Page name: BotO The Beach Chapter Three [Exported view] [RSS]
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2016-12-20 22:36:22
Last author: ~Valkyrie~
Owner: ~Valkyrie~
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The Beach



Adela found a place on the beach near the marina and set her beach bag down, pulling the blanket she kept there. She spread out the blanket and set the bag of food on it before spraying some sunscreen on her arms and then sitting down to wait for Archer. She hoped his talk with Jade went well. It would be nice to hang out with the two of them again, she had hardly talked to Jade since Archer enlisted.

Archer walked on to the beach alone and had a slight smile on his face. He then saw Adela in the sun. She was pretty, she was strong, and quick As a whip. Her red hair reflected in the sun it was amasing how in the simple beach attire she still just had a look that made archer have trouble thinking about anything but her.

Adela looked up as he approached and smiled, "You're smiling, so it must have gone well." She observed, she had known it would. Jade and Archer had never stayed mad at each other for long, "She didn't want to join us?"

"She's busy with Dorian and the marina crew." Archer sighed and smiled. "I'm happier this why. Just us." He said as he sat down on the blanket. "She offered to let me move into the loft above her barn." Archer smiled a bit. "If I move in there you could come over to my house once and a while." Archer added with a smile that said he had a bit more on his mind.

"I think I like that idea." Adela said, nudging his shoulder with hers, "You're also welcome at my place any time."

"Yeah, but it would be nice to be able to have you over to my place once and a while." Archer replied with a smile. "I think we should run away to Germany or somewhere like that." He was only half playing this time.

She laughed, "It sounds nice, but how?" she asked, half playing along, "We won't have jobs when we get there, my savings isn't that good."

"I have the money to make it happen. We can just run away to an exotic land, and then we can make a new life... Sure there will be a small adaption period..." Archer was half way joking as he went on. "But think off being able to wake up in Germany, or Ireland!" He was excited about the idea there though... Adela and himself in Ireland.

Adela laughed, "You know," she said, "It's going to take me a while to get used to the thought of you having all that money." she admitted.

"Same here. I still feel like it's more a joke than fact." Archer said wounding just how he ended up so lucky. He may never have to work again in his life. He put half the money right back into he investments and just needed to wait now, and the other half he split up leaving almost all of it in a savings, and a small amount in checking. "So I guess I'm maid for life now?" Archer asked her almost unable to belive it.

"I don't know," Adela said, pulling her lunch out and offering the bag to Archer, "I know if you're not careful a lot of it can get taken in taxes. I know you re smart enough to end up like the lotery winners you hear about going bankrupt, but some sort of financial advisor or something might be a good idea."

"I should waist it all on Booz, women, guns, and drugs!" Archer said excited as he took the bag and retries his own lunch. "Think of it as more of an investment!"

Adela laughed, "I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that." She said as she took a bite of her sandwich.

"Well. I don't know what to do with it at all... I guess I could convert it all to pennies, and fill a swimming pool with it. So I can swim in my wealth." Archer took a bit of his own samwich and smiled then sighed.

Adela smiled, "Maybe I'm too practical, but I would buy a home, finish fixing up my car, take a trip to Europe, and then put the rest in savings and investments and start taking college courses." She shrugged

"Might not be a bad idea I guess." Archer said with a smirk. "I might get a new tattoo..." He added with a smile as he thought on it.

"That's something I've been thinking about too." Adela admitted, "Speaking of which, when did you get that second tattoo?" She had seen his first one when they spent Christmas together but the other was newer.

"Not to long after Christmas." Archer smiled as he laied back. "Right before deployment." He then looked to her. "We should go get tattoos!" Archer woundered how if Adela would like to go with him to get one.

She laughed, "Together? Sure, why not?" She shook her head, "I know of a good artist in the city."

"Oh? That sounds great." Archer smiled a bit. " how long has he been doing it?" He wanted to know if the artest was good.

Adela looked thoughtful for a moment, "I heard about him when I on metro, nobody ever said how long he had been tattooing though. But I saw a lot of good work from him. A lot of the officers from my station went to him."

"Well there's only on place to get a tattoo in this small town. So I'm gonna guess that the man works out of Twisted Ink?" Archer asked wounding if a different parlor had opened in the town.

She shook her head, "I actually haven't looked into Twisted Ink. This guy is in the city, I found out about him when I was working in metro before I moved back to Athens."

"Maybe we should stop into Twisted Ink, and just see how there rates and there artists are?" Archer offered.

"If they're good, that would be a whole lot better than the drive out to Columbia." Adela said with a smile.

"Well let's finish up lunch and get going then." Archer smiled and keep eating his samwich.

Adella grinned at him and continued eating. It was so good to have Archer back in town. She finished her sandwich and sighed contentedly, leaning back on the blanket, "You think Jade is still busy?" She hadnt hung out with Jade in a long time and having Archer around made her miss hanging out the three of them, "Maybe we should drag her along to the tattoo parlor."

Archer looked at the pier and smiled. "I think she may be about done... She look pretty disengaged in the conversation..." Archer then looked to Adela. "we shiuld take her... For her sake."

Adela grinned, "I agree." She stood up and packed her things back into her beach bag and slung it over her shoulder, "Shall we then?" she asked, heading in the direction of boto the marina.

Even though she had felt it many times before, the change in humidity the closer they got to the water at the beach still warmed Emily's skin. She took a deep breath of the salty air and smiled. There was a breeze rolling in from the open sea, ushered on by a storm farther out. She loved sea storms--well, she loved watching them from the safety of the beach. She kept her hand in Sabastien's as they strolled along the beach towards the gently breaking waves. The tide was high at the moment, and the waves rumbled and hissed as they washed the sand with white foam. She released Sabastien's hand and quickly removed her trainers and socks, then worked to roll up the belled pantlegs of her tight sweat pants. She rolled them up to her knees, then smiled at the man in her company before practically skipping down to the water, one shoe in each hand.

Sabastion huffed a short, quiet laugh as he watched her go but didn't join her, at least not yet. Instead, he simply admired her playing in the shallow waves. The sun was still bright despite the darkness further out to sea and the sparkling water lit stars behind her. He could take a thousand photos of her just like that. The image would no doubt be the last behind his eyelids when he went to bed tonight. "Do you not get out much?" He asked, voice only slightly raised to be heard over the dull rush of ebbing and flowing. It wasn't meant to be an insult. On the contrary, he seemed very calm, watching her. "I only recall children and, on occasion, young lovers so enthusiastic to play in the shallows."

Emily's light giggles floated with the waves up the beach to his ears. She looked at him over her shoulder and shrugged. "Aren't we the latter?" she asked playfully with a tilt of her head. She tucked both trainers into one hand and then offered him her free one with raised brows and a rather inviting smile. "The water feels nice," she suggested.

"I don't doubt that," Sabastion assured her, but didn't move closer to the water, instead continuing to give her a fond upward quirk of the lips. "I... Do not have intentions of joining you, however." Oh but a night swim with her? He mentally shook his head. That was a distracting thought. "Do you have a shift at the hospital tomorrow?"

Emily slowly retracted her proffered hand, her fingers curling into her palm. Her smile fell from her eyes, but she turned back out to the ocean before he could see it leave her lips. "Yes, I do," she said lightly, "early in the morning." She took in another deep breath of the sea air and closed her eyes, enjoying how the wind brushed her hair back from her face. It was okay. He didn't have to join her in the water. Water wasn't for everyone. She concentrated on the way it ebbed in and flowed out, running over her toes and the tops of her feet, to her ankles and heels and back again. The sand covered her feet and she had to shift them just so in order to keep them from sinking too deep. The sand and her skin grew warm under the afternoon sun between waves, and it made the water feel cool again every time it spread back over her. In and out, cold and warm. In and out.

From his spot safely a foot or so back into the dry part of the sand, Sabastion admired her relaxing in the water. He hadn't come to the beach to play in the tide, no, but he truly enjoyed Emily's free spirit. It was blindingly beautiful when she showed it, but sadly too quick to hide after mere moments. Just like now. He opened his mouth to comment on how her tone had shifted when his pocket began to vibrate. Frowning, he pulled out his phone, checked the number, then flipped it open. "Dorian? What can I help you with? .... Suffocated? Don't you mean drowned? ......Oh, alright. ....... I see...alright, I'll check on her. Where is she now? ......Very well, I'll try her house but if she isn't home there is not much I can do- Yes, alright. Yes. Yes. Ok, I am on my way now. You are very welcome." He hung up with a soft snap of the phone and put it away, sighing before looking up at Emily, admiring her a split second before speaking. "I must go check on Jade," he informed his new lover reluctantly, adding a mental 'again' to himself. "Do you wish to accompany me? It should not take long, but if you prefer to head home instead, I will understand...."

Emily turned to look at him when she heard him talking on his phone, and watched him for a few seconds after he hung up. She afforded him a renewed smile and stepped out of the waves to rejoin him on the beach. "No, I'd like to come with you, if that's okay? I love watching you work, and if it'll only be a few moments' visit..." she shrugged lightly, offering him her hand to take again.

Sabastion bestowed on her that same fond little quirk of his lips, as iconic to him just as biting her lip was to her. He took her hand, bowed ever so slightly, and placed a gentlemanly kiss to the back before simply holding it, letting their cupped hands hang between them as he led the way up the beach, pausing only to allow her to put on her shoes again before they continued. "I am uncertain if you only wish to spend time with me, or are simply excited by medical practice," he teased her, but offered a very small, very brief smile that made his eyes twinkle with lazy stars before they were the warm, pale gray again. "But I am glad, either way." And so hand in hand they made their way to boto jade's house.

Adela frowned, "I could try," She said, "But I don't know if she'll talk to me either, considering we've barely talked in how many years."

"I don't think she'll hold that against you. We were all best friends once. So you never know." The wind picked up as the scent of salt water picked up flitting through the air. "Ah... smell that ocean."

She nodded, breathing deeply, "That smell is why I couldn't stay in metro." She said quietly, "I missed it too much. I'll try talking to her. I kind of got the possessive vibe from him in Sophie's last night, I'm glad Archer and I aren't the only ones who saw it."

Jace tensed considerably and nodded his head gently, slipping her hand from the crook of his arm to his hand and squeezed it gently without even realizing he was doing it. "Every fiber in me wanted to take a swing at him. Jade has always been an independent person and when he's around... she's completely different. I mean, have you noticed that?" 

Adela hesitated but nodded, "I haven't spent much time around her since high school, but that wasn't the Jade I knew." She agreed, squeezing his hand briefly before releasing it, hoping he wouldn't be embarrassed. "Can't tell you how glad I am Archer and I aren't the only ones who were pissed last night. And everyone was mad at Archer." Granted, he had overreacted.

"Well... I think he was mad about more than... Dorian's possessiveness. If ask me I think Archer is still in love with Jade." Stuffing his hands into his pockets he walked along beside her. "But what do I know? I'm just an observer."

Adela glanced away, "'re probably right. I've never seen two people more perfect for each other never go on a date." She said.

"Yeah... We'll have to fix that. Get her away from Dorian some how." He glanced over at Adela and frowned gently. "Uh... or am I in the wrong?" Furrowing his eyebrows Jace took a step away from her slightly. "Is there something going on that I don't know?"

Adela shook her head, "No,'re right, I don't think Dorian is right for Jade." She didn't feel like talking about Archer at the moment.

Jace eyed her for another minute before nodding his head as he continued to walk along the beach beside her. "Alright." Glancing out onto the water he frowned slightly. "Hmmm there's a boat out there. Do you see that?" Shrugging his shoulders he figured it was just a fisherman out late at night.

She nodded, glad for the change of subject. "Pretty night." she observed, reaching down to pull off her black pumps as they reached the sand.

"It is and you make it that much prettier. A wonderful companion to be spending it with." Jace smiled softly as they walked along the beach. "This is actually a good way to end such a shitty day..."

She smiled, bumping her shoulder into his as she walked, shoes in hand, "Flirt." she teased

"Only with you," he teased back easily as they continued walking down the beach. "So hows work been lately?" He asked conversationally. Wrapping his arm around her he began walking them back and forth, up and down the beach in a zig zag manner, just being silly.

She sighed, "Boring." She admitted, "You know how our little town is, hardly anything ever happens. The department is under staffed, we don't have enough officers to fill the number of shifts we should have, yet we do a whole lot of nothing most of the time." She smiled at his zigzag path, "I admit I do miss that about metro."

"I could start causing trouble if that helps... but I'm not sure Jade would like having to bail me out all the time." His eyes twinkled mischievously as he continued his pattern. "But you're right. There isn't much excitement in this town."

Adela shook her head, laughing softly, "Nah, it's better that it's quiet, even if it means my job is boring."

"Yeah It means there's no crime or killers. We have a nice little piece of Earth, don't we? Little piece of Heaven..." He said the last part absentmindedly as they walked further along the beach just enjoy each others company.

Adela nodded, smiling absently as she walked with him. She drew in a deep breath and sighed as she let it out, "Why does life have to be so complicated?" She asked, echoing Jace's earlier question.

Jace looked over at her and wrapped his arm tightly around her. "I don't know... why do you ask?" Pressing his lips into her hair he brought them to a stop. "Tell me whats bothering you. I dumped my troubles on you today, now it's your turn."

She sighed, she did need to get it off her chest, " know how I told you back at your place that I was kind of in a really ambiguous possible relationship...thing? It's Archer."

Jace frowned, his eyes darkening with sadness as she spoke. "Oh... well I guess that complicates things." Sighing softly he gently let his arm fall from her shoulders and stuffed them back into his pockets. "Well... I guess I won't be trying to fix them up then..." Furrowing his eyebrows together as he fought with his emotions he started back up to walk along the beach.

"Shit." Adela muttered, she knew it was a bad idea to tell him, "Jace..." What could she say? You can still try to hook Archer and Jade up? They both knew she didn't want to see that happen. Don't be sad? Yeah, right. I'm sorry? She wasn't. Well, she was sorry she obviously hurt him. She caught up with him and grabbed his arm, pulling him to look at her, "Look, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up until I got things figured out."

Jace looked up at her and shook his head, his shoulders Shrugging gently. "You don't have anything to be sorry about. It's my fault really for telling you too late. Besides we're friends you can tell me things. I just have to suck it up." His boyish smile spread across his face as he tried to cheer back up.

That smile made her heart melt, "See? Complicated." She groaned, "Ugh, now I really feel like I need to talk to Jade."

"Yep... that's going to be complicated too... As much as Jade fought it all those years, Archer has been the light of her life. And when he left... god she was devastated." Jace nudged Adela with his shoulder and smiled softly. "Hey... no matter what we'll all stay friends and everything will work out for the best. Sure there may be some hurt feelings here or there but we'll all heal. It's not like I don't know pain."

Adela groaned again, raking her fingers through her red hair and grasping a fist full of the bright strands. "So basically no matter what I do, I'm gonna hurt one of my best friends." She wished she had someone to talk to who didn't have a vested interest in the outcome. She supposed there was Alex, but she was a bit young to go to for romance advice. Maybe she'd call a friend from the department in the city.

Jace stopped and pulled Adela into his arms, wrapping his around her gently. "That's not how I meant it. Sure it's going to be difficult to watch. I like you... a lot but I want you to do what you think will make you happy. Don't worry about me. Please, no matter what I will always care about you." Kissing the top of her head he loosened his arms in case she wanted to step away.

Adela sighed again, slipping her arms around him so she could hug him, "Thanks." she said softly before dropping her arms and turning to look out over the ocean.

"Sorry that I didn't make things easier on you." He said from behind her as they stared out over the ocean. It really was a beautiful night and as the wind whipped her hair around he couldn't help but stare at her. He was thankful for his vantage that she wouldn't be able to see him staring.

"Not your fault." Adela said, "You had no way of knowing." She watched the light from the sun setting behind them reflect off the waves and her mind began to calm, "So how drunk are you still?" she asked, looking back at him with a smirk that said she was messing with him.

"Not really any more. Why want to get a drink?" He nudged her gently, teasing and serious at the same time. He wasn't sure if he'd ever seen he drink and he'd like to see the woman let loose for once. But he highly doubted that was going to happen.

She laughed, her short red hair bouncing around her face as she shook her head, "You want to go back for more already?" She asked. Now that she thought about it, she didn't think she had ever drank with any of that group other than Archer, she was two years younger than them.

Jace shrugged his shoulders gently. "If it makes you feel better I promise not to go overboard." He cocked his head to the side slightly as he watched her. "We also don't have to drink anything heavy if you don't want to..."

"You're serious!" Adela was a little surprised, "Alright," She said with a nod, "I could use a drink. Where to?" she asked.

Jace shrugged as he threw his arm around her shoulder and steered them back towards the road. "My place. I've got a good selection and no one to stare at us. I hate gauckers. It's rude and takes the fun out of everything." He teased gently as they walked back the same direction they had come.

She laughed softly, "Sounds good." She agreed, slipping her arm behind him and resting her hand on his shoulder as they walked.

The walked along silently, leaving the beach behind them until the got to BotO Streets of Athens Harbor.

Risk took a deep breath of the sea air. It never seemed as salty and humid in the town, even though the town was coastal. It always seemed to thicken the air the closer they got to the water. He looked at Madison with another smooth smirk and offered to take the food from her. "Would the lady prefer to sit at a picnic table? Or on the sand?" he asked. There was no one else on the beach at the moment, and they had miles of sand to themselves in either direction.

"We're at the beach aren't we? Lets sit on the sand." Madison replied playfully as she kicked off her heels and grabbed up the hem of her long dress before she hopped onto the warm sand, wriggling her toes as she did. "I much prefer this idea than sitting in a boring restaurant, don't you?" She asked over her shoulder. "Much more relaxed."

Risk laughed a little and joined her on the sand. He kept his shoes on, however, and tried to touch the sand with his hands as little as possible so as to minimize the chances of the sand getting in their food. He pulled the to-go boxes from Sophie's out of the bag and flattened the bag on the ground. He then set the boxes on top of it, and opened them, giving her a smile. He set their bottled drinks in the sand so they were standing upright and then lifted his burger to take a bite.

Madison lifted her own burger and took a small bite which she chewed delicately. "So.." She said after she had swallowed and looked at Risk. "What does this town offer in terms of fun things to do?"

"Well, there's obviously always swimming, snorkeling, and boating as an option," Risk said playfully with a motion to the sea in front of them. He smiled at her as he tucked a fry between his lips and thought a moment. "There is a dance club, but it's mostly traditional dance lessons and not a nightclub like I'm sure you're thinking. There are a couple of pubs around, and every now and again is a town festival, but really, this town is mostly small and quiet." he explained. "You could always pick up a hobby, like painting, writing, gardening.." He shrugged and smiled at her.

Madison listened intently, giving a few small nods of understanding as he spoke, chewing thoughtfully on some of her own fries as she did. "I wouldn't mind going out on a boat and all sounds so relaxing." She smiled back at him. "So what do you do for fun?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

Risk gave her another sideways smirk and shrugged, finishing chewing his bite of burger and swallowing before answering. "I box and go to the gym... or stay at home and watch movies." he said. "I also own a boat... which I like to take out and go swimming off of." He looked at her and said, "Maybe I could take you out sometime... We could swim and snorkel and just relax."

"That sounds like a lot of fun." Madison replied with a smile and a nod before she took another bite of her burger. "Is there anything else you'd like to ask me? I've been talking too much.." She said with an embarrassed chuckle.

Risk shook his head with a smile. "I don't really ask questions if I don't have to... I prefer to observe and learn people from experience. Work not included." he chuckled.

" you're observing me are you?" Madison replied with a smile and a tilt of her head. "I hope your observations are giving only good feelings." She chuckled lightly then took a small drink before she looked out towards the sea. "Do you think its cold?" She asked curiously.

Risk looked out to the ocean as well, deciding to bypass her implied question about what feelings he was getting from her. "The water? No... not yet. A few more weeks of warm coastal waters, I think." he said and finished his burger's last couple of bites. He licked the ketchup and cheese from his fingertips and wiped his mouth on a napkin, then stood and offered his hand to her. "C'mon, let's go see."

"I was hoping you'd say that!" Madison smiled as she plucked off her heels the took hold of his hand and climbed to her feet. "So tell me, we're doing what I want to do tonight but what for you is the perfect date?" She asked curiously as they stepped down towards the sea where she delicately dipped a foot in to test the temperature.

Risk chuckled. He dipped his feet into the water with her, right up to his ankles without so much as testing the water. Strangely, he trusted the water to be warm, and it was--once he got passed that initial chill. He looked at her and shrugged again before turning his gaze back out to sea. "For me, the perfect date is one in which my date is happy. That's all that matters to me. Your smiling face, your laughter, your sparkling eyes full of thrill at anything and everything that has occurred or might occur.... that's my perfect date."

" You're a real charmer aren't you?" Madison joked with a smile as she stepped further into the water, making sure to keep the bottom of her dress away from the waves. "Well then I should let you know that you are having a perfect date as I'm having a wonderful time."

"Excellent," Risk chuckled, watching her soak her legs. He tucked his hands into his pockets and watched her adoringly. "I'm very glad you asked me out." he called above the waves.

Madison turned to look up at Risk with a smile as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "As am I. I almost chickened out. Never thought someone as handsome and charming as you would choose a girl like me." She chuckled as she playfully bumped her arm into his as she looked back out over the sea before she lightly hooked her arm through his and sighed. "I wish nights like this could just go on and on.."

Risk gave an equally wistful sigh and agreed gently. "Sadly, that kind of magic doesn't exist. If it did, I would make it so for you." he smiled, then looked down at her. "Anything for that beautiful smile."

"There's that charm again. But you don't need to worry this beautiful smile isn't going anywhere. This town is where I want to call home and I want to definitely see you again." Madison replied then suddenly leaned up and kissed him lightly.

Risk's brows rose as she surprised him with the kiss, but he more than happily kissed her back. He tightened his arm around her arm and pulled her closer in the slightly chilly water. When the kiss broke, he smiled widely. "Excellent." he breathed, his cheeks pink.

"Yes Excellent." Madison chuckled with a smile before she rested her head lightly against his arm. "So now what?" She asked in a playful tone as she kicked her foot up lightly, making a splash.

Risk shrugged and smiled. "Whatever you want," he said and kicked up a splash at her, lightly wetting her skirt and arms.

Madison yelped then looked up at Risk with a playful grin. "So that's how you want to play it huh?" She asked with a raised eyebrow before pushing him away from her gently before she stooped down and dunked her hands into the water bringing them up with an almighty splash towards Risk, the hem of her dress now floating forgotten in the waves beneath her.

Risk let out a carefree shout and laughed as he threw his arms up to guard against the water attack. He leaned down and splashed her back with his hands, and kicked water at her with his legs. He didn't care that his nice suit was getting soaked with saltwater and sand. He laughed delightedly and grabbed at her when he was close enough, wrestling her into the water so they were both soaked.

Madison let out a shriek as they landed in the water before she started laughing as she lay sprawled out in the waves. "Ok..ok you win!" She chuckled as she pushed her soaked hair from her face and looked over at Risk with a smile. "This isn't over.." She warned playfully.

"I anticipate it's not," Risk said just as playfully from where he leaned back on his hands in the water. He smiled at her and then stood, offering her a hand up. "Please send me the bill for the dry cleaning."

"Oh don't be silly, I won't have you dry clean my dress. It's just a little sea water." Madison replied as she took his hand and climbed to her feet. "It was fun and that's all that matters." She smiled at him. "I suppose we better go and get dried off. Do you live far? You can come to the dojo if you like. I'm sure Jace would have some clothes that would fit you.."

"I'm afraid Jace is not a fan of me, so I do not think he would appreciate my wearing his clothes. Or entering his dojo." Risk said sheepishly as he led her back up the shore to their picnic, both of them dripping. The breeze started to chill Risk. "I do not live far. We could go back to mine... I don't mind letting you borrow some warm pajamas."

"Oh warm pyjamas, sounds good." Madison chuckled, her teeth chattering slightly as she wrapped her bare arms round herself. Fooling around in the water didn't seem like such a good idea now they were out of it and cold. "And hot tea wouldn't be bad too.." She joked with a smile at Risk.

"Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, you name it I've got it." Risk smiled. He lifted their shoes and cleaned up their picnic, then led her back to his car. Luckily he had leather seats, so the sand and salt water wouldn't do much harm. He helped her inside and once he got in, he turn on the heat and drove from the beach back towards his apartment.

BotO Athens Harbor
Blood of the Olympians

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