Page name: Caleb O'Daugherty [Exported view] [RSS]
2013-08-17 21:19:31
Last author: The Black Goat
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User Name: [The Black Goat]

Character name: Caleb O'Daugherty

Mutant Name: Basilisk

Classification: X-Men

Abilities/powers: Caleb can slightly manipulate how a person feels about him if they look into his eyes. He can either make the person feel as if he is their friend and that they can trust him, or he can make them afraid of him. He uses his ability to take advantage of other people, particularly weak-willed young women who often freeze up when he uses fear against them. In game Caleb will look into someone's eyes; if they look back he will use his power-

“She made the mistake of looking into his eyes and he exerted his power: you can trust me completely."

Sex: Male

Age : 22

General appearance: Caleb is light skinned and copper headed. He has very masculine features, women generally find him attractive, and normally sports a shadow of a beard. His eyes are gray.

Additional Appearance: He sports a massive back tattoo of his namesake in full color. He normally wears jeans and a button up, a hoodie if he's working on cars.

Personality: Caleb is dominant, manipulative, and abusive. He frequently uses his power to take advantage of young women and to manipulate his enemies and friends alike. He passes himself of as harmless and charming, but underneath this pretense lies the heart of a sadist.

Special Skills: Is generally good with cars.

Place of birth: Chicago

Weapon(s) of choice: Caleb is fond of knives and guns, but will use anything on hand.

Medical information:


Brief History: Caleb’s power manifested early in life and he grew up learning how to extort it for his benefit. He came from a middle class family who feared him, but did their best to co-exsist. He moved out on his own at the age of 18 working as a mechanic and quickly moved into the drug trade. His ability greatly assisted during his frequent jail stints and he gained a reputation among the underground. Recently he has been declared as wanted by the police on multiple rape charges and, having heard about Xavier's mansion through the mutant grape-vine, decided to hide out there under false pretenses.

Relatives: His parents, two older sisters, and a young brother, none of whom have contact with him.

How long your character has been in the mansion: Just arriving.

Current Clothing: A nice black pin-striped button with elaborate designs across the back and the sleeves rolled up over his elbows over a plain white tank along with his nicest pair of jeans and dress shoes. His hair is gelled back and he's clean shaven.

Shana Grace Tilar ...; ...Guy Rubel...; ....Mihir Proudclaw...; ...
Korvka Shostakovich...; ... Caleb O'Daugherty...; ...Endelyn Hagan...; ...
Adrianne Wagner...; ...Eddie Ryder...; ...Timothy Maxwell...; ...
Sasaiya Moscoso...; ...Nathan White...; ...Lucas Alexander...; ...
Elizabeth Charms...; ...René Chastain...; ...Luloah Esther Akins...; ...
Olexis Solnes...; ...Light Blackburn...; ...Vladimir Shostakovich...; ...
Kenna Duncan...; ...Samuel Crowe...; ...Mimic...; ...
Catherine Rubell...; ...Aidan Murphy...; ...Kobayashi Hisoka...; ...
Zeke Savage...; ...X-Men Rp Shade...; ...Daniela Morgan...; ...
Anthony Havelock...; ...Valerie K. Sprouse...; ...Lirerial...; ....
Kyle Bedlington...; ....Justin Alphar...; ....Miles Adler...; ....

X-Men Characters

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2012-11-02 [Lirerial]: Sooo... I have a question. How would this work against Lire? Cause I'm extremely curious lol

2012-11-17 [The Black Goat]: I think she'd get to him first ^^ he'd be all "Hey baby" and she'd just freeze him in place lol ^^

2012-11-17 [Duredhel]: Caleb needs a relation chart XD

2012-11-18 [The Black Goat]: indeed!

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