Page name: Chapter 6: Weapons and Beings [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-11-04 13:50:11
Last author: Sinchao
Owner: Sinchao
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Chapter 6: Weapons and Beings

The next morning Sinchao woke early and the sun was already high up in the sky.
”What time is it?”, Sinchao asked himself. He searched for his watch when he suddenly noticed he wasn’t having any pain and suffering when he tried to move. He could move around like he used to and walking was just as easy. He quickly found his watch and looked at the time. “3 o’clock already!?”. His eyes searched the room and he looked at the corner where the man had been. The man had gone without a trace, it looked as if the man had never even been there. Sinchao wondered where he was, or if there had even been a man. He had begun to suspect every single thing and person that could be mistrusted, especially since the time Creira nearly killed him.

“I guess the nurses moved him to another room while I was still asleep”, Sinchao quickly concluded, not giving it too much thought. He checked his table and noticed all his cards had gone. Instead, a small pile of books had appeared with another note attached to it. “We dropped these off in the morning. We still have some errands to take care of so you can start without us. – Limbed and Sarah”, it said. “Leaving me to do all the work already, eh? Ha!”. Sinchao couldn’t help but smile. They went through all the trouble of delivering these books in the morning, while he was still knocked out in his bed.

He took the small pile of books and laid it down next to him on his bed. “What’s this? ‘Unknown Legends’?”. Sinchao looked at the book that was lying on top of the pile. He took a hold of it, and took a swift look at the first pages, and already he knew he wasn’t going to find it in there. “’The Legend Of The Red Sun’… Sounds like some old Asian movie”. Sinchao devoured the entire pile of books within the hour, and left the books scattered all over his bed. “I guess there isn’t much to find about Legends these days. As expected though, nobody cares”. He sighed. Suddenly, he could hear a boy’s voice come from the entrance of the room. “Says who?”. Sinchao turned his head with a smile spotting Limbed and Sarah in the door, carrying more books.

“I understand these weren’t of much help”, Limbed responded to Sinchao’s reaction. “Yeah, there wasn’t much to find in these”, Sinchao replied. “There were the most ridiculous Legends in it, but nothing close to ours”. Sarah sighed. “You guys… You shouldn’t give up that easily. We just have to look for older books. After all, we have no idea how long this Legend has been around and how many victims it has had so far. Add us, jumping to conclusions to it, not making it any easier. There’s still no guarantee Sinchao is going to die”, Sarah said, trying to comfort the boys. “Ah, so what you are trying to tell is, that it is completely normal to be tossed through an entire gym by some girl who barely knows me?! Then she simply disappears into a vortex and we find all these thing about a Legend, not described in any book?! Sure, all this seems like coincidence to me!!”, Sinchao attacked her, with a definite sound of sarcasm and irritation in his voice. He soon regretted his response, as he could see tears develop in Sarah’s eyes. She turned and ran out of the room. “Sarah…”, Sinchao tried to get her to listen, but it was already to late. Limbed got up and went after Sarah. “Watch your tongue, Mr. Victim!”, he lectured Sinchao, with a sense of annoyance in his voice.

Sinchao stared out the window. He was taking all this way to bad. Sure, he was most likely the one the Legend is speaking of, but that wasn’t a reason for him to scold his sister. He was letting all this get to his head and he felt like he was more important than others. “I’m not special”, he resulted. “People die everyday, I’m just another in line”. Sinchao turned his head towards the door, where he could hear a soft sniffing and he was pretty sure Limbed and Sarah were right around the corner. He stretched out on his back, and felt sorry for his actions. His sister was only trying to help him, yet he scolded at her for trying to comfort them.

Few minutes passed, when Limbed and Sarah finally came walking back in. Sinchao could notice their hands letting go in a way as if it looked the didn’t want Sinchao to see. He decided not to make a comment on it as he had already caused enough trouble for one day. “Sarah.. I’m sorry for scolding you, I didn’t mean to…”, Sinchao said, in order to calm her and himself. “It’s okay. It must be hard on you as well”, Sarah replied with an understanding heart. Sinchao smiled.

The team started to search through the new pile of books Limbed and Sarah had brought. “There’s nothing in this one”, Limbed concluded as he tossed yet another book. “Same for this one”, Sinchao replied, copying his action. Sarah sighed. “You guys should read more thorough. The two of you would say it wasn’t there even if I would write on the walls. Read the books again, and read them with attention this time!”, she commanded them. “Yes, Ma’am!”, the two boys reacted to Sarah’s speech. Even though Limbed and Sinchao searched the books according to Sarah’s guidance, there was still very little to be found. Every now and then one of them jumped up in joy, thinking they had found it, but in the end none of them were actually the Legend they had been looking for.

Everyone was yawning, and paying more attention to the ceiling, than they were paying attention at their books, when Limbed suddenly jumped up again. “I’ve found it!”, he shouted. Sinchao looked at him with a lifted eyebrow. “What? You found it again? You’re trying to break a record, or what?”, he replied to Limbed’s actions, with a voice of disbelief. “No, seriously. I found it. It says so here. “The Legend of Passing”, Limbed replied. Sinchao also jumped up, and got behind Limbed, and read with him. “Say what?! You did find it!”, Sinchao said in amazement. “I told you so, didn’t I?!”. Sarah smiled. “Now boys, don’t fight. You two had better not make me act like a mom constantly, or else… You’ll be grounded!”, she said with a smile on her face. The entire atmosphere changed with the finding of the Legend.
Soon they found out nearly everything there was about the Legend. Sinchao quickly read everything there was about the Legend Of Passing, and started to explain the others. “The Legend Of Passing has been around for many centuries. It has claimed many victims, both conscious ones, and unconscious ones. Every one of them has had the Death-dream, as it is called when you dream of your own death. From that point on, a fixed line of destiny starts, and there’s only one way to get out of it. This way is changed every time someone makes it out of the Legend. It can take on many forms. The Dreamer must slay some ancient being, or reach a certain level of power. Cast some sort of release spell, or solve a riddle”. – “Our situation”, Limbed interrupted him. Sinchao looked at Limbed with an annoyed face. “Sorry, continue”, he apologized. “Whenever someone passes either one of these tests, he or she is allowed to make the new test. The tests are made through a strong use of magic. Dreamers who passed the previous test can also choose not to change the test, and leave it as it is, giving the new Dreamer the same test. The result of non-passers shall always resort in a quick death”.

Sinchao sighed. “So… What we have to do is find out what this test is, or rather, decipher this riddle in time?”, Limbed asked Sinchao. “I guess so, but I have no idea how to change this riddle, not too mention the effects of it. It also says something about Guards of the Legend”. Sarah, who had been listening silently all this time, suddenly spoke. “Guards?! I don’t like the sound of that. What does it say about these Guards?”. Sinchao slowly turned several pages, scanning them all for more information about these creatures. “There’s nothing in it… About Guards. Apparently, we have to find out for ourselves. It does say something about the Dreamers weapon... From the moment the Death-dream has passed, the Dreamer is able to summon a weapon, different for each dreamer. The weapon is adjusted to the Dreamers most fortunate use of power, regarding the type of weapon. In example, a physical weak person, shall not be given an heavy axe. These weapons are to be summon through a spell. These weapons can only be called at night, as this is the only time Guards appear”. – “So it does say something about guards”, Limbed interrupted again. “They only appear at night, and if you look at the fact you need a weapon to fend them off, I don’t think they are on your side…”. Sinchao stared at the book. “I wonder what kind of weapon I’m going to get”, he said with a soft voice. “Weapons, fascinated over dark being… Really, guys will be guys”, Sarah said with a sigh. “Well, it’s time for us to leave. Dinner will be done soon, and I’m not staying for tonight”. Limbed looked at Sarah turn around to leave. “W-Wait! Sorry, I’m out as well”, Limbed said. “That’s okay, I’ll be fine”, Sinchao comforted them.

Limbed and Sarah left the room, and only seconds later, one of the nurses entered. She looked happy, as she wore a pretty smile on her face. “I have good news, Mr. Yukenshi. As of tomorrow, you are allowed to return home. I have never seen someone heal this quick”. Sinchao felt like jumping around the room, but the nurse quickly calmed him, and made him take rest. Starting tomorrow, Sinchao could figure out more and more about the Legend, and maybe he could even start to try summoning his weapon!

Chapter 5: Riddle For A Stranger
Chapter 7: An Unexpected Turn
Alpha And Omega

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