Page name: Chaos begins [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-11-10 04:24:27
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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Tamika walked down staires to the last floor were she found the boys still playing games and the girls had just finished cooking. Tamika sat down to watch them, though she got bored around 'lights out' time. She peeked into the room where Rika was. She still had the window open and was on the pourch roof. Tamika decided to leave her be.

In an hour everyone, and I mean everyone, except Rika, had gone to bed somewhere. Weather it was in a room, any random room in the house, in the living area, or in the hopspital that was located beneith the house.

[There are more rooms then I said before]

They awoke at morning. Rika sat on the beach hugging her legs loosly. She staired at the ground and sighed. Then she heard footsteps comming from her left. When she looked, she wished she hadn't looked. Because she saw Hiei, but he was beated badly. His clothes were torn and he had cuts all over him, with one arm around his stomach and the other limped down. He looked at Rika before falling. Rika ran up and caught him before he hit the ground. "Hiei! HIEI what happened! Please, Hiei don't-" He looked at her, "D........demons...." He winced in pain. "Oh please don't speak..........Hiei. HIEI!?" Hiei had fainted. Tears rolled down her face. "Ahy, what happened to the lassy?" Rika turned to see Bobbery. "I-I don't know." Bobbery walked up to them and looked at Hiei. "We'd best get this las back to thy house, eh?" Rika nodded and they both took Hiei back to the house.

He was put in the hospital room that was in the lower levals of the house. Or below the main floor. Rika sat in a chair by his bedside. Kurama, Yusuke, Bobbery, Vivian, Kooper, Sango, and Kagome stood outside of the larg window (the hall) peering in at them. "What happened?" Vivian asked. "Ahhh...Not sure. We found h'm stumbin' 'long the beach." Bobbery answered. Suddenly Echa came rushing down the hall to them and when she stopped she was panting hard. "What happened to you?" Sango asked. "Well......I first heard....about Hiei....on the main floor.....but Rena said to ask Koga for I ran up to the second floor and asked him......but he said, 'Ask the mut.' So I ran to the top floor to ask Inuyasha.....but he said to ask Robin......So ran back down to the main floor, but then he said to-" "I think we get the point." Kooper inturupted. Then Tamika came running from the opposite hall that Echa did, "What happened?" She imediantly asked in a serious voice. "We don't know." The group said in unison. "All we knows is the las 'twas found half de'ad on da' beach." Bobbery answered. "Do you think he'll be alright?" Echa asked, finally catching her breath. "Can't be sure......When I got the report, it didn't look to good." Tamika answered grimly. "So what do we do?" Kagome asked. "Only thing we can do, nurse him and pray...." Tamika answered, "And find out what happened." They looked in as Rika clenched Hiei's hand in her own.

By nightfall, the house was in a complete state of sleep. By early morning, everyone was still in bed, and Rika stayed with Hiei. But she had fallen asleep with her head on the side of the bed and her arms around a pillow. But to her unknown relife, Hiei drowsily opened his eyes, looked up at the ceiling for a moment, then at Rika. He lifted his hand and put it on her head and kinda stroked her. Then he sat up and noticed all the bandages on him and thought about what had happened. Then he heard a gasp from behind and looked to see Rika stairing at him. "H-h-h-h-h-Hiei?...." She stuttered, then she threw her arms around him and wept on his shoulder, and he warped his arms around her.

Then Tamika walked by the window in her light blue pajamas that had teddy bears and flowers on it, and her fluffy blue slippers. Her hair was messed up and she looked like she just got up. She looked in the window, drowsily for a moment, then gasped and ran in, nearly slipping due to her slippers. "Your awake!" She exclamied putting her hands on the bed. "and your a mess....." Hiei said still holding Rika. "Oh, yeah well......" Tamika blushed, embarised. "Umm......the nurse hasn't come in yet, so best you stay in bed till you completely heal and-" "I'm fine and don't need your help." Hiei inturupted. Rika was hanging onto him and had little hearts comming up and poping from her head and a big smile on.

[in a funny anime way that is.^^]

"But Hiei-" He got up, with Rika around his neck, and hearts still comming out of her head, and they left the room before Tamika could finish. She sighed then went back to her room to take a shower and get dressed. By noon, it was all over the house that Hiei had woken up. Rumors speread fast in the house, even with all those people. Rika and Hiei had went to the beach together and sat on the sand. Miroku, Tamika, Kagome, Shippo, Inuyasha, Echa and her Knack, Sango, and Kuckles hid in the bushes to spy on them. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Sango asked. "No, but it's the only way to see what happened. I'm sure Hiei will tell her." Tamika answered. "But won't they sence us?" Echa asked and her chao agreed, "Chao chao." "Nope, I placed a power shield over us so they won't sence us." Tamika answered. "I didn't know you could do that." Kagome said. "Well, it's kinda a special ability more then a power." She answered. "Shhhh! They're talking." Miroku hushed them.
"Hiei, you KNOW how much I worry about you when you leave like that. How do you think I worry when you come back half dead?" Rika looked at him with her arms around his arm. He didn't answer. "Hiei! The least you CAN DO is take me with you." Rika persisted. "No..." Hiei said. "BUT HIEI!-" "NO! I don't want you to get hurt like I did!" Hiei yelled to where Rika jumped a little and slightly blushed with a worried look on. Hiei sighed and brought her in close to him and embraced her tightly.

[Rika likes that.^^]

"And I don't want you getting hurt..." Rika said. "I know...." Hiei said and brought her in closer. "I just love you so much and I care for you so much." Rika said. "I know, I love you too. That's why I don't want you comming with me." Hiei said.

"Awwww, isn't that the sweetest thing you've ever seen, Knuckles?" Echa asked him with her arms wraped around his arm and little hearts comming out of her head. "Uh....sure...." Knuckles blinked. "Quiet." Kagome said. "Why? They're probably done anyway......all they do is talk for a short time then sit there hugging....." Inuyasha said. "Inuyasha, have some curtisy!" Shippo argued. "HUSH!" Miroku said. "And why should I!?" Inuyasha looked bug-eyed and angery at Shippo. "Becase they're in love!!" Shippo shouted. Tamika put her hands on their mouthes before Inuyasha could respond. "Will you two shutup before-" "Before what?" A voice said from behind, and Tamika turned to see Rika and Hiei. "AHHHH!!!" She screamed with the others. "Jackasses! How dare you spy on us!" Rika yelled. ".......It was his idea!" Tamika pointed to Miroku. "What, no!?-" "She's right, Miroku. You were the one who said we should check up on them." Sango said. "She's right ya know." Inuyasha agreed. "What!? No!? I mean-" "You were the one who said it." Echa giggled, still holding Knuckles's arm. "Yeah." Knux argeed and Shippo did too, "Yup, they're right Miroku." So they got up, "Well, good luck bud." Tamika put a hand on his should and said to him, then she laughed and walked away with the others. Miroku nerviously looked back at Rika and Hiei, "Uhh..." "Save it!" The two walked by. After a moment, Miroku sighed in relife.

Inuyasha lay on the roof of the porch again. Though he looked as though he was sleeping, untill something hit him on the forehead. "OW! WHAT WAS THAT!?" He looked up, but saw nothing. Then he looked to his side and what looked to be, "A jewel shard!" He picked it up. But as he looked at it, it turned into dust. He blinked, "Wha- A fake? huh.......that's odd......." So then he jumped off the roof and nearly landed on Ed, "HEY! Watch it!" "WHY DON'T YOU!?.........Hey, what are doin'?" Inuyasha asked looking at a broken chair on the ground. "Fixing the chair. Yusuke and Kuwabara broke it when they were fighting." Ed answered. "So why aren't they fixing it?" Inuyasha asked, a little ticked. "Well, they can't do alchemy, and Tamika is chewing them out for breaking another thing in the house." Ed sighed, "So why are you down here?" "Uh....I found a fake jewel shard." Inuyasha answered. "So where is it?" Ed asked. "It...disolved....." Inuyasha paused and Ed sighed. Then he clpped his hands together and slapped them on the ground. Suddenly, a blue light circuled around the chair and it seemed to to be fixed when the light faded. "YUSUKE! GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE YOU CHICKEN!!!!" The two heard Tamika yell from inside and Yusuke came charging out from the door. Tamika chased right after him with a cast iron frying pan. Kuwabara popped his head from the corner to watch as Tamika chased Yusuke around the yard. Then she stopped next to Ed, "Just put that back on the porch hun." "Ok..." Ed agreed. "I'M GOING TO GET YOU YUSUKE!!!" She continued to chase him around the yard. Then Kagome ran out onto the porch steps, Inuyasha, stop them!" "Why should I!? It's not my problem!" He argued. "Inuyasha, you go stop them NOW!" Kagome yelled. "HMPH!" Inuyasha turned his head up. "SIT BOY!!!" Kagome shouted and Inuyasha hit the ground, hard. Then Vivian popped her purple head up with her little red and white stipped whitch-like hat, up from the shadows next to Kagome, "This isn't good......." and she came up completely. Then Maddam Flurrie floated next to her, "It never is, hun....." They watched as the two ran around the yard and Inuyasha went inside to talk with the others of the false shard. Once Tamika finally stopped chasing Yusuke, and after beating him...., they both went in to talk with the others.

"A fake jewel shard?" Sango questioned. "Yeeup..." Inuyasha said. "How is that possible?" Miroku asked. "How am I supposed to know!?" Inuyasha yelled. "We're not asking you, Inuyasha!" Kagome said.

>> More clues

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2005-02-25 [Lady Alaina]: OH!! THATS ADORABLE!!!!! I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE!!!!! You got Echa right on! ^_~

2005-03-01 [Kiristo]: YAY!^^ I was hopeing so. I wan't really sure how to make her act.

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