Page name: Gods little haters [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-10-01 19:07:34
Last author: Angelic nightmares
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# of watchers: 40
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Gods Little Haters




[snowwolfsa] Temp until Dead returns


[Angelic nightmares]




[Diiwica]/[de Morte]

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<img10*0:>1. All members(Besides the owners)will be deleted if they do not post multiple messages...and if we dont like them.

<img10*0:>2. If you want to join, just ask... We been having some problems with christians trying to force their thoughts on our wiki..and so we made a password.
About Joining, just send a message to either the owner, Admin, or Sheriff{s} and we'll gladly add you.

Thank you

<img10*0:> 4. If you see a member with a '*' next to their name, do not argue with them, they are basically Sheriffs.. and they will report you to me.

<img:>For all those who look down on Christianity, and the rest of those BIG religions. We here at 'Gods Little Haters,' see how the world uses these religions to force their influence on other people.

Here are some topics to help you along:

1. Religious wars - Almost every war is started over some stupid conflict with God or Allah.

2. Puritans - Why do these fuckers have to always try to scare us into their Religion? If people didn't convert, they press, drown, or burn them at the stake.

3. Our religions - Are our religions more reasonable?

4. History - The history of religions and the conflicts between them.

This is our Kindling for the fire..

All advertisments have been moved to Advertisement Area

Now discuss!

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2010-04-13 [Fenier]: to bad the good games are going online now

2010-04-13 [Mortified Penguin]: I gots me a ps3. Free online gaming, son... *eats ramen*...

2010-04-13 [Fenier]: it still sucks that they are makeing most of the games only playable online *what happend to all the stand alone games*

2010-04-13 [Diiwica]: They died and ate your soul

2010-04-13 [Mortified Penguin]: What games are only playable online? I'm pretty sure they all have some sort of non-online storyline you can play...

2010-04-13 [de Morte]: Some games are good solo or online.

2010-04-13 [Fenier]: not very many

2010-04-14 [snowwolfsa]: holy shit people are talking! lol the wiki's been inactive for quite some time

2010-04-14 [Fenier]: thats true

2011-01-12 [de Morte]: boo

2011-01-16 [Xorital]: bawls

2011-01-16 [de Morte]: lol

2011-04-22 [EmeraldGrizzly]: Hello all ;)

2011-04-22 [de Morte]: Hello!

2011-09-12 [dead~spirit]: Im done resting, im done pretending, im done hiding, im done fighting whats really me. This is not me this just a fake. break me roughly and let the pieces shatter until theres nothing left because this life is cheap glass, and im done

2011-09-26 [Sagacious Turkey]: Okie doke. Anything else?

2012-07-11 [dead~spirit]: nope

2012-07-11 [Mortified Penguin]: Cool story, bro.

2012-07-12 [de Morte]: Not much going on here it seems...

2012-07-12 [dead~spirit]: Thats whats going on..oh ya...

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