Page name: Fantasma Magic [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-04-13 06:42:24
Last author: Adaman
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Magic of the World


~:Fantasma Stones:~
Magic Stones of Æther.

~: Fantasma Elemental Magic :~
Fire, Water, Earth, & Air.

      Elemental Magic is the combat magic of choice. Though limited in their variety of use, their effectiveness far outweighs their limitations. Elemental Magic has a complex system of power to weakness, but can be used much like weaponry based purely on Actions and Mana use. Primarily available to all spellcasters, but best used by the Mancer Class as they have additional skills to compliment Elemental Magic use.

~: Fantasma Spirit Magic :~
Holy, Ghost, Chaos, & Evil.

      Spirit Magic is the high level magic of choice, providing extreme benefits and mass effect. This is the magic of Angels, Demons, and Aeons. Those that master it depend solely on their neutrality, and though these spells might not have the combative edge over Elemental Magic, Spirit magic does provide higher tier spells that are difficult to obtain but can exceed the standards of other magic types. Primarily available to all spellcasters, but best used by the Disciple Class as they will have a strong neutrality set and have additional chances to gain skills to further increase their neutrality in the direction they have chosen.

~: Fantasma Guild Magic :~
Illusion, Psyche, Enchantment, Voodoo, Exorcism, & Thaumaturgy.

      Guilded Magic is the choice if you prefer a list of spells with effects geared primarily towards indirection and have definite effects. Based on the tribes and nationalities of the chosen race, Guild Magic is best used by the races defined by the spell but are initially available to all spellcasters. Though Guild Magic does not provide a clear combative edge, they do provide many effects that can aid one in gaining that edge by increasing or producing items, weapons, and armor that potentially are unlimited in power. Most Guild magic spells are based on indirection, namely Power ups and Curses, but also spells that directly cause ailments instead of depending on a specific effect or encounter to occur.

(*Note: There is a magical effect that applies to all spellcasting called "Entropy". The more a similar type of Magic is used, the less effective it will be over the course of a battle. So depending on a single spell during a battle will degrade it to the point that it will use all your actions and mana to keep the same initial effect it had at the beginning.)

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2004-04-19 [Adaman]: New Summons added, Invocation and Deity Summon.

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