wait here.." Ate said to the pair with a smile as she slipped off her jacket revealing her right arm covered in tattoos. "Well I'll try my best to wait here.. But I should warn you I get easily distracted." She grinned before dropping down to sit on the sand cross legged, retrieving the journal once more along with a pen which she used to start making some notes and scribbles on the pages.

Jade was about to turn and do what he said when Ate caught her attention. It wasn't her taking of the jacket that interested her but what lay under that jacket. "Your tattoos are beautiful." Jade smiled before turning to the water and stepping into. She closed her eyes imagining herself out in the middle of the ocean surrounded by water. But then she realized it wasn't just one big mass it was made up of Tiny bits of water so she thought of those as well. In her mind she'd lift her hand out of the water and little droplets would drip from it and slowly she started to feel herself water trickle down her legs and back into the ocean. It caused a shiver to run down her spine as she finished but she was rather pleased with herself. "Wow..." She breathed and shook her head. "Incredible..." She collected herself and came back into the dry sand, looking herself over.

Teos, who had taken up a seat close to Ate as Jade went off to the water elbows rested on bent knees as he allowed himself to air dry, smiled as the descendant came back. "I'm impressed," he told her honestly. "Remember how I said you could sink every boat in the harbor if you wanted? That-" he pointed to her and the ocean, "-was a parlor trick compared to what you will be able to do, Jade. Of course... We won't get into the heavier stuff just yet. I don't want to attract too much attention... But I do need your help." He looked at her face, his eyes as greener than the sea and as always so similar to Jade's. They must both get them from Chronos. "There are others-" He glanced at Ate to tell her she was involved now too. "Several, and they're not all going to listen to me. For you, Jade, I need you most for Archer and Jace. I need to be there because what they can do, but they're not going to listen to me. You'll have to show them." There was a pause and he faced Ate again, looking over her arm before raising an eyebrow at her. "You've really taken to this mortal thing, haven't you." It wasn't a question really, nor was it an insult. He was almost affectionate about it. He wished he could have been here. Not, of course, that he didn't love his father, but Chronos had a lot of duties and obligations. Teos had often be left alone in his dark world with nothing but study or practice. It had been so easy for a young boy's attention to wander. How many years did it take before he stopped crying that he would never see his mother again? Half as many there, twice as many here. Whatever the count, it had been just as long since he stopped being afraid and had devoted himself to helping bring the rest to Olympus.

Ate grinned and held her arm up turning it this way and that to better show them. "I had to fit in didn't I? And I like it. Art decorating my skin. Beautiful." She answered with a grin at Jade. "So what should I do?" She asked looking back at Teos. "I want to be there too. We should just gather them all together and tell them at the same time..get it over with." She said with a shrug. "Jade will surely know them all, I'll tell her the names and she can tell us where to go. You want to know who the others are?" She asked Jade playfully.

Jade sat down in front of the two of them, cross one leg under the other. "Jace I think will be the hardest to convince. But I think I can be of help there..." Jade nodded her head, she just hoped he would believe her. She would need him in the coming weeks, her pillar of strength. She looked up at Ate when she offered names and smiled. "I got an idea of some of them yesterday. God was that painful, interesting but painful... So many distracting colors. But now that I can focus more on it... it's not really a... well how do I put it... It's more the person then something surrounding the person. Like with you Teos... your aura is you... Why doesn't Ate have one?"

"Because she doesn't have the blessing of a goddess, she is a goddess," Teos explained patiently. "She wouldn't have a 'birth mark' like you and I do. I'm sure she could display an aura, if it struck her fancy, but it's a lot more integrated in her. She doesn't have two halves meshing, she just.. is." He looked over at Ate, as if trying to figure her out, but he was smiling fondly at his half-niece. "I can tell you Jade does not know all of them," he informed her, his words closed to show he was certain of that. "She has seen them all, but she doesn't know that yet. It's a small town, it was inevitable. But, as for you, I think your help would be most useful with Dorian and Hroda, to start. I'm sure you know those names, but I think you'll like them once you actually meet." His smile lifted a fraction further. "Ah, you've already seen Dorian." He chuckled. "And you didn't even say hello."

"How rude of me." Ate joked with a smile and a tilt of her head. "I'll have to fix that won't I?" She chuckled lightly then looked at Jade, her grin spreading. "Goddess of mischief and ruin at your service. The one and only." She playfully introduced herself at Teos's words of her being a full goddess. "You can ask me anything you like. Actually I'd like us to spend some time together, just you and me, k? So you can ask all your questions then." She added before looking back at Teos. "Sorry it'll be girls only." She winked with a chuckle. "Now where can I find this Dorian?"

"Oh wow... that's awesome. Where are you staying while in Athens Harbor? Have you figured that out yet? If you need a place I still have rooms available." Jade smiled softly at the Goddess. "It'll give us time to get to know each other I'd love to ask you about my... wait no ones ever told me... Who's my parent? I don't even know which gods we're descended from Greek... Roman... I mean there are so many." At the mention of Dorian she flinched slightly. "As for Dorian he's probably at work... answer my question and I can... we can take you down there if it's okay with Teos... A quick break?"

Teos nodded at her request for a break as he replied, "Dorian is in fact at the marina, though I can not tell if this is a good or bad time to raise the subject with him. Greek, by the way," he added directly to Jade. "Gods worshiped by the Greeks. Your father- or your ancestral root- is Poseidon, god of the seas, and one of the three original siblings." He pointed at Ate. "So, basically, your cousin." He leaned a bit and nudged Ate's shoulder with his own. "Will you stay with us? You could stay with me, I wouldn't mind my own time with just you and me. I can take you to meet Hroda soon, once summer break has started. I'm sure he'd appreciate just having something to do so he might be one of the easier ones to convince. I'll need to talk to Valerie myself."

"Aw you want me to stay with you?" Ate asked in a teasing voice before she wrapped her arms round his shoulders and hugged him tightly and planted a wet kiss on his cheek. "You're sweet." She chuckled and gave him a gentle push as she released him. "But sure I can stay with you guys, hadn't really thought about it really so you're helping me out." She said with a smile at Jade. "As for work I'll meet whoever you think is best first, just lead the way."

Jade had to agree with Teos on that. Even if she didn't breach the subject on breaking up with Dorian right now he wasn't going to take this as easily as she did. Greeks... so that meant. Her eyes flicked up to meet Teos at the same instant her thumb rubbed the small trident looking birthmark on her wrist. "Poseidon..." She said confidently but there was almost a buzzing in her head, like waves crashing against rocks. Jade got to her to get away from the two of them and wandered a little ways down the beach to stare out into the ocean. Poseidon...

Teos chuckled softly, watching Jade go again. Well, he was looking in her direction anyway. He didn't bother wiping off Ate's kiss either, seemingly unbothered by her slightly rowdy behavior. "I almost want to just let her bask in it a while longer," he told his niece quietly. Some unpleasantness awaited her at the marina already but Jade had no idea how Dorian's morning had went. "He was at the diner," he continued a bit more conversationally, letting Jade relax a bit while he turned to look toward Ate. "Behind you, next to Tilly, whom I'm sure you also know by name."

Ate blinked at Teos." No way! I remember them! Oh was she mad! The air was just buzzing with discord and disruption from her mood! My energy levels were at max because of it.. It was great." She gave a small shudder as she smiled at the memory. "It took all my self control not to cause a little trouble there myself.. It's a good thing I didn't. Can you imagine if I had to go back to them." She chuckled lightly. "I met Cash though. Seems he was the cause of Tillys mood. He seemed nice enough.. Even though he's related to her." She grimaced slightly at the thought of Hera. Ate still held her largely responsible for what happened. It had been her idea to trick Zeus after all. "What about the others? Haidee? Jace? Luke? Oh! I know why not speak to Lena? She is related to Hermes, the messenger remember? Just fill her in on everything and then get her to deliver all the messages.." She finished playfully as her grin returned.

"They don't know Lena, they might just think she's crazy. Risk has met her obviously but he's only known her a few days. I also want to assess each person. Jade was easy, she's already in tune with her destiny and her abilities are so similar to Poseidon's. Many of the others I'm less certain about. Ones like Hroda, Valerie, and Alexandra haven't had time to find their way, and some are so contrary to their destiny, such as Dorian and Haidee... What would be incredibly helpful from you is if you can help me directly. I do not know precisely why but a few creatures have started showing up and until they learn to defend themselves, it's you and me, so I'd appreciate if you'd save your chaos for our enemies." He leaned a bit and sneaked a kiss to her hair before turning his attention back to Jade in the water. "... I'm thinking, once they are all acclimated, we'll take them back to Greece. We'll need to move, might as well move closer to the to their future."

"Seriously? You want to move them? Some of them might not like that idea.. But I guess if it'll help." Ate replied with a small shrug. "And don't worry about our enemies. I'll keep them back. But we really should make a move and round them up quickly, the longer it takes us to inform everyone the more dangerous the creatures are going to get. And if they start sending more than one then one of the descendants could get caught when we're not around.." She finished seriously.

"I'm keeping an eye on them, they'll be alright for now," Teos assured her quietly. "They know each other in a series of connections, once we get two or three the rest will be easy. Well, easier. Skipping anyone could set us back. And trust me, when the time comes, most of them will be very excited about Greece." He offered Ate a small smile. "Our family is very adventurous, you'll see." He stood and dusted himself off, then offered a hand to help Ate up while calling out to Jade, "Jade? You ready to go?"

Jade took a minute to realize her name had been called as she had been deep in thought. What did he look like? What was he like? What did he want? Would he want to meet her if he knew about her? She stared out into the water as a dolphin jumped out of the water, putting on a show for her. She finally turned to Teos and nodded her head. "Yeah. I'm ready."

Ate took Teos's hand and jumped to her feet, grabbing up her jacket in her other hand as she did. "OK we're all ready to go! So uh.. Where are we going again?" She asked playfully as she tilted her head at the pair.

"boto The Marina," Teos replied as he stopped only to grab his own shirt and shoes before leading the way, unconsciously keeping his hand cupped with Ate's.

Their stroll to the beach hadn't taken long and Luke had tried his best to fill the time with friendly chatter, no matter how embarrassed he felt. As they stepped onto the sand he smiled then glanced down at Haidee. "It's beautiful here." He said as he kept his eyes on her.

"Yeah..." Haidee agreed softly, closing her eyes and breathing deep the sea breeze. When she opened them again she looked over the sand, her smile a little sadder before finally she looked at Luke. "It's a bit sad though, isn't it? Nothing grows here." She pointed to the sand, then stooped to take off her sandals so she could carry them as they walked along the sand. "I thought it would be amusing to have some palm trees," she commented, her smile amused now. "But it gets too cold in the winter, unfortunately."

"I don't think you should let it make you feel too sad. I mean, think of all the life that lives just out there in the ocean? And all the people that come here and spend time on this sand, having fun and creating memories. It might look bare, but this is a lively place." Luke replied with a smile as he walked beside her.

She nodded, enjoying the feeling of sand under her feet. "Yes. Yes, you're right of course," she agreed, seeming to settle on the idea. She turned her head to look at him but still continued her leisurely pace, motioning between them with her free hand. "This is life then. Are we making a memories, Luke?"she asked with some levity but listened curiously for his reply.

"I believe so, and good ones at that." Luke replied as he smiled down at Haidee. "I've only known you a day and yet I feel that my memories with you are some of my fondest." He continued as his smile turned bashful before he busied himself with removing his boots so Haidee wouldn't see his embarrassed blush.

Her casual smile softened, indulging in admiring him as he looked away. His shyness allowed her that much, and she was grateful. "It feels as if I am continuing something, every time I talk to you," she told him softly. "As if we've talked every day for ages. As if we've known each other for so long. It is stranger to think I only just met you."

"I know what you mean. Never before have I felt so relaxed with talking to someone. Most people see me as a stuttering mumbling fool.." Luke joked as he glanced up at Haidee with a smile as he knelt down in the sand unlacing his boots before he pulled them off along with his socks. He straightened up and continued to watch her, chewing lightly on his bottom lip as if he was working up the courage to say something. Finally he took a breath. "I'm so glad you were in the supermarket the other day and you stopped me to ask about root vegetables." He smiled playfully now as he tilted his head. "I.. Um.. I'm so.. So happy that I met you."

Her smile was so expressive, a dead giveaway, along with a slight blush, that she was a little embarrassed, but she nodded just the same. "I'm... really glad I met you too," she admitted. She lingered for a moment, unsure what to do, then seemed to notice he was read and made a slight motion he should follow her as she started to walk leisurely along the sand. "And Luke?" She looked up at him, her expression breathtakingly sincere. "I don't think you're a stuttering, mumbling fool at all."

Luke had slowly stepped after Haidee and for a few seconds he had reached a shaking tentative hand out towards hers, wanting nothing more than to hold it. But as she looked towards him he quickly dropped it to his side and his eyes snapped to hers as his heart started to race. "Oh..thank you. If you're the only person to believe that, then it is enough." He replied softly before looking up towards the sky with a sigh,wishing his hand had found hers.

"I'm sure Jade believes it too," she offered. "I can't imagine someone thinking ill of you, actually. You're-" She paused, stopping her walk, and a moment later he felt her hand just under his jawline, brushing against the sun tanned skin. It lasted a fraction of a moment that felt like long minutes, but then Haidee was standing there, her hand hovering between them in the air, and her eyes widened a little by what she had done. "... dirt," was all she could manage even after a pause as reality caught up with her again, then seemed to come out of her revere to look at her finger tips which now had a dusting of brown on the tips. "You had dirt on your chin..."

"Oh.. Thank you." Luke whispered as he glanced at her fingers, still in shock from her touch. Her hand was just hovering there, waiting to be taken. But could he do it? Should he do it? He looked up into her face as with a small gulp he reached out and slowly laced his fingers through hers as his heart felt like it was going to burst from his chest.

It was good that a mind can think as fast as it does because in a moment Haidee's mind flashed through a thousand thoughts: Why was he doing that? Hadn't they just met? What did he want from her? Oh no, had she led him on? It seemed awful quick, it had only been two days- but maybe she had been too friendly? It was incredibly surreal to see Luke's well worn hands, dark from so many hours in the sun, laced between her own and she distantly wondered how her own had become so dark. Perhaps she did spend too many hours tending the plants. She yanked her mind back to the present and, now that her heart wasn't pounding in her ears, her fingers slowly, hesitantly, curled to better intertwine their hands, and only then did she lower them between them. She couldn't meet his eyes for fear her entire face would blush, so instead she looked elsewhere, anywhere else, as she continued their walk, now hand in hand. "...You don't have to thank me for the truth," she told him quietly, still distracted by the heavy throbbing that had settled into her chest.

For a painfully long moment Luke was sure Haidee was going to pull her hand away but suddenly she was adjusting their grip and allowing their arms to relax between them. He was glad she wasn't looking at him in that moment for she would have seen the goofy grin that had spread across his face as his cheeks blazed red. She didn't let go! He thought triumphantly as he walked beside her. He smiled at her words then turned his gaze towards the beach. "I think this is my new favourite place."

"Is it wrong to say I still love your farm more?" Her voice was still quiet, as if she was afraid of scaring herself off. She shouldn't think too much on it. She liked Luke very much but would he really want to bother if he knew- She felt a little foolish but couldn't bring herself to remove her hand. His was so warm and big against her own, it was like sunlight through a window on a summer day, just perfect. "It..." Feels like home. "Feels like a home."

"You really think so?" Luke replied with a soft smile. "That makes me happy." He continued as his thumb gently traced up and down against her hand. "You can come over as much as you like. I mean.. You could even visit this evening? I could.. I could cook you dinner perhaps?" He asked nervously as he glanced at her.

Haidee giggled, breaking some of the tension between them but still she couldn't yet meet his eyes. "Didn't you just admit earlier than you did not cook much well?" she asked rhetorically. "Perhaps I should just come over regularly to cook for you, to make sure you are eating properly." She meant it as a joke, but a blush rose to her cheeks anyway. What was she doing? "How-" Her breath cut off, and she had to take a steadying one before trying again. "How.. late in the evening?" He wasn't thinking... No, Luke was a good man, wasn't he? He couldn't be implying...

Luke groaned inwardly. It seemed she had missed his hidden meaning of a date and now she was jokingly offering to become his cook. Just as he was about to answer that he would try his best to make something for them, her last words caught him off guard making him cough and blush even more if that was possible. "I-I meant around dinnertime.. Then we could watch the stars and maybe take a walk and then I would call you a cab and make sure you got home safely." He spoke this last part very quickly wanting to cover his face with his hands in embarrassment but not wanting to let go of her hand.

A long silence followed his explanation as she thought it out. It seemed troubling to go home if they were out past the stars, seeing as she would want to come back to help in the morning anyway. She stopped walking, clearly in thought, then finally, slowly, she raised her eyes to meet his. Luckily, whatever was preoccupying her mind kept her from being too shy. "We should camp." What a nonsequitor. She elaborated. "I have my own tent," she assured him. "A walk under the stars does sound lovely... I could be there to help in the morning. Does... that sound of interest to you?" She honestly didn't think it would. Why would he camp when his house would be right there? But she couldn't even think about sleeping in his house, let alone actually do it. She offered a small smile.

"Camping?" Luke repeated before a wide smile split across his face and he nodded. "I love that idea. I've never properly camped before." He glanced down at their hands still entwined then back up at Haidee's face. "I know the perfect spot too!" It was obvious he was excited now at the thought.

His excitement was infectious and she smiled back at him, despite her fluttering heart. She didn't know if putting a tent outside his house.. on his own property... could be considered 'properly', but she let it slide in favor of letting him have his excitement. "Not properly?" she asked curiously. They had stopped walking but she didn't mind just talking with him. "How have you camped then?"

"Oh well never really. I used to sneak out into my garden at night as a child with blankets but my parents usually caught me and made me come back inside. They didn't care much for the outdoors." Luke replied still smiling. "I can't wait. Camping and spending a night with you.. I-I mean spending time with you!" He corrected quickly in embarrassment. "I didn't mean.. You know I wouldn't.."

Before she could stop herself, Haidee had quickly, but gently, removed her hand from his, not quite physically withdrawing and yet it somehow felt like she took a step back. She was still smiling at him, but it was nervous now. "Well.. if.. you don't have a tent.. maybe just a bed roll. The weather's nice enough- we'll just to make sure it's not going to rain." Her words were little distant, like she was trying to distract herself. "I should... go. I- Class, it's a bit of a trip there so I should get going-" She visibly took a breath, actually taking a step away this time, though she did give him an honest, small smile. "It was lovely talking to you again Luke. Rain check on the camping?" she quipped, hoping he would pick up on her mild joke and let her go.

Luke managed a weak chuckle and nodded at her words though his mind was racing from her actions. I've messed up. I've frightened her. He thought as he remembered how quickly she had removed her hand from his and the nervous hint to her smile. "Well I'll see you later.. I'm just going to hang around here for a little while longer.. So.. Um.. Goodbye." He said in as casual a tone as he could manage.

A weak smile, a nod, and a little wave. "Good bye, Luke." Then Haidee turned and walked back the way they came, her steps moved with the quickness of purpose. She would just get away, put her shoes on, and head straight to the University. Hours early. She couldn't help it. Her heart beat against her rib cage and she felt short of breath. Spend a night- spend a night- Her mind offered her the words over and over again and she felt her nerves increasing. She just met him, and- If he saw- He- But, no, they wouldn't, they hardly knew each other, it was just.. as friends, friends, just friends. She resisted the urge to ball up her hands and release the high pitched squeak of worry, focusing on the mechanical task of her shoes then walking to the university. It took a while on foot but she had a while and she needed it to get her heart beat back under control.

Luke watched her go then turned and sank down to sit on the sand, staring out over the sea as he did. He had thought it had been going well but now here he was alone after Haidee had rushed off, seemingly doubting what had just happened. I shouldn't have pushed it. He thought sadly as he dug his hands into the sand and sighed heavily. Maybe I should call it off.. Say I have work to do.. His heart grew heavy at the thought. All earlier excitement and joy suddenly gone. He didn't know what to do now. He reached for his phone and dialled Jade's home number, hoping she would have the answer because she always knew what to do. When it seemed no one was there to answer he sighed and hung up before grabbing his boots and pulling them back on. "She must be at work.. I'll drop by.. Just a quick chat." He stood up and headed slowly from the beach, making his way to BotO The Marina.

BotO Athens Harbor
Blood of the Olympians

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