Page name: Deliberately Offensive Members [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-10-18 20:10:26
Last author: kremit73
Owner: idyllicday
# of watchers: 12
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Like what you've seen so far? Agree a teensy bit? Wanna show it? Join the list! Anyone can join...I'll check up on ya...and if you say "I heart Simple Plan", go join punk lovers...they'll agree. This is for people with true punk on mind.

1.) [idyllicday]
2.) [Miss Moneypenny]
3.) [pear bear]
4.) [sarcasticsigh.] i don't heart simple plan
5.) [Holly Beans] i do not heart simple plan either. or good charolette or fall out boy...yay me!
7.) [Rhaine]
8.) [GleamofDreams] im too punk rock i guess cuz i dont know who simple plan is HA
9.) [miss Lindsey]
10.)[sXe=clean punk] eeewww simple plan!! THEY MUST DIE!
11.) A [WashBoard] Gargh! *vomit sploosh*
12.)[kremit73] you don't even want to know what goes own in my head

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2006-12-16 [kremit73]: that sucks, jalapeno just ruin the cheese, it burns your mouth then you can't taste it, i like to taste my curdled goat milk.

2006-12-16 [sXe=clean punk]: lol haha

2006-12-16 [sarcasticsigh.]: definitely

2006-12-19 [idyllicday]: eric you taste like curdled goat milk!

2006-12-19 [sXe=clean punk]: uh dot dot dot

2006-12-19 [kremit73]: how would you know, you've never sampled my goats milk Dani, or have you when i was asleep, damn you, i will have my revenge(wink)

2006-12-20 [sarcasticsigh.]: sounds kinky

2006-12-20 [idyllicday]: should i say yes i have or no? the wink makes me think the revenge won't be REVENGE!!!! it's be more like...oooh...revenge....yeah...i need to call you erk, haven't called you in almost 3 days...whoa.

2006-12-20 [kremit73]: kinky maybe...maybe not, i ain't much for revenge, but REVENGE, that sounds nice.

2006-12-20 [idyllicday]: hmm...odd

2006-12-21 [sarcasticsigh.]: butt revenge??? you all are scaring me danielle if anyone touches you with their penis it's gone i hate to break it to you

2006-12-21 [kremit73]: then you you might have to go after a few guys

2006-12-21 [idyllicday]: *gasp!* THAT'S MY SISTER!!! don't tell her stuff like that...

2006-12-21 [sarcasticsigh.]: LMAO i was joking.....................NANI LIKE 2 DAYS OR SOMETHING!! MORE LIKE UHHHHHHH 17+24................41 HOURS... YEA THAT'S LIKE THE SAME AS 2 DAYS... whatever.... YAY i'm going with whoever comes and gets you to get you lol it might be sharon or mom.. if it's sharon you're hugging me first lol

2006-12-23 [idyllicday]: you made me sit at the bus stop...forever.....*sobs hysterically*

2006-12-25 [sarcasticsigh.]: yea.. you looked like a hobo lying on that bench

2006-12-26 [kremit73]: did you have the newspaper blanket goin' on, cause that would be hiliarious. ONE DAY, Dani what time you comin in to town?


2006-12-29 [sXe=clean punk]: im back!!!!!!!!! yay...

2006-12-31 [idyllicday]: yay. joking, i'm psyched are you psyched? YEAH!

2007-01-02 [sXe=clean punk]: wow....hyper huh?

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