Page name: Cosmic Chaos! Heros of Anime [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-07-02 04:16:02
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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Hello, Hello, welcome to my mixed anime story!^^ <img300*0:> This is how I feel while writing this!^^

Tamika walked out of the house and stretched her arms high in the air. She was a rather beutiful girl. Long blound hair was tied into a pony tail and her bangs hung short in her face. She wore a turqouise T-shirt and blue jeans with white sneakers. She wore a light blue heart necklace in a silver cage-like thing. She wore a heart ring on her thumb on her right hand and a flower ring on her middle finger on her left hand. Finally a rose bracelet.

She looked at the sky at the passing clouds and sighed. Then looked at Robin, [(From the Teen Titens)], who was training on some marshil arts equiptment. She steped down the steps of the brown, roofed proch. Raven was meditating on the porch on one end. Koga was stitting on the railing on the other end, kicking hone foot and looking at the sky. Mayumi, ([Mayumi is my OOC for Inuyasha, and Koga is from Inuyasha]), was next to him. Tamika felt so happy to be able to house all these....people. Well some of them were full humans while the others...half-demons, demons, or what other things they could be. She skipped down the road along the woods and neibors houses. Ed, [(From Full Metal Alchemist)], ran up to her and asked, "HEY! So where ya going this time?" "Oooooh, just to the Comic Cafe to get the next issue of Wild Act. Maybe I'll to the vidio store too. It's in the Square with the Comic Cafe after all." Tamika answered. "Oh cool! Mind if I come with?" He asked. "Sure no prob. But I'm not paying for you this time." She said. He sighed, "Oh man...."

So they went and came back with in....2 hours. By that time, Yusuke and Kuwabara, ([From Yu Yu Hakusho]), were spralling outside of the house. Robin was watching for the porch. "YOU TWO BETTER NOT WRECK ANYTHING LIKE LAST TIME!!" Tamika yelled. Yusuke blocked Kuwabara's punch, "Don't worry we won't." "You said that last time!" Ed said giggling. Inuyasha laughed from the roof of the porch, "Why do you always yell like that?" "Blame my father. I get it from him." Tamika simply waved her hand at him. Then Ed and her walked in. As usual, the house was full of activity. [Just so you know, the house is three stories tall, though my house in real life is only two stories tall.]

Yukina, Keiko, and Yuniko ([All from Yu Yu Hakusho, and Yuniko being one of my OOCs]) and Kagome ([From Inuyasha]) were all cooking something. In the living room, Beast Boy and Cyborg, ([From Teen Titens]) were playing some vidio game and Al, ([From Full Metal Alchemist]) Yugi, Joey, and Tristin ([From Yu-Gi-Oh]) were all watching. Ed joined them. Tamika smiled and turned the corner to the strais. She walked up and turned another corner and walked straight into the next room. Rika sat in the window sill and Rena sat on the bed. ([Those two are my OOC for Yu Yu Hakusho]) Tea ([Fron Yu-Gi-Oh]) leaned against the dresser. The other window, next to the one Rika was in, was open and Inuyasha sat on the roof of the porch. She put her purchuses on the top of the dresser and walked out, leaving Rena and Tea to their descusion. She walked to the right into the study where Kurama, Miroku, and Duke were on the computer. ([Kurama-Yu Yu Hakusho, Miroku-Inuyasha, Duke-Yu-Gi-Oh.])
Kurama was explaining some program to them, so she walked out to find Shippo relaxig on the hope chest in the hall way. He looked as though he was waiting for something. She looked at the closed bathroom door curiously. "What are you doing in here, Shippo? Waiting for the bathroom?" She asked. "No, just trying to avoid everyone." He answered. She giggled, "I know it's hard to get peace around here." She walked down the rest of the hall and into the next bedroom were Sango was. She was polishing her Hirikots.(or however it's spelled.) "Sango, what are you doing in here?" Tamika asked with a fake smile. "Oh, forgive me. It's just so hard to find some quite around here, this was the only place were there was peace. I know how you don't like anyone in your parents old room." Sango said. "Oh it's alright. I really don't mind. But....what's wroung with the thrid floor?" Tamika asked. "The Chaos Bergade is up there." Sango said with a small glare. Tamika made an 'Oh...' with her lips and frowned worriedly a bit. "Is it safe to..." "Besides their usuale chaose, I think it's FAIRLY safe." Sango answered. Tamika nodded with a smile and unwillingly, went to the hall and climbed the stairs.

Just as she reached the top of the stairs, but she threw herself against the wall because Kass chased Miyuki down the stairs with a frying pan. ([Kass is my OOC for Full Metal Alchemist and Miyuki is my OOC from Inuyasha])
Tamika thought for a moment that the fight must've started in the downstairs kitchin seeing how a frying pan shouldn't have been upstairs. She started down the hall and barely dodged Koops who zoomed down the hall. ([Koops if from the video game Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.]) Though she bumped into Mario. ([The same Mario from all his video games like Mario Party 1,2,3,4,5,6, ect...]) "Hey, why don't you watch where your going, eh!?" He complained in his italian voice. "Sorry Mario." Tamika said. "Eh, forget about it. Tis no big deal." He said and walked down the hall. Tamika stood, hearing the voices of the others bickering and talking in the rooms ahead. She sighed with her eyes looking up. At the light tan ceiling, which was the same color as all the halls in the house and the hall carperts. Finally she smiled and walked down the remaineder of the hall and to the left into a room. This room had a TV and a computer, along with a window view to the outside by the computer, so it was a faved spot in the house. There, Vivian, Kooper, Bobbery, and Madam Flurrie were arguing over the computer and GameCube. ([Vivian, Bobbery, and Madam Flurrie are from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. And Kooper if from the origanal Paper Mario.])

Tamika sighed agian before yelling, "WILL YA'LL SHUT THE H3LL UP!!!!!!" Imediantly, the room became silent as they looked at her with suprised faces. "Now, one at a time. Tell me what your fighting about, this time." She asked. They looked at one another for a moment, then Vivian said and pointed, "The computer." "Can't you take turnes? I don't have time to settle this." Tamika said. Echa ran into the room, "What is all the noise?" ([Echa is from] [Lady Alaina]['s story], A Sonic Story) "Ooooh, they're fighting again....." Tamika answered. "Again?" Echa tilted her head back. "Can you settle this?" Tamika pleaded to Echa. Echa frowned for a moment, then said with a smile, "Fine." "Thank you, thank you!" Tamika said, and ran tword the stairs. "Now who was the one to use it la...." Echa's voice faded as Tamika walked down the stairs and back to the room where Rena and Tea HAD been. Now they were gone. She saw Rika now on the roof of the pourch, by herself watching the sunset. Though.....Rika was singing:

"Shine bright morning light
Now in the air the spring is coming
sweet blowing wind
singing down the hills an valleys
keep your eyes on me
now we're on the edge of hell
dear my love, sweet morning light
Wait for me, you've gone much farther, too far....."

Tamika looked for a moment with a sad face, "Your.....concerned." Rika turned to see her. "How long have you been standing there?" She asked. "I heard you sing. You have a nice voice." Tamika said shyly. Rika turned back. "Hiei?" Tamika said. Rika quickly turned back, "What!?" "Your worried about Hiei, aren't you. You can sence when something's gone wrong." Tamika said. Rika frowned angerly and turned away. "I know you can. He hasn't been back for a few days and I can hear you climb on the roof at night, and you wait for him." Tamika said. Rika tightly closed her eyes, as though not wanting to listen. "Why haven't you gone to look for him?" Tamika asked. Tamika waited a moment, then turned to walk away, but Rika answered, "Before he left....he asked me to stay here and wait. He said he'd only be gone a day or so.....But the day he went I felt something was wroung." Tamika turned back, "Oh...I guess you really love him if you listen to him that well...." "What do you mean?" Rika asked. "Well normally, I know you wouldn't take orders from anyone." Tamika answered. "He sounded serious...." Rika said. Tamika nodded and walked out. Knowing to leave her alone now, and walked down staires to help the other with dinner.

>>>>>>>>> Paper Mario Char Descriptions

>> Chaos begins
>> More clues
>> Treaty and attack
>> Sunset couples
>> Hospital Madness
>> Peace or...?
>> Meeting in a holly place
>> Battle of the dragon's staffs
>> Clocktower
>> Snowy Christmas

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