Page name: Music Concept [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-01-19 18:19:15
Last author: Aradon Templar
Owner: Aradon Templar
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Music Concept

What do you think of music?

This wiki is a collaborative creation I made mainly for my own edification. I want to know what elements of music indicate certain emotions, concepts, and ideas. The essence of program music, described out. I'm slightly curious to see if people interpret musical elements in the same way, or if it's a matter of opinion. So what I'm looking for from you, the watcher, is parts of music that make you feel sad, happy, or excited, or characteristics of music sound white or purple or red or blue. Also, feel free to link to music that is hosted, with an explanation of what/why it indicates something or another. Please, though, don't use lyrics as an indication of the mood of a piece. A song about someone's kitty dying is obviously sad, but only discuss here if you explain what in the music itself supports the 'sad' :)

- Accented notes/chords in a piece that accompany visual actions can increase tension or excitement. Reference: Liberi Fatali[#1]
- Continuous drum/march sound helps to reassert a theme that has been described again, but with more epic proportion. Only used to good effect if the theme has been drawn out, varied, left alone for a while, etc. Does not help if you play the theme, then reiterate the theme just with a march quality to it. Reference: Orchestrated version of Simple and Clean[#2] and Fantasia alla Marcia for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra[#5]

Rhythmic Techniques
- Displacing the beat in a rhythmic pattern can greatly increase the momentum. Reference: Orchestrated version of Simple and Clean[#2] (again)

- Sparse piano with little else in the foreground can denote sadness. Reference: Organization XIII and most of their related music[#3]
- A ringing bell can be used to create a thrilling sensation or denote something dramatic. Reference: That music machine video[#4]

1- 1:38;
2- 1:48; 0:22;
3- throughout;
4- 2:00;
5- 6:14;

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2008-06-12 [iippo]: Dammit, I wanted to say something about dischord but I forgot what it was.

2009-01-12 [Aradon Templar]: Mostly making this a self-reference page if I can keep updating it with things I hear as I listen to music. Hence, the references only make sense to me, on occasion. I may sometime include links for the references, but not at the moment (unless requested :P)

2009-01-12 [Aradon Templar]: Hokay. I shall try for linkages. I understand that most video game music is available on :D

2009-01-12 [Aradon Templar]: Innovating reference system for putting links out of the way of the real text is thanks to Viking :D Also, do you think I should include specific times in the music, like 2:43 into the piece or something?

2009-01-12 [Aradon Templar]: XP Hokay.

2009-01-19 [Aradon Templar]: Also feel free to link to awesome songs if you happen to be listening to one you like and have a link online to it :)

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