Page name: Disciples of Soth XII [Exported view] [RSS]
2015-06-19 00:50:57
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Disciples of Soth XI

The next morning Sarah awoke with Galin still inside her and his breath against her neck. The sun was barely up and last night echoed in her mind, she would need a good plan to do his bidding. A short while after she woke she felt his hands touch her again, "Good morning, did you sleep well on your perch little bird?"

"More than well." Sarah smiled at Galin, Though she knew she would need to begin her planned friendship with Lily Ravenwood soon, perhaps even this very day. But for now she enjoyed her morning with Galin, she yawned covering her mouth. She was waking and knew he was certainly awake now.

Galin rolled her off of him and sat up, "I have things to attend to Sarah, but would you like to join me for a bath before breakfast? After that I will need to handle affairs of our friends." She knew he meant all those who served him both as Galin Ravenwood and as Lord Soth but only certain people knew that he was both.

"I would love to join you. Perhaps I can have lunch at the tavern today and speak again with Lily... It will keep me busy while you attend to business." Sarah smiled brightly sitting up on the edge of the bed and tossing her hair over her shoulder. Galin hadn't wanted her to trim it since she began to work for him? so she hadn't it was just above her rear end now so it was almost the same length as Alehials now.

Galin ordered breakfast and he and Sarah arrived to bathe, once in the water Galin took the sponge and washed Sarah fully. Taking a few liberties to taste her flesh and kiss her deeply before allowing her to wash him. "I commend you on your desire to see Lily today, but I will send a guildsman to go with you in case of any trouble. For without my most trusted advisor I would be lost."

Sarah blushed in a very feminine way, but she made sure to make the bath a very relaxing experience with maybe a quick fondle of tush or arms. "I will do my best today to make you proud." Sarah offered kissing his jawline as she scrubbed his chest.

As she washed Galin's hands began to tease her chest, "You always do a wonderful job in service to me Sarah. Do not worry though if this attempt does not work your punishment will be less severe than my other agents." he teased looking down while his hand slid between her legs. The memory of the night where she begged him to climax before passing out from too much pleasure. He would not be quite as mean but she might receive almost the same treatment if she failed. He only teased for a little bit though, they got out and dried off to eat breakfast and begin their day.

Sarah got dressed quickly and summoned the maid to help with her hair. Once she was dressed and ready she wanted to finish a few lessons of her self study before venturing out for a light lunch at Lily's tavern. Once she had finished her planned lessons for herself she got a hat to keep the heat from affecting her badly like it had last time and summoned the guard of the day to accompany her to the tavern. It was lunch time.

The guard was a young man not too much older than Sarah who took his job very seriously and kept his eyes on Sarah. "Do you wish me to remain outside when you go to lunch mistress?" He wore chain armor with a overlay indicating he was a member of Galin's guild.

"Perhaps inside but discreet. I'm afraid those who guard me and leave my side tend not to... have a very good day." Sarah said trying to be tactful, and it wasn't Galin that ruined their day. They always ended up dead, and she didn't know why she was always spared. But for lunch today with Lily she didn't want to lose yet another young man who was to guard her life.

"Of course mistress." the young man said as he opened the door for her. Once inside he headed to the bar where he could watch everything coming and going. It was his job to protect Lady Sarah and he did not want to fail Lord Galin.

Sarah ate and left the bar returning to the home she and Galin were staying at. Galin wasn't going to be happy with the news she was bringing him and her failure to get Lily Ravenwood to befriend her. That girl instead was trying to make an enemy out of Sarah and Galin and Sarah really didn't know what to do with the confrontational young Ravenwood. Still she had tried to make the younger woman listen to her. Hopefully Lord Galin would understand.

Galin was at his desk when Sarah arrived home, he was speaking directly through his ring to one of his Guild leaders. Several countries had expressed interest in Guilds to be in most of their major cities, and that pleased him to no end. He had also been in contact with Galadrid and a few of the Disciple leaders evil was flocking to that banner as well.

Sarah decided to wait until Lord Galin was finished with his work and conversations before entering and disturbing him with her bad news. After all he had many things going on he had to keep tabs on. He was a very important man now. So she smiled softly and retreated to the sitting room in the house. His men would let him know she had returned and she wouldn't feel like she was disturbing him that way as well.

Eventually Galin came into the sitting room and sat across from Sarah, "And how was your mission today my little dove?" Her guard had already informed him about Lily's blow-up and returning the pin to Sarah, Galin just wanted to see what she would tell him. Already he was planning his next move with his niece and her new friends, but Sarah would give him much needed information before he put anything into motion.

"It didn't go well... Lily has decided to try and cut all ties to the family... at least that's what she said about it. That she was happy where she was and what she was doing. She returned the pin as well. She said she wanted nothing to do with either of us either." Sarah said softly holding out the pin towards Galin. "I'm sorry... I think I may have made things worse..." She said softly looking a little worried at Galin, she had after all wanted to help him, and get to know his family. But things just didn't seem to be working out so well with her helping him.

Galin took the pin from her hand and dropped it onto the table near them then put his hand beside Sarah's face then trailed down to her neck. "It is unfortunate that your mission did not go as planned and that Lily rejected your offer of friendship." His other hand unlaced her bodice and he pulled her close and kissed her deeply as he wormed his hand inside to stroke her breasts. Once he stopped he grinned at her, "But then again I thought she might and it leaves you more time for our other pursuits." Without much of a warning he picked Sarah up and took her to the desk in the room and deposited her and began to lift her skirts. Lily was much like her parents and he already had a plan in place for when she refused his help.

Sarah's breath hitched as Galin unlaced her clothing, then moaned softly as he pulled her close and kissed her. "Well as long as I can help somehow." Sarah said a little breathlessly, as she smiled at him from the top of his desk. The clothing here was different but in a way simpler, three skirts... but no other under trappings. She had stopped wearing under garments long ago to please Galin, he liked to seduce Sarah... but when she was ready he just wanted to get things going. So she made it as easy for him to do as he liked, He was always so stressed it was the least she could do to take some stress off of him and let him relax a little. He was trying to change the world and she was glad to help him do that.

"Do you know why I keep both identities and those who serve me separate Sarah?" he asked even as he unlaced his pants and joined with her. He groaned feeling her body accept him into her depths, he truly enjoyed being like this with Sarah who almost worshiped him. "I feel the guild, you and Master Galin are the civil and gentle way of doing things." Slowly they began to come together and build both momentum and speed, "Lord Soth and his Disciples are the harder more 'real world' that is why if your olive branch does not work there are other ways." he explained to her as he leaned over to suckle her right nipple as he continued to have Sarah on his desk.

Sarah tried to show that she was paying the utmost attention to Galin but it was hard to concentrate on speaking and him speaking when they were joined. "I have all faith in you and your vision." Sarah moaned softly wrapping her legs around him even as he enjoyed her fully. She arched her back pleasantly as he suckled her breast. But know she understood him a little more, he wanted to be gentle and polite and embrace the people and the changes, but some people refused and fought so he had to be prepared. But it just made her feel more in awe of him as a man that he was able to balance all of this and continue his vision for the future.

It all played out in Galin's mind as he continued to thrust into Sarah, how his new friend's would attack and he and his men would rescue Lily and take her home. Alehial would be over-joyed and turn to Galin to rescue the child Xeph and before long it would be Lady Ravenwood moaning as his manhood pumped in and out of her body. All he needed was just a little more patience and Sarah would supply that her body and unfailing loyalty kept his drive for power in check. "Dearest Sarah, little dove do you wish me to spill inside you or do you hunger for my essence?" he asked as he kissed her neck and stroked her hips.

Sarah had orgasm-ed once already and it seemed Galin was in a very pleasant mood. So she wished to truly make him pleased. "I hunger for your taste." She moans her eyes hazy with the pleasure he had been giving her. Her own lips bright red from her nibbling on them, her cheeks flushed from their activity. He hadn't hinted at or even told her he would like her mouth but she knew he really enjoyed it, it was a favorite of his after all. She was all too happy to oblige him, after all he had taken her in when she was just a serving girl.

Galin continued until he was close to climax then let Sarah down from the desk and he held his manhood close to her mouth. Some women refused to do this and others enjoyed it immensely, he was glad that Sarah seemed to enjoy his essence and took it often. In a couple days he would put his plan for Lily in place and wait for everything to work out his way.

Sarah got to her knee's and took him into her mouth. Using her hands to stabilize herself holding onto his hips. She had gotten much better at the elven arts ever since her teacher, and Galin let her practice plenty too. So it was rather easy for her to swallow him down and milk him for his own pleasure. This always seemed to help ease him and help him with his work so she was happy to do it.

Disciples of Soth XIII

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