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Modern Magic 16

When she returned to get Sam and Mr. Archer's order she had the look of a parent who was about to pass out peanut butter sandwiches if their was one more argument about dinner. "The Lancelots, Ryan and a few others want food from The Junction NYC. Bors and the rest would rather Nobu Fifty Seven." she announced sitting in the chair across from Sam. "Mr. Archer is on a phone call right now, so I need to wait for him and of course your order."

Sam giggled, “Sireen, you’re amazing. I would like to try Nobu.” She pulled up her phone to look at the menu then told Sireen her order. “Before you go, please notify Ryan I would like to see him please. Immediately.”

Sireen took out her phone and typed out a quick message and within a few seconds got a reply. "He will be right up, he is finishing up his turn in the gauntlet." she said standing up and heading to the door.

“Thank you.” Sam said as she laid down her phone. Looking at her desk she saw things that she was sure belonged to Theodore. “Was this his office before mine?” She asked as she pointed to a large picture on the wall of Theodore.

Sireen nodded and stopped and walked to several of the pictures. "Here is Theodore with a group of doctors, Fleming, Salk, Crik, Watson and Wilkins. This one is him with Nelson Mandela, and the Elders." Sam noted among the Elders were Desmund Tutu and Jimmy Carter among other important people in politics and humanitarianism. "And this was one of his favorites." Sireen pointed to Theodore standing with Princess Diana, Elton John, Bono and Tom Hanks. It looked like to Sam if the person did something good, there might be a picture of them with Theodore.

Sam was in awe, “That is so cool!” She spun the chair around as she moved picture to picture. She looked then to her desk, a name placard was on her desk that read her name. Her eyes went to the pictures again and she felt an over powering feeling of appreciation. “Sireen, you know I never knew he would leave all this to me? I just always loved spending time with him and mom and dad would let me all the time.”

"He tried his best to find a balance between the responsibilities of Emrys and his family. The day he heard your name as the next, he was both hopeful for what you could do and fearful because of the dangers that came with your power." Sireen told her. "It is my hope and suggestion that some of the work he did continue. Feeding the poor, finding homes for the homeless and helping cure diseases for the sick are all worthwhile pursuits."

Sam looked at her a long moment, “Right now that seems like something very hard to accomplish.” She told her but then pulled her chair into the desk. “But it’s something I feel I can manage, even if it’s later.”

Sireen nodded and smiled, "Shall lunch be in the conference room or do you have somewhere else in mind?"

“The conference room will do just fine.” Sam replied. Her hands ran along the edge of the desk and she looked away from Sireen. Her eyes searched the large oak desk for memories of Theodore. “Thank you Sireen. You’re dismissed to do as you need.” She said low.

Sam had most of the morning to herself until Mr. Archer knocked on her door, "Do you have a few moments Samantha?" He was in a dark brown suit and his dark rimmed glasses and Sam had to wonder how long he had been in the wheelchair.

“Sure, come on in. All I’m doing is surfing the internet.” She outreached a hand to the open space in her room in front of her. “I don’t know what to do in this huge office yet.”

Mr. Archer chuckled, "Theodore never quite knew what to do in here either, it was Ryan's grandfather who designed the this facility for Emrys and The Table. More often than not he would entertain people at his house. Or go to them, in the cases or Nelson Mandela or Desmund Tutu." he pointed out turning his chair and pointing out the pictures. "I wished that there had been a picture here of him with Mother Theresa, but he had been rather firm on not having anyone realize he funded a great deal of her work. Thus no photographers." he pointed out with a small grin.

Sam smiled, “I get the feeling that Theodore done some very good deeds and didn’t like the attention.” Sam said.

"Some of the foundations he helped, he would make sign NDA's on his donations. Otherwise we would make the donations more discreetly through shell companies and grants. Twofold reasons, one Modred would go after those who were benefiting from our help. And two it would be harder to do the work of The Table with so many eyes watching his movements."

Sam nodded her understanding, “I see how that could be a problem for the Table and even the Knights. But, what did you need to see me about? I feel it’s important.”

"Just wanting to make myself available to you should the need arise." he replied folding his hands onto his lap.

“I think I’m just overwhelmed at the moment.” She tapped her fingers on the desk. “I just don’t know exactly what to do.” Sam said to him.

"Don't rush into anything, just look around and see where you want to apply yourself to." Archer said giving her another smile and nod.
“Well I want to do as important things as Theodore had. I just don’t know where or how to start.” Sam said with a sigh.

Archer rolled near Sam and put his hand on hers, "Theodore had the mantle of Emrys for nearly a decade before he found his first way to help humanity. Before that the knights had fought fifteen separate times to defend him. At the cost of two knight's lives and another's ability to walk. You will do great things, he knew it and I believe it with ever fiber of my being."

Sam smiled and nodded, “Thank you Mr. Archer. That makes me feel better about the situation.” She leaned back in her chair some and looked at Mr. Archer, “You know I never expected this from Theodore. I never thought in a million years that I would be here doing this.”

"Most of the Emrys's kept their families away from this fight, unless their family were to become the next Emrys." he explained.

Another nod she gave, “I understand. That would be the best.” Sam relied.

Archer nodded, "Might I make a suggestion to you?"

“Sure!” Sam sat forward eager to hear his words. Anything was better than just sitting here twiddling her thumbs over her phone. 

"Get out of the office." he said quietly, "Go do something fun and dare I say not like you. Take at least one knight to protect you in case. But, get away from all this for a few days. It might show you something to focus the magic and efforts of Emrys towards."

“Something not like me? So….” Sam thought hard a moment. “I don’t know what I would do. I don’t like rock climbing, so something like that?” She joked.

"Maybe a little tamer, how about a musical group you enjoy? There are festivals all over the world. Go and be part of one, see the people and the sights. Know what it is that Emrys protects." he said with a slight chuckle.

“Go see the sights and sounds, got it.” She gave a wink. “I’ll plan that now.” She smiled and looked at her phone to see what was going down around her.

Putting a hand over her's he smiled, "Don't think about what is going on in New York. Think bigger, you have access to a plane and a lot of money for tickets. We protect the world, go and see that." he said before rolling out of her office.

What he said before leaving was true. She broadened her search and found her favorite band playing in Paris. A place she always had wanted to visit. She looked and looked for the best ticket option and found one but it want cheap, it was floor tickets next to the stage and a meet and greet. She was finishing booking when she looked up at the door and took a moment to realize what she was doing.

A few short minutes later Sireen came back into her office, "I see you have scheduled tickets for an upcoming concert in Paris. I will schedule the jet as per usual from JFK to Charles de Gaulle, and where would you like to stay? The Four Seasons will make the Penthouse or the Presidential Suite available on short notice. And will you be going alone or with a retinue?" she asked getting all the details marked out for Sam's trip.

Sam smiled, “The penthouse would be nice. Also I’ll be going alone with one of the Knights, Ryan.”

Sireen punched in a couple things, "The Penthouse suite is a single bed, king sized. Should I schedule a separate room for him?" Her tone wasn't judging or anything, just very business oriented. "Also, would you like someone to show you around the city? It's very helpful from time to time."

Samantha swallowed hard but quickly responded, “The one room is fine but request a roll out bed to be added to our room.” She put a finger to her lip and looked at Sireen. “A guild might be nice.”

Sireen made a couple notes, "Jean-François Hauet is a local guide we have used before and is very good. A little older than you but is well sought after for tourist groups as well as international business. And The Four Seasons, Penthouse suite has a sofa bed as well as the king size in the master bedroom."

“Thank you, Sireen. The concert is in a few days.” She reminded her. She whirled the chair one direction and stood. “Is lunch ready?” She asked.

"It just arrived and the law firm is signing for it then will bring it down." Sireen said. "I will summon everyone to the conference room to eat."

Taking a few steps toward the pictures hung on the wall, she looked to Sireen. Her body turned slightly, “I requested that Ryan come see me. Did he forget or refuse my company?”

"I was unaware of your request." Sireen said, "I have not seen knight Gwain since taking you to the training facility. All of the knights have since completed their sessions and cleaned up. Do you wish for me to have them gather in the conference room and knight Gwain to report here?"

“Yes for now then when lunch is ready for us we will be in the conference room.” She went to the next picture on the wall and examined it.

The picture was dated 1984 and Sam had to look twice as she saw Theodore in the picture with several of the recording artists including Michael Jackson for We are the World.

Her eyes widened and she shook her head in disbelief. Her life was about to change in a huge way and she hoped she would do as good as Theodore had. Moving through the pictures she found more and more about Theodore.

She heard a polite knock at her office door and when it opened Ryan poked his head inside, "You wanted to see me?"

Samantha turned and offered a smile to Ryan. “Please come in and sit.” She offered him the chair in front of her desk. “I wanted to speak with you about a trip I’m taking and wish for you to join me.”

"Sure." he said taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of her desk. Ryan was dressed in business casual with a button up shirt without a tie, a stark difference to earlier.

Samantha again smiled, “I was hoping it wouldn’t be an issue. We leave Thursday to Paris.” She told him.

He nodded, "What's in Paris?"

“My all time favorite band, I’ve never seen them in concert.” She told him with a smile.

Ryan nodded, "So, I need to set up a flight plan to the airport in Paris and how many are going with us?"

“Sireen has started on this but it will just be you and me.” She replied to him. “Get your affairs in order and be ready to leave Thursday morning around 8.” She smiled at him.

Ryan nodded and went to say something else when the intercom on her desk buzzed, "Emrys, lunch is ready in the conference room."

Sam smiled, “Thank you.” She replied. She looked to Ryan, “Anything you would like to discuss?” She asked.

"I do not suppose so, I look forward to finding out about your favorite kind of music." Ryan said with a smile. "After you Sam." he said opening the door for her.

“You will enjoy it. I’m not a metal head or anything like that.” She gave a laugh as she passed through the door. As they headed toward the conference room. “What kind of music do you like?” She asked as the passed through the hall way.

"Never really thought about it, kinda like a little of everything." he said.

“I love me some pop. But my band we are gonna go see is named Pretty Girl. She is soft pop and I’ve always wanted to see her. She will have a few other groups with her.” She pulled up her phone and showed Ryan the group of people that was going to be there.

Sam noticed more about Ryan now that she was closer to him. She lowered her phone as he had a chance to see it. Suddenly a loft of cologne from him made her smile at him with no words exchanged.

Ryan noted the picture and smiled at Sam, "Well, I'll try anything once." Her intercom tweeted and Sireen's voice came over, "Lunch is ready in the conference room."

Sam almost jumped at the sound of Sireen but she smiled at Ryan before heading to the door, “I’m starving, let’s eat.” She waited at the door for Ryan. A vivid image flashed in her mind, a man pushed her hard against the door and she was rushed by him. A strong odor of his cologne was familiar. Her eyes closed and she fell hard against the door closing it. Suddenly the man was touching her and close to her whispering something. As quick as the image had came it stopped and Sam blinked several times not noticing she was holding her breath she took in a deep gulp of air getting Ryan’s attention.

"Sam is everything okay?" he asked noting that something was wrong.

Not wanting to say what her sight was she nodded to Ryan, “I think so. Umm, let’s go eat ok?” Sam gave a weak grin.

They walked into the conference room and already the others had found their orders and were getting ready to eat. Ryan pulled out her seat for her, "Emrys."

“Thank you, Ryan.” Sam sat down and pulled her chair gently to the table. She crossed her ankles under her chair and sat up. “By all means please everyone dig in!” She smiled.

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