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Pagan Dictionary



FAE, FAERIE, FAERY, FAIRIE, FAIRY (Latin, fata: "fate"): A host of supernatural beings and spirits that occupy a limbo between earth and heaven. Both good and evil, faeries have at various times in history been blended and confused with Witches or Demons. Belief in faeries is ancient, dating back to pagan deities, and they exist in virtually all cultures. Faeries come in all shapes and sizes and specific types of faeries are known by different names including: brownie, elf, troll, gnome, pooka, kobold, leprechaun, and banshee. There are four principle theories as to the origins of faeries:

Faeries are the souls of the pagan dead. Being unbaptized, the shades are caught in a netherworld and are not bad enough to descend into hell nor good enough to rise into heaven.
Faeries are fallen angels. When God cast Lucifer from heaven, the angels who were loyal to Lucifer plunged down toward hell with him. But God raised his hand and stopped them in mid-flight, condemning them to remain where they were. Some were in the air, some in the earth, and some in the seas and rivers. This belief is widespread lore in Ireland, Scotland, and Scandinavia;
Faeries are nature spirits. Somewhat similar to the fallen-angel theory, this belief holds that fairies are among the many spirits that populate all things and places on the planet; 
Faeries are diminutive human beings. Evidence exists that small-statured races populated parts of Europe and the British Isles in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages, before the spread of the Celts. They lived in barrows and in shelters burrowed under hills and mounds. They were shy and hard-working and as the stronger races invaded they retreated into the woodlands to live secretive lives. They were pagan and continued to worship pagan deities. They were close to nature and had keen psychic senses;
Also known as Daoine Sí, Daoine Sídh, Daoine Sídhe, Deena Shee (the oral pronunciation of daoine sídhe), Fairie, Fairy.
FAERY FAITH: A pagan religion based on animism, the belief that everything in this and the Otherworlds is alive and the faery folklore.

FAERY RING: A natural mushroom fungus that grows in dark rings on grass and turf. The mushroom is inedible and animals tend to shun it. Faery rings are associated with natural magick. It is said that if one stands in the center of a fairy ring under a full moon and makes a wish, the wish will come true. If one wishes to see and hear the faeries, run around the faery ring nine times under the full moon. Superstition holds that it is unwise to enter a faery ring on Samhain or Beltain as the faery may take offense and carry the mortal to the other realm.

FAERY WICCA: A Wiccan Tradition incorporating the deities of the Welsh or Irish Faery Folk and drawing some theology from the Faery Faith.

FAIR LIGHT: A phosphorescent light seen in marsh and swamp areas, which in folklore is either the manifestation of a malicious lost soul or a death omen. Also known as Jack-O'-Lantern, Will-O'-the-Wisp, Corpse Light, Fox Fire, Fire Demon, Witch Fire. Akin to Corpse Candles, Dead Man's Candles, Fetch-Lights.

FAIRIE, FAIRY (Latin, fata: "fate"): A host of supernatural beings and spirits that occupy a limbo between earth and heaven. Both good and evil, faeries have at various times in history been blended and confused with Witches or Demons. Belief in faeries is ancient, dating back to pagan deities, and they exist in virtually all cultures. Faeries come in all shapes and sizes and specific types of faeries are known by different names including: brownie, elf, troll, gnome, pooka, kobold, leprechaun, and banshee. There are four principle theories as to the origins of faeries:

Faeries are the souls of the pagan dead. Being unbaptized, the shades are caught in a netherworld and are not bad enough to descend into hell nor good enough to rise into heaven.
Faeries are fallen angels. When God cast Lucifer from heaven, the angels who were loyal to Lucifer plunged down toward hell with him. But God raised his hand and stopped them in mid-flight, condemning them to remain where they were. Some were in the air, some in the earth, and some in the seas and rivers. This belief is widespread lore in Ireland, Scotland, and Scandinavia;
Faeries are nature spirits. Somewhat similar to the fallen-angel theory, this belief holds that fairies are among the many spirits that populate all things and places on the planet; 
Faeries are diminutive human beings. Evidence exists that small-statured races populated parts of Europe and the British Isles in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages, before the spread of the Celts. They lived in barrows and in shelters burrowed under hills and mounds. They were shy and hard-working and as the stronger races invaded they retreated into the woodlands to live secretive lives. They were pagan and continued to worship pagan deities. They were close to nature and had keen psychic senses;
Also known as Daoine Sí, Daoine Sídh, Daoine Sídhe, Deena Shee (the oral pronunciation of daoine sídhe), Fae, Faerie, Faery.
FAMILIAR: A spirit or guardian who is bonded to a human being and is a magickal partner and protector. Also known as Guardian Spirit, Power Animal, Tutelary Spirit, Totem, Totemic Animal.


An artificial elemental created for a particular function or purpose. Also known as Fetch; 
A natural entity whose order of being is similar to that of the Elementals, and who agrees to perform a specific immediate or long-term service for a person that is mutually beneficial.
FAMILY TRADITION WITCHCRAFT, FAMTRAD: A Tradition passed down within the family in an unbroken line and hence by hereditary descent. Many Family Tradition Witches do not consider their traditions Wiccan; some use the term Wicca to describe their family traditions because the beliefs and practices fit more or less closely with Gardnerian or Alexandrian Wicca. Also known as Hereditary Witchcraft.

FASCINATION: A mental effort to control another animal or person's mind, usually by changing their perception. It generally is simply altering the perception of the practitioners' physical appearance temporarily but it can also include changing emotional reactions. Fascinations are temporary and must be actively supported by the practitioner throughout the time they are in place. Also known as Glamour, Glamoury, Mind-bending.

FATE (Latin, fatum: "prophetic declaration): The power that determines the outcome of events before they occur or the inevitable event itself. Also called Destiny.

FATES, The: The three goddess in Greek and Roman mythology who control human destiny and life. Clotho spins the thread of life, Lachesis determines its length, and Atropos cuts it off.

FAUN (Latin, Faunus: "god of agriculture and flocks"): A minor class or Roman rural deities or nature spirits named after the god Faunus. Fauni (plural) are usually represented as having the body of a human (usually male), but the horns, pointed ears, tail, and hind legs of a goat.  Also known as Satyr.

FEAST OF APPLES: The November 1st Greater Sabbat celebrating the End and the Beginning of the Year with the final harvest. On this day the veil between the Otherworld and the World is thinnest and entities from either side may cross over or communicate with one another more easily. The laws of time and space are suspended. The sabbat marks the death of the Sun God and his passing into the Land of the Young, where He awaits rebirth through the Mother Goddess at Yule. The Dead travel to the Otherworld and it is the time to bring honor and hospitality to dead ancestors. Also known as Alhalwyn-tyd, Allantide, All Hallows Eve, All Hallows Tide, The Apple Time, Calan Gaeaf, Calan Gwaf, Feast of the Dead, Feast of Souls, Hallowmas, Hallows, Hallows Eve, Hallowe'en, Hollantide, Kala-Goañv, November Eve, Samain, Samhain, Samhuinn, Sauin. 

FEAST OF BÍLE: The May 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the beginning of the Light Half of the Year. Also known as Bealtaine, BealeTeine, Bealltuinn, Belltaine, Beltain, Beltaine, Beltane, Beltine, Bel-tine, Boaldyn, Cala' Me, Calan Mai, Calan Me, Cétshamain, Cyntefin, Dydd Calan Mai, Kala-Mae, Kala-Hañv, Lady Day, May Day, May Eve, Walpurgisnacht.

FEAST OF BREAD: The August 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the first harvest, when the fruits of the Earth are cut and stored for dark winter months. The sabbat also marks the weakening of the God as the days grow shorter. Also known as August Eve, Bilberry Sunday, Fraughan Sunday, Crom Dubh Sunday, Death of the God-King, Domhnach Chrom Dubh, Feast of Lug (Lugh), Festival of the First Fruits of Harvest, Festival of the Sacrifice and Death of the God-King, Garland Sunday, Laa Luanistyn, Laa Luanys, Lammas, Lammas Day, Lughnasa, Lughnasadh, Lugnasad, Lúnasa, Lúnasdain, Lúnasdal, Lúnasduinn, Martinmas, St. Martin's Eve. 

FEAST OF THE DEAD: The November 1st Greater Sabbat celebrating the End and the Beginning of the Year with the final harvest. On this day the veil between the Otherworld and the World is thinnest and entities from either side may cross over or communicate with one another more easily. The laws of time and space are suspended. The sabbat marks the death of the Sun God and his passing into the Land of the Young, where He awaits rebirth through the Mother Goddess at Yule. The Dead travel to the Otherworld and it is the time to bring honor and hospitality to dead ancestors. Also known as Alhalwyn-tyd, Allantide, All Hallows Eve, All Hallows Tide, The Apple Time, Calan Gaeaf, Calan Gwaf, Feast of Apples, Feast of Souls, Hallowmas, Hallows, Hallows Eve, Hallowe'en, Hollantide, Kala-Goañv, November Eve, Samain, Samhain, Samhuinn, Sauin. 

FEAST OF LUG(H): The August 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the first harvest, when the fruits of the Earth are cut and stored for dark winter months. The sabbat also marks the weakening of the God as the days grow shorter. Also known as August Eve, Bilberry Sunday, Fraughan Sunday, Crom Dubh Sunday, Death of the God-King, Domhnach Chrom Dubh, Feast of Bread, Festival of the First Fruits of Harvest, Festival of the Sacrifice and Death of the God-King, Garland Sunday, Laa Luanistyn, Laa Luanys, Lammas, Lammas Day, Lughnasa, Lughnasadh, Lugnasad, Lúnasa, Lúnasdain, Lúnasdal, Lúnasduinn, Martinmas, St. Martin's Eve. 

FEAST OF PAN: The February 1st Greater Sabbat marking the midpoint of the Dark Half of the year and a time of purification and sharing. This sabbat celebrates the Return of the Goddess from the Underworld, bearing in Her arms the Infant Sun, and the beginning of Spring as the slumbering seeds begin to stir within the womb of the Earth. Also known as Brigidmas, Brigit's Day, Candlemas, Feast of Torches, Feast of the Waxing Light, Festival of the Lactating Ewes, Gouel Varia ar Gouloù, Gwyl Ffraed, Gwyl Mair Dechrau'r Fwanwyn, Imbolc, Imbolg, Laa'l Breeshey, Lá Fheile Bride, Lupercalia, Oimealg, Oímealg, Oimelc, Óimelc, Oímelg.  

FEAST OF SOULS: The November 1st Greater Sabbat celebrating the End and the Beginning of the Year with the final harvest. On this day the veil between the Otherworld and the World is thinnest and entities from either side may cross over or communicate with one another more easily. The laws of time and space are suspended. The sabbat marks the death of the Sun God and his passing into the Land of the Young, where He awaits rebirth through the Mother Goddess at Yule. The Dead travel to the Otherworld and it is the time to bring honor and hospitality to dead ancestors. Also known as Alhalwyn-tyd, Allantide, All Hallows Eve, All Hallows Tide, The Apple Time, Calan Gaeaf, Calan Gwaf, Feast of Apples, Feast of the Dead, Hallowmas, Hallows, Hallows Eve, Hallowe'en, Hollantide, Kala-Goañv, November Eve, Samain, Samhain, Samhuinn, Sauin. 

FEAST OF TORCHES, FEAST OF THE WAXING LIGHT: The February 1st Greater Sabbat marking the midpoint of the Dark Half of the year and a time of purification and sharing. This sabbat celebrates the Return of the Goddess from the Underworld, bearing in Her arms the Infant Sun, and the beginning of Spring as the slumbering seeds begin to stir within the womb of the Earth. Also known as Brigidmas, Brigit's Day, Candlemas, Feast of Pan, Festival of the Lactating Ewes, Gouel Varia ar Gouloù, Gwyl Ffraed, Gwyl Mair Dechrau'r Fwanwyn, Imbolc, Imbolg, Laa'l Breeshey, Lá Fheile Bride, Lupercalia, Oimealg, Oímealg, Oimelc, Óimelc, Oímelg.  

FELL: Baneful (harmful, deathly, poisonous).

FENG SHUI (Chinese, feng shui: "wind and water"): The ancient Chinese practice of studying and following the natural currents of the Earth to ensure the proper alignment with them so that Qi is not disrupted. Feng Shui is used to determine the suitability and layout of homes, businesses, burial grounds and temples.

FERMENTATION: The fifth operation in alchemical transformation. Fermentation is the agitation or excitement of matter to create change. Denoted by the sign for Capricorn.

FESTIVAL OF THE FIRST-FRUITS OF HARVEST: The August 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the first harvest, when the fruits of the Earth are cut and stored for dark winter months. The sabbat also marks the weakening of the God as the days grow shorter. Also known as August Eve, Bilberry Sunday, Fraughan Sunday, Crom Dubh Sunday, Death of the God-King, Domhnach Chrom Dubh, Feast of Bread, Feast of Lug (Lugh), Festival of the Sacrifice and Death of the God-King, Garland Sunday, Laa Luanistyn, Laa Luanys, Lammas, Lammas Day, Lughnasa, Lughnasadh, Lugnasad, Lúnasa, Lúnasdain, Lúnasdal, Lúnasduinn, Martinmas, St. Martin's Eve. 

FESTIVAL OF THE LACTATING EWES: The February 1st Greater Sabbat marking the midpoint of the Dark Half of the year and a time of purification and sharing. This sabbat celebrates the Return of the Goddess from the Underworld, bearing in Her arms the Infant Sun, and the beginning of Spring as the slumbering seeds begin to stir within the womb of the Earth. Also known as Brigidmas, Brigit's Day, Candlemas, Feast of Pan, Feast of Torches, Feast of the Waxing Light, Gouel Varia ar Gouloù, Gwyl Ffraed, Gwyl Mair Dechrau'r Fwanwyn, Imbolc, Imbolg, Laa'l Breeshey, Lá Fheile Bride, Lupercalia, Oimealg, Oímealg, Oimelc, Óimelc, Oímelg.  

FESTIVAL OF THE SACRIFICE AND DEATH OF THE GOD-KING: The August 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the first harvest, when the fruits of the Earth are cut and stored for dark winter months. The sabbat also marks the weakening of the God as the days grow shorter. Also known as August Eve, Bilberry Sunday, Fraughan Sunday, Crom Dubh Sunday, Death of the God-King, Domhnach Chrom Dubh, Feast of Bread, Feast of Lug (Lugh), Festival of the First Fruits of Harvest, Garland Sunday, Laa Luanistyn, Laa Luanys, Lammas, Lammas Day, Lughnasa, Lughnasadh, Lugnasad, Lúnasa, Lúnasdain, Lúnasdal, Lúnasduinn, Martinmas, St. Martin's Eve. 


An artificial elemental created for a particular function or purpose. Also known as Familiar Spirit; 
 Irish term for an apparition of a living person that can portend death. Akin to a Wraith.
FETCH-LIGHTS: Mysterious lights that portend death. Also called Corpse Candles, Dead Man's Candles. Akin to Jack-O'-Lantern, Will-O'-the-Wisp, Corpse Light, Fair Light, Fire Demon, Fox Fire, Witch Fire.


 An object imbued with magickal power; 
An object consecrated to a particular deity.
FIERY CHAKRA, The: The sixth chakra located in the region of the fontanelle in the pituitary body. Also called Agni, Aginya, Ajina, Ajnakhya.

FILTRATION: The alchemical process of sifting material through a sieve or screen to separate the substance by size. Denoted by the sign of Sagittarius.

FIRE: The fourth element in traditions that acknowledge more than three elements. It is affiliated with spirit, transformation and animation. In traditions that correlate the elements with matter it is one of the four states of matter: plasma. In alchemy Fire is associated with the operation of Calcination and is represented by Lead.

FIRE DEMON: A phosphorescent light seen in marsh and swamp areas, which in folklore is either the manifestation of a malicious lost soul or a death omen. Also known as Jack-O'-Lantern, Will-O'-the-Wisp, Corpse Light, Fair Light, Fox Fire, Witch Fire. Akin to Corpse Candles, Dead Man's Candles, Fetch-Lights.

FIRE FESTIVALS: The festivals of Imbolc, Beltain, Lammas and Samhain, whose observance in ancient cultures generally predated that of the Quarter Days of the Solstices and Equinoxes These are considered the most important festivals of the years which form the "cross" in the wheel of the year and are the only sabbats celebrated in some traditions. Also known as the Greater Sabbats, Cross Quarter Days.

FIRESIGNS: The zodiac signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, all of which are associated with the element Fire.

FITH-FATH: A three-dimensional image of a person. The image can be made of any substance and is most commonly doll-size. Such an image is commonly attributed to harmful magick (burning an effigy in protest is still done by mobs today) but the image is most frequently used as a tool in healing using sympathetic magick. Also called an Effigy, Voodoo Doll.

FIVEFOLD KISS: A ritual kissing of five parts of the body, done in certain rites and ceremonies in Wicca or Witchcraft, such as handfasting. It is always done within a Magick Circle and is symbolic of the homage paid by the God and Goddess to each other. The fivefold kiss can be done man to woman or woman to man. The kisses may be given on the parts of the body, with arms and legs outstretched, that correspond to points of the pentacle: head, arms or hands, legs or feet. Or, eight kisses may be given on each foot, each knee, above the pubic hair, on each breast and on the lips. Each kiss is accompanied by a blessing.

FIXATION: The alchemical process of stabilizing a substance by depriving it of its ability to move to gas or liquid state so that it can be combined in solid form. It is denoted by the sign of Gemini.

FIXED SIGNS: Signs of the zodiac Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, which are believed to hold on to what they have and to resist change.

FLAME DANCING: Controlling a candle flame from a distance. It is often used as an exercise in magick with the ultimate goal of snuffing out the candle.

FOUR CORNERS, FOUR QUARTERS: Terms to describe the corresponding Direction, Color, Element, and Elemental at each point in a Magick Circle. Also known as Cardinal Points, Corners, Quarters, Watchtowers.

FOX FIRE: A phosphorescent light seen in marsh and swamp areas, which in folklore is either the manifestation of a malicious lost soul or a death omen. Also known as Jack-O'-Lantern, Will-O'-the-Wisp, Corpse Light, Fair Light, Fire Demon, Witch Fire. Akin to Corpse Candles, Dead Man's Candles, Fetch-Lights.

FRACTOMANCY: Divination by interpreting the structure of fractal geometric patterns.

FRAGARACH, FREAGARACH, FRECRAID (Irish, frecraid: "The Answerer"): The sword of Manannán mac Lir that could pierce any mail and whose every wound was fatal. It was brought by Lug Lámfhota from Tír na mBeó (the Land of the Living.) Also known as The Answerer.

FRAUGHAN SUNDAY: The August 1st Greater Sabbat that celebrates the first harvest, when the fruits of the Earth are cut and stored for dark winter months. The sabbat also marks the weakening of the God as the days grow shorter. Also known as August Eve, Bilberry Sunday, Crom Dubh Sunday, Death of the God-King, Domhnach Chrom Dubh, Feast of Bread, Feast of Lug (Lugh), Festival of the First Fruits of Harvest, Festival of the Sacrifice and Death of the God-King, Garland Sunday, Laa Luanistyn, Laa Luanys, Lammas, Lammas Day, Lughnasa, Lughnasadh, Lugnasad, Lúnasa, Lúnasdain, Lúnasdal, Lúnasduinn, Martinmas, St. Martin's Eve. 

FULL MOON: The phase of the moon when it has waxed fully and the whole disk reflects the sun's light. The full moon is considered to be a good time to draw strength for magickal workings in traditions that equate the moon with the Goddess.

FUM-HWANG: A mythological bird that consumed itself by fire every 500 years and recreated itself from the ashes as a newborn. Also known as Bennu, Fung-hwang, Ho-Ho, Kerkes, Phoenix.

FUMIGATE: To fill with, or expose to, smoke. The smoke is usually from burning incense in religious ceremonies.

FUNG-HWANG: A mythological bird that consumed itself by fire every 500 years and recreated itself from the ashes as a newborn. Also known as Bennu, Fung-hwang, Fum-hwang, Ho-Ho, Kerkes, Phoenix.

FU TSANG LUNG: The Chinese Treasure Dragon. The other three types of Chinese Dragons are:

T'ien Lung ( Celestial Dragon);
Ti Lung ( Earth Dragon);
Shen Lung or Kung Lung (Rain Dragon).
FUTHARK: The Norse runic alphabet often used in divination. Futhark is derived from the first six letters of the alphabet itself. There are actually two Futhark alphabets: the Elder Futhark and the Younger Futhark. The latter has fewer runes.


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