Page name: Lord of the Pants [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-06-13 07:27:59
Last author: melcinitan
Owner: Linn Scarlett
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Lord of the Pants

Ok. Here is the deal!
You take a random Lord of the Rings quote, and you put the word 'pants' or the verb 'to pant' somewhere in the quote, making it ridiculous and Tolkien wanting to turn in his grave.
Isnt that hard, now is it?
So feel free to add your obsessive humor.
~[Linn Scarlett]

Pants pledge allegiance
Ofcourse, every faith and believe needs his own pledge here is mine and Linn's version of the Pants pledge allegiance:
"I pledge allegiance to the Pants of the Fellowship of Middle Earth and to the Quest, for which it stands, one mission under Illúvatar, divisible, with swords and candy for all!"
Don't forget to say the pledge allegiance before you all go to bed, little children *grin*
~ [Torn blue jeans]

"There is in her and in this pants, no evil, unless a man bring it hither himself.
Then let him beware!" Aragorn speaking of Galadriel, by little Ann

Back to LotR Parody
If you do not understand what 'Bory' 'TTT' 'Fara' etc means, then go to the Name Explanations

List of Obsessed Quoters:
[Linn Scarlett]
[Torn blue jeans] (sometimes known as Lann)
[Little Ann IS GONE]
[Tanzi Took]

The Quotes so far

-"May the Lord of the black Pants come forth" ~Gorn, RotK, by Linn
-"Have you ever seen it Aragorn? The white pants of Ecthalion?" ~Bory, TTT, by Linn
-"You have my pants" ~Gorn,FotR, by Lann
-"Strangers from distand lands, pants of old"~Elry,FotR
-"Long has my father, the steward of gondor, kept enemy pants at bay"~Bory,FotR, by Linn

-"By the blood, of our people, your pants are kept save!"~Bory,FotR, by Linn
-"I must say, the courtesy of your pants has somewhat lessend of late, Theoden King"~Gandalf, FotR, by Lann
-"...the hobbit has shown extrodinairy resilliance to the pants"~Elry,FotR, by Lann
-"Men are weak, divided, pantsless!"~Elry,FotR, by Linn
-"Will you look into the pants?"~Galad,FotR, by Linn

-"...where is Gandalf? For i much disire to pant him"~Celeb,FotR, by Linn
-"Frodo, bring forth, the pants!"~Elry,FotR, by Lann
-"Where is the woman, who gave you that pants?"~Eow,TTT, by Linn
-"Than i shall pant as one of them!"~Gorny,TTT, by Linn
-"The Argonath, long have i wished to look upon those kings of old, my pants!"~Gorny, FotR, by Linn

-"A red pants is rising, blood has been spilled this night"~Legsy, TTT, by Lann
-"An elf goes pants, where a dwarf dares not?!"~Gim,RotK, by Lann
-"The men would follow you to your pants, you gave us hope"~Eow, RotK, by Linn
-"Ah, young panter Gandalf!" ~Treebeard, RotK, by iippo
-"He is no mere Ranger, he is Aragorn, son of Arathorn, you ow him your pants!"~Lex, FotR, by Linn

-"The blade that cut the pants from sauron ('s finger) "~Bory, FotR, by Linn
-"A secret now that only pants can tell" ~Gandalf, FotR, by Mlinn
-"goodnight pants"~Frodo, FotR, by Mlinn
-"smoke rises from the pants, the hour goes late...etcetera"~Saruman, FotR, by Mlinn
-"So the pants of power has been found"~Saruman, FotR, by Mlinn

-"Shall I pant it to you or do you wish me to get you pants?" ~Legolas, TTT by iippo
-"You've left out a key character: Samwise the Pantless" Frodo, either TTT or FotR (can't recall) by iippo
"-And you are his bodyguard?
-His pants." Faramir n Sam in... (crap, I never rememebr wich film!) er, TTT? by iippo
-"We're hobbits! Halfpants! Pant-folk!" Merri in (aargh, I'll go mad!) erm, TTT? by iippo
"-You know athaleas? Kingsword?
-Aye, that's a pant" Strider n Sam in (hah, this one I remember) FotR, by iippo

-"There is one who could unite them, one who could reclaim the Pants of Gondor"~Gandalf, FotR, by Linn
-"...they were once pants..."~Gorny, FotR, by Linn
-"Give up the pants, she-elf!"~Witch-King, FotR, by Linn
-"The pants belongs to me, it should have been mine!"~Bory, FotR, by Linn
-"I looked into your futur, and i saw pants"~Elry, RotK, by Linn

-"The Dwarf is so loud we could have pantsed him in the dark"~ Haldir,FotR, by The Spirit Mage Crystalwind
-"Since you're robbed of Boromir, i will do what i can, in his pants"~Mirty, RotK, by Linn
-"What does your pants tell you?"~Gorny, RotK, by Linn
-"You love but a pants and a fool, i cannot give you what you seek"~Gorny ditching Eowyn, RotK, by Linn
-"May the best panter win!"~Gim, RotK, by Linn

-"Not idly do the pants of Lorien fall"~Horny-gorny, TTT, by Linn
-"Gimli! Lower your pants!"Gorny again, TTT, by Linn
-"I told you to take the wizards pants!"~Grima, TTT, by Linn
-"They were unarmed, they had no pants"~Eowyn, TTT, by Linn
-"It is an army bred for a single purpose, to destroy the pants of men"~Gorny, TTT, by Linn

-"The pants HAVE to hold"~Gandalf, TTT, by Linn
-"From the pants a fire shall be woken,
A light from the pants shall spring;
Renewed shall be pants that was broken:
The pantsless again shall be king."~Bilbo, TTT, by little Ann
-"You have entered the pants of the lady of the wood, you cannot turn back"~Hally, FotR, by Linn
-"Stay out of my pants you young devils"~Farmer Maggot, Extended FotR, by Linn
-"The pants of Saruman are not lightly thrown aside..."~Saruman, FotR, by Linn

-"This is beyond my skills, he needs elvish pants"~Gorny, FotR, by Linn
-"Farewell, and may the pants of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you.
May the stars shine upon your pants!" ~Elrond, by little Ann
-"I will diminish, and go into the pants
and remain Galadriel"~ Galadriel, FotR, by little Ann
-"Gondor! Gondor!" cried Aragorn.
"Would that I looked on you again in happier pants!" ~by little Ann
-"One pants to rule them all, One pants to find them, one pants to bring them all and into darkness bind them"~Narrator, FotR, by Linn

"Hey you!" he said roughly. "What are you up to?"
"Nothing, nothing.", said Gollum softly. "Nice pants!" - Gollum, RoTK, by Little Ann

Very nice pants, O yes my precious, very nice." - again Gollum, by little Ann
"Here is the pants of Galadriel," she said. "I have brought you here
so that you may look in it, if you will." Galadriel, by Little Ann
"Don't you go taking advantage of my pants because his servant's
no better than a fool" Sam to Faramir, by Little Ann
"Sneaking, sneaking!" he hissed. "Hobbits always so polite, yes O nice Hobbits! Sméagol brings them up secret pants that nobody else could find." Gollum, can't get enough ^_^, by little Ann

"Gondor has no pants, Gondor needs no pants." Bory, Fotr, by [star_warrior20]
"You shall be the fellowship, of the Pants"~Elro, FotR, by Linn
"What's this, a ranger pulled off his pants?"~Arw, FotR, by Linn
*bor while looking in Mr.Frodo's pants* "It is a strange faith that we suffer so much for so little a thing...such a small thing"~Bory, FotR, by Linn

"Well, what can I say.. Life in the wide world goes on, much as it has this past age. Hardly aware of the existence of pants, for which I'm... very thankful.." ~Gandy, FotR, by Llyse

"History became underpaths, underpants became pants,
and for two-and-a-half thousand years,
the Überpants passed out of all underpants."~Galad, FotR, by Lann/Roser

"It comes in pants?!"~Pip, FotR, by Lann/Roser

"He's one of them Rangerpants, dangerous folk they are, wanderin' the pants.
What his right name is I've never 'eard, but 'round here he's known as 'Überpants'"~Barkeeper?, FotR, by Roser

"But Frodo the Ringwraith
aims his Morgul blade...and Frodo is the Witch-Panths!"~Narrator, FotR, by Roser

"You need people of intelligence on
this sort of pants, quest, thing"~Pip, TTT, by Roser

"Well, that pants you out Pip"~Merry, TTT, by Roser

"I do not think we should so lightly abandon the outer pants..." Denethor, ROTK, by Linn

"And the pants came into the hands of the creature gollem, who took it deep into the Misty Mountains" Narrator -its Galad! i just found out!- ,FOTK, by Linn

"Now come the days of the pants...let them be blessed" Gandalf, ROTK, by Linn

"This day does not belong to one pants but to all! That we may chare them in the Days of Peace" Gorny with naughty ideas, ROTK, by Linn

"There once excisted an alliance between Pants and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. We came to honor that allegiance."
(Horny): "Mae govannen, Haldir. Your pants are most welcome."
"Pants are proud to fight alongside Men once more."~Haldier (He's my fav.! Oh and his pants are my fav. too XD), TTT, by Roser

"This is it"
(Frodo): "This is what?"
"If I take one step further it would be the fardest way from pants I've ever been..."~Sam, FotR, by Roser

"What's pants precious, what's pants eh?"
"PANTS! Boil em mash em stick em in a stew!"~Sam and Gollum, TTT, by Tanzi Took

"Evil pants hurts us!" Gollum, TTT, by Lithiel_Anwamane

"Many pants, small chance of survival...waht are we waiting for?!" `Gimli in RotK, going to the Black Gate, by Linn

"I smell it in my pants" Galad in Fotr, The Prologue, by Melcinitan

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2005-04-11 [Linn Scarlett]: well feel free

2005-04-11 [iippo]: I actually suck at this game.

2005-04-13 [Torn blue jeans]: Lol, then don't complain about it I guess.

2005-04-13 [iippo]: Non, I love to read it. But I can't remember the quotes, too long since I watched filmies...

2005-04-13 [Torn blue jeans]: Ah okay :) lol, me neither. Unless Linn forces me to watch them, she always does that once in a while ;) *lol* just kidding :)

2005-04-13 [Linn Scarlett]: yeah and tiem and i am going to hold an EE party soon, and pete is comming and he demanded that you came aswell

2005-04-13 [iippo]: I would love to! ^_^

2005-04-13 [Torn blue jeans]: *hides under her desk* who? I see nobody peet's demanding...XD

2005-04-14 [Linn Scarlett]: yes he demanded you roser :P ---dont you live like: miles away iippo?

2005-04-14 [iippo]: That depends how far you live. I mean, I'm just 1 cm away from myself.

2005-04-14 [Linn Scarlett]: iam in the netherlands...

2005-04-14 [iippo]: Well........... fine then, be there! *is all offended and runs away crying*

2005-04-15 [Linn Scarlett]: hey you can come if you like :P

2005-04-16 [iippo]: Everyone, join the bestest art-contest: done in paint. I know you all want to.

2005-04-16 [Torn blue jeans]: He did not! *lol* He demanded me, when me wasn't me. It's not fair! Nah I'll come anyway, somebody should play the party crusher XD

2005-04-16 [Torn blue jeans]: I'm in the Netherlands too!! :P lol

2005-04-16 [Torn blue jeans]: Yup, we all want to, not quite sure you want everbody to join too though :P

2005-04-17 [Linn Scarlett]: hmmm good point lee :P

2005-04-17 [Torn blue jeans]: I know :P *evil laugh*

2005-04-17 [Linn Scarlett]: lol

2006-06-12 [Linn Scarlett]: oh dear

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