Page name: Jellial Steelheart [Exported view] [RSS]
2014-08-03 06:39:59
Last author: twitchboy
Owner: twitchboy
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Name:Jellial Steelheart
Kingdom Born in: Wonderland
Kingdom where loyalty is: Allies of Wonderland
Good/Bad Guy: Good
Personality: At most times Jellial is a free spirited man. He is slow to judge but quick to anger and usually simply the one who gives out and is the joke. However, when it comes to his mission he is as serious as can be, never stopping for anything that stands in his way to his goal. If he ever comes in contact with anything related to the Queen of Hearts he has a hard time controlling himself and will do his best to obliterate it. Otherwise, he is a flirtatious goof off.
Description: He is a athletically built male with stunning blue eyes and blonde hair. He wears his countries latest armor and wears.
History: After the Queen of Hearts fell, the branch royal family, the Steelhearts, long removed from the lineage by generations, were encouraged to the throne by the inhabitants of Wonderland. His parents ruled for a handful of years as Jellial grew into a young man. Under their guidance the kingdom grew to prosper, establishing trade and relations with kingdoms long since removed under the Hearts. That all changed when Jellial turned 17. The Queen of hearts still lived on, but only in spirit. Her vengeful soul collected more and more hate for the prosperity of the kingdom until it manifested into a curse that emanated from within her now tangible form, decaying all around her. She swore from then on, if she could not have Wonderland, no one could. The darkness spread to every edge of the kingdom's domain, withering, decaying, and destroying all it touched. Jellial's parents were able to whisk the boy away from harm with the help of the mad hatter escaping the tendrils of death. From there he wandered longing for his family and friends until he came across the Cheshire cat. He was an odd fellow speaking in rhyme and riddles. He said "The queens wrath could not be absolute. She could be defeated once again, this he could not refute. A sword a black as her heart, to split her and her powers apart. But he needs something to give him life, to protect him from her strife. Something the queen never had, the love of another to shield his heart from the bad."
He had no idea what the cat meant for it disappeared right after its riddle. The best he could guess was he needed a sword of the darkest night, and love or something? He now travels the kingdoms as a fallen prince looking for anything to bring life back to his kingdom.

Go back to a book Of Miss Guided Fairytales

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2014-07-29 [Eyden13]: Can you just add a tad bit more to the personality section and you should be good to go.

2014-07-30 [Eyden13]: Good to go. I'm adding you know and you can start whenever. Let me know if you need help figuring out were to start.

2014-07-30 [twitchboy]: suggestions?

2014-07-30 [Eyden13]: Red Palace:I've got two characters alone 
fairy godmother forest: there are two other players there
Bell, The Inner City: I and another player are here
Fin, Outer City: I and another player are here as well.

2014-07-31 [Kbird]: Is the Cheshire cat an escapee of wonderland too?

2014-07-31 [Eyden13]: Would you want to make a character of him?

2014-07-31 [Kbird]: I'm not good with riddles so not him, but maybe a child of his?

2014-08-03 [twitchboy]: I would assume he could escape wonderland and its curse when ever he likes being like super extra dimensional

2014-08-03 [Kbird]: most likely, he's awesome like that XP

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