Page name: Daily Poem Extension [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-01-17 22:42:37
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  The rules for the Daily Poem are simple, and are as follows:
  <img11*0:stuff/1285_wiki_Icon%2520Hoard_92L1cPqSgN2.1> Submissions must be entirely original.
  <img11*0:stuff/1285_wiki_Icon%2520Hoard_92L1cPqSgN2.1> Submissions must be in proper English.
  <img11*0:stuff/1285_wiki_Icon%2520Hoard_92L1cPqSgN2.1> Submissions must have appropriate content.
  <img11*0:stuff/1285_wiki_Icon%2520Hoard_92L1cPqSgN2.1> Submissions must follow the Daily Poem Format.
  <img11*0:stuff/1285_wiki_Icon%2520Hoard_92L1cPqSgN2.1> Submissions must not be more than fifty (50) lines in length, minus empty lines.
  <img11*0:stuff/1285_wiki_Icon%2520Hoard_92L1cPqSgN2.1> Submissions per person must not exceed four (4) at any given time.

  Failure to comply with these rules in two (2) sequential submissions or in four (4) total submissions will result in an indefinite ban from the Daily Poem. Choosing to violate this ban will result in immediate entry removal as well as a warning from the Elftown Guards. To view a list of members who are not permitted to submit to the Daily Poem, please see Daily Poem Violators.

Entry Processing
  The submissions are processed in the following manner:
  <img11*0:stuff/1285_wiki_Icon%2520Hoard_92L1cPqSgN2.1> Entries are sorted for possible feature candidates.
  <img11*0:stuff/1285_wiki_Icon%2520Hoard_92L1cPqSgN2.1> Feature candidates are chosen at random to be featured on Mainstreet.

  This means that the Daily Poem Bosses reserve the right to deny any poem from being featured based upon the quality of work. Those poems which are removed from the list of candidates will be deleted without question. Therefore we suggest that you make sure that you submit your best work as well as make copies of what you do submit!
  These rules are very strict. However, it helps cut down on the number of featured submissions, allowing for a faster, more efficient Daily Poem process.

  <img11*0:stuff/1285_wiki_Icon%2520Hoard_92L1cPqSgN2.1> View old featured poems through Mainstreet!
  <img11*0:stuff/1285_wiki_Icon%2520Hoard_92L1cPqSgN2.1> Join the Daily Poem forum and discuss featured poems by clicking here: <joinforum:225:Poems> (Daily Poem forum)
  <img11*0:stuff/1285_wiki_Icon%2520Hoard_92L1cPqSgN2.1> The Town Herald is running a Poetry Corner. If you want to see your work appear in the Town Herald, take a look today.
<img11*0:stuff/1285_wiki_Icon%2520Hoard_92L1cPqSgN2.1> The Elftown Academy is looking for a new poetry teacher to instruct in the Literature department. Please see [Jeed] if you are interested in the position.


  <img11*0:stuff/1285_wiki_Icon%2520Hoard_92L1cPqSgN2.1> 2005-10-08: The Daily Poem has been reopened! A page for submitting extra-long poems will be set up soon.
2006-06-11: There will not be an XXL Daily Poem. The line limit of the Daily Poem has been raised to fifty lines per poem, however.


Please submit entries to the bottom of the page!

This page should only be used if the Daily Poem is full.


Submissions go here


Go or return to:
 - Index
 - Daily Poem
 - Daily Poem Bosses
 - Daily Poem Format
 - Daily Poem Violators
 - Daily Poets
 - The help Index

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2006-08-25 [orly]: How do you submit a poem?

2006-09-24 [RiddleRose]: good heavens! read the post above you!

also, you won't be able to edit this page. add your submissions to the daily poem.

2006-11-16 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: Wow. All the people asking are midly sad. o_O I've read up and it's been said at least three times.
Patience and attentiveness people -snaps fingers- it does help.

2007-05-12 [Lin-tastic]: I'm curious, say we've posted four poems already, not that I have, could we delete an older one if we wish to submit another, newer one?

2008-04-28 [True, plain and simple]: Poetry should be submitted to Daily Poem, ON the wiki-page! Posting poems in the comments here won't do you any good.

2010-08-05 [Akayume]: Does this page actually ever get used? O.o

2010-08-09 [Linderel]: Not really. :P

2010-11-24 [NorthStorm]: Hey. There's no "edit page" icon.

2010-11-24 [Linderel]: That's because this page is not currently in use.

2010-11-24 [NorthStorm]: Shouldn't it be? I mean the daily poem is getting pretty full..

2010-11-24 [Akayume]: I think that's up to the daily poem bosses. (;

2010-11-24 [Linderel]: It's been fuller. :P

2010-11-25 [NorthStorm]: *Smilez* Fair enough

2011-04-07 [kians mummy]: why isn't this up and running

2011-04-07 [Linderel]: Because it isn't needed.

2011-04-07 [kians mummy]: but the main page is getting to big

2011-04-07 [Linderel]: It's always complaining about getting too big. That doesn't mean that it actually is. Elftown's just fussy. :)

2011-04-07 [kians mummy]: lol, wish i new that before, ha ha

2011-04-07 [kians mummy]: sins introduction have you been on that yet

2011-04-07 [Linderel]: I have not. I will take a look later tonight.

2011-04-07 [kians mummy]: ok then, tell me if you like it

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