Page name: HaRPy! Rules [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-03-09 13:26:06
Last author: Chimes
Owner: Chimes
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Hello again dearest HaRPy! lovers. I see you wish entry to our prestigious guild of roleplayers and their finest works; well I am here to tell you it is very possible, in fact I’d ask that you did join. There are rules however and things that must be done before you can join, oh yes. So bear with me and pin back your ears, here we go...


To Join:
              1. At least one of the Elite members of the guild must know you’re a talented roleplayer, be this through you taking part in one of their roleplays or them in one of yours. HaRPy! is a guild for Rp lovers, not people who don’t care.
              2. If for some reason we don’t know you or your work you can submit a piece or link us to one of your Roleplays or one you are in, but we reserve the right to say no.
              3. Personal message myself, [Barock] or leave a comment on our main page, HaRPy! to request membership, we will then consider you :-)

That’s pretty much it on joining, we’ve just got to like and respect your Rping prowess is all :-) It sounds mean but once you’re in there are plenty of perks!


Now, the in-guild rules are as follows:
          1. Be nice to all guild members, a basic rule to begin with but HaRPy! is a place for like-minded people to meet and talk, not shout and scream. We’ll remove people who we think are unduly cruel. You have been warned! :-O
2. Respect the judgement of the Elite, that doesn’t mean you have to like it but we want what’s best for the guild.
          3. Try and be in more than your own Rp. This isn’t a killable offence, but the guilds purpose is getting you and other Roleplay writers players, so if you’re here try and be active in our featured Roleplays :-).
          4. Comment and talk with everyone. Most of the time we will want ALL guildies opinions on things, so speak your mind (there’s a difference between having a difference of opinion and talking about it and insulting people for thinking different from you, think about it ;-) )
          5. Do try and submit an Rp if you have one, not all will be accepted as we have limited space, BUT for HaRPy! to expand we need everyone’s help!


So that’s it for in-guild rules. Easy, eh? I thought you’d think so! Right, here’s some more on submitting us an Rp, these are just as important so do read! Ignorance isn’t an excuse.

Here are the Rp submission rules:
          1. Your Rp will fit into two different sets of categories, please make these clear when you submit. These are, Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Mod-Fic (Modern Fiction, so anything to do with real life) there are of course hybrids in rare cases. The other set of categories to make clear to us is whether your Rp is Exclusive to HaRPy! members, whether it’s Free to anyone or whether it’s invite only.
          2. You can submit the Rp via personal message preferably to me [Barock], the Guild-Master or you can post it in the comments section of the main HaRPy! page. Please be patient once you have, as we’ll then discuss it on a private page and decide.
          3. You MUST accept that not every Rp can be on the HaRPy! network and if we decide against yours it simply means it doesn’t meet OUR criteria, I’m sure it’s a superb Rp :-)


So, that brings us to a close, remember those rules and you can’t go far wrong. I look forwards to seeing you join the ranks of our HaRPy! fledglings!

                                         [Barock] – Guild-Master by day, student by night :-O


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2009-03-06 [Duke Devlin]: I love that there are no rules here.. XD

2009-03-06 [Chimes]: :P Blame [Barock]. :P

2009-03-07 [Duke Devlin]: I did!

2009-03-09 [Chimes]: @[Barock]: Yay! <3

2009-03-09 [Barock]: Tch, blame blame blame. I'm a busy boy! :) Done now though. I am SURE [Chimes] will edit that maddly though :P

2009-03-09 [Chimes]: Only a little :P For now I will fix a link. :P

2009-03-09 [Chimes]: Okay... so two links and a dash... :P

2009-03-09 [Barock]: Well that's impressive :P They're okay then? I couldnt think of much else!

2009-03-09 [Barock]: Oh wait, amend that, I added one :)

2009-03-09 [Chimes]: They could message any one of the Elite :P Technically.

2009-03-09 [Barock]: I know :-) I just like to be special xD edit it if you want.

2009-03-09 [Chimes]: I'm in college so... if I edit at all it'll be later. :P But it looks alright... I may gremlin it a bit later though.

2009-03-09 [Barock]: Yeah, my spelling a gramamr isn't great first time throgh, especcially when i touch type. :)

2009-03-09 [Barock]: We're on the Rp page now you know?

2009-03-09 [Chimes]: Whut? *is confused*

2009-03-09 [Barock]: The wiki with all the Rp's on it :) We'reint eh guild section, how neat?

2009-03-09 [Chimes]: You need to fix your typing. :P
Oh yeah, I know. I put us there :P If you mean Text Adventures.

2009-03-09 [Barock]: I do indeed ^_^

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