Page name: BotO The Marina Chapter Four [Exported view] [RSS]
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2017-05-08 02:08:55
Last author: Synirria
Owner: Synirria
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Athens Marina



The pier was rather empty, Teos was a little surprised to find. The staff must mostly be out on the seas for research right now. Dorian, however, was inside studying samples, he knew that much. He didn't know why, since he couldn't read minds and Dorian never told anyone out loud, but he seemed to be passing the time away inside today and so when Teos, Ate, and Jade showed up, he knew the son of Eros was still there. He paused to speak to Jade. "Do you want to go in first?" he asked, the question delicate. He knew she had some business with the other scientist but he didn't know if she wanted to handle it before or after the other news. "We could wait out here if you prefer."

Jade looked over at Teos with a small frown and sighed. "Yeah... I guess I'll go in. Get it done and over with." She took a few steps towards the door and froze. She didn't relish the idea of hurting someone she cared so much about. Guilt swept over her at the memory of her activities last night causing her stomach to churn. She didn't know this at the time but she was causing the waves outside to crash more forcefully against the rocks and shoreline. She pressed a hand to her stomach as she opened the door to the lab and stepped inside, closing it quietly behind her. "Dorian?"

"Get it over and done with? Why what happened?" Atë asked in a curious whisper as she stood next to Teos, a hand on her hip. She had allowed him to keep his grip on her hand, seemingly unworried by the contact. "Am I about to witness more drama? These people definitely are related to us.." she joked with a chuckle.

"This is an easy one," Teos replied and motioned with his clothes toward the outside table and chairs where they could sit and wait. "Though, do try to contain yourself when you feel it happen," he added with a small frown and set his things down and let go of her hand so he could pull her chair out for her. "They have known each other over a year but started dating... two days ago I think it was? I'm afraid she's about to end it already. Dorian is Eros' son, but casual sex... From what I know of the man it doesn't seem like he's the type... I don't imagine he's going to take this well, no matter how he pretends to take it." He glanced back at the door, his brow furrowed slightly with concern.

"Well its up to you to keep me distracted then. If there's going to be a lot of disruptive energy coming from there it's going to be like a magnet, pulling me in." Atë replied with a Playful smile as she sunk down into her chair. "I can't help it sometimes I just want to cause trouble but I promise I'll try and be good. Sounds like it's going to be a tough enough talk without me getting involved."

Teos nodded and took the seat next to her, gave the door one final look, then turned his attention to her fully, offering her a smile that was only slightly distracted. "What it like?" he asked, genuinely curious. "Being the goddess of chaos. And what was your favorite act you've ever done?"

"It's wonderful being me." Ate grinned at Teos. "Bringing heroically strong men to their knees in defeat from a simple act of mischief, makes you feel powerful. And the best of it, no one can escape my gifts. Not even the gods. So much trouble caused on Olympus because of me and I loved every second." She chuckled. "Not even dad could withstand my power but that's what got me set down here. Though I still blame Hera. It was her idea." She huffed lightly then smiled again. "Oh I couldn't pick a favourite moment, they all have their charms."

Teos chuckled at her huffiness and relaxed back in the patio chair. "I've read stories about you," he admitted, letting his mind wander inside while he spoke. "Though, of course they stop after the.. Hera Incident. I still don't really understand your purpose- But I like to believe it is similar to the christian belief that 'without suffering there can be no compassion'." He pointed at her without looking at her. "You inspire compassion, that's very admirable." He lowered his hand to the arm of his chair again. "We'll get you back to Olympus, Ate-" He paused, turning his head so he could face her without sitting up. "If you want to be there of course. You've taken such a liking to Earth... perhaps I should leave you here?"

"Just try to..I'll make sure you get the worst luck." Atë warned him with a poke of his arm before she sighed and settled back into her seat. "I do admit after I got over the bad mood of being expelled from Olympus and stopped taking it out on the humans I realized this place was actually ok, I could be happy here for a while. But this isn't my home Teos and a fish can only live so long out of water." She glanced at him with a smile.

"I'll make sure we don't leave you behind, then," Teos agreed and took her hand again, leaned forward, and pressed a light kiss to her fingers before settling back, lacing their fingers lightly but otherwise settling again. "What's Olympus like?" he asked next, mentally checking inside again but mostly focusing on Ate. He figured Jade and Dorian might be a little while. "I've heard stories but I'd like to hear your stories."

Dorian, who sat half reclining at his desk, taking notes on some footage of recovering dolphins, paused and looked up at Jade's voice. He confidently nailed his bright smile back to his face, ignored the dread in his chest, and paused the footage. Sitting up, he left his notebook and pen on the desk before standing to walk over to her. "Hey Jade, how are you feeling?" he asked gently and while he held his arms out for a hug, he did not force it on her like usual. "Anxious to get back already I presume." His eyes didn't match his smile. "Listen.. about yesterday..." Did she even want to hear it. Probably not, but he meant it so he had to say it. "You were completely right. I was being an over protective.. jerk, and I shouldn't have acted the way I did. It was childish, and I'm really sorry."

Jade accepted Dorian's hug but wasn't as enthusiastic about it as she normally would be. "I'm feeling pretty good, for the most part. I've just got a lot on my mind." She pulled back and let her arms fall away from him so she could look into his eyes. His smile didn't quite reach them, so she knew he felt the tension as well. "Actually I've been enjoying the day with Teos and a new tenant. He needs to talk to you actually but... I had something I wanted to talk to you about first." She listened to him apologize and instantly felt even worse about what she was going to do and say. "Dorian... I appreciate it, I guess I can understand where you were coming from but it was a bit too much for me." She sighed heavily and shook her head. "Listen we need to talk..."

Dorian immediately lifted a hand to stop her, shaking his head. "Don't." The word was tight, but not unkind. It was like he was a chord pulled too taught. She was never one to be tied down, and yet she had been the one to tether herself to him. Why had she done that? When this was inevitably the result. "I understand..." He waved the hand as if to dismiss what she might say, then lowered it again. His blue eyes were looking into her green ones, both water but oh so different. She was beautiful, and strong willed. He was just some morality case. He quickly snapped the lid shut on too many memories of being just that for so many. She was never really going to stay with him. "Don't worry about me. Really." I'm used to it. "As long as you are happy, that's all I wanted, and if not being with me makes you happy, then you don't have to stay with me." Please just go. "You know me-" He laughed a little and surprised himself with how natural it sounded. I hate this. "I'm fine, Jade, don't look so sad."

Jade stopped as he lifted his hand and frowned, snapping her mouth shut. That was it? No fight, no yelling? Just... I'm fine. Her shoulders slumped as she stared at him, listening intently. Of course he would say he was fine, but was he really? How was she supposed to know? Why wasn't he putting up a fight? Had he even wanted to be with her? Of course he had, Dorian wasn't the kind of man who would be with her if he hadn't wanted to be. "For the record... you did make me happy." I just hope I don't regret this... "I hope we can still be friends." She hurried forward and pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips before she got to emotional and cried in front of him. Turning she hurried towards the door, she was half way out it when she remembered Teos. "Dorian... Teos would like to talk to you outside if you're... okay..." She sniffled slightly and hurried out of the lab, kicking off her shoes she hurried off the docks and into the water. She dove in, not even caring about the depth or her hair. She swam out about 20 feet before she resurfaced, kicking her feet and moving her arms.

Dorian took a moment to smile sadly, reaching up to touch where she had kissed him, but it was barely a moment before he followed her out the door, leaning in the doorway and crossing his arms over his chest. When he looked to the ocean and saw her swimming, his smile was sincere, if a bit tempered, but then he noticed the two at the table and his bright, flawless smile was nailed back in place. "You must be Teos!" he greeted and stepped out the door to offer his hand. "Pleasure to meet you. Jade said you had something to ask me?" He paused to turn his attention to Ate. Something about the woman sent shivers up his spine but only the barest twitch of his eyes belayed his discomfort. "A pleasure to meet you as well Miss...?"

Atë had opened her mouth to answer Teos's question about Olympus when Dorian suddenly appeared. "I'll tell you later. I got a lot of stories." She whispered to him with a grin before looking at the other man and tilting her head. "Just call me Atë, none of this Miss business with me." She told him before motioning to one of the vacant chairs opposite. "Why don't you have a seat so my associate here can get down to business." She finished playfully as she glanced at Teos.

Teos, who had stood when Dorian approached them, accepted the other man's hand with a firm shake. "Dorian, wonderful to finally meet you," he greeted in return and seconded Ate's invitation by also motioning to a free chair as he resumed his seat. "It shouldn't take long. Jade will be back to help soon I think. She just... needs a minute." He glanced toward the ocean briefly before giving the male scientist a comforting smile.

"Yes, I know," Dorian assured him easily in response as he also looked out at Jade swimming in the ocean. "She's always so happy out there," he commented to no one in particular, then smiled at each of them to confirm they had his attention before taking a seat, relaxing back in it as the other two were. "So, what is it I can do for the two of you?" Why would a stranger be specifically looking for him? He glanced between the two of them. They didn't seem like the rich snobs that sometimes tried to buy a ride with the dolphins despite being repeatedly told they were not toys, but not every rich person flaunted it he supposed. He prepared his best polite 'no' in anticipation.

"I'll let you do the explaining dear Teos.. " Atë spoke up before she busied herself with digging around in the pockets of her coat where she finally produced several chocolate bars which she then proceeded to open and happily chew on as she watched Dorian.

Teos frowned at the candy but made no mention of it, instead turning his attention on Dorian. He sat forward in his seat, thinking what his words should be. He hadn't directly meant to tell any of them, and Dorian hadn't seen anything like Jade. This was going to go very bad very quickly. He hoped Jade would join them soon so this didn't seem like a cult invitation. "Dorian.. it's actually not what you can do for us, but what we can do for you," he started carefully. "Ate and I have come here looking for our... relatives... You are one of them. And before you might protest, I promise you, our research was very extensive and we are quite certain." A pause. He motioned with a quick flick of his hand toward the ocean and added, "So is Jade."

That was enough swimming, it relaxed her enough and stopped the tears but she knew that the feeling wouldn't last forever. Sighing heavily she swam back the to boat ramp, brushing her wet hair out of her face and ringing it out. She took a few steadying breaths before she took her final step onto dry land. She figured she'd leave herself wet for now in case she needed the sense of relaxation while being around Dorian. She glanced around on her way back over to Ate, Teos and Dorian, in search of her shoes. She hadn't paid attention to where she had kicked them off and smiled when she saw them at the end of one of the docks. Picking them up she tucked them against her chest and joined the table, dripping wet.

Luke wandered slowly towards the marina, his mind replaying the events on the beach over and over again. "What if she's not interested? Maybe she was just being polite?" He mumbled to himself with a sad frown. He looked up then stopped when he caught sight of Jade and Dorian sat at the table with the two people he didn't know. "Oh.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt a meeting Jade." He said awkwardly taking a small step back. "I can come back later.."

Dorian's expression sobered a fraction as Teos spoke, but before he could think about a reply Jade joined them as well and he opened his mouth to say something but then closed it again, returning his smile to his lips instead. He tried again to reply to Teos but Luke came around the marina, obviously looking for Jade as Dorian couldn't think of another reason for him to be there, and he shook his head at the other man. "No, no, Luke, you're perfectly alright. You're here to see Jade?" he asked but didn't really wait for a reply as he directed at Jade, "It looks kind of important. Take your time."

Jade glanced over at Luke and raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Hey Luke..." Looking over at the others she held up a hand. "I'll be right back, sorry..." Climbing out of her chair as her phone dinged in her pocket she frowned. Jeez, what the heck... Slipping her phone out of her pocket she grabbed a hold of Luke's arm as she steered him away from the others and smiled softly. "What's up?" She glanced down at her water spotted phone screen at Jace's text. She was thankful they'd all made her fork out the money for the waterproof phone since she'd forgotten to take it out of her pocket when she had dove into the ocean. He wanted to know if she wanted to meet up with him, Archer and Adela in a few. She smiled and she hurriedly sent a quick text back to him before giving Luke her full, undivided attention. "Are you okay?"

"I messed up.." Luke replied quietly as he watched Jade. "I don't think Haidee likes me the way I like her..and now I've probably scared her off." He continued before gulping and running a hand through his hair. "We were at the beach..a-and she touched my face to get dirt off it and the next thing I knew I'd taken her hand and we started walking and I thought everything was great and I tried to ask her to my house for dinner and she suggested camping and we were talking and then she just stopped. She pulled back from me a-and said she had to go..said we'd rain check about camping and then she was gone." He explained quickly as he paced slightly before stopping and looking back at Jade with a pained expression. "She doesn't like me. I've made a mistake haven't I?"

"Not necessarily sweetie, calm down. You've got to remember, it's only been what... a couple of days? Maybe she just doesn't want to move fast?" Jade put a hand on Luke's shoulder to try and calm him down. "Just take a deep breath. Maybe give her some space for a day or so and see what happens." She glanced over her shoulder at Dorian and frowned softly before shaking her head, casting her bright blue eyes back to Luke. "Just don't panic, okay?" She gave him a reassuring smile. "I mean she seems to like to spend time with you right? So she has to like something about you."

Luke gave a small nod. "I guess. I just don't want her to stop visiting.." He replied with another sigh before looking at Jade apologetically. "I'm sorry..This probably seems really stupid but I didn't know what to do. I'll give her time like you said. A day or however long she needs. I'll wait for her to call me.." He continued then suddenly jumped as his phone began to ring in his pocket. He blinked then quickly reached for it. The supermarket, Haidee and Jade were the only ones who had his number and he was with Jade and he'd already done his deliveries. He glanced at the caller ID though and frowned in confusion when he didn't recognize it. "Sorry..just give me a sec.." He said to Jade then answered the call with a polite hello. His expression quickly turned from confusion to horror and he could only stutter a few quick yes's and no's. Finally he ended the call and looked slowly at Jade. "I..uh..I need to go."

Jade opened her mouth to say that she could talk with Haidee if he wanted when his phone rang so she waited. When he said he had to go she frowned deeply in confusion. Clearly something was happened to have shaken him up. "Oh, okay. Is everything okay, Luke?"

"Oh..uh..yeah..That was was the fire department." Luke explained, his tone distracted. "There was a fire at the farm. They said the house is pretty badly damaged..b-but the barn is ok with the animals and my fields were it could have been worse. I just have to go over there and see the damage..and figure out where I'm going to live for a little while, whilst the house is being fixed up. I'll figure it out."

"Oh my god!" Jade stared in shock as he explained what happened during the phone call. "Well Luke you know you can always stay with me. I still have rooms available and I wouldn't charge you." She hurried forward and wrapped her arms around him in a friendly hug. "If you need anything else from me let me know. I'll do what I can for you."

"Thanks Jade.." Luke replied softly as he hugged her tightly before pulling back and giving a weak smile. "It'll be ok. I mean I built the house once I can build it again, right? And as long as the animals are ok that's all that matters to me. I'll go over there now and see it for myself..then I'll head to yours. You don't mind if I bring the dogs?"

"Don't be silly, of course not." Jade fished her keys out of her pocket and handed them over. "In case I'm not done here or with whatever I've got going on. Just settle in to one of the empty rooms. I locked the doors today since I was supposed to be gone all day. Just keep me up to date." She felt awful, Luke wasn't having the best day and she couldn't do anything to change that. "I'll see you a little later."

"Yeah don't worry about it." Luke replied as he took the keys. "I'll see you at home I guess.." He said jokingly trying to lighten the mood before he took a step back. "Thanks Jade for everything. You're a good friend." He smiled then gave a farewell wave before he turned and headed towards town, preparing himself to see the damage.

Dorian watched the two friends leave, his second time today for Jade actually, but once they were far enough away he tore his eyes away to smile at Teos and Ate again, his eyes calculating. "So.. you say we're related? In what way? I think I'd remember a cousin with either of your names. They're not exactly common, no offense."

"Actually," Teos clarified calmly, motioning to the goddess at his side. "Ate is your aunt-" He squinted a little skyward, trying to count, but ultimately just added, "Several times removed. There are some finer details, it's pretty distant, the exact name of the relationship is rather long and tedious so I won't bother with it." He sat up so he could lace his hands together, resting them on the table top. "I'm here as a sort of... executor of estate. There is no property, no money, I'm afraid, but there's a kind of... personal inheritance involved. We actually have several family members here in Athens Harbor we're speaking to. As I have already stated, Jade is one and I'm sure she'll be happy to show you her own inheritance so you can see we're quite genuine."

At the mention of her name and being Dorian's very distant aunt Atë looked at him with a grin, giving a small wave to him. "Yeah let Jade show you what she's better than me showing ya." She winked at him then picked up another chocolate bar and began to unwrap it.

Blue eyes flickered between the two across the table from Dorian as he took in what they said. He kept his idea they were rich on the back burner and added 'con men' to the list. He laughed, short but honest. He held out his empty hands. "That's very kind of you, but I'm pretty happy with what I have. I appreciate that.. a long lost relative, I suppose? Cared enough to try and give me something but really, it's quite alright. Whatever it is-" He shrugged. "Can you find someone who might need it, and give it to them, Mr. Executor?"

Teos frowned, glanced at Ate as if to get her opinion, then turned back to Dorian. "It's.. not something you can just give away, I'm afraid, Dorian. Only you can accept it and if you don't, it'll just get destroyed. The only person it does any good for is you."

Atë snorted and beat a hand on the table. "He thinks he can just give it away.. Like it's an old clock or something." She laughed again then fixed her mismatched eyes on Dorian again. "You really don't want to pass this by. Its completely unique and fit only for you." She told him with a smirk.

Dorian grinned back at her, amused by her attitude, but alright, he was willing to humor them. Might as well hear their pitch. "Oh but I so needed and old clock," he said with false disappointment, waving a fist a little to emphasize it, but then he settled it on the arm of his chair again. "Alright, well... I don't think I remember someone getting my measurements to make me a tailored item with my name stitched in, so what, pray tell, is this 'completely unique and fit only for you' inheritance my very distant relative has tried to impart to me?"

Jade came back just then from her discussion with Luke to hear Dorian's question and smiled. "Should we show him or are you two not done messing with his head yet?" She glanced down at Ate with a playful smile and gently wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I think talking is going to do you little good in this case. We're scientists after all, we have to see it to believe it."

Teos leaned back in his chair again, motioning with a hand for her to go on. "You will have to share, Jade. It is too dangerous with Ate and... I just don't wish to end a game I'm playing with her regarding my own lineage just yet." He smirked at his niece before looking at Jade again. "I have every confidence in you, especially after this morning."

Dorian, who was growing increasingly interested in the business at hand, albeit not for selfish reasons, watched the exchange closely, something ugly churning in his stomach. Somehow, none of it showed on his still pleasantly relaxed exterior. "Is Jade's also 'completely unique and fit only for [her]'?" he asked curiously. He shifted a little in his chair so he was sitting a bit more upright, showing they truly did have his attention and he wasn't brushing them off.

"Well yeah, that's how it works. Each and every person has their own unique inheritance." Atë replied with a grin before glancing at Teos. "Me, Dangerous? Aw you only say that because you know you'd have to be the test subject and you're frightened." She teased before she finally looked at Jade. "Show him what ya got."

Jade walked around and took Dorian's hand gently. "Come with me, please." She tugged him to his feet before leading him across the pier and down one of the boat ramps. "And it's not what you think it is... There play on words is very comical." Jade shook her head as she turned to walk backwards into the water. She made sure her feet were just outside of the water. "Now, pay attention." She took a deep breath and watched his face as she concentrated like she had earlier but this time it was much easier, her close and hair quickly dried as the ocean water slipped down her and back into the ocean. She licked her lips as she watched him, her hair thickening as it dried. "If you don't understand I can show you something a bit more... interesting..." Without waiting for his response she rolled her pants up her legs. "Join me in the water?"

He had to have missed something, he had to have. He must have blacked out somehow. There was no way Jade had dried almost instantly. He actually had taken an unconscious half a step back seeing it. But no, he had to have imagined it. There had been time, maybe she hadn't been as wet as he though, or he hadn't noticed how long it had been and there really had been time for her to dry. That had to be it. Oh right, she was saying something. He came out of his calculating revere as she rolled up her pants. His face was different now. Not the joking, carefree expression he usually had, but the one she saw a lot less often. The serious, curious, intensive face of a man buried in his work. Of course, looking at Jade drew his mind to something else entirely. She was a vision, lit by the sun, the breeze causing her hair to brush around her shoulders, the sparkling ocean at her back, it was heavenly. And then reality crashed over him like a wave. 'I hope we can still be friends.' Like a man possessed, he nodded, the action small and tight, and with measured steps he followed her out into the ocean, less than concerned for his clothing. She was like a siren, whether she meant to be or not, and between her beauty and her trick of the light just now, this had to be a dream.

"Stay calm okay? I don't know what will come... I can't control that..." Jade smiled softly as she turned in the water. She reached across and grabbed his hand, lacing her fingers with his easily. She took a few calming breaths to ease her mind. She wasn't sure what was making her heart race more, the nearness of Dorian or the fact that he was going to see what she could do. But if felt right that he was going to be the first one. There shared love of the water, it made it seem right, feel right, to her, which only made this separation harder for her. She squeezed his hand gently as she closed her eyes as she happily greeted the ocean both in her mind and aloud. "Hello..." She opened her eyes with a snap, not wanting to miss a thing. She didn't have to wait long when moments later a dorsal fin crested the water a few meters out and slowly raised up to grace them with a very small bottle-nosed dolphin. "There..." She whispered as it hurried towards her. It gave them a wide birth at first, circling around them a few times before coming to a stop in front of her with a happy "Eee- eee..." Jade gave Dorian's hand another squeeze as she laughed, her free hand reaching out to the small dolphin, allowing... her to dump it with her beak. "Oh my gods..."

Didn't know what would come? Well he assumed anything that became comfortable with their location in the water which could be a few things as long as they stood still. She seemed to be focusing though and his thumb brushed over the skin of her hand, idly noting how cool she had always been to his touch, like the water around them, the gentle waves like lovers sighs. She spoke again and drew his attention back to the present, his eyes widening when he saw it. "Tursiops truncatus..." he breathed. He also used his free hand to reach toward it, but did not touch it as Jade did. It paused in the air, then his mind was working. He looked from the dolphin, to Jade, then back again. "Your inheritance... was a dolphin?" he asked carefully. He wasn't quite sure how she had known it would come out of the ocean like a loyal pet, but he'd swing back around to that. He looked at her again, only his eyes glancing at the dolphin now but not moving his head. He was smiling. "I suppose that is very unique to you," he half laughed and raised her hand he was still holding to kiss it almost instinctively. He turned his affectionate smile to the dolphin again. "She's beautiful..."

Jade blushed as Dorian kissed her hand, still acutely aware of their closeness. She turned to look him and smiled softly, shaking her head. "Not quite..." Cocking her head to the side she gave the ocean another caress of affection hoping it would do just as she asked. As luck my have it out of the corner of her eye she saw what could only be the parent of this little dolphin headed their way. "I didn't inherit a dolphin, Dorian. I inherited the ocean... I guess you could say." The mother dolphin came straight up to them and bumped her beak up against Dorian's hand. Jade gently turned Dorian so that he would face her and smiled. "Listen, I know this is extremely hard to believe, and it sounds like I'm crazy. Teos will explain it better, but I called these dolphins to me..." She took a deep breath as she stared up into his eyes. Her heartbeat kicked up as panic began to set in. She wanted him to believe her, believe in her. She lifted her free hand up to his cheek and froze as her breath hitched. "You're the first person that has seen this... It's surreal in a way but... I think you were supposed to be the first."

Dorian, who was a little preoccupied with excitedly rubbing the side of the dolphin, admiring her and checking for anything immediately troubling health wise, was pulled back by her little tug, drawing his attention back to the woman beside him rather than the marine mammals. He listened, trying to process, then her hand touching his cheek and she might as well have dumped a bucket of icy water on his head for the shock it gave him. Her touch was as cool as raindrops and twice as gentle. He felt a dull ache in the depths of his heart but once again ignored it. "So you... I don't understand. You inherited..." He motioned vaguely with his free hand before taking the one she had on his cheek, gently removing it. "Some kind of psychic connection to sea creatures? Is that what you're saying? How is that even possible." He was legitimately confused, and he looked it, but he also seemed to be trying to work out any sort of logistics for it, going through the plethora of research papers he had read to find any sort of evidence. "How are you sure it's not a coincidence? I know you're in touch with the sea, Jade, I see it every time you're in it, but this... I'm not sure..."

Dorian... sweet Dorian... She knew it was going to be hard for him to believe right off the bat but the fact that he didn't shoot her down right off the bat made her heart swell and ache. "Because this isn't the first time I've done this. Let me... Let me try something... I'm still new to this all myself." Her eyes weren't quite as confident as they had been but she took both his hands and gently moved around the dolphins, "Don't go anywhere," she whispered to them. She took them out into the ocean after he willingly followed her. "Get everything wet, hair too..." She submerged herself once again and came back up soaking wet and completely happy. She swam back up to the shore and waited for him to join her.

Jade was like a different person right now, so different from who had come to see him inside the marina not half an hour ago. Perhaps their whole relationship should have been in the sea. His heart gave a prominent ache and he quickly took a break and dunked himself in the sea water. The waves pushed and pulled him gently, but conveniently all that sea water did wonders to remove stray tears. He took a few seconds to find calm again, letting the ocean's dull roar fill his ears before finally coming up with a soft gasp. As he trudged his way back to the shore he ran his hands through his curls, the dampness sweeping them back and barely holding them in place, only a few escaped on top to brush against his forehead. Well, his clothes were possibly wrecked now but Jade had always had that infectious sort of recklessness to her. He had other clothes anyway. As he managed to get out of tide, completely water logged, he stepped across the sand to Jade, a bright grin on his face, framed by rivulets and droplets that sparkled in the sun. "Ok," he said, his breathing heavier from the effort but he was not quite panting. A douse of cold water did his head a world of good. "Now what?"

Jade clapped and giggled as she watched Dorian walked toward her. "You are absolutely waterlogged." She clapped her hands against her mouth before she reached out and grabbed a hold of him once again, her smile like a ray of sun shine after a storm. "Gods your adorable." She licked the water droplets from her lips as she blushed softly. Clearing her throat she took a deep breath. She couldn't hold in the last few giggles that escaped her. "Okay okay...Mmm." She straightened back up and stared into his eyes as she concentrated, taking deep even breaths. She smiled as she felt it happening, the water moving over them, trickling over his arms to hers, transferring from him to her. Her smile grew as before her eyes she watched him dry off as his water was transferred to her body and slowly it trickled down hers and back into the ocean. Once she was dry she stared at him for a few heart beats before launching herself into his, throwing her arms around his neck with a squeal. "It worked!"

He shivered, a thousand fingertips trailing down his skin like that night just days ago but his senses were on overdrive. He grew warm as she touched him, even a little flushed, though he wasn't sure why he felt quite so warm, or light, as he was rather distracted by the sparkling green pools staring up at him. Then she was on him and he instinctively wrapped his arms around her torso to hold her close in return a couple of inches off the sand, his face buried against her neck and shoulder. Wait, she said something- But she was so soft. Soft and dry. Wait. Dry. He put her down and quickly took a step back, looking at her, then himself, then touched his hair as if that would give him definitive information. His curls were soft and bouncy. There was a half a moment of pause, then his eyes were on her again and they were steady and serious. "What did you do."

Jade wasn't sure what part of her had made her leap into his arms, her playful side or the side of her that held the feelings for him. Whichever part of her it was it was confusing the daylights out of her. Her heartbeat raced in her chest when she felt him wrap his arms around her and bury his face in her neck. It all felt right, like they belong. So why was she doing this to them? She felt cold and empty when he placed her back on the ground and stepped away but it was probably for the better. But he was talking to her, she needed to focus. Looking up into his beautiful blue eyes. Looking into them now made her ache in a way she didn't want to ache, she just wanted to seek comfort in them. "I-I returned the water to the ocean..." She said almost breathlessly, willing him to understand.

Dorian looked at her, then at the ocean as if to confirm her words, which he realized was stupid the moment he did it, so he looked at Jade again. His eyes searched hers, then her whole face. He hadn't known her long, but he knew her well enough to know when she was lying. At least usually. He was confused again, and it was obvious by how he ran a hand into his hair then curled his fingers, holding onto the unruly locks. His eyes looked around the sand but they were unseeing. He was thinking. Finally, he let go and locked eyes with her again. "Explain. Explain it to me right now. What did you do. How did you do it." He was serious again, perhaps more serious than she had seen him before. All joking was put aside and while he wasn't mad he was clearly working very hard to understand what was going on. People didn't just move water, and water sure as hell didn't move on its own. He paused and looked back at the ocean, the dolphins remained basically where they had left them. He motioned to them, a little frustrated. "Why are they just waiting there?!"

Jade saw that he was having a hard time grasping how she did it. Hell she had had a hard time at first. "Okay... Calm down..." She turned around and scooped up a hand full of the water and brought it in front of them. "Teos explained it as picturing the entire ocean but... that didn't work for me because, the ocean isn't just one big mass of water... It's millions upon millions of tiny droplets... so that's what I pictured in my mind. And then what I did was I picture myself moving them. And because I control the ocean..." She stared into his eyes concentrating on the water in her hand when suddenly it flew out of her palms and splashed against his chest, her hands unmoving. Please believe me... She practically begged as she stared into his eyes. When he motioned towards the dolphins her lips quirked upwards slightly. "Probably because I told them not to move, would you like me to send them away?"

It was only a split second but when the water shot out of her hand Dorian flinched back so hard that when the water hit him he stumbled and fell, landing hard on his but in the wet sand of the tide. He didn't even acknowledge the water that slid over it to dampen him even further before receding out to sea again. He sighed as she asked her question, then nodded in resignation. "Yes, if you can. it's unnatural to have them staying in one place like that," he muttered quietly. He was thinking again, his eyes downcast s he tried to work it out. He was silent a few minutes, shifting so he could rest his elbows on bent knees, still ignoring the way the water rose and fell with absolutely no consideration to the man whose clothes it was soaking. "I don't get it," he said finally. Then sighed again, louder this time, his frustration showing, and he flopped back on the wet sand, letting the tide soak the entire back side of his clothes and body, arms sprawled wide out to his sides, staring up at the lazy clouds drifting across the bright blue sky of early summer. "How do you inherit the ocean?"

Jade walked out to the dolphins at his request and ran her hand over the beaks of both of them affectionately before sending them both home. She noticed how distressed Dorian was and hurried to his side. "Dorian..." She fell down next to him and gently took on of his hands. A gentle sighed escaped her lips as she stared down into his eyes. "Remember I said they were playing with their words... We're descendants..." Her hand that held his began to tremble as fear began to envelope her. "Descendants of Greek gods and I just happen to be the descendant of Poseidon... God of the Sea." Her eyes were steady as she stared into his, unwavering in her belief of what she had learned and been told over the past few hours but still scared of him thinking she's crazy or yanking away from her and storming off or any other scenario that could go badly. "I know it's a lot to take in, believe me if you've seen what I have... Just please... Listen and learn and then tell me I'm crazy. But I know what I've learn and been told and I believe it."

Dorian alternated between looking at the sky and looking at Jade, not even tensing as the water came up to meet him again and again, creating an uncomfortable alternation between grainy and smooth textures under him. Finally he lifted his free hand, giving a dismissive little wave as the one she was holding gave her a reassuring squeeze. "Jade, if anybody has any relation to a god of the sea, I would absolutely say that person had to be you," he informed her. "But me?" He stuck out his lower lip and gave a slow shake of his head, really just rolling his head side to side. "Not me." He relaxed his face again, dropped his arm, and brought her hand to his lips again, pressing a kiss just as a particularly forceful wave sent water scurrying up the beach to soak him another fraction of an inch, causing him to shiver as he showed her affection. "I've always thought you were amazing. I guess this just proves my point." He lowered her hand again and showed her his easy going grin. "A goddess among men. I didn't realize I'd be so right. Pardon me but, 'I told you so'."

She watched him carefully as the water moved around them. He was absolutely amazing, never once did he make her feel like he didn't believe her. But he didn't believe that he could be related to a god. "Dorian... why not you? You... you are absolutely amazing." How much should she say to him? How much should she share? "I don't know what your powers are or who you're descended from, that's something you have to ask Teos but, Dorian of anyone I know you would be worthy of a descendant of a god." She brushed a lock of curly hair off his forehead as she stared into his eyes as hers started to well up with tears. "You have the biggest heart and your are the most gentle and... whether you believe it or not you are a god." A goddess among men... He can't say those things. He... he just can't say things like that to her. 

Don't look at me like that. Don't say those things. "Oh right! Teos!" Dorian sat up with a start, looking toward the marina, then back at Jade. Nope, that hurt. He quickly looked at the marina again, pointing toward it. "They said we're all related. So- So what are they? They're like you too, right?" He tried to look at her again and noticed the tears almost immediately this time. "Jade? Jade, come on," he said, his voice softening on the end as he placed his hand on the side of her neck, fingers in her hair and leaned a bit so his forehead was against hers. "Don't cry. Why are you crying? Come on." He tipped his face up and kissed her forehead, perhaps lingering a half a heartbeat longer than he meant to, then looked down at her eyes again, giving her a smile. "Let's go talk to him ok? If they're like you, I'm curious what they do." He paused, then laughed. "Well of course they're not like you. There's no one like you." He let go of her hand but only so he could climb to his feet easier, then he held out his hand to help her up. "Come on."

"They are like us Dorian. And sort of, Ate is an actual Goddess..." She sniffled softly, closing her eyes as his touch, his gentle hand, his soft lips. Why, Why did he have to be so wonderful? He was the complete opposite today then he was yesterday. Was yesterday just an off day? Had she just given up on them too easily? Of course she had, she'd taken the easy way out the minute Archer had stepped back into her life and now she was running away. She inhaled deeply and shook her head, her deep brown locks swishing back and forth around her shoulders. Jade took his hand after he'd gotten to his feet and allowed him to haul her to her feet. "Dorian, when we have a minute after all this... I want to talk again. I need to talk, please."

Something about her tone made him pause in his return to the marina. He wasn't facing her and he had let go of her hand once she was on her feet so he could dust some sand off of his back, but when he did turn around, he was showing her that same bright smile. It feels like my heart is breaking. "Jade... You can talk to me any time. Whenever you want. I will always listen. Do you.. want to talk now before we return or...?"

Jade joined him in brushing off her own rear end as she stood and frowned down at the sand below there feet. "Now might be a good time. I may not have the courage to do it again." She turned and looked up at him and shook her head. "I should have stopped you earlier when I came in. Told you to shut up or something... been rude... covered your mouth... Something so that we could have talked but I froze. I was shocked because you just... you took it from me... You just dealt with it." She sighed heavily and shook her head in frustration, not with him but with herself. "I'm a coward... Yesterday scared me, I'm going to admit that now... the accident and then the way you reacted... scared me and the way I reacted wasn't the way to go about it at all. Instead of running I should have talked to you..." Her bright green eyes finally met his for the first time since she'd started talking, her nerves barely being held together. "I should have told you how I was feeling before just coming in and letting you... just throw in the towel..."

"Perhaps." The word came out flat, and a little curt, and Dorian felt the twinge of surprise when he heard it but he tried to plough on anyway. "But I got the feeling, from the way you entered-" A half a pause when he acknowledged something. "And left, that you agreed. Jade, you weren't happy with me, and you felt you weren't going to be. Don't change your mind now." God, please come back. "Do whatever you feel will make you happy." I could make you happy. "I will support whatever that is, but don't think I was just 'throwing in the towel' because I didn't care. I want you to be happy, whatever that is, and it wasn't with me. Don't decide otherwise because you feel guilty or... " Do you want me back? Please say yes. "Or some other reason, ok? I absolutely over reacted, you had every right to be mad. You're not scared of anything so you brushed it off, and it didn't matter to you that-" He stopped again. That I was scared. "That it shouldn't have happened." I was so scared of losing you. Don't leave me alone. "You said you were ok, I should have trusted that you'd be honest with me, and I didn't. I'm sorry."

Jade threw her head back in frustration, wanting to scream but she didn't, she refrained herself. "For the love of god, would you stop saying that!" Her head snapped up painfully to stare at him as she advanced. She grabbed a hold of his shirt with both hands and shook him slightly. "You did make me happy, gods you DO make me happy!" She stared up into his eyes for several moments as mulled over what he said and shook her head. "Dorian will you do me a favor, please? For... 15 seconds will you not be such a wonderful guy? Will you actually tell me what your thinking? What's racing around your mind? I know I've got thoughts I'm hiding, I've been hiding them all morning, terrified of what you'd think... will you share one or two with me? Please... I won't judge you and if one of them is that you hate me for this I'll understand... Just please..." Her eyes pleaded with him as her fists began to wrinkle his already ruined shirt.

Strong hands came up to rest on hers where they clenched the fabric, but he did not try to remove them. "I could never hate you," he started, the words quiet but sincere. Why was she this upset? He would be fine. Why was it hurting her so much? He looked over her face, trying to pick his words carefully, trying to think of how to say it, but he just couldn't. It was selfish to try and keep her. No one kept the tide from going where it pleased. He just wanted her to have that freedom, guilt free. One of his hands lifted from hers to once again cradle the curve of her face, fingers laced in the hair behind her ear like nesting birds, as if they belonged there. Then he leaned down and kissed her. Slow and leisurely. She tasted somewhat of salt water, her skin still cool to the touch and he felt the ropes around his heart loosen just slightly. It was some kind of relief to him and, breaking the kiss as carefully as he started it, he sighed, frustrations floating past his lips like unspoken whispers. "I think that was less than 15 seconds, but I don't think I needed that long," he told her quietly, his thumb caressing her jawline as if it were as fragile as rose petals.

Jade hadn't expected the kiss, not at all. Dorian was so good with words usually that she had just been waiting for one of his amazing speeches. So when he cradled her cheek and lowered his lips to hers for one of the softest, sweetest kisses he's ever graced her with, she was shocked. Not shocked enough for the small gasped that escaped her lips or for her fists to tightened on his shirt or the soft whimper as he broke the kiss. But shocked none the less. His thumb sent a shiver through her as she shook her head. "It'll do, I just wanted you to be selfish... even for a tiny moment... God it was enough." Her hands loosen on his shirt only to slip around his neck, one hand buried in dark curly locks while the other skimmed across his shoulder blades, tugging him closer. "More than enough..." She whispered as her, feather light, brushed against his in a soft kiss. She sighed against him as before pressing her lips more firmly against his, letting him know this was what she wanted.

His hand left her face but it was brief before her torso was once again wrapped in his arms as it had been not long ago, but this time he was returning her kiss with all the affection he could muster. It was brief but it felt like the world had stopped, like he couldn't breathe from the intensity of his relief, but his mind did come back to him and he broke the kiss. Blue eyes met green again, half lidded but serious. "I can't promise I won't do something stupid again," he informed her. "But if you really still want this... Do you want it how it was? Do you want anything to change? Please tell me."

There may not have been much heat or passion behind the kiss and no it didn't get their juices flowing but it got her heart racing in ways that he hadn't before. When he pulled away she stared into his eyes, searching them as he as her what she wanted out of this. Her fingers that were buried in his hair gently wiggled at the back of his head as she inhaled deeply. "I'm okay with the stupid... we'll just talk through it instead of me acting like a child and running from it next time. I do want this but... I'm not done I..." She took a deep, shaky breath. "I have more to tell you. And you may not feel the same afterwards." She held onto him tightly, afraid that this would be the last time she would be in his arms after she told him about Archer. "I did something last night that and I want you to know now how sorry I am... I wish I hadn't done it and if I could I would take it all back but I can't." She held his blue gaze as her lips trembled. "I slept with Archer." There it was, out in the open just hanging there. She stood there in the silence, waiting, prepared for him to shove her away and never want to see her again.

Archer... That was her best friend wasn't it? From when she was younger. The man that went off to war, that she talked about constantly. Oh, so she finally got what she wanted. He had just been filler. He was still just filler. He didn't think Jade was like that, but here it was. First chance she had, the first reason she had, she had taken it. His arms slowly slid away from her, hands came up to hers to gently remove them from his hair. Then, despite the feeling of his heart exploding leaving a gaping hole in his chest, he kissed her fingers, looked up, and met her eyes. He was just supplementary. "Good." The word was hollow. "I know you've loved him a long time. It's good." He was second place, he was extra. She didn't have to be monogamous, they were adults here, but this also meant they were not boyfriend/girlfriend. They were just 'seeing each other'. That was fine with him. "Do you want to be monogamous to him?" If so they could end this here and now. Otherwise, he was just extra, he just had to know.

"Stop it... Don't do that." Jade shook her head as she squeezed his hands that still held hers. She was surprised that he was still standing before her. "No, it's not good. It was stupid and impulsive and I shouldn't have done it. Especially since I was with you." She had thought his question earlier this morning had been an yes and easy yes but now after the day that they had shared and he had reminded her of what they had shared... "No, Dorian, that's not what I want. I thought it was. I don't want to upset you by saying something about him but... Archer isn't a one woman man... I can't be happy with someone who can't be with just me... Does that make sense? I want... I want to be his one and only... which is so hypocritical after what I did last night..." She lowered her head, shaking it as her chest ached. "I will totally understand if you don't ever trust me again and don't want anything to do with me. I deserve nothing from you." Her phone went off in her pocket just then but she chose to ignore it, this moment was to important to get sidetracked. "But you are what... who I want... and if I end up alone after all this then that's what I deserve."

"Jade..." Dorian said softly, letting go of her hand with one of his so he could gently guide her face back up by touching under her chin, so that his eyes, usually sparkling with playfulness but now dark with the weight of the conversation, could stare into hers steadily. "If you want to be someone's one and only... Maybe you should act like it." He let go of her hands and took a step back. She was a contradiction, and while he could accept people using him, it had happened enough before, she wasn't even being honest with herself. His fists slowly curled at his sides and despite being taller he had never really looked down at Jade. He was now. She was right, he didn't trust her to make this decision anymore, and he just realized it. She was letting others make the decisions for her and faced with attention he wasn't sure she could say no anymore. If she really wanted him, really and truly, she'd be able to say no to others, whether she was with him or not.

Teos watched them go with the mild protectiveness of a lax father, but once they made it to the waves he left them be for a moment, letting Dorian adjust in his own time. He, however, turned his attention to Ate again, raising an eyebrow. "Test subject, am I?" he queried, frowning a little, but he didn't seem concerned. It was almost thoughtful. He hummed and lay his head back on the chair again. "You can not frighten me, goddess of chaos. I doubt you could even surprise me."

"Oh Teos.. My sweet little Teos." Atë chuckled as she watched him. "Do you want to know my full name?" She asked curiously with a tilt of her head. "I am Atë, goddess of delusion, mischief, ruin, infatuation, blind folly, rash action and reckless impulse. All of these things I can do to you without having to move a muscle. I can get into your head, start playing with your thoughts, making the bad ideas seem good. Making you want to put yourself in harms way in the hopes of great victory but alas it would never come. Because anyone driven by my delusions always fail..many a great warrior met their downfall because of me Teos. So you should be frightened."

"So... 'infatuation', 'rash action', 'reckless impulse', 'get into my head', 'play with my thoughts'- Gods," Teos breathed the last word, his eyes widening slightly. "You've already used your powers on me!" He turned to look at her, his mouth slightly parted, but it quickly slid up into his trademark friendly, unassuming smile. "So you're saying we probably shouldn't date," he continued, speaking more as if in agreement than assessment. "You were going to tell me about Olympus?" he changed the subject.

"Look at you changing the subject.. That's a sign of fear." Atë teased before she settled back into her seat with a sigh. "Olympus was paradise. We held great feasts and celebrations, with the most divine food and drink. it was wonderful. The top of Olympus was where all of the important meetings would take place and then the levels down from that was the different homes of the gods, in order of their importance. So obviously dad was at the top. I'm the eldest and yet he picked several of my other siblings to rank above me. I mean Aphrodite, seriously? She's only the goddess of love.. " Atë rolled her eyes. "Anyway it was really something. I think you'll like it."

Teos didn't respond to her final words, only smiled quietly as he listened. He would not live on Olympus, and of course he would never see it. He loved the stories though. "Jealousy is ugly on you," he commented mildly. "Shame, you're a pretty girl."

"Are you kidding?" Atë replied with a raised eyebrow before she began rummaging in her pockets again. "None of the other gods ever described me as pretty Teos, only a trouble maker. No only the goddesses associated with love and beauty and family and nature.. Only they were beautiful. And down here on earth, again I was overlooked. I think somehow the humans could sense something off me. But whatever." She continued then let out an annoyed sigh. "I'm out of chocolate, I don't suppose you have some?"

"I do not," Teos answered flatly. "I think you'll survive without it. In addition to those candy bars you've had plenty of ice cream and milkshakes. For breakfast at that. Trying to counteract your bitterness?" he asked mildly, turning his head a bit to raise his own eyebrow back at her. "The old gods were hypocrites," he continued, facing forward again. "Touting a love of family and purity while they rolled about in excess, lies, and their own squalor like pigs. They were selfish and conceited, they deserve to fear for their place on Olympus. They have long since had no right to be there."

"Wow.. It's good to see you have no trouble expressing your true feelings." Atë joked as she turned in her seat to look at Teos with a small smirk. "And hey you can't tell me when I've had enough candy. I'm not a baby. And it helps me.. Keeps me calm.. Trust me, I'm way more trouble if I can't have something sweet. So you need to stock up. Always keep something close by, got it?" She patted his arm then settled back into her chair. "I'm tired Teos can we take a break soon.. Or are you going to make me work all day?" She pouted playfully.

"Make you work all day," Teos replied simply. He reached out and took her hand again, lightly entwining their fingers. "I'll make sure I shower you with candy though, since I suppose flowers hold no interest to you. What can I do to calm you until we can acquire some?"

"Sing me a song." Atë said playfully in a sweet voice as she looked at him with a smile and a tilt of her head. "Any song will do."

Teos chuckled, the voice crackling through his chest with a slight roughness. "I'm afraid all I know is some very somber songs," he replied, obviously trying to think of something else. He hummed thoughtfully, then tried in a soft baritone,
"When the day that lies ahead of me
Seems impossible to face
When someone else instead of me
Always seems to know the way
Then I look at you
And the world's alright with me
Just one look at you
And I know it's gonna be
A lovely day
A lovely day."
He would never be an idol, but it was at least pleasant to hear.

"Bravo! Very good!" Atë chuckled as she applauded lightly. "I didn't think you'd actually do it. So well done, you surprised me." She added as she used her free hand to trace circles on the back of his hand before suddenly stopping and glancing in the direction of Jade and Dorian. "Their mood has changed.. It's pained.. Desperate.. They are not discussing their inheritance."

Teos frowned, directing his attention back to the previous events on the beach, replaying the scenes. It seemed to be going well enough, Dorian was taking to news fairly well, even if he didn't believe it for himself. Then he hit a snag, watching as the two of their smiles fell away, but they kissed, that was good news wasn't it? No, no it wasn't. He just heard what Jade said about Archer. "We should go," he agreed and stood up, turning his hand so he caught Ate's and helped her up from the seat, heading down toward the other two. He wasn't rushing, but he was making a quick pace for the couple on the sand.

"We're getting involved? Yay!" Atë cheered as she allowed Teos to pull her to her feet. She hummed loudly as they made their way towards the pair and as they grew closer and closer the soft hums began to form into quiet words until she suddenly sang very loudly. "I'm out of control, I'm addicted to you!" A wide grin was spread across her face as she pointed at Dorian and Jade. Finally she glanced at Teos and tilted her head. "Too much? I can try something else maybe?" She cleared her throat loudly. "And I would do anything for love..." It was obvious she could clearly sense their mood and emotions as she playfully sang out.

Teos quickly got a hand over her mouth and an arm around her shoulders, holding her from behind as they reached the two others. "You know who he's descended from, it's unlikely it's love," he said quietly in her ear, but then released her mouth. She could keep singing if she wanted, but he still held her, adding his other arm around her shoulders but it was more affectionate than restraint. "I think this conversation is over," he told Jade and Dorian, then focused more specifically on the male scientist. "Let us talk with you, please."

"I can sing a song about his inheritance if you like.." Atë answered in an innocent tone as she fluttered her eyelashes as Teos though there was a hint of a wicked smirk on her lips. She began to hum playfully again before she looked at Dorian and tilted her head. "Ready to play?"

Jade felt the imaginative slap in the face that his words felt like. He may not have meant them as a slap but the moment he spoke them and stepped away she felt as if she couldn't breath. Her eyes welled up with tears at the coldness in her voice for the first time, she'd never felt the ice that was there now. A singular tear rolled down her cheek as she nodded her head. "Right." Sniffling softly she heard Teos come up behind them and swiped at her cheeks hurriedly. On instinct she wanted to hurry into the ocean so take the edge off her pain but she knew she deserved this. "It's fine... we can talk more later if you want..." Swallowing down her pain a few more tears escaped her eyes as she retreated further up the ramp. The further away from the water she got the more she hurt. As she got to the top of the dock she placed her hands on her hips and doubled over in pain. Closing her eyes she took a few deep breaths to calm herself, needing a few moments to herself. Her phone chirped in her back pocket again signalling a voicemail but she chose to ignore it for a moment.

"Yeah. Later." Dorian was clipped and waited for her to leave before adding under his breath. "Much later..." Teos and Ate seemed to be waiting for them so he gave them a tight nod, nailed his smile back in place, albeit a bit lower, and turned his attention to them instead. "Right, yes. Let's talk. So, Jade said you're.. a full goddess?" he asked Ate specifically. "Goddess of what exactly?"

"You explain," Teos told Ate quickly and kissed her hair before releasing her. "I'll be back, stay here." She'd be fine for a moment, he hoped, but something else demanded his attention as he jogged up the ramp to Jade, kneeling by her side while the other two talked. "Jade. Jade, are you ok?" he asked softly, one hand coming to rest on her back and rub soothing little circles. "It's ok, you're going to be alright..."

Jade's bright green eye's flickered to Teos. She almost flinched away from his touch but he didn't do anything to deserve it so she just stood there, stiff, bent over at a ninety degree angle. "I messed up, Teos... So bad... I don't know how to fix it... I want to- to undo last night so badly." An idea popped in her head just now. "None of us can control time by chance can we?" She shook her head as more tears trailed down her cheeks, never had she been in so much pain, not even when Archer left for active duty. "I never meant for any of this to happen. Just make it stop hurting..." She knew she sounded like a child but she had missed out on all of this during school, relationships and 'love' so all of this was new to her.

Teos pointedly kept his mouth shut about controlling time and instead stood again, carefully righting Jade until she stood properly and pulled her to his chest, holding her close while rubbing her back. "It will pass, I promise... it will ease, just give it time. I know it can hurt right now but we all make mistakes from time to time... yes, even gods. And some can't be fixed, but I promise you, time can heal all wounds, you just have to be strong right now... Every day it will be easier to breathe than the last..."

Jade welcomed the embrace, clutching the front of Teos shirt as she buried her face in his chest. Time... She didn't want time, she wanted Dorian. Even with all that had happened yesterday, him being over protective and smothering, she didn't care. It just showed that he cared, he had been worried about her. But yesterday she hadn't seen it that way, no she had been stupid and childish yesterday and ran straight into Archer's open arms and been a woman she never wanted to be. Jade took a few deep breaths, sniffling softly, she heard the waves crashing down below them start to calm as she did and shook her head. "What now, what do you need or want from me? Just... put me to work." This is what she did what she was upset... she worked.

"You've done more than enough, Jade," Teos soothed her while stroking her hair and still holding her. "Ate and I will be busy with Dorian the rest of the morning, why don't you go for a swim?" He leaned back a little so he could look down at her but didn't let go just yet. "You should go get Luke and take him with you. You could both use a little relaxing now and I think you could comfort each other. He's... well he's rather upset himself from the way he just punched Nathan. So don't worry, ok." He hugged her close again, resting his cheek on her hair, then kissed it. "You don't need to talk about the god stuff with him unless you want to, ok? But I think you both need to calm down before we can do any more of that. Let the ocean soothe your heart, Jade."

Jade turned so she could see Dorian one last time and nodded her head at Teos. Tomorrow would be a rough day on them both for work. Seeing each other after what she had done and said. "Sure Teos... A swim- Punched!" Jade's eyes flew back to Teos in shock. Her sweet little Luke had hit someone? Had hit Nathan? "Great..." Sighing softly she squared her shoulders and shook her head. "I'll see you at home some time..." Her gaze wandered back to Dorian again as she placed her palm against Teos cheek to reassure him she'd be okay, though she still wasn't sure herself. She hadn't planned on getting in the water, she didn't feel she deserved it for what she had done, she needed to feel this pain and she knew if she got in the water it would help ease her pain but Teos was telling her to do just that. "I think about that swim..." She gave him a tight smile before turning and heading towards Boto Jade's House.

Atë smiled sweetly as she moved to Dorian, looking every inch the sweet and innocent goddess many would imagine when they heard the word. "Goddess of delusion, mischief, ruin, infatuation, blind folly, rash action and reckless impulse sweetie.." She said with a smile as she reached a hand up and caressed his cheek. "I'm trouble." She pinched his cheek with a chuckle before grabbing his hand. "Come on, lets go talk!" She pulled him back towards the table. Only letting go once they had reached it. " believe us then?" She asked as she settled back into a seat, fixing her miscoloured eyes on him.

Dorian sighed heavily as he resumed his seat across from her and gave her a calculating look again. "I am willing to.. consider it as a possibility. I'm of the belief that with as many ancient cultures that came up with gods world wide, there had to be some kernel of truth to it somewhere. Ate, Loki, Shiva, and many others, it's a little too convenient. I didn't think I'd ever meet one of course, but I'm willing to humor the idea, after what Jade showed me. She... I can believe she would be a goddess of the sea, the way she moves in it, it's as easy and fluid as breathing for her. You. I don't know you and I don't know Teos, but if she believes you, I have to consider it."

"I would show you what I'm capable of but people tend to get hurt and as you're the only one around..I doubt you want that." Atë explained with a mischievous smile. "But a full introduction perhaps..Atë eldest daughter of Zeus, thrown from Olympus for a little misunderstanding many, many many years ago.." She said putting emphasis on her words to show her age. "And now here I am, ready to help my dear distant relatives. Now you must be interested..don't you want to know who you are gaining your inheritance from?"

It sounded like an awfully convenient excuse that she wasn't able to use her powers to convince him, but Dorian let it slide. He was curious who they had paired him up with despite his disbelief that it was real. He already knew he couldn't do anything special like control water or talk to animals. He motioned to Ate with his hand to encourage her to continue. "Sure, who is my long lost uncle?"

"You my sweet little siren are descended from Eros, the god of love and well everything that goes with it." Atë replied with a smirk and raised eyebrow. "Are you naturally flirtatious, a man who loves to well, fall in love?" She asked curiously. "He did too. And every girl was happy to comply.." 

Dorian raised an eyebrow at her, then a smile raised on his face, then he laughed, an honest sound and he felt just the slightest bit of the tension with Jade fall away, though perhaps that was just the ludicrousness of the situation making him a little loopy so it only felt that way. He was shaking his head. "I care for my friends but.. I'm not that kind of guy, or I certainly hope I'm not." He calmed enough to look at Ate, still shaking his head. "I'm sorry, but no. I can't believe that. Besides-" He motioned the way Jade surely left as it was the route she took to and from the marina every day. "I think that's more than proof I'm not at all like 'Eros', god of sexual love."

"It's not a joke, Dorian," Teos said as he joined them at the table, resuming his seat. The front of his shirt was damp in places from Jade's tears but he took no notice. "And Eros did- does- more for people than just sleep with them. His gift for attraction is incredibly important in early relationships, to take them from platonic to romantic. Without passion, most relationships fall apart incredibly early."

Atë's mouth gaped slightly at Dorian's reaction to her words before her eyes narrowed on him. Did he just laugh at me? She thought as Teos's voice suddenly sounded. "He laughed at me Teos.." She said her tone shocked. She turned slowly to look at Teos next to her. "I don't like that.." She whispered softly. It was true Atë loved a joke and causing mischief and had no problem with people laughing with her or at what she had done. But to laugh at her when she was being serious? That made her unhappy. Made her furious. And that fury usually only led to one thing. Ruin. 

Teos sat up at the look in her eye, taking one hand and kissing the back of her fingers before reaching out with his free hand to stroke her cheek. "He's just in disbelief. They laugh when they're nervous. Don't let it get to you, ok?" He gave her a little smile and rested his forehead against her for a moment before he leaned back again but kept her hand.

Dorian looked between them with that same calculating look, and decided to humor the two. He really couldn't deny what Jade had shown him after all. "I'm sorry," he told Ate, the words genuine albeit short. "It's just not an easy thing to believe. I'm just.. some guy, ok? I don't do special things like Jade does- just did- out there, in the water. What exactly did I inherit from Eros, if he's my real ancestor anyway?"

Atë took a deep breath and gave a small nod at Teos's words. "Chocolate..that's why you need chocolate.." She whispered before she looked at Dorian slowly, acknowledging his apology with a slight tilt of her head. Finally her slow smirk returned and her features relaxed, it seemed the situation had been fixed before she had acted out. "No you can't do water tricks like Jade." She answered as she began to trace circles on the back of Teos's hand as she had done before. "Yours isn't a visible have some form of control over others, am I right Teos?"

Teos was looking at Dorian closely, but seemed relaxed under Ate's ministrations, despite her nature. "I'm not sure about this one," he admitted. "Dorian's never shown any signs of what he can do that I'm aware of, but if he has gifts from Eros, you are right, he should have some sort of sway over people around him. Dorian, have you ever.. I don't know.. tried to convince someone to do something they didn't want to do? Or felt they wanted to do it but protested, so you tried to encourage them to give in? Anything like that?"

"No. I mean, no more than anybody else might," Dorian replied, still watching them closely but also clearly trying to remember. There had been times people agreed to go along with what he wanted, just to suddenly change their minds the next morning, or a few hours later, something like that, but it seemed whenever he was honest with them, really wanted them to do something, people gave him what he wanted. But wasn't that how it worked? If you were sincere, people believed you? They wanted to help you? "I don't really make it a habit to try and change peoples' free will."

Atë's eyes suddenly widened and her smirk changed to a large grin as she pointed a finger at Dorian. "You're like me!" She exclaimed. "Well you probably don't do it intentionally but you have to have a sway over people's actions in some way, right? It has to do with emotions or feelings or something surely..I mean Eros, come on! god of sexual love! He was all about the emotion!" She looked at Teos triumphantly. "How do we test this theory?"

"We'd have to get him to try it on someone, but who? Also since he's shown no signs I don't know how he would use it. Is it touch? Mind? Kiss? We can't just have him.. trying things on people-" Teos frowned thoughtfully, almost pouting at Ate. Almost. "Ideas on who might be willing?"

"Hey!" Dorian waved his hands at them. "Right here still! If I do have some sort of... sway, like you're saying, I don't want to try using it on anybody! That seems really sleazy. If someone agrees with me I want it to be because THEY wanted to, not because I forced them." He paused, seemed to realize what he was saying, and sighed, throwing up one of his hands. "Listen to me, like this is real. Look, I don't know if I have some kind of weird, mystical inheritance, but if it's like you say it is, I don't want to.. mind control somebody, or whatever."

Atë had quickly grabbed for her journal and was flicking through it, her brows knitted together in concentration. "She's a cop so nope..too much with Aphrodite's descendant so probably shouldn't involve her with Eros's as well..too young..seemed angry this morning.." She commentated each name she came across as she read through the pages before looking up at Dorian with a small huff. "Come on, one little test and then at least we know what you're capable of and we can maybe help you control me. My gift is part of me. I understand it and can control my ability to control others..but you, yours could do damage unintentionally if you don't let us help." She told him and it almost seemed sincere until she suddenly let out a loud OH! and looked at Teos. "I got it!" She turned back to her journal and flicked to a page. "This one..he has a sister. Fully human, no inheritance. And I believe she just came to town. And if we can get her to help with this then maybe we can get her to help convince her brother. I understand they're close and if he's going to believe anyone's word, it would be hers."

Teos accepted the book but barely glanced at it. He couldn't read it anyway. "Madison... I suppose, she was just involved with Risk last night though, you really think Dorian's going to be able to approach her with any sort of romantic intent?" He paused, and hummed. "Ah, but I guess you're right... someone who isn't already interested would be the best to try it on..." He wanted to tell Jade, as she and Jace were best friends, but the way things were with Dorian right now, it probably wasn't going to help. Finally, he nodded. "Alright, Dorian, you know Madison Carter, right? Jace's younger sibling?"

"No but Jade's mentioned her before- HEY! I am not going to try and seduce some little girl!" Dorian's voice was raising a little bit, and he had partially narrowed his eyes at them. "What is your problem? If you are gods, you're not very benevolent ones. That's just creepy. Wait- Jace is one of you too??" He sat back in his seat, not realizing he had sat up, and rubbed his forehead. "This is like some kind of conspiracy cult..."

"She's twenty four Dorian, she's not a kid." Ate rolled her eyes at him. "Come on! Stop being so stubborn! We're trying to help you! We'll go with you of course, have a little chat with her. I'm sure she'd love to help when she knows her brother is involved."

"Jeez, she's twenty four?" Dorian opened his eyes a little wider at Ate, then closed them and laid his head back. "The way everyone talked about her I thought she was nineteen or something. Still! I've never even met her, I'm not going to be some creepy guy going and hitting on my boss' friend's sister. It's weird. Who's Jace got anyway?" he asked, opening his eyes to look at them again. "Jade's got Poseidon, I've got Eros. Who does Jace have?"

"Athena," Teos answered, handing the book back to Ate to put away. "He's a natural strategist. All things considered he'd actually be an invaluable ally in letting everyone know. He might have a better sense than us at who might be most susceptible to listening," he went on, directing the last part more toward Ate. "What do you say? Double date with the son of Eros and not-daughter of Athena?"

"I'd love to!" Ate grinned before looking at Dorian. "What do you say? You don't have to do anything that serious. Just a few small questions, tests. Everyone else is too young or with someone else, we don't want to interfere and cause trouble. Well everyone but Lena that is.." She said thoughtfully with a glance at Teos. "What do you think? One of us or not? Would you be happier if she was like you?" She directed the question at Dorian. She didn't want to force him to do anything he didn't want to.

They were really going to make him do this. Dorian sighed and closed his eyes again. "I don't care, I really don't. This isn't going to work anyway and I'm going to look like a total scumbag, especially if Jade hears about it..."

"Dorian it's going to be fine, I promise. You're a good man, they're going to forgive you afterwards and not because you are going to make them. But you have believe you can do this. It's just a proof of concept. Getting her to open up to you, especially in front of you, proves it just as well, you don't have to sleep with her or anything like that. We're not asking you to do anything more than get her to go on a first date," Teos assured him and sat up from his chair so he could lean his elbows on the table as he had before. "No. One. Is going to think you are a scumbag, sleazy, or anything like that. From what I know of Madison she might just find it fascinating once she understands everything and, like Ate said, she'll probably be excited for her brother. As long as you aren't making her expose herself or lie with you against her will, I'm sure it'll be fine, ok?" He looked over at Ate. "I think it's better with Madison, with Lena... she might get the wrong impression of him which is fine with a normal person but with Lena...she could really spread the word fast and far and I don't want this entire family turning on Dorian before we get a chance to talk to them."

"Yeah that's true." Ate agreed with a small nod before she looked back at Dorian. "Look Teos is right. We don't want to do anything that's going to cause you any trouble, ok? We want to help you. But to help you we have to understand what we're dealing with. All you have to do is talk to her. We're not going to let you hurt her or anyone else..because then that's just bad for all of us. I know this isn't easy..unfortunately you got stuck with a difficult inheritance but its going to be ok." She said and for the first time she seemed actually serious. "And if it makes you feel any better, we're going to have to go through this all over again with Aphrodite's technically you're not alone."

"There's an Aphrodite one too?" Dorian interjected a little incredulously. "Who would that be? Wait, you know what, I don't want to know." He waved a hand to stop them quickly then stood from his chair. "Fine, let's go try this, for science, and I'll prove to you how ridiculous this all is. Do either of you know where Madison Carter even is? I've never met her so I'm not even sure what she looks like."

"She's at Jace's dojo at the moment," Teos answered for them and stood as well, once again offering his hand politely to Ate. "More specifically Jace's home above it. We'll invite her to lunch, shall we?" He looked at Dorian. "Get her to talk about her dance studio, school, her brother, whatever you want to try. Just see if she's answer you. Strangers wouldn't talk about anything and everything, so if she resists answering and you can still get her to talk, we'll have proven our point, then we just have to figure out how you can control it so you aren't making every man and women in this town weak in the knees-" He made a sarcastic face at Ate. "Unlike your dear nephew Eros."

"Yeah. What a pain in the ass he was. It was sickening the way everyone swooned over him.. And his mother.. You know how I feel about her." Atë grumbled as she took Teos's hand and stood up. "Idiot love gods.. No offence." She shot at Dorian before she hooked her arm through Teos's. "Alright lead the way."

boto streets of athens harbor

It was still heavily raining when Risk pulled into the marina and parked his car on the gravel lot near his dock. His yacht was sitting, bobbing in the slightly jostled water at moor 32. He sighed as he turned off the car and peered up at the sky through the windshield. "It was so sunny this morning... Where did these clouds come from?" he wondered. He then pouted, "I sure hope it clears up before tomorrow."

"I'm sure it will and if not..well we'll just have to get a little wet won't we?" Lena replied with a small smile as she tilted her head at Risk. "It'll be a wonderful party that I'm sure everyone will enjoy, regardless of the weather."

Risk gave her a smooth and grateful smile. As he unbuckled his seatbelt and grabbed for the umbrella he said, "with a ray of sunshine like you in the room, how could we not?" He slid out of the car and under the umbrella, then moved around the car and opened her door for her, using the umbrella to guard her from the rain.

Lena climbed quickly from the car, pulling her coat more tightly around herself as she did her best to stay under the umbrella. "I don't know about being a ray of sunshine.." She chuckled lightly as she looked up at Risk. "I'm sure most peoples attention will be on you."

Risk laughed at that. "And why is that? Don't be so modest, Lena." he said and led her to his bobbing white yacht, the railings trimmed with red wood polished with water-resistant wax. He helped her into the ramp towards the spacious deck and unlocked the double glass doors to the main hall. Once they were inside, he closed the umbrella and sighed, brushing his hair back with his fingers. "Here we are."

"Wow..this is pretty incredible." Lena breathed as she turned in a circle taking in the impressive yacht. "You should just live here." She said playfully with a smile at Risk before she moved to unbutton and remove her coat.

"Ah, no... I can only stand the motion of the ocean for so long." Risk chuckled. He helped her out of her coat and hung it on a wall-mounted coat rack by the door, along with his own coat and the umbrella. He headed into the open main lobby of his yacht and smiled. It smelled clean enough, but there was a faint film of dust on everything. "I haven't been here in a few weeks... I've been working too much."

"You need to start keeping some time for yourself Risk, it isn't good for you to work so much." Lena commented as she looked round this space. "Alright are we going to give this room a dust then?"

Risk smiled at her and nodded. He went to a small closet off to the side of the kitchen and produced a duster and a Swiffer broom, offering her both in a "pick one" sort of way. "We start from the top and work our way down." he smiled.

Lena selected the duster then moved so she could remove her shoes to be more comfortable. "Alright then, lets get to work." She smiled at Risk then headed off to get started.

"If you need a stool, let me know, I have a couple the maids use." Risk said as he started to pick up rugs from the floor and drape them over the backs of chairs. He reached back into that cleaning closet and produced a bottle of Windex and paper towels. He started to clean windows and countertops, tablet tops, and steel appliances.

Lena kindly took the offer of the stool then watched as Risk moved to collect one. Once she had it she set it down and climbed up, stretching to dust the higher surfaces. As she stretched and shifted slightly her foot moved dangerously close to the edge of the stool before suddenly slipping off. Her eyes widened as she suddenly lost her balance and tipped over, and with a yelp she fell, waiting to feel the hard impact of the floor.

Risk saw her foot slipping long before he would have time to warn her. He couldn't catch her mid-air, but he ran and slid on his knees across the floor. She landed, but was cushioned by his arms and lap. "I gotcha," he said with a grunt as he caught her, making doubly sure her head didn't hit anything.

Lena blinked in surprise at the much softer landing than she was expecting then looked up, her eyes widening at the sight of Risk. "You caught me?" She said in disbelief then suddenly blushed as she scurried to get off his lap. "I'm sorry..I shouldn't be so careless. Are you ok?"

"No, I'm terribly wounded... the bruise I might have from your tailbone is just so agonizing. I'm gonna need immediate medical attention." Risk said teasingly, sitting up on his knees with her and smiling charmingly. "And please, don't apologize, dear Lena. It was an accident and no one was hurt." He started to stand, offering her a hand up off the floor.

Lena smiled as she took his hand then carefully climbed to her feet. "You weren't exactly the softest of landings.." She teased with a tilt of her head. "So think how my butt is feeling.." She suddenly blushed and shook her head. "Or don't whatever.." She chuckled awkwardly then quickly grabbed for the duster. ""

An eyebrow arched on Risks face and he laughed at her. "Well, how can any man reject the opportunity to inspect the female backside? For medical reasons, of course." he joked. "Though I'm not a doctor, so don't expect an accurate diagnosis." He watched her a moment and smiled a little, then grabbed the duster in her hand and held it still. "How about that wine?"

"Now? What about the cleaning?" Lena asked as she turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

He shrugged. "It'll make the cleaning more fun." He took the duster from her gently and set it down, then leaned the swiffer broom against the wall and moved to a small wine rack suspended above a miniature fridge. He inspected the bottles, then selected one and looked over the label before nodding and grabbing some stemware glasses next. "I can take you on a tour of the place as well."

"OK sounds fun." Lena smiled as she stepped up beside him and curiously glanced over the wine bottles before looking at Risk. "Lead on."

"A woman of few words," Risk laughed at her teasingly as he offered her a glass of wine and then turned, carrying his own as he walked. He turned in a lazy circle, his empty hand open in a motion to the room around him and said, "This is the main parlor," and then headed towards a set of stairs leading down, corralled by a half wall of what looked like velvet. Down the polished wooden stairs led into a large bedroom. It had a queen-sized bed, a dresser, wall closet, a desk and office chair, and a moderately sized bathroom with a toilet, standing shower, and corner sink. He smiled. "This is the bedroom." The carpet under their feet was soft and a sort of off-white.

"This is impressive.." Lena breathed before she took a sip of her wine and set it aside. She stepped further into the bedroom, running her finger along the edge of the furniture until she finally came to a stop by the bed. "Looks comfy." She spoke playfully with a glance over her shoulder as she brushed a hand against the blankets.

"It is," Risk smirked as he watched her, "it's memory foam." He sipped from his glass as well, then set it down next to hers on the dresser before joining her side. "Egyptian cotton sheets and featherdown pillows, too." He drew closer to her and smiled a light, almost innocent smirk. "Do you want to test it out?"

Lena blinked up at Risk then blushed slightly. He's only asking you to sit on the bed. She scolded herself before she gave a small nod. "Sure..why not." She replied in what she hoped was a casual tone before she slid back to sit on the edge of the bed, resting one of her hands back on the mattress. "Yeah its definitely comfortable." She looked up at Risk and gave a small smile.

Risk nodded, seemingly in approval, and then said, "watch this." He produced a remote from the bedside table drawer and clicked a button. The overhead lights in the room dimmed. With the push of another button, two panels in the wall clicked and opened in the middle, revealing a mounted flat-screen tv with a 42" screen. He smiled at her. "Pretty cool, huh?"

Lena had cast her eyes quickly up to the dimming lights then over to the wall as it slid open effortlessly. "Wow!" She exclaimed with an impressed grin before she shifted to crawl more comfortably into the centre of the bed. "So what? Can you click another button and a cocktail bar will appear? Or a singer appears to serenade you to sleep?" She asked with a playful chuckle. "Man I could get used to this life.."

Risk chuckled as he tucked the remote away again. "Well the alcohol is all kept upstairs..." he joked and climbed onto the bed with her, just laying back with his legs hanging off at the knees and hands laced under his head. He groaned happily there. A rumble of thunder and the constant patter of rain outside filled the room for a bit.

"Oh..well I guess its not completely perfect then." Lena chuckled before she flopped down next to him, her hands resting on her stomach after she had removed her glasses to prevent the risk of breaking them. "So the party, is it a black tie event?" She asked lightly as she turned her head to look at Risk.

Risk rolled his head to look at her too, and shook his head. "Oh of course not. It'll just be friendly, relaxed attire. Given that it stops raining, of course... Or else we'll be dressed in our best parkas and rain boots."

"I actually have those." Lena grinned before chuckling softly. "Sounds like a good choice of clothing. Very me." She smiled again. "I hope your friends like me. I don't want to have to hide away in here all night if they don't"

Another laugh rolled out of Risk, gentle and honest. He rolled to lay on his side and propped his head up in his hand on his elbow. "My dear Lena, if my friends don't like you, I might just need new friends." he said and smiled. "People would be crazy not to like you."

"I've told you people find me weird, haven't I? And my eccentricity only gets stronger when I'm nervous, like meeting new people." Lena explained as she smiled up at Risk as she continued to lie on the bed. "I make stupid jokes and laugh at things that aren't dancing is laughable and sometimes I can't help but say exactly what I'm thinking." She sighed and shook her head but kept her smile on.

Risk smiled at her. "I like those things about you. Besides, weird is fun." he reached up and pinched her nose between his thumb and forefinger, giving it a little tug. "You sound perfect to me."

Lena blushed and swatted his hand away playfully. "If we must speak of perfection, I suggest you look in a mirror Mr De Lorme." She replied as she poked his forehead gently. "Practically perfect in every way."

Risk laughed and grabbed her hand, bringing it down and away from his forehead. He instead brought her fingers to his lips--not kissing, but just holding the backs of her fingers against his closed mouth. "If I didn't know any better, dear Lena, I would think you have a crush on me." he said teasingly, but his blue eyes smiled at her knowingly.

Lenas cheeks flushed red and she suddenly looked uncomfortable. She gave a small awkward laugh as she looked away from him, unable to make eye contact anymore. "Yeah...well don't worry I'm not expecting any return feelings.. You have dancers and models to fall in love with." She said in a joking tone though her smile was altogether weak. "I'm just your weird bespectacled assistant.."

He watched her turn away from him and his smile fell from his eyes. "Why are you so pessimistic about yourself?" he asked honestly. He reached up and hooked a finger around her chin, and with a ginger pull, turned her to face him again. "Lena... dear Lena... You are beautiful, sexy, funny, outgoing, courageous, intelligent, and very patient. Those are just a few things I've noted since I met you. I just wish you also weren't so self critical. You really don't give yourself enough credit." He released her face and started to sit up with a sigh. "But it's not my place to tell you how to feel. I suppose we can just go back to cleaning."

Lena's hand suddenly grasped the back of his shirt before Risk could fully sit up. "No.." She said softly as she popped her glasses back on. She gently pulled him back down to lie flat then looked down at him with a bashful smile before she slowly leaned down and pressed her lips to his in a gentle kiss. "Is that outgoing enough?" She whispered as the kiss broke, and she smiled with a blush. I can't believe I just did that!

Risk was left blinking up at her as though the wind had been knocked from him. She had clearly surprised him. He smiled at her after a split second. "It certainly is. Well done," he complimented, then reached up a hand. He tucked it into her blonde hair and pulled her back down, kissing her again. He kept it short and chaste for now, allowing her to take the lead if she wanted something deeper.

Lena's smile widened as Risk leaned to kiss her again, her confidence suddenly blossoming by his actions. She shifted closer, draping an arm over his shoulder as she deepen the kiss. "Wow.." She giggled once she had finally broke it and flopped back onto the mattress. "I believe I may have just ruined our working relationship forever.."

Risk watched her, blinking at her again with raised brows in a look of mild confusion. "Why do you say that?" he asked, sitting up again and looking down at her. "Dear Lena, you haven't ruined anything."

"Because I don't imagine it's too professional for an assistant to do this with their boss.." Lena chuckled as her arm still rested against his shoulder before she leaned up and kissed him again. "But we can pretend it didn't happen in work. I like being your assistant. Its good work."

With another chuckle, he responded, "I think you're forgetting that I'm my own boss, dear Lena. So what I do with--and to--my assistant is no one's business but ours." he smirked. But Risk relented, "having a bit of professionalism in the office is a good idea, though." He reached up and cupped her cheek, drawing her in for another kiss, then released her and smiled that easy, charming smile. "We have cleaning and wine to finish. Unless... You don't mind your morning tomorrow being spent overseeing a cleaning crew and catering as they set up?"

"That doesn't seem like such a bad thing." Lena replied with a playful smile. "I mean, I had a pretty bad fall back there and am feeling a little shook up. I should be receiving lots of care." She chuckled lightly. "And is good."

"Well then, allow me," Risk said and stood from the bed. He gathered their wine glasses from the dresser and brought hers to her, then grabbed up the remote and clicked on the television. He offered her the remote. "Pick something for us. I think there's chocolate somewhere upstairs." he said and headed back for the stairs. "And I expect your socks off those feet when I come back down."

"Sure, I won't protest." Lena smiled before she turned and rearranged the pillows so they could sit more comfortably before she snuggled back and removed her socks as Risk had asked. You kissed him! He kissed you back! This is fantastic! She thought and couldn't help but give a small 'Eee!' of excitement. "I wonder what this means?" She muttered before giving a short chuckle. "You live with the guy, you work with him and now this.. seriously the next option is marriage." She joked quietly.

Risk came back down the stairs just then, carrying the bottle of wine in one hand with his glass, and a small bowl of chocolates in the other. He smiled at her and carried both items to the bed before setting everything down on the bedside table. "Here we are. Chocolate and wine for the lady..." he said and then sat on the bed and grabbed for one of her bare feet. He produced a bottle of lotion from the bedside drawer and squirted some into his palm. It smelled like roses and vanilla. He rubbed it between his hands and then started to massage her foot with it.

"You really know how to treat a girl.." Lena sighed with a smile as she watched Risk before playfully asking. "So seriously..what's your deal? Your handsome, charismatic, you donate money and food to the one can be that perfect. What's your deep dark secret?"

Risk chuckled and worked his thumbs into the arch of her foot and against the round ball just under her toes. "There isn't one, I'm afraid." he said, though his tone was distant. His eyes snapped back to hers and his playful grin returned. "Even if there was one, what makes you think I would share it with you?"

"Oh..well if you're not going to share then neither am I." Lena replied playfully as she reached for her wine glass and took another small sip. "You know so very little about me Mr De Lorme."

Risk laughed. "Let me guess..." He paused in rubbing her feet to put a hand to his chin in a contemplative fashion, narrowing his eyes on her as he thought. "You were raised in a fairly normal family, probably middle class, happy and healthy. But you never found your niche in the world, at least not where you were living, so you decided to travel, looking for something or someone to make you feel complete and with purpose. Am I close?"

"No.." Lena said but she was pouting lightly. "Fine pretty much got it." She said as her smile returned. "Lived with my mom and dad and two younger twin brothers. I was a straight A student but I was always getting detentions and grounded for being a little too curious about places I shouldn't go. I mean I saw a locked door that says do not enter and it might as well say welcome. I haven't been beaten by a lock yet." She blushed slightly at her confession. "So..yeah even though I could go to any college I wanted..I didn't want to. I've always had the urge to travel. I just need to move, staying still in one place isn't for me. So that's how I ended up here. Ok what else.." She looked thoughtful for a few minutes before smiling. "I'm a bit of a computer wiz if you haven't noticed. I can work them all. I can access anything." She chuckled in embarrassment then took another drink. "I'm just your average girl really.."

Risk quirked a brow at her as he listened, a smile on his lips. "I don't know... You sound anything but average." he smiled. He went back to massaging her foot and paused when he noticed a mark on the outside of her heel. "Is this a birth mark?" he asked, running a fingertip over it curiously. "It looks a bit like a set of wings."

"Oh yeah, I've had that my whole life. It's pretty cool right? No tattoos needed." Lena chuckled as she looked down at the mark on her foot. "I think it matches me well. Wings to fly free.." She chuckled again. "What about you? You got any marks?"

Risk shook his head. "No birth marks--at least nine as cool as that. I have a tattoo, but you might have already seen that." He did walk around his apartment shirtless a lot. He went back to rubbing her foot, finishing with her heel, then grabbed the other and squirted a fresh glob of lotion into his palm.

"You have a tattoo?" Lena asked in an innocent tone, though her eyes sparkled playfully. "I don't believe I've seen it. You want to show me it?"

Risk quirked an eyebrow at her with another playful smirk. "I do believe you're just trying to get me out of my shirt, dear Lena." he said. But he released her foot and shifted to the end of the bed. He smoothly unbuttoned his work shirt, peeled out of it carefully and laid it along the edge of the bed in a way it would not wrinkle, then reached behind himself and peeled the white undershirt up and over his head. The moment the shirt was up past his shoulders, she would see the rose tattooed on his shoulder blade, in realistic red hues, with a fuzzy bumble bee perched on its petals.

"My plan worked though didn't it?" Lena smiled before she shifted up onto her knees, and moved closer to Risk until she knelt behind him. "Why a rose and a bumblebee?" She asked curiously as she brushed her fingers over it gently and studied it more closely.

A shrug shifted the tattoo under her fingertips. "It just resonated with me. Then again, I was like... seventeen when I got it." he laughed. "It was my little piece of rebellion." He smiled at her over his shoulder a little and tried not to shiver too visibly at her touch. "Don't you like it? Is it not suave enough for you?"

"Oh no I love it. I just wanted to know it's significance.." Lena smiled as she brought her other hand up to his other shoulder and began to massage them gently. "I can't imagine you being a rebellious teen."

"All teens are rebellious somehow. This was my way. My parents never saw it, but I figured if they did, they'd probably be more okay with it if it was a rose than some angry skull with 'fuck life' in big letters slithering between its teeth, ya know?" Risk laughed. He looked up and back at her, reaching up to put a hand on hers to stop her massaging him. "You don't have to do that." he said quietly.

"Am I bad at it?" Lena asked with an embarrassed smile. "I just thought because you rubbed my feet, I should do something for you. And you've been working hard so a little back rub would help you relax."

Risk shook his head with a quiet laugh. "Your hands feel heavenly," he said and smiled at her again. "But you don't have to do it." He turned towards her a bit more and seemed to study her, then reached up and with ginger fingers took her large-framed glasses off her face. "Not that you're not adorable in these but... they seem so cumbersome. And you have such a pretty face... beautiful eyes. Why do you wear them?"

"Because I can't see without them. My eyesights really bad." Lena blushed after she had blinked a few times to try to adjust to not having her glasses on. "And I could never afford contacts so I had to wear them.."

"Your eyesight cannot be that bad." Risk said with a teasing skepticism. He watched her a moment and then asked, "Can you see me like this? Right here?" he asked, then after a moment, he moved in a bit closer. "What about now? Can you see me?"

"You're a very handsome blur.." Lena chuckled as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Maybe I can get contacts now that I'm getting paid.. I guess it would be a nice change."

Risk smiled and kept up his game just a bit more. He moved in very close to her, until his lips almost brushed hers. "What about now?" he asked, his breath warm on her skin. "Can you see me now?" He smiled at her, his blue eyes gleaming back at hers.

"Oh.." Lena said softly as she realised what he was doing before she smiled. "Maybe just a little closer." She whispered playfully before she closed the gap between them, bringing her lips to his as she shifted to straddle his lap and drape an arm round his neck. "I can see you perfectly now." She smiled once the kiss had broken.

"Mm, good," Risk said up at her. His hands stroked into her long blonde hair and then rested on her hips after her hair ended and released his fingers. He kissed her again, eagerly, and rubbed her hips with his thumbs.

Lena smiled and rested her forehead against Risks and closed her eyes with a small contented sigh. "Are.. Are we staying here tonight?" She whispered when she opened her eyes. "Or shall we grab some food and go home?"

"I am happy doing whatever you want to do." Risk said with a happy smile, then a particularly large waved rocked the boat. Risk lurched forward a little, hugging Lena tightly and bracing himself against the rolling motion of the boat. "Uh... Scratch that. Lets go home." he said and smiled a bit crookedly.

Lena had let a small yelp and buried her head against Risks shoulder as the boat rocked from the force of the wave. "Y-yeah.. I agree.." She chuckled once she had relaxed enough to look at him.

"Okay, then it's settled. Lets get our shoes and shirts back in... Last one to my car is a wet noodle." Risk said with a grin. He kissed her again, then released her so he could stand and put his shirt back on.

Lena smiled at him then suddenly blinked when she made to move. "Risk.." She started in a Playful tone. "Aren't you forgetting something?" She asked and fluttered her eyelashes, bringing his attention to the fact he still had her glasses.

Risk blinked at her, too, then seemed to realize with an, "Ah," in a quiet voice. He looked around on the bed and frowned. "What- They were just here..." he said, then stood and looked around his bed again. "The rock to the boat must have thrown them to the floor. Hang on, I'll find them." he said and dropped to his hands and knees, searching under the bed and dressers.

"I have a spare pair back in the house if you can't find them.." Lena reassured him as she patted around the bed with a squint of her eyes in search of her socks. "You'll just have to be my eyes until then.."

"If it comes to that, I will order you contacts on overnight shipping myself." Risk mumbled. He felt bad that he might have lost her glasses and was already resolved to solve the issue for her. "They have to be here somewhere... it's a small room." he grumbled.

"Risk come on's fine honestly." Lena smiled down at his blurry form as she shifted to the edge of the bed. "They were an old pair so don't worry about it. Its O.." As she put her foot down on the floor their was a noticeable crunch. "..K." She breathed out before giving an embarrassed chuckle. "I think I found them."

The crunching sound had frozen Risk's blood in place. He spun to look at her and gave a sympathetic sound as he stood and moved to clean up the broken frames and cracked lenses from under her foot. He inspected them, but sounded displeased. "There's no way to repair these... they're done for." he mumbled sadly. "I'm so sorry, dear Lena, this is all my fault." he said and frowned. "I'll call my family optometrist and overnight you a new pair."

"Its OK, I'll be fine. You'll just have to be my eyes until I get some more." Lena smiled as she reached out and put a hand on his shoulder. "It was an accident so don't feel bad."

Risk opened his mouth to protest, but stopped himself short. Of course he felt bad--none of this would have happened had he not removed her glasses for the sake of charm. He pouted at her, knowing she couldn't see it, and blew a soft sigh through his nose. "Alright... I'll try not to feel bad. But I'm still ordering you a new pair--and some new contacts." he said and tucked the broken glasses into his pocket. "C'mon... let's get some food and go home."

Lena gave a nod then slipped her hand down his arm until she could hook it round it."Lets get out of here. I'm sure there's another bottle of wine waiting for us at home."

"Indeed there is," Risk nodded and smiled. He helped Lena put her socks and shoes back on at the door, donned his own shoes, and opened an umbrella for them before leading her outside. He kept her tucked in against his side as they walked through the rain back across the dock to his waiting car. Once there, he helped her inside and then ran around the car and slid in beside her. "Whoo! It's a bit wet right now, hm?" he asked with a laugh. He started the car. "This trip wasn't very productive, huh? The cleaning crew will not be happy that they'll have to actually do their jobs." he laughed.

"Well at least we didn't cause any more mess." Lena chuckled as she buckled herself in then looked at Risk with a smile. "Lets go home."

Risk nodded and gave her another smile. He pulled away from the dock and left the marina, heading back towards boto de lorme condo.

BotO Athens Harbor
Blood of the Olympians

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