Page name: Featured Member Interviews - Romanshoes [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-06-24 17:44:59
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
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Featured Member Interviews - [Tolmeni]

Interview by [Linderel]

Subject: [Tolmeni]
Real name: Chloe. Which is, as my house says, an avatar of Demeter.
Age: 16
Occupation: I don't have a real job right now, but during the summers I slave away on various arty things. I'm currently homeschooling.
Place of living: Buffalo, New York, USA

Q: Your house says you live in Buffalo, New York, but where exactly is that? How do you like the place?
Buffalo is a Rust Belt city in the crotch of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. When I say "crotch", I am unfortunately not only referring to geographic location. As you come in from the skyway, you see what looks like the setting for a postapocalyptic movie. Once you get further in, it gets nicer, but there is an unavoidable patina of despair caking even the prettiest Frank Lloyd Wright building. In the summer it is ridiculously hot, and in the winters we get so much snow that polar bear-riding yetis colonize the parks. It's actually an okay place to live because of how cheap housing is (and because the bars close at four AM!), but there aren't a lot of jobs and for some reason the geniuses who built the subway system decided it should only go in a straight line from Buffalo State College to University of Buffalo. On the bright side, that means no pesky college students roaming our streets.

Q: What do you plan to do after you finish your current schooling?
I'm in high school now. I'm planning on going to go directly to college and majoring in either medieval studies, anthropology, archaeology, or (of course) theater. After that, I'm not sure what I'll do - depends on the major and grades that I've gotten. If I go for medieval studies or anthro/archaeology, I might try to pursue a Ph.D., or write a book, or just go around digging up poor medieval people who want nothing more to rot in piece.

Or, if I lose some weight and inhibitions, I might finish high school and start living in a carboard box in Hollywood, begging auditions from passing film producers. :)

Q: So, how did you come to join Elftown?
I joined Elftown through Elfwood, of which I am a member (and really need to update more often).

Q: What do you usually do while here?
I usually spend my time here making friends and browsing art.

Q: One would have to be blind to not notice you're into acting... How and when did you find this particular hobby?
Ah, the theater: my mistress and my whore. I started out in a class play when I was seven and managed to attract the attention of one of my parents' friends, who was formerly on Broadway. He kept my interest alive and though I didn't do anything big (too shy!), I kept going to acting classes and workshops and such. Two years ago, I snagged an internship at a Shakespeare festival that completely turned my world around by curing me of stage fright. You ever have your pants fall down in a middle of a scene that required you to run up and down stairs and balconies on an outdoor stage? And then remember all of your lines? And not completely explode from shame because 1,200 people have seen your undies? Yep, that was fun. So I don't have stage fright anymore and I'm currently the vice president of a youth theater company.

Q: Do you have any other prominent hobbies?
Other hobbies include reading, writing, attempting to produce "art", and reading. I write a lot but I tend not to finish anything, and I can speed-read with total comprehension. Seriously. I finished the last Harry Potter book in ninety-six minutes. Ask me anything about it.

Q: What are your favourite houses and wikis?
Favorite houses...gotta be [Yuriona] and [Mom] 'cause they've got pretty pictures. My favorite wiki is Not Alone because it's helped me through a lot.

Q: Any comments, critiques, or suggestions on a specific Elftown matter?
I am a slave to Elftown and have nothing but praise. I would not dare offer criticism!

Q: We all have a message to our fellow townsfolk, so what's yours?

Thanks for the interview, [Tolmeni]!


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