Page name: Chapter 3: Saremu [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-05-20 18:35:51
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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The team retreated back into the forest were they built a fire. Saremu coiled himself around them, but not touching them. By this time, Botan had left. Rika sleep soundly, still in her demon form. The light of the fire reflected off her face and flowed along her fox ears. Her fangs glistened in the light. Her wings drooped over her and the feathers shown in the light. Hiei looked calmly at her, waiting for her to wake. "So how do we stop something like this?" Kuwabara asked. "I'm not sure myself really...." Kurama said sadly. "Someone created them with the Black Orb." Hiei said suddenly. "Black Orb?" Yusuke questioned. "It's the orb that creates the clouds. Rika spoke of it earlier." Hiei answered. "Well what'd she say?" Kuwabara asked. "All she said was that she wanted to study it. But someone has it, that's for sure." Hiei answered. "So we need to find them and take the orb to stop the clouds." Yusuke said looking at everyone. "Merely a theory, but that might work." Hiei pointed out.
Soon the others had drifted to sleep, except Hiei. He was worried about Rika. She hadn't woken yet. Saremu nudged Hiei with his head. Hiei pet him for a moment to calm him. Then Saremu lifted his head and looked up beyond in the forest. Hiei looked in the direction he was. "Wha-?" Yusuke stirred. "Something....might be coming." Hiei said. "What do you mean, 'might'?" Yusuke asked suspiciously. "Saremu can sense things before we can." Hiei stood, "Saremu, off!" He commanded, and the dragon did as told. Taking off into the air and uncoiling himself as he did so. As he finished taking off into the air, another bright green beam struck down, and it brought shockwaves. Three hit the team, and the forth, literally blew them away until they hit the trees.

Hiei stood on a branch with one hand on the trunk, and the other to his head. Then he franticly looked around for Rika, who was out of sight. The rest of the team staggered out of the bushes. Then they heard a moan come from a bush and Rika walked out with one hand to her head. Hiei jumped down and helped her. She collapsed to her knees along with Hiei at her side, with one of his arms around her stomach. Kurama, Yusuke, and Kuwabara ran to her side. "Never mind me! A portal opened, go!" She said. They stayed and looked at each other for a moment, but then nodded and ran off. Hiei stayed, "You stay here." He commanded. "But, Hiei!" "NO! I don't want you to get hurt again! Now just please stay here." He got up and ran. Rika looked with a sad face. Then sighed and sat by the fire.

She eventually became curious and unsheathed her swords. Then she drove them into the ground, one on each side of the fire. Then she drew a circle in front of the fire. Then a star in the circle. Then lines in the outer corners of the star and curves too. Then strange squiggles in the middle of the star. Finally, she drew two lies, connecting the circle and the swords. Then the fire spread to the swords and formed like a rectangle. Then it turned black. "What do you wish to see?" A voice came from the black fire.

[If you've ever seen Yu-Gi-Oh the first season, this 'voice' sounds like Kiba's home computer voice.]

"My team mate." Rika answered. "Hmmmm....very well." Then the fire shown a picture. It was her 'friends' fighting the demons that poured out of the beam. "Why didn't you just say your friends?" The voice asked. "Maybe I don't want to." Rika said to it. "Well don't get touchy. But anyway, may I come out?" The voice asked. "Why do you want my permission?" Rika asked, "You've come out on your own before." She continued. "A wizard got angry at me once because I wasn't there to let him use the mirror, so when I returned to the mirror, he placed a spell on me so I couldn't get out unless you gave me permission." The voice answered. "What did he want to see? And how did he know about me?" Rika asked. "Well he wanted to see where some enchanted sword was. But I told him about you...sorry." The voice said. "Did you let him see the sword?" Rika asked. "Of course not! That pompous jerk wouldn't have even gotten a look at himself from me!" The voice answered, "Now may I PLEASE come out!?" Rika rolled her eyes, "Fine." "UH, about time!" A fluffy blue spirit fox walked out of the mirror and shook off, "Uh, it feels good to be able to move again!" "Can't you move in the mirror?" Rika asked with a cocked eyebrow. "NO! The stupid thing only lets me lie down! I swear, the rules are SO frivolous!" The kitsune said. "Hmmm...What's it like in there?" Rika asked. "Well aren't you full of questions. But then again we haven't seen each other in a while now. Back then you'd give me a hug when you saw me." The kitsune responded. "I was young then!" Rika tilted her head back. "Well, yeah.....But to answer your question, it's a dimensional pocket. Though is looks more like a giant blue galaxy of N-O-T-H-I-N-G!! It's blue and a shadow under me. That's all!" The Kitsune answered. "Sounds thrilling...." Rika said sarcastically. "Dreadful...." The kitsune agreed. The she looked behind her at the mirror where it showed the team fighting the demons, and Saremu eating them in large numbers. "What is causing all this?" The kitsune asked. "Look up, Karisuto." Rika told her. So the kitsune, Karisuto, did so and looked at the clouds, "'t seen those in a while...." "When did you see them last?" Rika asked. "Oh, just in a book. They've never been released though. They're too powerful, and the holder of the orb is always hard to find...." Karisuto answered, "They would hide themselves well. Or so the rule states." Then an eruption interrupted them. "WHAT IN BLOODLY HELL WAS THAT!?" Karisuto yelled. "Let's go see." Rika picked up Karisuto and flew toward the team.

She flew to the an opening where the beam was and where the team was fighting. Saremu was swooping down and eating the demons while the team sliced and beat them up. Rika hovered in the air, watching them. Suddenly, a huge wind gust blew through the air, caused by Hiei using a spell, and Rika was flipped around. She lost hold of Karisuto just as the wind stopped. "KARISUTO!!" She watched as the little fox fell, screaming. Luckily Yusuke was passing underneath and Rika called to him, "YUSUKE!" He stopped and looked up and Karisuto fell in his arms. Rika landed next to him. "Rika? I thought-" "No time! GO!" Rika took Karisuto and Yusuke looked for a moment before nodding and running off.

Within a few moments the demons stopped coming and the beam portal disappeared. Then Yusuke pointed out Rika and they walked over to her. Hiei glared a little, "Rika, you were supposed to stay put." "Well, sorry for being worried about you!" Rika yelled. Kuwabara stared, confused at the fox and Karisuto stared back. "Well don't just stand there. Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" She said finally. Kuwabara jumped back with an, AHHHH! and said, "IT TALKED!" "Well of course I can talk you bumble-headed duffus. What did you expect?" Karisuto responded. "A spirit fox." Kurama said with interest and looked at the little fluffy fox in Rika's arms. "That's right, I'm a Spirit Fox. You got a problem with that?" Karisuto said. "No, not at all. I just haven't many types like you around." Kurama answered back. "Well....I am a hard one to find in Spirit World. My type usually hangs about the in the snow regions....obviously." Karisuto gloated. "So what's your name?" Kurama asked. "I'm Karisuto. Guardian of the Looking Mirror, aka, the Majikkumiraa." "Why do those sound like the same things?" Kuwabara asked bluntly. "Oh, I dunno, maybe because they're ONE WORD APPERT FROM EACH OTHER!!!" Yusuke yelled.

[Majikkumiraa - Magic Mirror]

The two began to fight and the others ignored. "I still don't like that fact you-" "Hiei, I just came to check up on you after that eruption." Rika cut him off. Hiei looked to the side with an mad-like face. Rika sighed and put Karisuto down and the fox shook itself off. Rika walked behind Hiei and wrapped her arms around his neck and put her head on his shoulder. Hiei sighed and blushed a little, along with a slight smile.

After a bit, they headed back to the camp area. Saremu was all coiled again, the team all sat around the fire. Rika had her arms wrapped around Hiei's arm and her head rested on his shoulder. She had already taken out her swords from the ground. Karisuto slept in Kurama's lap as he stroked her and Yusuke and Kuwabara were asleep too. After a while, Kurama fell asleep and Rika and Hiei could finally talk alone. Hiei sighed, "Why don't you ever listen?" "Why should I!? No one controls me!" Rika argued. "That isn't what I meant..." "Then what did you mean?" Rika asked. He looked up, "I just don't-" "Want me getting hurt. I know....But Hiei, I can take care of myself." Rika interrupted. "Yes, isn't like before.....I mean......" Rika had a big smile on her face as Hiei stuttered. "Well......I love you and I....wouldn't forgive myself if you'd have gotten hurt......" Hiei continued, blushing. Rika wrapped her arms around his neck, "Oh Hiei. I love you too." Rika said in a cute way. Her necklace that Hiei had given her glimmered in the fire light as it hung from her neck and Kurama watched with one eye slightly open.

>> Chapter 4: Who is behind this!?

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